Is he the ugliest actor of all time?

Is he the ugliest actor of all time?

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No. Warwick is.

>endorsed Ted Cruz


Sucks to be him, because he looked like he could be a hansome dude with some tweaks here and there. But there's not a single one of his features that doesn't look botched. Pretty amazing actually.

He was a cute kid and always wanted to share his sammich.

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girls imagine
>the face of clint howard
>the voice of gilbert gottfried
>the soul of jaleel white

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>Woolf died February 23, 2015 at age 34 from a stroke resulting from a head injury he received in a traffic accident while crossing the road
>He was struck by the side-view mirror of a passing car
>The last thing he saw was his own face

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Tessa Thompson is up there in ugliness. I won't post a picture to spare you people.

His brother Ron was pretty handsome when he was young, too. Shit doesn’t make sense

>Tessa Thompson is up there in ugliness. I won't post a picture to spare you people.
Please don't I'm sick of seeing her stupid mutt face

>The last thing he saw was his own face

Hahaha oh god

danny devito

>The last thing he saw was his own face
not unless the car was driving in reverse
and he was bent over tying his shoe

He was 4'4

Dah hear ya' taoking 'bout me?

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it's a toss up

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Barbara Streisand.

Or Sarah Jessica Parker.

Or anyone who looks even remotely jewish.

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Literally Richard D. James

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Meh, would

>Berryman was born with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, a rare condition characterised by the absence of sweat glands, hair, and fingernails; his unusual physical appearance has allowed Berryman to make a career out of portraying characters in horror movies and B movies.

>no sweat glands
shit, what if he overheats?

>shit, what if he overheats?

>His time on set for The Hills Have Eyes proved difficult for him, since during the 4-month shoot, temperatures in the desert routinely surpassed 100 degrees Fahrenheit and, without sweat glands, he had to take special precautions in order to avoid suffering heat stroke.

I had a neighbor in Louisiana who had that. He stayed inside a lot in the summer and always had cold water with him.

Vampires dont overheat user

don't remember this aphex twin video

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>vampires don't overheat
they have in every piece of media i've ever seen them in

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of course

Did Mel Brooks cast anyone who wasn't?

Was the chick with the big fat knockers jewish?

Bette Midler

Plenty. That joke would work a lot better for Seth Rogen though.

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The today picture, obviously.

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Somebody post that guy that starred in a kids show but now works in a mall

I’d fuck that grandma


Looks like Stephen Tyler now

Not even close.

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if he overheads he will have to pant like a dog, cool himself down by breathing in cool air

god DAMN he's been in the game a long time. I had no idea

his finest moment

I don't watch TV so know fuck all about what you lot are talking about but when I went to my parents the other day they had the BBC on and this guy's a presenter on one of the primetime slots.

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no one posted buscemi yet...?

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She looks like Iggy Pop now

Mogs me


Young babs was pretty hot to be honest

Mixed with Mick jagger