What would you do if you could go to wakanda, Yea Forums?
What would you do if you could go to wakanda, Yea Forums?
Black girls
dress like a clown and run around yelling the n-word in crowded spaces whilst running away from the police
I would spam Uganda Knuckles memes everywhere.
probably have sex
Lol @ the white hand
>having a writing system
Who else is retarded enough to pay $30 for a novelty passport
worship shuri's feet
>white people
My nigger
Who else has the disposable income?
>all the black girls pining for colonizer dick
Kill all the niggers
Dubs confirm
Introduce HIV and crack.
Based. Also, Gibs system
Convince the king to offer citizenship to every single woke folk, no matter their colour. The West would become a Paradise.
How thoughtful of you.
Engineer and deploy a nigger genophage
Not go