Based Bill
Based Bill
I'm trying to put it together myself.
Reminds me of that KotH screencap
>hippie: "Can I have some money?"
>hank: "No."
>hippie: "Fascist!"
Some whore asked him for money/aid and he told her no, then offered advice of how to get her script out. If only she’d bothered researching...
Bitch came begging to Bill for monies. Offers sale of scripts to Bill. Bill tells her how to get her scripts around for free. Gets bitchy because no free handouts. Bill gives the slap down. She cries.
Daily reminder that Shatner shitpost on Yea Forums
Reminds me of that woman who begged for money from Notch by attacking and attempting to shame him for having the money
women be retarded
>tfw Shatner knew about John Flynt's moon rocks nonsense.
It wasn't a woman, it was a tranny.
When this man dies, it'll be a sad day for the internet.
Someone give me the quick rundown on The Shat man. He seems too savvy judging by his Twitter. Does he have a team of youngsters running it? Or is he ourguy?
Why do bankrupt people think they're poor? There's poverty, then there's taking loans and planning for growth that doesnt happen. There's a total difference.
fuck off shat
Oh sweetie....
He is indeed /ourguy/. Someone post the tweet of him aknowledging he browses and posts on Yea Forums
He's been deeply aware of nerd and parasite behavior for like 60 years, way before we were born or it.hit the internet
He's too old to give a fuck about other people's opinions and has fuck-you money.
>retarded boomer can't keep up with technology
Lmao, hilarious.
With poverty you have jews handing you welfare cards, and giving you cell phones as long as you vote democrat. With taking out loans, you just have jews jewing you.
based twitter screencap threads are based
Exactly. With the truly impoverished, you can usually focus on them having so little education and self-responsibility that they cant even properly USE resources and they starve or accidentally kill their baby or go to jail for nothing, which is pitiable. With Ms. 'i want to move to Seattle while paying student loans and i hope I can find enough work', just default on your loans and ruin your credit while affording food. Its a tough life, but you're not impoverished, its that youre doing more with money than you can afford
>bragging about charity
cringe, Keanu is more based
Basically he gives out his free time to do charity work. He is perfectly within his rights to state that.
so he doesn't even use his own money? whoa, what a fag
>telling people you do charity work
>having your pr firm leak that you do charity work "in secret"
Yeah that's more based alright lmfao
Based shatner. I wonder if he shitposts on Yea Forums
And of course as sooon as i post i see the screenshot confirming. Now im wondering if he started this thread.
>moon rocks
Fuck off and do some coloring in faggot.
>sometimes /x/
Damn gotta post this on
What the fuck is this? You can't drop shit from the moon.
Found it
He’s a cultural icon and has the cash to back it up so he stopped caring about being nice/pc like most celebs have to for fear of career ending shit
This isn't real, right? Nobody is that blatantly stupid?
>failure isn’t an option
>he is a cunt just like me! based!
The important thing is that you were able to successfully post.
>person says "dropped" as in "launched"
>people fixate on the word and not the concept
Tranny is retarded.
>What the fuck is this? You can't drop shit from the moon.
John Flynt is stupid, he even ran for congress.
This is clearly being launched.
whatever happened to this sweetie?
Imagine being you and thinking everyone is as much of a shut-in loser and therefore knows all the internet trivia you know lmao
>you’re a cunt for telling beggers to fuck off
kek can't shat the shatner
>dude I do charity but tell beggars to go kill themselves!
that cognitive dissonance you know what happens to rocks when they go at a very high speed?
yeah they become very fast rocks
>charity that helps people who need it
>begger who could just send the script to an agent instead of begging
This isn’t rocket science
But thats wrong. Meteorites are rocks and most of them burn up in the atmosphere. Maybe he meant something like asteroid but thats significantly bigger as meteorites are sand to boulder sized.
they disintegrate once they reach Earth's atmosphere?
She's being a sweet girl for chad.
Beggars should be executed with extreme prejudice
thank you user
not wrong user but maybe we should pay attention in class next time
>I saw you were doing philantrophy so I came to you for personal gibs but you didnt gib me anything
what a retard
so just launch bigger rocks or rods
>I should cut my genitals off
Well, I'm not overly surprised with the level of stupidity displayed by him.
>Mfw Bill was the sweetie poster all along
James Woods is another.
Seethe more indebted millenialshit.
He got banned from Twitter tho.
The only good thing Twatter is good for is baiting celebrities.
>Offers sale of scripts
What in the flying fuck.....
How entitled can you be? Lately I have real troubles not to sympathize with people like Weinstein if this is the level of material that throws itself at them.
Not anymore. We scared him away
Most older celebrities have someone who runs their Twitter account, it's pretty easy to figure out just judging by the volume of tweets and verbage used to tell if it's it really them or not. In this case it's more than likely some sort of assistant.
Sued Drumpf because he kicked her out of his Twitter, won and because leftshits never foresee the consequences of their actions, created legal precedence that prevent leftshit politicians from banning opposition, as Occasional Cortex recently discovered to her dismay.
>millenial piece of shit with without common sense is the same as poor people in actual need
>This is clearly being launched.
It's been a couple decades, but I believe they referred to it as "throwing".
>ugh like, there are real poor people you know? fuck off with your WHITE first world problems!
No amount of nuclear bombs and space rocks is as destructive as a progressive dropped into prospering country.
World politics summed up in three panels.
Sending your shite script about faggot dinosaurs to a rich guy and wanting him to pay you for it is the peak of first world problems.
I have zero doubt that the vermin has patriarchy smasher or some shit written in her Twitter bio.
This thread has absolutely nothing to do with Television or Film outside the fact Shatner used to be an actor.
He is our guy, tranny
Go watch Shatner talk in interviews. He's keenly aware of the world around him. He's been dealing with atypicals since the 1966.
>leftists supporting government violence and authoritarianism
what else is new
based, I bet he takes cerebrolysin or something to keep his brain in tact
based right wing utilitarian
It's also about breaking in to the film industry
>thinking it's actually the EIGHTY EIGHT YEARS OLD shatner and not some hip youngster he hired to manage his account
trannys are pretty dumb
Being that old makes it more likely he has time to post here.
I have never ever seen Shatner talk the way he does on twitter on interviews. Especially not talking about fucking Yea Forums.
Like he has the same snide but the topics involved and the expressions used are very different.
No one with a social media qualification would be as straightforward as Shatner. I believe that it is him posting 100%.
Quick rundown on Sweetie’s story?
Mad at the Internet