Nick, she's got an Associate's Degree

>Nick, she's got an Associate's Degree

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Worst fanbase. Basically all unfunny zoomers from reddit.

whats going on big guy?

That goddamn water sketch.

Was the kiss real?

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Were they actresses, or did roasties actually get BTFO?

-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.

-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.

I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been:

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>adjusts buttplug and feverishly looks for money from parents

I like the sketch where Sam fucked a tranny

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are they /ourguys/
sam is so based imo

Owen, who get tricked by nigger and also had a homosexual relationship with Crowder. nah i'll pass


Is Sam really any better? The guy is literally afraid of black men, why do you think he only targets effeminate lefty pussies in the safety of his local yuppie neighborhood with his street comedy, and completely avoids black thugs.
>homosexual relationship with Crowder
0 evidence, meanwhile there is plenty of evidence of Sam's tranny/anal fetish and various other perversions

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>ruined his family christmas dinner by forcing flat earth shit down everyone's throats when no one gave a shit
>tried really hard to impress jordan peterson because of his daddy issues then got butthurt when he found out he was a snake oil salesman
>literally made a fucking video where he looks smugly at the camera while his old mother who he roped into this tells the world how high his iq is
Beyond pathetic

What's stopping you from killing yourself at this point? Sam can probably help your mom out with the funeral expenses.

Go back to /pol/.

Shit's funny. Deal with it.

Based Sam

super busy

> forcing flat earth shit
Yikes. Is he really a flat earther?

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he needs a daddy soooooooooo bad

You've made Sam sound super based.

>Is Sam really any better?
sam's made me laugh, owen benjamin has never once mad me smile. sounds like you like teddy spaghetti too

Tim & Eric was funnier and wasn't produced by a shitty neo-nazi e-celeb lol.

sam is funny
nick is funny
charls is funny
Deal with it.

NO DUDE! NO! Of course not! It's just that The Earth definitely isn't spinning or moving at a million miles per hour and stuff. impossible! you'd feel it

>Tim & Eric was funnier

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>t. Sam Don't you have WP season 2 to get work on.. oh wait.

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Charls is funny but isn't he a schizo?

>being so dumb that you think this makes him look bad
I wish I had enemies like you

the wife was pretty hot tho. especially when she gets angry.

That's funny.

you sound mad big guy

sodomy and tranny fucking sure is super based man

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this man is your god, he can total beat up rogan

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since when are these guys on "sides"?

The first time I'd had that rebellious 90s feeling since those good old days. Great show, even if they're a flawed bunch.

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why do MDE threads always turn into flamewars

like i don't get it, what about it riles up so many people

Rather buttfuck trannies than spend all day aggressively posting about a failing fat comedian on a Taiwanese microbrewing forum. Why do you care so much? Theres so much research put into this. Are you a jilted fan or something? Did he hurt you?

>You know I finally found out that name of the cheese we liked it... it was cheddar

No idea. Just hoping someone could answer this

Sam also pee peed on Obama's bed in Russia, I don't like that at all! It goes against my conservative values. I'm withdrawing my support for Sam Hyde right this instance!!!!

Since they turn out to be not what they present themselves as.
For example Sam is not some based symbol of white solidarity, he's practically a cuck.
Why side with a snake?

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this pasta again

Its a few mentally ill people who used to be fans but are now obsessed with Sam because they think he's a filthy Jew. Which he is, his content is horrible now and definitely not worth paying for but theres no reason for the insane amount of effort these people go through

>Rather buttfuck trannies
you sound like a fag
is that you Sam?

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some MDE sketches are way funnier than tim and eric

A combination of fans being easily baited, and a handful of genuinely mentally ill lefties who get whipped into hysterics by any mention of them.
Recipe for disaster, plus the fact that there's been no real content for a long time so we're stuck in a sort of Groundhog Day situation.

Nobody cares shill

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Based Sam!

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He's always just been a mildly redpilled comedian. Never understood why people thoughy he was some hardcore white nationalist. He's outlined his views pretty explicitly.

You're so persuasive dewd!

The only shill is Sam or whoever he pays to post daily threads about a show that didn't even have an hour's worth of collective content that got cancelled years ago.

>not liking cute ladies with big manly cocks that dwarf your own
Are you some sort of queer? What is wrong with you

Do you all really want to sit here and go through the rigamaroo

>quoting the bible to make an argument

when will the christian meme end?
if some fellow wants to fuck trannies, what's the problem with that? what does that have to do with you?

But he's right?

Trex Helps Robbie & Guy Heaven are unironically hilarious sketches. The rest is meh to tryhard tier.

Don't forget VMU dream, some dork who just resposted Sam's shit on youtube, Sam copystriked him and he lost his shit. They chatter in youtube comments about their ex-boyfriend Sam while Sam spends tens of thousands of dollars on cars and sick hardware

It's 100% obvious that you faggots post the same stupid Sam thread every day so you can post your 100% ineffective infogossips that nobody gives a fuck about.

>Sam copystriked him and he lost his shit
lmao based, fucking jew stealing Sam's videos

Sam copystriked him because he's a thin skinned hypcritethat can't handle anyone not sucking his dick.
He didn't have problems with other people mirroring his unpaywalled content to help promote him, but pic related happen and Sam threw a hissy fit.
He literally pulled a Joe Bernstein on one of his own fans, let that sink in.

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If Sam can only attract that kind of discussion when he shills himself here that kind of shows the state he and his shitty comedy is currently in.

you niggas complain about sam like you're expecting something from him, like he's supposed to be this redpilled conservative but he's a degenerate

he makes some funny sketches and that's it, why does his personality matter so much? why do you care

Which one of these seething trannies are you?

For me, it's ROSS & the shit with the Miatas

you forgot one thing.

-Not funny

- Funny

you retards are caught up on identity politics just like the retard leftists

in the end you're all retarded

>defending a literal tranny fucker by accusing others of being trannies
good one

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nah its the other way round.

try not to get splinters up your ass bud

>my comedy is not about politics I don't care about that shit
sam hyde everyone


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So glad this nazi incel show got canceled. Sam just copied Tim Heidecker's humor but with swastikas in it.

>tranny fucker

The truthbomb that brought /tb/ to its knees

objective sketch comedy show rank incoming

Mr Show > Whitest Kids You Know >>> World Peace > POWER GAP > Tim and Eric

Just because you don't want to get fucked by him doesn't mean you should throw him under the bus. That being said, has Sam ever been mean to trannies?

Tim and Eric was funny for a minute when I was in college, but I looked at some of the Awesome Show clips recently and they are fucking awful. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking.

>That being said, has Sam ever been mean to trannies?

why else do you think the tranny on Yea Forums keeps derailing mde threads?

this is his homeboard

Owen's standup is tedious but he's a funny guy. The other kid's just tedious. im glad he did what he did though. Someone had to.

were they involved in some sort of conflict or can any random fuck be on a "side" in this? what "side" is that colonial guy on what cooks the salt pork?

answer this!!!!!

It's funny how everyone thinks its all done by some commie/tranny. Lefties aren't aware enough of Sam Hyde and his career trajectory to make memes/shitposts against him like this. It could only come from former fans. It's actually the height of arrogance to think anyone on the Left would bother to go this far. Sam has always been barely relevant to them. "Who got cancelled? M-D-E? What's that? Sounds weird. I've never heard of them. Of they're Nazis? Cool, good, I'm glad they got cancelled". That's basically 99% of Lefties awareness of Sam Hyde.

Meanwhile Sam actually has sexual intercourse with transexuals.

The breaks between sketches are some funny shit
>Stop eating Lena

nobody knows desu
some were and since weren't I'm guessing

was chuck playing as a woman or a tranny?

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You forgot Reddit. Oh, redditors know the name of that show, you can be sure of that.

>redditors know the name of that show, you can be sure of that.
most of Sam's fans were on that site before his sub got shoa'd.

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t. JIDF Character assasination squad.

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I would have banged them to.

the leftist/tranny shit isn't the point, it's just the established buzzword/catchphrase that's here to stay, just like cuck etc. Also its basically a fact that if you don't like MDE you're probably a closet tranny and/or you hate yourself.

and with the case of MDE the tranny thing is actually based on a real person, some wow addict shut-in that got really butthurt about sam years ago. He used to help mde with music and then did a full 180 and cut all ties. He also helped some other shut-in kys himself lol.

also your typical internet lefties are more than aware of mde e.g /r/chapotraphouse kids that always claim how they used to like MDE before sam became "literally hitler". The whole thing is a meme at this point.

the point is that there is 0 evidence, just speculation by Sam's fanboys who believe everything the guy says without question.

Ughhh, I mean redditors all knew about that sub since they whined to get it banned. Also educated others about all the "dogwhistles" in the show. So, ummm, some of them came over for /GoT/ threads yeah? Yeah.

I hate that. The show itself is not at all alt-right or nazi. It pokes fun at current society and society right now is left-leaning. Its because of Sam's outside shitposting that the show got canned but the show itself was fairly apolitical.

When you're in a car, do you feel yourself moving at that speed? Of course not. You generally just feel the acceleration.

Same principle.