What would you do if you could go to wakanda, Yea Forums?

What would you do if you could go to wakanda, Yea Forums?

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Black girls

dress like a clown and run around yelling the n-word in crowded spaces whilst running away from the police

I would spam Uganda Knuckles memes everywhere.

probably have sex


Lol @ the white hand

>having a writing system

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Who else is retarded enough to pay $30 for a novelty passport

worship shuri's feet

>white people

My nigger
Who else has the disposable income?

>all the black girls pining for colonizer dick

Kill all the niggers

Dubs confirm

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Introduce HIV and crack.

Based. Also, Gibs system

Convince the king to offer citizenship to every single woke folk, no matter their colour. The West would become a Paradise.

How thoughtful of you.

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Engineer and deploy a nigger genophage

Not go