>57 days until Dora and the Lost City of Gold
57 days until Dora and the Lost City of Gold
>35 days until Moner turns 18
Can her kino outrace the mighty Wall, lads?
ok google search petite latina on pornhub
why tho
>Small brown tomboy
Just like my chinese cartoons
never yields anything close to moner
that gina valentina threesome with another bitch who has short hair destroys my dick
why won't she love me?
Your last four digits are the days until you get a gf.
It honestly pains me that she's not mine....
She's like succubus sent by Satan himself LIKE FIRE HELLFIRE
ariana cruz?
holy shit muh dick
i love how people will sexualise the fuck out of that movie
with reason tho
I hate spics almost as much as i hate asians.
mite b cool
sex gifs
This is why Latinas rarely make it to 19 without getting pregnant.
Wew lad I'm gonna need sauce here
based seething roastie
I wished she was comiendo mi pollo.
id let her eat my leg just to have her close to me for a few hours
how lewd will she get in the film?
>tfw no moner gf
How do I acquire a Moner gf?
She's seventeen you fucking aberrant.
dora the explorer
omg no way i better tell my erection
Latina women are crazy, but they make incredible mexican food.
>Latina women are crazy
...go on
Seventeen is legal in my state, but the hard part is explaining the relationship to her parents.
Maya Bijou
not wanting to fuck 17y/o prime bussy is the aberration
>>Latina women are crazy
>...go on
They're crazy jealous. Don't even talk to another girl even a cashier. Just pay in silence and move on.
They're insanely fertile. Even if you jerk off on her face she will get pregnant.
They have a huge family. Get used to hanging out with ernesto, paco, pedro, emiliano, jose, juan, anita, allesandra, tino, etc....
If you break up with her, expect to get murdered. leave town.
god i wish that were me
reminds me of my ex
and yet every single male on earth, from the ones going through puberty to the eldest impotent gramps, even gays...
...gets a boner when he sees moner
>her ass profiled through most of the video
Honestly, the pussy is fucking worth it. I don't know what it is about latina pussy but it's just made with something else that no other race can beat.
Basic biology vs idiotic anti-human American puritanism
I need a woman like this in my life. Not even memeing
>They have a huge family. Get used to hanging out with ernesto, paco, pedro, emiliano, jose, juan, anita, allesandra, tino, etc.
Do they at least have good weed?
not using the screaming face...
tsk tsk tsk
She needs to be Panda in the Body Bags movie that is happening with Dave Buastita.
What do you mean see other people?
Am I not good enough for you???
Don't you ignore me! (throwing phone down)
You are just a Maricon Perdido!
I saw those pictures on your phone, who is she???
This is what I think of her!! (throw phone again)
You think you love her??? You don't love her you love MEEE!!!
You never talk to her again, only me!
(guy gives up at this point and kisses her)
The script is so familiar
I think they're the most sexually liberated women, but not in a trashy YAS KWEEN way.
I had a mental bitch like that once. RS lasted half a year. It was exhausting and turned me into a husk of a human being.
Would I go for it again? Definitely.
Sorry, nowhere near as godly moner. Consider suicide and an eye doctor if you actually compared them.
Even Victoria Starr in propertysex is better than that (viewkey ph591a387c0b832)
GiGi Rivera?
This is a dream scenario
>not wanting to have a jealous succubus to suck the life out of your dick after beating you up after you checked out a cashier
>not wanting to start a real familia catholica
>not wanting to have members of a fucking cartel as your bros/family
>why would you want to break up?
>forgetting about Chuy
Chuy's are all apex bro tier.
her deer costume series is pretty great
Degenerates, all of you.
Don't think ive ever read something i agree more with. Countless hours wasted on hearing inane boring dumbshit from my complaining spic gf just to have the best penis-suctioning soul draining sex ever the next few days.
>one life
>not born a cute petite busty latina
I want to poop in here mouth and then fuck the poop in her mouth until it's down her throat and there is poop around the rim of her mouth and on my dick and balls
Never said she was as hot as Moner, that's impossible, but she's the closest porn star you'll find.
She's a child. Unless you are also a teenager then you are a degenerate and should be gassed
after doing a quick search on google that i have since deleted from my history, it appears she turns 18 on july 10, just over 35 days from now
doesn't look like one
At which time it will still be creepy to fuck Moner if you are not near her age but no law is stopping you.
You stop being a child the moment you hit puberty and your hormones kick in. From this moment on you're a teenager. Teenagehood and adulthood don't have a clear border because it's based on your psychological development. In this light, you can argue that some people never grow up.
See, my argument is based on hard science that stays true regardless of what you consider moral or immoral.
fair enough
breh, you are the one being creepy by thinking and posting about it
maybe we should import more peruvians and breed them with locals? moner is a mutt right?
Rolling for shits and niggles
Have gf but I like the roll baby
How about this much of age difference?
>Teenagehood and adulthood don't have a clear border
Are you retarded? The day you stop being a teenager is the day you turn twenty because your age is no longer a number ending in teen.
Also, contrary to popular expression, you don't "hit" puberty. It's a complex hormonal process that begins pre-teen and can sometimes continue well into the twenties.
What does the fox say
I'm sure it just looks bad. Antony Hopkins would never do anything like that, would he?
>Maya Bijou
Nice, shame about the long hair tho.
now post the old man's possessed weebum.
That's a deer you dip
kill me pete
kys. Anyone over the age of 10 eagerly awaiting a kids movie is a fucking pathetic loser.
Unlike white bitches, they don't believe in abortion.
Well, she got past the border
>Are you retarded? The day you stop being a teenager is the day you turn twenty because your age is no longer a number ending in teen.
I was only referring to your idiotic, artificial limits that only Americans could have come up with
>Oh no, I'm 17 years and 364 days old and my bf is 18 years and 2 days old. That makes him a paedophile!
But of course you moved the goalposts and called me out on semantics
>Also, contrary to popular expression, you don't "hit" puberty.
I know and I know more than you. I assumed you're a subhuman, puritanical retard so I simplified it. However from the moment your hormones start doing the magic you're entering a new stage and there's no denying it. The process of growing up is extremely complex and includes multiple vectors both genetically dictated and environmentally pressured, including psychological side of it all. It means that everyone has the individual timeline and your age as a number of days that you have been walking on earth is completely meaningless.
What if she then wanted to poop in your mouth aftewards???? Imagine a big, fat, wet, hot log coming out of her butt and into your mouth!! ewww gross hahahhaha
Veronica Rodriguez
You can just wonder what a party it will be the night she turns 18. Every big man in hollywood an the emirates will be inside her banging while eu seu ti pego plays in the background full blast
Her expression (and brain) will be like Anthony Hopkins in the cursed webm