if "left wing" horror focuses on the fear of discrimination and oppression then what does "right wing" horror focus on?
If "left wing" horror focuses on the fear of discrimination and oppression then what does "right wing" horror focus on?
The left wing
>liberals practice positive racism
very left wing movie right there
Bone Tomahawk is totally right-wing horror guise. it's directed by a NAZI and makes you scared of native american monsters, you know, because all drumpf supporters are XENOPHOBIC!!!
>if "left wing" horror focuses on the fear of discrimination and oppression then what does "right wing" horror focus on?
Real life.
actual horror
Blue haired sjws destroying western civilization by ruining video games.
i think that might be why he put it in quotes. and the left is way more self critical than the right, so the premise of get out isn't necessarily a contradiction on its left wing status.
Healthy and successful interracial marriages.
fear of niggers
I meant that it was made someone with left wing ideals in the same way left wing sci-fi is.
A creator’s ideals always seep into their films
no such thing, the only combination that works is "he cute"
>Lovecraft Country
what could possibly go wrong?
blacks jews and mexicans, watch fox news, reality is a nightmare
Fear of people enjoying themselves. Hence the horror movie trope that anyone with a sex life must die, and only virgins survive.
unironically this. there's no right wing horror because they're all terrified all the time of the delusion of white genocide etc
For example:
>Loss of purity
Zombies, vampires
>Loss of control
>Loss of individuality
Zombies (Dawn of the Dead was an allusion to communism)
Fear of being replaced by something inhuman.
this movie itself is the Horror for the right
>aka Me
fuck this garbage
>this level of projection
44% less likely
Ugh, can I have one basado please?
Deez nuts you bitch ass Jive nigga
>then what does "right wing" horror focus on?
Really stupid, vapid shit
Overrun by immigrants or mega corporation takeover. Nowadays a they live remake would be an arbiter of right wing ideology
there are right wing filmmakers?
murifags stop ruining the meaning of words
Ever seen the thing? Weird organism that tries to be us, but stabs us in the back whenever it can. Worst part is that it can look like a normal person, but when you get close, it turns out you have nothing in common with it.
It moves in and spreads panic and distrust among what used to be friends, and it thrives
Anyone else just ignore the agenda of this movie and enjoy it for a semi original plot with a few good jokes.
I really didnt feel pressured to hate whites.
Liberals are rightists. We don't want them either.