What's your opinion on the Dead Bart story?

What's your opinion on the Dead Bart story?

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formerly alive

Dead Bart story?

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Never heard of it

I think it's gayer than you are, making it not gay at all

What’s your opinion on the Sneed Chuck story?

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What's your opinion on the Dead Feed story?

it might not be the cringiest creepypasta, but it's up there

I hate it because its one of the pastas so many people tried to copy causing people to think all creepypastas are "OH NOES HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD".
Same with Squidwards suicide.


What's your opinion on the Sneed story?

>ywn be 13 again and taking shitty creepypastas at face value
I want my innocence back, boys.

I want my sneed back, chucks

Sneed feed and seed

>tfw as a teen Creepypastas would keep me awake at night in cold sweats becasue I had an extremely detailed imagination and probably anxiety
Doesn't help that I have incredibly violent intrusive thoughts

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I used to be afraid of fucking everything as a kid.
I couldn't sleep for weeks because of some regional channel playing 'spooky totally real ghost videos'.
Used to sleep with a stuffed fucking animal until I was 12 or so.

I was the same way. I also convinced myself if I looked at a dark window when I was alone at night a face would appear. Now I'm a 30 yo boomer and I'm fairly hard to scare but I did think about the face thing enough recently that I reawakened the dread.


the regular simpsons cartoon already had moments of gore and violence, I fail to see the point of pretending that an episode where bart dies because he gets sucked out of a plane is supposed to be scary

It's was the best one, even though my mom said I would tune in everyday and just stare at chuck for 20 minutes

>suicide mouse traumatized me so hard I would lose my shit whenever I saw it or thought about it

You know how Fox has a weird way of counting Simpsons episodes? They refuse to count a couple of them, making the amount of episodes inconsistent. The reason for this is a lost episode from season 11.

Finding details about this missing episode is difficult, no one who was working on the show at the time likes to talk about it. From what has been pieced together, the lost episode was written entirely by Matt Groening. During production of the eleventh season, Matt started to act strangely. He was very quiet, seemed nervous and morbid. Mentioning this to anyone who was present results in them getting very angry, and forbidding you to ever mention it to Matt.

I first heard of it at an event where David Silverman was speaking. Someone in the crowd asked about the episode, and Silverman simply left the stage, ending the presentation hours early. The episode's production number was AABF19, the title was Dead Chuck. The episode labeled AABF19, E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt), was made later and given Dead Chuck's production code to hide the latter's existence.

Fuck me, man, same.
I remember thinking i got cursed or subliminal messaged' from the fucked up piano
Squidward's suicide too.
I swear i'd see that fucking face in every half open door

sneedesque at its core

It was just an unpleasant uncomfortable feel, like the video was tailor made to trigger all fight and flee responses in the brain. it was worse when I thought the story was true, nowadays it's one of those things you think it's really fucked up and demonic for seemingly no reason.

it's silly but the kitty0706 video saved me, still can't believe he's gone.


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Did anyone ever figure out what that shit was in the last minute? You can see something that looks like an insect in the background. Really fucking weird.

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Why didn’t Matt warn him?

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I always thought it was a doll or someone trying to do the exorcist face, I watched it years later with a friend of mine to laugh at it and when that part came up he was completely shocked at why is that a thing


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I haven't seen the video in forever

Let's all watch it, and introduce it to the zoomers


Uuuh yeah I deem it pretty based

>Doesn't help that I have incredibly violent intrusive thoughts
You might have a case of OCD user, I have the same thoughts and apparently it's one of the symptoms of OCD, I havent been diagnosed though

Imagine being a kid with an overactive imagination and nightmares incredibly frequently up until your early teens
I still fear sleeping

here's a scary story
bart fart

the spongebob one was unsettling back in the day. every other ripoff with its "hyper realistic gore" ruined the style of pasta.

>You know how Fox has a weird way of counting Simpsons episodes?

No. This pasta starts with a false premise.

damn dawg... this is really weird

formerly normal.

>still can't fucking watch it for long
>i'm jumpy now
Why am I such a pussy.
It's been nearly a fucking decade.

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damn dawg... this is really sneed

>jump ahead on the video and see faceless mickey on smudge tool land
I can't fucking do it either.

Because sneed

Sorry boomer, but your old shit is incredible boring. Watch something cool instead.


>jeff the killer
The fact that this story got any traction at all shows how young the people making and enjoying creepypasta were


What's your opinion on the SNEED story?

This episode scared me as a child.

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>internet historian
My nigga
Also, jeff the killer ain't zoomer, i remember seeing the picture at least on /x/ way back then

>tfw as a feed creepypastas would keep me awake at chuck in cold sneed becaus I had an extremely detailed seed and formerly chuck's

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Sneed scared me as a child.

Why don't someone adapt this with actual actors and shit

that birthday party fight with the kids throwing him around and burning him would've been kino.


>show the video to someone you REALLY hate

This video is still fucking brilliant years after the fact.

>replace the music with HUDADADADU
God, takes me back.

See, there's clearly something in the background in the last two mins. I never figured out what it was.

I saw a guy walking around and smoke

too scared to actually sit and watch the whole thing though

this... it gives... power.

What does it mean if it involves extreme violence, rape, and sometimes babies?
I think I might have a repressed memory

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is this real wtf

I like the conspiracy portion of it but the actual description of the episode is shitty and boring.

you speak a dead tounge muh boi, but can you handle a living sneed?

Sneed feeds seeds. Chuck sucks fucks.