Shift+Deletes your Supersize menu

>Shift+Deletes your Supersize menu

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didn't they just remove the "SuperSize" branding but didn't actually change any portion sizes?

He was exposed long ago

No, they got rid of the actual, bigger Supersize fries and sodas after this documentary aired.

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You can get them at different restaurants.

>eat literally nothing but fast food for a month straight
>get fat and have health problems


The whole point is to show what would happen to people who have diets like that since a good portion of people in america do, we hate them

>results never able to be replicated by anyone else
>has refused to show his data
He's a shyster

They still have super size in the west bank/gaza strip

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Realistically speaking, why CAN'T you just count your macros and eat Maccas 3x a day?

I think the bigger tragedy is that fast food is no longer cheap anymore. Big mac meal is like 7 bucks and they gutted their dollar menu.

because liberals will yell at you

Fuck this guy.

Fucking this. True kino snacks are waiting for sales at the grocery store.

>Drinks heavily and does drugs during the entire filming of Supersize Me compromising the test.

fucking alcoholic pathological liar piece of shit. he had kidney problems during filming because of his alcoholism but didn't disclose he was one so he implied it was due to the fast food. fuck you

Is it me or did the Jew the “hamburgers” also? They were like .79 for a single burger now they cost almost as much as a cheeseburger.

Wasn't he a druggy piece of shit, didn't disclose this fact, and then tried to pretend his health issues that have been building from being a druggie piece of shit was McDonald's fault?

zoomer here. what were supersize fries like?

Just more fries.

Wagecucking at a McDonalds opened my eyes on how much of a rip off the restaurant is. The poor and homeless think it’s “affordable” yet dont realize how insane the markup is

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did americans not know fast food was bad for you before this movie came out?

I think I'm gonna have me some Mickey D's because of this thread.

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I don't know anyone that eats fast food 3 times a day.


I have started to like sushi especially salmon sushi a lot more than fast food.

If i eat a hamburger now its in like Texas Longhorn, O'Learys, Bishops Arms or any other bar or restaurant that makes good hamburgers.

Spent like 2000 the last month and a half on sushi, friday i will eat sushi again but then it's time to ease off a bit.

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Same as rhe normal fries you just get more of them

isn't a $1.49 mcdouble cheaper than going to the grocery store and making one yourself? yeah it probably costs them like 20 cents to make since they get industry prices, but to the average consumer the grocery store would be more expensive

>eats sushi

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get me a mcdouble, extra onions, extra pickles, extra ketchup, extra mustard please (the only way anyone should eat a mcdouble)

Try salmon sushi, put some wasabi and onions on it, it so good its crazy.

>has never had good sushi
i pity you

I took a few months to vacation and camp in Sweden, and traveled for trips to Finland and Estonia last year. I ate raw salmon and beer for like every meal. Was pretty healthy.

lmao its even worse in canada. 9-10 dollars for a trio!

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On a side note I'm glad it's gone anyway. When I was ordering a bigger big Mac meal I was expecting a bigger big Mac. Not more shitty sides I didn't care about

Oh no not again, this must be the third or fourth time :D earlier i usually went ballistic but is s-o-y a forbidden word here on Yea Forums?

i only agree since the faggot is admitting to spending 2k over a month and a half on sushi alone

Your money is worthless so it's hard to gauge

we don't even have a value menu in my city. The "value menu" starts at 1.99 plus tax

not necessarily.
mcdoubles are quite thin for their patties, and when you add up several plus tax it can come to a big amount. if you go to a grocery store (not an expensive one like Whole Foods but like Shop Rite) you can get decent portions at a much cheaper rate. however many poor dont have the time or energy to cook dinner at home, and thus rely on cheap, quick Mcdonalds

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>plus tax
>tipping your government

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>Spent like 2000 the last month and a half on sushi
> took a few months to vacation and camp
You anons are living life. I’m trying to finish school and not an hero. One day I’ll get to take a vacation and eat sushi. It’s doubtful but crazier shit has happened.

If they put down the 40 and the crack pipe they might have the time and energy

are you retarded or just asking to die by consuming red meat only?

>McDouble is $2 now

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Sushi is often as fattening as fast food, a lot of dum millennials don't realize this.

not anymore, why else do you think the stereotype of college eating went from fast food to cheap noodles

All I had to do was save up PTO for like a year (my job accrues so fast, I don't know why) and by summertime I had enough to take 9 weeks off and they really couldn't say shit. Spent about 2500 all said and done, not too bad.

the real redpill is beef fat fries, one rich lunatic motherfucker got the whole industry to switch over to vegetable oil because of shitty unsubstantiated science

fr tho a lot of poor are just families with like 5-3 kids, so their time is already limited

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Stop pumping out kids too, no one forced them to do it.

back in the day they would fry the fries in beef tallow and leftover grease from the burgers, which was what made them so legendary. It also made them extremely unhealthy so they switched to vegetable or peanut oil and now they're ok. Nowadays fries are more reliant on the seasoning, and i think wendy's does a good job on that but man those old school mickey d's fries were something else

ayy man, when ur poor ur poor (mentally)

Just saw that this was added to Prime Video. Should I watch it, lads?

If you want to be lied to for an hour and a half sure

yeah. then come back to Yea Forums and shitpost about it.

>niggers surprised that niggers give poor service

>are you kidding me?

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That’s awesome you were able to do that user. I need to find a career that accrues PTO days. Did you go to just Sweden?
I’m poor as shit and have had to go out of my way to not have kids because I can’t afford them. I can barely handle myself after working two jobs and going to night school. Idk why poor people insist on shitting kids out it’s so fucking dumb. Even when I get a career I doubt I’ll have kids because I don’t want them to be kids with broke parents.

In Sweden, Finland Estonia it's not raw even though it looks like its raw.

Salmon is usually frozen for a time at least a week then "gravad" that is put in a salt, white pepper, sugar, dill under pressure in the fridge for a few days.

Sushi is raw salmon (probably frozen for a while) but the combination with rice, wasabi, s-o-y and vegs makes it so good.

I seriously doubt there's many people, even in America, that have McDonalds three meals a day every day, who could even afford that?

Damn, that's almost enough food to last me halfway through a Marvel movie!

>Did you go to just Sweden?
I went to Sweden to meet a friend with the intention of doing a few things during the summer months, and we wound up on the ferry to Finland, and then Estonia. Was pretty nice, I would definitely retry it with better camping gear so I could stay out longer.

Just get a mcdouble with extra patty and you get the absolute patrician pick.

no, a good portion of us dont spend 8+ dollars a meal bro
mcdicks is expensive now unless you only buy a burger and no fries or drink

Its worth like 25% less. Its bad but not anywhere near worhless.

>mcgangbang is now like 5.50 USD
jesus fucking christ

fuck niggers

>Realistically speaking, why CAN'T you just count your macros and eat Maccas 3x a day?
You can if you just want to be skinny and don't care about cancer, heart disease, etc.

>cancer, heart disease, etc.
What does NOT cause this
Perfectly possible. People do have different resting metabolic rates, but it's still calories in, calories out.

I believe you considering most sushi is just sugary rice with mayo dunked in salt water.

Hey i finished school and has worked for a while :D

A plate of of salmon sushi with all the trimmings is around 12$-14$ (not a hundred percent updated on the exchange rate).

A plate of a-grade prime beef with all the trimmings is around 30$-50$ (estimated exchange rate).

I know!
how do they run out of chicken

....fuck, I couldn't make it through this turd. 11 minutes in, and I couldn't take it anymore. This guy's a fucking phony.

>not posting the superior version
>skip to the 0:50 mark

Kind of want a qp now

Forgot fast food is around 7$-10$ so sushi is not that expensive :D

>Got a royale with cheese combo last week

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Sounds like a nice summer
I’ve never had sushi before is it filling or more light? I eat a several meals a day and those small sushi trays I see seem really tasty and practical. I had a friend who would eat sushi and sometimes salmon before we would lift and idk how he had enough energy to finish workouts. Also his breath smelled like shit when he’d spot me.

>paying nearly $3 for less than a penny's worth of soda
Never buy soda at fast food places, it is where they make most of their money.

I lost 50 pounds only eating 1500 kcal a day, and having in n out every day.

Time thing is a fucking meme

You can make big batches of healthy, tasty food with like 20 minutes of prep.

The real issue is a lack of knowledge of how to cook and the lack of funds to experiment with things

they need more money fo dem programz

34 year old boomer here, when i was in high school they had 59 cent hamburger days, 69 cent cheeseburger days, and everyday a different combo was on sale dor 3.99, and could get a double quarter pounder for 5 bucks.

Sushi is jap fast food, its pretty filling because its 90 percent rice

Fuck...I had a quarter pounder w/cheese last weekend and it was heavenly.
I want another.

I thought the price went up. ~$8 for a 10pc nugget meal now. Wtf.

I ordered a big mac for the first time the other day. It looked nothing like the picture, barely had any taste, and the patties were so thin you could barely tell they were there. 2/10 I'll stick to gourmet burger places

>fried food can be more or less healthy based on the fat it’s fried in
Lol. You probably think foods marked “98% FAT FREE” are healthy too. What’s your waistline up to? 40”? 42”?

Give us some good recipes and some cooking lessons preferably with some pics. I will try them and post the results here with a review of recipes :D

Where i buy my sushi (Miki Sushi) you get 10 salmon sushis and i usually eat 5 and save 5 for the next day lunch.

>yeah, get me two-a doze there kid!

I preach to this day that he would be 100% fine if he didn't get the supersized soft drink and drank water instead.

i dunno about 100% fine, but sodas are so fucking awful for you that you're probably right to a certain degree. you might as well just be pouring pure sugar straight down your throat.

In Spain the 2 of the 3 Mcdonalds near me are shit, and only the Deluxe's ones taste like a hamburguer.
Burguer King is way better, at least here.

There is no earthly reason for anyone to drink that poison, ever. I cut out soda 3 years ago and never looked back.

You can. A guy made a whole documentary debunking this retard where he also ate Mickeys every day but counted calories and hit macros. He was healthy at the end

what does everyone buy from mcdonalds?
for me it's two large fries, a veggie burger and a large iced coffee

No reason, though you should take a multivitamin with it

>not eating sushi means you only eat hamburgers never any chicken, pork, shrimp, cooked fish

sausage egg mcmuffin, 2 double cheeseburgers, 2 mcchickens, 1 large fries. i bring it home and chow it down with a bottle of water.

McDonalds is screwing themselves over by constantly adding more shit to their menu. It makes it take longer and reduces efficiency.

Because you'll end up sickly since there's fuck all nutrients and too much fat & salt.

I just caught myself leaving to go buy a quarter pounder after skimming this thread. Is this how subliminal marketing works? Fuck it, I'm NOT going to get even though I haven't eaten since yesterday

you now know why we have constant netflix threads here despite the Yea Forums demographic torrenting everything and not being into the pozzed shit netflix churns out 24/7
>dude this show sucks and i'm so angry, you guys TOTALLY shouldn't watch it and be in on the memes haha

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Dude made a rebuttal movie doing just this.

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>It also made them extremely unhealthy
Citation needed. They caved into vegetarians pressure.

Double quarter pounder with no onions and pickles in a large combo

He would be fine if he wasn't a heroin user too.

I've read interviews with franchise owners asking what to do to pick up falling fast food demand and most fall into two categories
1. Slim down the menu and become restaurants specializing in a few great items.
2. Expand the menu and become restaurants that serve everything (forgetting that our 15 hour a week high school employees will never learn to make any of it well.)
Unfortunately, 2 is the loudest voice at the highest levels.

There's a documentary that completely counters the whole thing isn't there
like the guy's absolutely fine afterwards

It hurts bros

As a 28 year old who has just had to have a stent put into a major artery because of bad lifestyle choices, I applaud anyone who can stop people from eating fatty foods.

I like mcdonalds coffee but never get it because the one near my house, they put a 2nd drive thru ordering spot in despite the fact that there is only a single srive thru lane, so there is always a lineup of 10 cars spilling onti the street because inevitably some retard stops at the first ordering spot, and its not in use so they end up sitting there for 10 minutes because they are too dumb to pull up to the 2nd window.

Then the other day i finally went and some dumb bitch took my order TWICE, and i get up to the window and my order hadnt been inputed and the dumb muslim cunt starts lecturing me about how i need to place my order before coming to the wo dow and i politely toldher i placed it twice, but on the inside i was really screaming "take that fucking rag off your head and maybe youll hear it next time" dumb muslim bitch.

Also, if you hold up the line because you are too busy on your phone to notice there is space to move forward, i hope you die

I specifically get 6 cheeseburgers and a large coke most of time, which comes out to be $7 plus tax. That's cheap enough for me. Everything else is not that cheap. They recently made their mcchickens $1.50 instead of $1 at my location.

what was the worst eating habit you got into?

>Also, if you hold up the line because you are too busy on your phone to notice there is space to move forward, i hope you die
that's what the horn on your steering wheel is for grandpa

In canada that meal would be like $15

My mom still does chips (fries) in animal fat. Absolutely lovely.

it's advertised as actual food, but its poison

>6 cheeseburgers in one sitting

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Dairy. Used to drink whole milk like neckbeards drink soda. Would drink a jug a day. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle and heart disease running in the family, it was only a matter of time before my lifestyle caught up to me.

The artery in my neck was about 85% blocked. Any physical extroversion would cause my left arm to become numb and my chest to get tight. I had to have major surgery to remove what plaque they could and to put a stent in to widen the artery.

I'm going to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life and will never be able to eat fatty foods again. It's all my fault.

How big are you?

I'm on this diet too except I'm mixing up the shitty fast food I ingest. It's working, by the way.

look at the pic... todays large mcdonalds fries was inbetween the old medium and large.
they also ditched the board fry containers

More than fine, he ended up losing 12 pounds.

Big Macs are like 70% lettuce. You have to dig the burger out like it's an Easter basket.

Its not MD 3 times a day, its fast food 3 times a day.

My daily routine is MD in the morning, BK at lunch break and taco bell on my way home from work. It costs me about $15/day but with a $20/hour job and low expenses/bills due to being a shut-in its bearable.

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Was about 300 pounds at my heaviest. Was put on an emergency diet and exercise program after I recovered from my surgery. I've lost 100 pounds since then.

You can eat way cheaper than $15/day if you actually cook for yourself. I'm only on the fast food diet because I eat once a day, below $10, and the 1800 kcal you can get for that is more than enough to sustain me. That's still cheaper than what I used to pay buying vegetables, meat, and other ingredients.

>forgetting that our 15 hour a week high school employees

All McDonalds are staffed by 40 year-old niggers with no other form of employment to supplement their parttime burger flipping income and no education or training course to take up their remaining free time during the week. And they still give shit service.

>that's what the horn on your steering wheel is for grandpa

Honking at a black person doesn't make them pay attention to the light/road and move. It makes them get out of their car and start shrieking at you, jumping up and down in a full-on chimp-out.

Every single person I've ever interacted with at a drive through window has been a moody piece of shit. Once I asked for extra napkins and the cunt visibly sighed as if I'd asked her to clean my ass crack (sorry not sorry that I can't use the grease-covered ones that are in the bag, if you put any in there at all). Once I asked for extra ketchup and got 2 packets. I did this 5 years in HS and college and it's the easiest fucking job on the planet. These people are disgruntled losers who should be poisoned by their enemies.

20 piece chicken nugget (eat 10 now, save 10 for the next meal), medium fry and medium chocolate shake

Didn't Morgan get #Me Too'd?

What if don't care about getting fat? What if I like the Super Size? Why does this faggot care so much?

>living around muslims

The protocol at every fast food place I've been to is to NEVER give you ketchup packets unless you request them. Every time I do ask for ketchups, though, I get the negro death stare followed by an audible huff like I just asked them to take my meal back to the chef and have him make it again. Every single little thing is a MONUMENTAL task for the average black person. It's why I never specialize my order and keep it simple as possible (there's nothing on a burger that I dislike, anyway). If I have to ask them to do ANYTHING abstract, like "no pickles", they positively cannot handle it and will fuck it up.

I miss the 80s and early 90s when the majority of McDonalds employees actually WERE white teenagers just trying to save up to buy a car for college. They weren't always bright, but they had better manners and considerably higher IQs than these 40 year-old niggers working the cash register for life.

liberals like to take away freedoms they think people have on self control to use properly--yet still rationalize keeping abortion legal. dumbasses.

i say let us eat burgers and succ babies out of coochies all day, fellas.

and yet Americans are still fucking fat. It's as if it had nothing to do with it. This guy will go down in history for being a huge faggot and I love it.

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I used to think it was black youth because that's the majority of who works the windows I drive through, but I recently went on a road trip in whitebread country and every single white piece of shit gave me the same attitude problem. the napkin cunt was a middle-aged white twat. we get it, you just want the day to be over so you can get back to meth-cooking, give me my fucking napkins and ketchup already, this doesn't come out of the $7 an hour you're making, hon.

>libs remove my right to a slightly larger size of fried than usual
>but don't remove my right to buy a handle of vodka for $10 and slowly drink myself to death
Explain this libtards. At least with beetus I'd still remember half of my week.

Liberal here, I'll explain it. We didn't remove anything, McDonald's chose to remove it themselves after bad PR. Next question.

These sort of problems don't happen a Chic-fil-a. Literally every person who works there is a 10/10 high school qt with perfect manners. Take the chickenpill, user.

1st world problems - too much food

1 kcal= 1000 calories? so you were eating 15k calories a day?

>after bad PR
Meaning liberals rioted outside of their establishments until they caved to threats of physical violence? The better question is, why are liberals so intolerant?

wow that shit's ridiculous.

Bullshit. Your constant activism or rather slacktivism cause you'd rather go after inane shit from your couch rather than real issues pressured McDonald's to remove my choice of extra extra large fries.

Show me these riots

its on youtube for free

This is the truth. They have a higher standard for customer service and as a result, pay more and can therefor employ a higher caliber of person. I've met very few blacks working at Chic Fil A and they usually have to struggle to be polite. I generally never see them a second time.

>next question
Why did we need a documentary to show us that if you eat a huge amount of mcdonalds every day you will be unhealthy?

Your beliefs are so underdeveloped that you just contradicted yourself. If it was slacktivism that pressure then, going by the actual definition of slacktivism that means there wasn't actually all that much pressure put on them. Do you even know the definition of the words you're using?

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seething wh*toid /pol/cel

Why do we need movies about men in Spandex and capes fighting crime? Because someone out there is willing to pay for it

>orders breakfast items with his burgers


1 kcal = 1000 Calories
1 kcal = 1 "calorie" colloquially

ignore this post, looked more into what a kcal was. 1kcal= 1 calorie on the nutrition label

Like other anons said, the old fries were better. Nowadays with the nambsy pansy liberal fries if you eat too many you can feel the grease coming out through your pores in a matter of hours. They're just sad now.

fuck that looks so cash

I remember the signs where Ronald McDonald had a Hitler moustache. Its always Hitler this and Hitler that with you people.

wait i fucked up
1 kcal = 1000 calories
1 kcal = 1 Calorie
1 kcal = 1 "calorie" colloquially

Thank you for your useless anecdote

>user "remembering a hitler moustache"= mass riots and threats of physical violence against mcdonalds

McDonald's is shit. Eat better food user.

imagine getting fresh fast food when you ordered it every time. the world would be a slightly better place. we already wait 20 minutes at drive thru, and to get shit that's been sitting around for 10 minutes. awesome job, guys, you really figured it out. where i worked as a kid we had a 5-minute, get this shit the fuck out of here incentive, and everything was made fresh unless it was the middle of a crazy rush.

That's like my entire annual food budget

I'm not rich nigger

got it

How the hell was this documentary ever taken seriously
>if you eat giant portions of fast food three times a day for months then you'll get fat!
No shit. Was this really a revelation to anyone? It also had such an annoying entitled atmosphere to it, especially during the sections with the lawyer of the kid suing McDonalds. Why is it a restaurant"s responsibility to keep you from stuffing yourself?

Enjoy paying $5 for a thinly sliced burger and a soggy order of small fries because niggers can't learn skills

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Morgan Spurlock is a hack who just HAPPENED to have a vegan chef girlfriend. I mean, come on.

people are easily swayed by documentaries. anyone over 30 who tells me "I really like documentaries" tells me that there's a very good chance they lack critical thinking skills and don't know when someone is selling them something.

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What does that have to do with the conversation lmao, try to keep up Cletus

>Why is it a restaurant"s responsibility to keep you from stuffing yourself?
Just like it's the tobacco company's responsibility to constantly inform you that smoke is bad for your lungs. Its partly nannystate authoritarianism, and partly about Jewish lawmakers going after all industries that are not predominately Jewish-owned (ahem, oil companies).

>anecdotal evidence is meaningless unless it's that one time a white man called me a nigger, now we need to enact wide-sweeping legislation based on my hurt feelings

Classic Liberal!

Nigger you can bake chicken thighs with 5 minutes of prep.
I worked 50 hour work weeks for a summer and still managed to cook my meals.

People being too lazy to cook simple meals is the biggest fucking baffling thing in the world.


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what country are you from? i bet your obesity rate is comparable if not higher per person fatty

>"I can't make my own decisions so I need others to make them for me" The Movie

I probably had to watch this shit at least twice a year from 1st to 6th grade.

Being a skinny fuck I always just sat there thinking "who's this fucking dumb that they need a movie to tell them not to be a pig?" But apparently that was most of my peers.

>Was this really a revelation to anyone?

It was made to be sold to middle school health classes so the teachers can put it on and take a smoke break. The lesson is so simplistic and juvenile it can only be "educational" to children.

>being too lazy to...
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were being blessed by the only guy on the planet who's never been lazy and therefore can't empathize with too-lazy-to-cook. Carry on, fine sir.

The message was not necessarily "don't be a pig" it was "it's this corporation's fault you're a pig"

Kek, this. My highschool PE teacher showed it to us and read a book in the background while we watched

>>results never able to be replicated by anyone else

I ate mcdonalds ad kfc for like 2 months and gained 10 kg (sorry i dont know the third world equivalent of kg)

Bigmacs with Lettuce Matters

btw- remember when liberals protested because McDonald's ran out of Rick & Morty sauce? Why are liberals so cringe, bros?

>tfw you will never eat at pre-Supersize Me McDonald's again
>tfw will never play the old Monopoly there again

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>The c-corporations...

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The serving sizes are just as large as Super Sizing was and Monopoly was always a scam.


I feel like Taco Bell is the only store to embrace the fact that they are cheap garbage which is why I still enjoy eating there occassionally

Honestly while the fries and coke are awful, the actual macros on a Big Mac are pretty good.
Its really just the salt and cholesterol that kinda suck.
>Fat 33g
>Carbs 44g
>Protein 26g
>Calories 563
I mean its not perfect but if your entire diet was 3 Big Macs a day + water you'd be doing better than most people these days.

>being american means being fat and stupid
kino for this feel?

They've actually subtly changed their ingredients/menu enough over the last decade that they're one of the healthier fast food chains out there right now

The guy that's famous for having eaten 1 Big Mac every day for the past 40 years is skinny and apparently in good health. But he stipulates that he only ever eats the sandwich and never orders fries or a Coke.


Isn't Taco Bell's "beef" like 50% oats as filler, hence why they have such a high fiber content?

the coke is what kills you nutritionally and price-wise; nobody should be drinking flavored sugar water regularly and if you do, you're a manchild.

Too bad nobody at any Taco Bell I've gone to takes prides in food prep. It's the epitome of "meat only takes up half the space".

Growing up they had the reputation that they used grade D meat.

>the coke is what kills you nutritionally
I've drank Coke every single day for at least 20 years, and I weigh 155 lbs and never been over 160 in my life. People are always looking for something to blame.

How are your teeth and bowels, friend?

Big Macs are not ideal due to even more bread than usual.

>havent eaten in a fast food restaurant for over 10 years
>the last time i ate at mcdonalds the nuggets were actually breaded and not the sad excuse for bread that it is now

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I don't know if this is a local thing for Taco Bell, but all of the Taco Bells around me now always ask if you want to double your meat portion for 50 cents.

They've been taking the quality out of food for the last 10 years. Everyone's doing it. Home-prepped meals are still the only way to eat something worthwhile, or pay $80 a plate at some fancy restaurant and get shitty portion sizes. Really, if you're not preparing your own food, fast food is at least convenient and easy. Everything in between, like frozen meals, is useless.

>How are your teeth and bowels, friend?


>It looked nothing like the picture,
They actually take promotional pictures of partially cooked patties to make them look plumper.

Preparing your food is absurdly easy now since stores realized people are lazy and do 90% of the work for you.

Hell you can get an entire rotisserie chicken at most grocery stores for like $5 which is a hell of a lot better and more food than $5 at a McDonalds.

This. When you've cut it out for years and randomly habe a taste of it you realize just how sickly sweet that crap is. And diet is an even worse alternative. Water and tea masterrace

Oh I agree, but they're certainly not terrible, and if you just remove that middle piece of bread they probably become fairly good

>sedentary lifestyle
This is the number one problem.

Having been there and done that, this is true. So much fucking sugar.

Totally agree
Diet soda is one of those insidious things that leaves you with a taste for sweets while making you feel like you've beaten it, only to look at that shelf one day and see "real sugar" or some other meme and say "oh one couldn't hurt" leading you back down the spiral.
Hell I even wonder if to an extent I'm sabotaging myself with sparkling water.

I quit drinking soda like 2 years ago but I find it pretty telling an argument I have with people who still do.
>Do you find bananas to be sweet?
The people who drink soda always say no because their taste buds are so fucked, while the ones who dont usually say yes.

why did you like milk so much?

>2000 the last month and a half on sushi

Your body reacts to artificial sweeteners the same way it does to real sugar, because it can't tell the difference, and releases just as much insulin. So you can drink nothing but Diet Cokes and still wind up with diabeetus just as quickly as it you'd been drinking the regular kind.

Diet sodas are the stupidest shit for the stupidest people. Like morons who sit around the office all day guzzling Gatorade and thinking it's ok "because Gatorade is a healthy drink! Athletes drink it so it must be good for you!"

>I eat once a day,
Just fucking eat user jesus fuck

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Basically any product Coca-Cola sells

I use arch, the keybindings aren't the same. He doesn't know my custom keybindings.

>what are processed foods
>trans fats
>terrible quality of ingredients (as in fecal bactery present in meat)
>soda = sugar water and sugar the worse thing to put into your body in big processed quantities
>little no no fibre
>little to no vitamins
>little to no minerals

Dont get me wrong, here in central Europe we have high quality standards, so the ingredients at McDonalds have to be of good quality. So I eat a cheeseburger once every few months, just avoid the fries and never ever drink fucking Coca Cola.

Please eat as much fast food as you can. Dem liberals are trying to make you thin. DAMN THEM

My new annoyance is """juice""" and people giving it to their kids as a healthy drink.
Shit has more sugar than soda

still have to ask for two large fries at McDonalds because of this stupid faggot. fuck you.

he purposely ate excessively and ordered large portions of the unhealthy stuff. You can lose weight eating McDonalds all month long if you just control your portions.

Double Quarter Pounder, Large Fry, 10 Piece Nugget, Another Large Fry, Diet Coke.
Oh shit, Olympic Athletes are eating pounds of poison
Can you imagine how well they would be doing if they didn't eat McDonalds?
Why didn't any coach try that. Not feeding their athletes poison. These olympic athletesaren't taking care of themselves

diet is not only "macros"
i swear you americans are all born retarded

Burgers and fries are actually incredibly healthy.

Its meat, bread, veggies and potatoes.

This, I'm pretty sure it was about vegans. NuFries from McDonald's are honestly still pretty good when fresh, but the old fries were better

thanks for my snack, but what about my meal?

Man I miss the Hugo size drinks

I drink it, and smoke, but Bananas still taste sweet

the supersize fries and drinks here are just called large now, though, and they're the same size as the super size use to be

McD's is shit and poisons our population. They need to be made to move onto better options.

Why do you faggots care so much about what other people drink? sedentary lifestyles are more dangerous, should they ban websites like this?

>a-grade prime beef
what did he mean by this


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With Jews, you lose.

Heh, Canada nowhere in sight. Canada will be a super power by 2030 at this point.

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>McD's is shit and poisons our population. They need to be made to move onto better options.
Food facism is a very bizarre ideology to be passionate about. Are you, by any chance, European and on the left side of the political spectrum?


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>calling anyone 3rd world

This the kinda nigga that gets a stomach ache eating 3 pizzas and thinks he must be gluten intolerant

Burgers are nowhere near as bad as they're put out to be but fries are actually terrible for you

Blessed dad-made kino

the trash cities brought by immigrants will kill u faster than burgers my man

no, they aren't
common misconception but no

They literally aren't. Your zoomer is showing.

Is it time to get rid of XL pizzas? This is NOT OKAY.

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I was buying it until I took his own follow the money advice and realized he was just trying to push his books and barely any of his doctors are credible to the field of nutrition at all.

this fucker ruined it for those who had self control but wanted to cheat that one day. not to mention he also ruined a good way for hamlets to off themselves.

I can't believe they can even legally call it meat desu
it's like 35% plant fiber filler

Reminder that Spurlock refuses to release his food log. Counter-documentary Fat Head claims Spurlock somehow gained more weight than is possible on his exclusively McDonald's diet.

A Swedish study replicated the fast food, immense calorie diet and found the worst effects to be weight gain and fatigue. No one on the study experienced the "deadly" liver damage Spurlock claimed he was diagnosed with, nor the sexual dysfunction or significant mood swings.

Morgan Spurlock openly admitted in 2017 on his twitter that he is "part of the #MeToo menace". As part of his admission, he said
>"Is it because i’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13? I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years"
The chief cause of chronic liver failure (Cirrhosis) in the US is alcoholism after Hepatitis B. Alcohol kills 350,000 people by cirrhosis every year.

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Who the fuck put that pepperoni on there they missed a pretty big area

the worker probably ate the pepperoni slice lmao, i used to do it all the time when I worked at a pizza joint

Does anyone else remember McFlurries being larger in the past?

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Maybe you were just smaller

The drink maybe but not the fries

>tfw I've been eating mcdonalds mon-fri for the past 2 years
I've gained like 15 pounds bros...

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2 years of mcdonalds for 15 pounds isn't even that bad. You can literally lose 15 pounds in 2 months pretty easily

I hate that I can't get a fucking 20mcnuggets fries and drink menu because fat fucking faggots can't control themselves and McCucknalds had to change that option

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I love 15 lb just now from the AIDS this post gave me

For me, it’s the Double Smokey BBQ Angus Burger from Hungry Jacks (Aussie Burger King).

It always comes out looking like the picture too.

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for me, it’s the mcchicken

don't worry he's from /fit/ and will give himself Aids soon, because it ensures mad gainz

>they need to be made
Fuck off you little hitler wannabe. Fuck liberals, fuck faggots, eat shit and DIE!

Not a fish guy so I never got into sushi, so why does it seem like every basedboy and thot in America is addicted to the stuff? Again, not a fish-eater so what is the appeal?

What's the difference between the theatrical version and the school edition?

Super size, super size
The American way
Going down, throwing down
All day, every day
Super size, super size
The American way
Getting fat, getting broke
Either way you're gonna pay
Super size me
Super size me
Super size me
Super size me

It's just trendy that's all

It's been a trend for like 40 years now

Where did this idea that any regulations are bad? They're everywhere for a reason to protect us. So in your retarded mindset they could fry up cat and dog into nuggets, or not have to properly go through food industry standard. That documentary did a great job exposing McD's a bit and getting the word out. Just like cigarettes deserved to be fucked over like it was.


Yeah I live in the US and I can buy a rotisserie chicken and a basket of veggies all for less than that of a dollar burger

bla bla bla, you sound like a faggot. Little dictator wannabe bitch, people can make their own decisions. They can and they do and they will.

based user triggering the fatties

>Confirmation Bias: The Movie

>not eating one 2-3 hour long 3500 calorie meal daily

Intermittent fasting master race

what else do amerisharts eat?

nice try, faggot.

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based retard based fpbp epic ftw bro dude man +1


lol why are you so mad about not having supersized fries from fucking mcdonald's

>fast food is unhealthy
>people know its unhealthy
>make documentary about it being unhealthy
>get awards and have documentary being shown in schools
>force fast food chains to change and up prices for "higher quality" and "healthy options"
>yet number of fat fucks dont go down
wow dude great change

Guess that shitty food is doing just as much damage to your brain as it is your body. McD's changes with the times like everything else.

You can get two sausage and egg mcmuffins for five bucks or a twenty piece chicken nuggie for five bucks, how is that not cheap?

I bet you don't even remember the bucket 'o fries

Into the trash it goes

There's nothing wrong with fatty foods you fucking brainlet stop sucking down liquid fucking sugar and eating everything that has sugar crammed into it.

but you can still buy cartons by the bundle
and if you just wanna tax the shit outta fast food people will just make unhealthy food at home you control freak

>drinking a gallon of milk a day
What the Fuck did you piss snot?

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So what, your wage hasn't increased by at least 2% a year to compensate? You some kind of faggot or something?

Wendys just had $5 baconators in canada for a month. That's half price. I was there 3 times a week buying 2 at a time. In a sense the promotion worked because I usually only eat it twice a month. It also back fired because I refuse to pay full price again so wont be going for awhile. But then again it is bbq season and i will be making my own homemade. So maybe they were smart to get one last rush for burgers before business drops.

Well, cya.

Wait, 20 box nuggets aren't a thing anymore? Since when?

That's it, I'm voting Trump in 2020

I think his point was you used to get more bang for your buck.

big gulps, huh?

exposed what though, mcdonald's wasn't hiding anything about their business.

that's just cuz I do a good job. No reason for food to get more expensive

>Salmon is usually frozen for a time at least a week then "gravad" that is put in a salt, white pepper, sugar, dill under pressure in the fridge for a few days.
>something eaten mostly on holidays
>implying 99% of salmon isn't eaten raw, either frozen or fresh, even in scandinavia
nibba please

not at all.

I remember my dad ordering it a few times and that shit was nearly the size of a popcorn bucket

the sad part was SS Me came out just as I was turning 13 or 14 just as I was getting old enough to stomack the mega size and the got rid of it over night

it was one of those things child hood me was super excited for and never achieved

(like me reaching 6 foot ;_; )

you can if you can limit your carbs. That means tossing the buns and eating NO fries just slabs of beef and a lil bit O chicken and salad.

you wont be healthy but you wont be a fatass either


Sausage and egg mcmuffins are the best damn thing McDonald's has. Prove me wrong.

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People who eat hamburgers without buns, on lettuce, like rabbits, are disgusting. Just order a fucking salad, sweetie. Men I work with have done this on two occasions so far. I've seen these same assholes eat slices of cake and drink soda. OH MY GOD WATCH IT YOU ALMOST ATE A BUN!

honestly i remember 90s mcdonalds fries they are almost exactly identical in taste

Burger king on the other hand went thru like 3 or 4 variations of their fries over a 25 year period

McGriddles and McDoubles are the greatest things on their current menu, friendo

I literally just bought one. Houston. $5.29.

Wendys used to have top tier fries but now any time I've gone there they're soggy and don't taste like the used to.

Checkers has an extra large amount of fries called "Fry Lovers XXL". Also when you go to Five Guys and order the large fries they fill up most of the take out bag with fries too. It's possible to get your fry love on people.

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tbf if they avoid a burger bun it gives them a free buy at half a soda or half a serving of fries.

Americans overload on the carbs far too casually

But you get more bucks now so it evens out.

>you will never get to make a lewd joke to the 16 year old qt girl cashier when she asks you if you'd like to super size it

2019 sucks

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i agree that they overload on carbs but get a steak and a side of veggies or a salad. if you're going to get a burger, get the fucking burger without your elementary school tier special requests. maybe they should make everyone happy and bring back salsbury steaks on menus since those are essentially burgers without the bun and condiments.

Bacon, Egg and Cheese McGriddles are better.

No it doesnt. Inflation rises faster than wages. It doesn't matter tho. Everything is tied to the price of oil. If oil was as cheap as it should be, everything else would be too. We are all being cucked by zillionaire arabs.

people are to hung up on
>muh fat
>muh carbs
>muh sugar
>muh salt
I've basically lived on potato chips for like 10 years and I went to the doctor; everything was fine, bloodwork was great, good heart, no cholesterol etc
Sure I was 50 pounds overweight but I lost that in 2 months.
Eating a fucking big mac won't kill you, I guarantee that.

>zillionaire arabs
Imagine being so rich, that you treat our beloved celebrity twats like literal hookers and get to FUCK EM FOR A MILLION.

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>pancakes for buns
Get that shit outta here.

> Inflation rises faster than wages
for you maybe, I've been ahead of the curve ever since I started working, maybe it's because american wages are stagnated compared to the real world

Good for you lad. What do you dofor a job?

I'm talking about having it as a menu where you get a drink and fries with it.
You have to buy it all seperate, here you can only buy 6nuggets as a menu

Nigger if you are buying twenty nuggets do you really need to save 60 cents on the fries and drink by making it a combo

It's more important people become aware, as many as possible. And McDonalds has made changes since, and they continue to do so with more people being more conscious of what they put in their body.

McDonalds and other fast food chains advertise themselves as quick options for food, something that you can eat every day, for people who are always on the go. And when people start eating that shit 2-3 times a week it seriously fucks you up, you're getting absolutely no nutrients from it, it turns into a bunch of glunk in your body too. Go buy a double stack or mc chicken from McDonalds, unwrap it, and just leave it on your table or shelf, it won't degrade at all you can leave it for months. They were hiding plenty.

>you're getting absolutely no nutrients from it, turns into a bunch of glunk in your body too
nigger do you know how the human body works? Maybe your brain is made of "glunk", senpai

So capeshit and blatant propaganda is the same thing. Glad we agree on something.

>McDonalds and other fast food chains advertise themselves as quick options for food, something that you can eat every day, for people who are always on the go.
Thats exactly what they are. Wheres the lies

>You are worthress, Arec Barwin!!

Fuck dude, I remember multiple times in my life when bananas did and didn't taste sweet. This might have something to do with it.