>cast the best young actress in hollywood
>waste her in a side role
explain yourself marvel
Cast the best young actress in hollywood
you can't have a pretty white female in a main role anymore
Don’t forget that they paired her up with a fat chink while Spidey gets stuck with she-boons
>is literally Rice
>chinks loves her
Wtf Raimi
this girl was cute in the nice guys
she's cute in black mirror too
>BLACKED in 2018
>RICED in 2019
Really makes you think
how long til she gets (((casted)))
>17 years old
>Face already all wrinkled and shit
you think it hasn't already happened when she was 12?
post body
Why is she dressed like she wants to be held in someone's basement.
rude, she is 18 btw.
Oh, what a relief, I was already feeling guilty for masturbating to pictures of her.
Faces wrinkle when you smile, Zuckerborg.
Gays, libtards and ugly femcels working behind the scenes hate beautiful white girls. Don’t pretend zendaya was cast for her acting ability. It’s because she’s a Weinstein whore and black.
>looks like a corpse
>disgusting Aussie accent
that beaner in old man logan was pretty good
>t. Daquan Jamal Ocatvius
she is amazing, but compare her to hailee steinfield... it's a tough competition?
> Not casting her in a lesbian love triangle drama with Izzy Moner and Kiki Shipka.
Why is Hollywood so dumb?
> Everyday Master
I have just imagined being her Master.
Oh god...
Nice projection, ephebiophilic simp.
>t. gayboi
any nudes
That black mirror ep was pure fetish fuel. He shouldn't be writing women.
it then ends in a holographic giantess miley cyrus
she was a cute she-boon though, just aching to be BLEACHED
They seem so uncomfortable in these scenes.
steinfield is a kike and has wide af shoulders
>a contender enters the ring
Unless she has a bigger role in the new one, I don't even see the point of her at all. It's not even a cameo, the role had like one line max? Why cast someone semi-famous in that? It's not even a role.
forgot pic