>"The women are always saving the men around here, you might want to think about changing the name to X-Women"

Attached: x_women.jpg (843x372, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 5A00F6EA-BE93-4887-AD60-2697C1431D88.jpg (1123x553, 66K)

post her buttpussy


so this is how you plan to market this trainwreck of a movie

>I've seen you with 6 million jew babies splattered all over your face, you might want to change your name to "Holocaust"

Except your character was entirely fictional.

LMAO nobody even cares about this movie enough to get outraged



Attached: 1550417169047.jpg (433x427, 86K)

>Whoa, Raven, aren't you a bit hasty to gender your teammates? Please don't be bigoted, it's X-People

She was already cringe in Apocalypsis, she's just break the ceiling again in her retardness.
Glad her career is over after this.

And women say that men are the ones benefiting from societie's attitudes. When was the last time you ever heard anything positive about men as a whole? Young men are being shamed into submission.

Starring Jennifer Lawrence as Jennifer Lawrence

Deadpool 2 already made this joke...

>not Xer-People

imagine driving up to a nuclear disaster and demanding to see the manager. In the Soviet Union. She would get 20 years in gulag for behaving like a spy.


Attached: ass kissin.jpg (500x214, 26K)

How many threads are you going to make to manufacture outrage over a single capeshit line? This going to be a Mad Max situation?

Literally give a single example of "young men being shamed" directly, as the subject. Since that isn't happening. This logic that "lifting up women is tearing down men" is really odd.

Not him, but have you seen any commercial in the past twenty years?

>Literally give a single example of "young men being shamed" directly, as the subject.


xavier took a bullet, spent his life and fortune on bridging the gap between humans and mutants and could live like a normal walking man if he chooses to but he doesn’t so he can use his powers for good. mystique was the cause of the mutant holocaust and was basically a hitman in most of the movies. what ever did she do that was good again? maybe decide NOT to kill someone?

>The Gillette commercial is an attack against young men to shame them
Are you retarded?


So uh how bad is it?

Poor j law. She's actually pretty cool but fucking cucks write these shit lines for her.

That's not an argument.

>someone literally unironically thought that “xmen? more like xwomen!” was a compelling dramatic line

Attached: 9CF1C444-B293-427D-A6F3-83BC0F783B8C.jpg (634x951, 147K)

You can't go a single commercial break on TV without seeing a white man as the buffoon, or an antagonist.

I just did a quick Google, and that's bad if even Google brings it up. Not that you're actually going to watch these.

You don't understand

And this isn't debate club, you neckless cunt

what went wrong

Attached: file.png (730x308, 201K)

Attached: Feminism and Drinking Rape Poster College.jpg (422x560, 28K)

yuore right..... she is powerful

tranny seriously gtfo


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 10.23.12 AM.png (743x307, 222K)

Can you explain to me how that ad isn't intended to attack and shame men?

That is one of the clunkiest lines I've ever heard.


Yikes, you're fucking sensitive. Half of these are just playful.

did you just assume their gender?

Because what sort of autistic faggot takes that message away from a commercial aimed literally not at "le all young men" at all?

Not to mention, her character is not a real person.

you have to go back

Did you just assume their species?
It should be X-Entities

I can see why this would be a weird poster but unless you're OK with date rape, how would you be bothered?

Starring Jennifer Lawrence as The Wall

Actually, in this version it's always Quicklsilver who is saving the X-men.

fake and gay, have sex

the game of thrones edit was far funnier

>this shit
if you fuck someone while under the poor decision making effects of alcohol. that doesn’t mean they raped you. maybe they are an asshole and was taking advantage of the state you were in yes. if you are unconcious or barely reacting to stimuli because you are extremely drunk and clearly don’t know what you are doing, that is rape

I'm not a /pol/ack faggot upset at goofy commercials and pretending it's some sort of "attack on men" like some MGTOW looking idiot

>it's playful when it happens to men :)

Nobody is making that argument except (ironically enough) you.

>no argument

You can either provide an actual argument or concede defeat, tranny.

I don't get it, they want us to be sympathetic, but at the same time they're scared to show even a bit of her 'suffering'. Kind of like you know, they established Magneto as a fucked up holocaust survivor whose whole family literally died in his arms and I'm supposed to be more emotional about Mystique having a bad day. And these hack writers got paid millions

>quicksilver saves everyone from mansion exploding
>no thanks

Attached: 1313628816510.jpg (353x322, 16K)

The point of the poster being wrong is that it even concedes that both parties were drunk and engaging in sex, however the drunk female apparently "can't consent" and is the victim, while the equally drunk male apparently ISN'T the victim.

Attached: You Missed the Point Gif.gif (300x200, 55K)

You're making the claim, retard. How is criticizing bad men, criticizing all men in your broken head? Are we allowed to criticize anyone without hurting your sensitive /pol/ feefees? Christ, you people cry more than SJWs.

Teehee, you're a dumb cunt who should go suck-start a shotgun, lol jk ;)

Just fuck my X-men up, senpai.

Is the poster even real?

>Nobody is making that argument

t. been asleep for the past 10 years.
Commercials where women are in that same role don't even get made. You know why? Because they're TERRIFIED of the SJW retard backlash.

>give a single example
gets multiple
>half are just playful
meaning half aren't

They were both drunk. They should both have the same standards applied to them equally.
If Jake raped Josie and is going to prison, Josie also raped Jake because he couldn't consent either and should receive the same punishment.

In the UK women can't be prosecuted for raping a man. There is no law against this.
They would only get punished for assisting a man in raping another person.

There is no law for rape by forcing a man's penis into your body or performing any other sexual acts to a man.
Fuck my legal system.

>A rape is when a person uses their penis without consent to penetrate the vagina, mouth, or anus of another person. Legally, a person without a penis cannot commit rape, but a female may be guilty of rape if they assist a male perpetrator in an attack.

>Rape is a criminal offence and can only be committed by men.
>Rape is defined as the penetration by a penis of another person’s vagina, anus or mouth without that person’s consent.

Attached: 1539251851357.jpg (1920x1745, 201K)

They were weak examples because you're working backwards for evidence and none of them are explicitly saying that young men should be all shamed

>Are we allowed to criticize anyone without hurting your sensitive /pol/ feefees?

Apparently not.
You want to know why that same company didn't make an ad tackling "toxic femininity"? Want to know why the only "good" men in that ad are non-white?
Because NPC faggots like you literally pitch a fit if you even SUSPECT anyone other than white men are being criticized.

So no, you're AREN'T allowed to criticize just anyone due to feefees. It's only for straight white males. Ironically this trend has nothing to do with /pol/ and everything to do with AIDS-riddled doughnut-punchers like you.

Attached: Soyboy Facial.png (467x264, 37K)

>Have you been hyperpolitical for the last ten years?
Ever entertain the thought that you're honestly just sensitive?

American "entertainments" is so insufferable.

Attached: 1432723614089s.jpg (125x121, 3K)

Yes. It's been sighted at numerous colleges since 2010.

just like I'm not explicitly saying you should be shamed for you faggot ass posts

Attached: 12209213.jpg (300x240, 25K)

>Literally throwing a spergfit
Every time.

Have you ever entertained the thought that these double-standards are so blatant that a child could point them out, and the only reason you pretend they don't exist is because your indoctrination is THAT deep in your fucking brain?

this is what happens when you put a supporting character at best as a main character because the actress got a meme award

Let me guess user, is it like a white genocide too? This is the level of discourse that gets you mocked.

Have you entertained the idea that maybe there just isn't an elaborate conspiracy and it really is just you? Occam's Razor, autismo.

>This is the level of discourse that gets you mocked.

By fat trannies in bow-ties? They can "mock" me and anyone else they want for that matter. Doesn't mean their opinions, and scorn, aren't completely worthless.

t. Gillette Razor consumer

>reply explaining a position

Sounds more like you just don't understand how discourse works.

Attached: Wut Chariot.jpg (592x505, 25K)

Good luck arguing with the mentally ill. Anyone that defends absolute bigoted dog shit like that Gillette commercial needs serious fucking help. Too bad society tells them that they're doing the right thing and at the pinnacle of moral progress.
>There are none more hopelessly enslaved than those that falsely believe they are free.

>This is the level of discourse that gets you mocked.
All those estrogen pills won't make you a real women, but they sure as hell make you argue like one.

Holy shit how to lose a fucking argument HARD.
Damn kid, didn't you notice it didn't work against your 4th grade buddies either? How fucking embarrassing for you.

Is this real?

>The women are always saving the men around here
>Right after Quicksilver saves the day again

Attached: chong li.webm (720x404, 272K)

You guys know this is from Dark Phoenix right?
You know, the story where the woman has the ultimate PMS freakout and kills everyone because a cosmic bird is being channeled through her and she can't control herself?

The woman in this movie literally ruins everything.

Not him but it's critizicing all men, it's attacking the line "boys will be boys." I know you're a mentally ill tranny since according to you this only attacks bad men because what should the line be instead?

it's obviously one of the reshoots ordered by Disney. They are doubling down hard

HAHAHA here you can clearly see what is most important to the liberal retard: fitting in and not being made fun of! Don't think for yourself or disagree with the herd, or they're going to mock you! That's much worse than following a bunch of liars into openly being racist and sexist towards people trying to fight their fabricated racism and sexism!

It doesn't get any more pathetic than you, kid. You need to rethink your life before you seriously fuck yourself up. You're a blind tool.

Isn't she literally the reason the bad future in nu-X2 even happened in the first place and they had to travel back in time?

she also kills Mystique so that's a good thing

Criticizing boys will be boys (which has been used as a legal defense for statutory) isn't saying "all boys do this". Jesus Christ, you'd only be mad at that messaging if you low-key agreed with it.

"Boys will be girls"

>Movie about a woman that can destroy everything and everyone
>this line

Attached: 1543558661655.png (2001x1125, 1.69M)

>my husband is a bumbling retard who can barely start the bbq without nuking the neighbourhood
>luckily I'm a smart independent working mother that saw commercial for product X that makes our lives a whole lot easier.
>the corporate jew now makes sure I have time to sit the kids in front of netflix and have family time
>*husband falls of ladder in the background*
>women smiles knowingly yet lovingly as if putting up with a cute puppy that just shit on the wrong
>thank goodness for product X

Attached: BzTQ5iwIMAAPauS.jpg (579x508, 24K)

Who the fuck is talking about an "elaborate conspiracy" you tranny?

-Feminists whine about women being portrayed unflatteringly in ads.
-Leftcuck advertisers/their funders are terrified of this whining, so they portray men unflatteringly and women as immaculate.
-Feminists defend this/eat this up, despite the fact that if nothing were swapped other than the gender of the roles, it would be "sexist", because they operate on double-standards.

That's not an "elaborate conspiracy". It's a trend, which is both plainly observable and in-line with the hypocrisy of modern progressives.

It's becoming very obvious you're arguing disingenuously. You don't really believe a lot of what you're posting. You're attempting to either smear or waste the time of your opponents, likely thinking at the same time you are """trolling""" them.

I hate progressives so much!

>You should just be a contrarian to go against the grain no matter what, since that makes me automatically smarter regardless of position
Imagine being this fragile.

This poster is saying that all women become literal retards when they drink. So powerful.

Attached: 1553686294402.jpg (680x813, 56K)

kek, well done Mr. Bond.

Attached: (((them))).png (214x198, 2K)

>This is the level of discourse that gets you mocked.

Attached: SJW Portrait.jpg (900x600, 77K)

>women and men are equal
>drunk women can't consent (men can)

>receive literally any kind of response

Every time.

>Everyone who disagrees with my crying is a tranny

But it does? In a real discussion forum, if you started frothing at the mouth that men are under attack because of a Gillette commercial that isn't even targeted AT you, you'd be laughed out

The 90's animated series did the Phoenix Saga so much better.

The Phoenix was based in that.

Feminists have women do in fiction, what they ultimately cannot or will not do in reality. For every 1 woman willing to put herself in danger to save another life, there are 100 men willing to do the same.

You wrote an entire buzzword filled paragraph going
>Much seckret knowledge, much NPc, onions, tranny blah blah

Any of the detergent adverts where men are a bit thick and need a woman to show them how to clean, start a washing machine etc.

>boys will be boys (which has been used as a legal defense for statutory
cite case

There are commercials for women stereotypes too, user. Neither are the plot or makings of a white genocide or some nefarious Jewish thing.

do mutant women periods synchronize like normal women

Me going to liberal college and having women shit on men daily in class. If it was reversed there would have been an uproar.

Based and Redpilled

It's a completely reasonable accusation. Were you not paying attention to that commercials reaction when it aired in January? It got shit on as Tumblr garbage by pretty much everyone except pink-haired trannies and their dogma-driven fan-club.
Just look at the views on that video vs. the Like to Dislike ratio.

The commercial was not well-received.
If you're defending the commercial as being anything other than SJW garbage, you're in a very small minority. A minority that includes trannies.

Answer the initial question: boys will be boys isn't an excuse for rapey behavior, why would you personally get offended by a commercial mocking that?

>There are commercials for women stereotypes too,

show me, where a women is corrected by a white man, not another women, or asian/black man

>You should just be a contrarian to go against the grain no matter what

But he didn't say that, retard.
In fact he literally TOLD you to "think for yourself" instead.

Because no one actually says that to defend rape, retard.

>boys will be boys isn't an excuse for rapey behavior

Nobody ever said it was except for Femicucks like you, queer.

It was caused by mutton headed commies, not men. Shit like this wouldn't happen this brazenly without commies.

I’ll bite on your elaborate troll attempt: the commercial addresses men as a collective identity, tells them that they’re fucking up as a collective, shaming them for doing “toxic” things (actually shaming little boys for rough housing). It claims every straight male has favor with society to get what he wants (it’s patently false). Then it says men have to “do better.” In other words “all things considered, men are not good and need to do better. If this commercial flipped genders, it would be the end of Gillette as a company because it’s problematic to point at a group that has no choice than to be what it is and say that it’s terrible and needs to change. This is in contrast to messaging for other groups where they’re encouraged to “be who you are.”

So it’s ok to “be who you are, unless you’re a straight male, in which case you need to not be who you are but be something based on this criteria we’re setting out for you. It’s bullshit to suggest this same message can be applied to any other specific group other than CIS Het males and not receive a huge backlash.

Do they show the women in a negative light? Please give examples.

The fact that women fall for this shit is a real indictment of their intelligence.
They're too stupid to know they're being pandered to, even when the pandering is THIS blatant.

>Have Sex!
It's all over this sub, you fucking shill.

So, he gives you an example, and your only response is to dismiss it and call him a retard.
This is why people hate feminists.

here we go again

This. Maybe the poster is right.

If women can't handle liquor than they can't handle having the right to vote.
So long as that can be agreed on I will agree with the idea that a man has sole responsibility in drunk sex.

It’s possible to not believe in White genocide while believing a Gillette commercial is blanket attacking straight white males based entirely on their sex and “masculinity”

>In a real discussion forum

Oh please, what's a "real discussion forum", faggot?
Twitter? Resetera?

Attached: Soyboy Gape 1.jpg (592x570, 62K)

Headey looks like a tatted up cow and Sophie looks demented

Yes it is. the moment women took over Madison Ave. they started portraying every man as incompetent moron and women as brilliant.
Men are clearly not taking it that way. And it's extremely sexist and hypocritical of you to attack them on existing gender norms like calling them 'sensative' because they have a problem with it.
You feminists are literally the scum of the earth.

Funnily enough, I've never voted sober.

Attached: Change the Name to X-Women Scene - X-MEN_ DARK PHOENIX (2019) Movie Clip - YouTube - 2_19.jpg (994x559, 63K)

It’s not a conspiracy. It’s societal norms in 2019. Fuck off

Not even half of those could even be argued as being "buzzwords", faggot.

You don't know what a "buzzword" is.

>It's a norm because I get my news from here
I bet you say dumb things like "America is far left in policy" too.

Take solace in the fact that when youre hated its because someone is jealous of you. If youre a white male your existence literally makes people out there seethe uncontrollably.

Its not us looking at them, its them looking at us

Oh look, a feminist ranting about the evils of man calls someone a faggot
Can you name a more iconic duo than feminism and hypocrisy?

Attached: 26-ian-mcshane.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 31K)

NPC is a buzzword. Are you clinically retarded?

You literally aske for examples, you piece of shit hypocrite, and he gave you one.
Then, like the feminazi you are, you throw a fit and start calling people sexist slurs.

>There are commercials for women stereotypes too, user.

There really aren't. Not anywhere NEAR the number and intensity of the ones for men, and there haven't been for a long time.

That is because commercials like that risk poking the sleeping bear that is Feminist ire, which is on a hair-trigger and has been for the last 20 years.

So those kind of commercials don't get made any more. They are killed in the womb. Plenty of room for equally "offensive" and "sexist" portrayals of men, though. Because leftcuck advertisers don't have to worry about men wasting their time forming Twitter-brigades.

Boys will be boys is about younger children gendered male playing rough or breaking stuff. It was never used as an excuse for men commiting rape, maybe a joke in poor taste but never used in the court of law or to prove someone innocent.

The media is neoliberal in economics and extreme far-left in social policy.

>Literally nobody is ranting about the ebuls of man
I just want you to have a measured reaction to these things, not a spergout about the feminist, Jewish. Liberal, tranny, reserves, share blue conspiracies to destroy young white men. That isn't an argument.

>in a place of Free Speech you may actually be able to present this point, but in my Feminist Gender Studies class at the Community college your valid points would be LAUGHED out of the room by me and my Slay Queen Sistas! What now, Patriarch?!

Wow, what an harassment for me.

Attached: SJW Face 2.png (471x373, 188K)

That line had nothing to do with the rest of the conversation. What shoe-horned bullshit writing.

Incels busy incelling

>Imagine being this much of a retarded burgerstani

GoT ladies american accent gives me cancer.

Lmao, sure they aren't sweetheart.
This is literally what you people do. You attack, and then you pretend you didn't. Because you're scummy and, while you demand everyone treat your claims as truth, you refuse to entertain anyone else's perspective for even one second.
Literally all you people do is bitch about men and complain about the patriarchy--a conspiracy of evil men who keep you down. You blame every failure in your life on it, never once taking personal responsibility for your own actions or failures.
Stop lying.

Didn’t Deadpool 2 made a joke like this where Deadpool named his team x force?

also women are giant purchases while men are earners. Women are a cash cow.

Not an argument, shill.
If you're not American, you are literally a retard for thinking you know American media.

>rapey behavior

Stopped reading right there.
Feminists can't be taken at their word that they have the same definition of "rapey behavior" that normal people do.

For women, especially Feminists, "rapey behavior" seems to very conveniently scale with the attractiveness of the accused.

Attached: Sexual harassment attractiveness Double-Standard with women.jpg (460x581, 80K)

Jenna Fischer lol

I mean Apocalypse was fucking awful, I can't say I didn't see this coming, but I can't even be bothered going to the cinema to see how shit this one is.

Bigotry with an economic incentive is still bigotry.
A lot of white people would love to have segregated dining establishments back. Should we justify them on the grounds that they'd make money?

>Literally give a single example of "young men being shamed" directly

Attached: Liberals Hate White Men.jpg (1000x667, 199K)

>Don't even get made
Have you seen commercials for any of the 'as seen on tv' products? They have men and women failing at simple tasks that can be solved with some bullshit product. Both genders look clumsey and foolish

Self hating white terrorism groups don't count lol

Quit projecting. I never said that. However please do tell me how society has not changed from 2000 to 2019 and that there’s absolutely no bias in moral messaging entirely aimed at white males. I mean there’s a huge amount of lecturing being aimed at women, gays etc, right? You see that all the time in commercials, TV etc.


As seen on TV commercials aren't made by professionals or big companies, they're made by drop-shippers who want to make a quick buck lmao

This cunt has been given dozen. She just makes up excuses why they 'don't count' over and over and over again.
I'd assume she's a troll, but this is literally how every feminist I've ever met or seen in the media acts, so they're probably genuinely retarded and sexist.

>If you're not literally shoveling Christians into gulags, then you aren't REALLY, ACTUALLY Leftist!

Fuck off, Sven. Not everybody has their Overton Box shifted so far Left that Enver Hoxha becomes a """"moderate"""".
Americans aren't "too far right". You're skewed, not them.

Attached: Swedish Profile.png (546x320, 43K)

>NPC is a buzzword.

NPC is literally a humorous running joke/Internet meme.

Thanks for proving my point.

America is not even neoliberal by media or policy. You don't know what words mean.

>Explaining a point of view
Rational discourse
>Typing in caps and finishing with an insult

Learn to tell the difference

>Should we justify them on the grounds that they'd make money?
Not at all, corporations made enough money by desegregation and by introducing qomen into the workforce, which at the same time allowed them to keep wages at the 70's level.

This. Men earn while women spend.

It's the way of the world, just like how Republican work-ethic and profit pays for Democrat """generosity""".


>Everyone who doesn't agree with every single example of lukewarm stereotypes in commercials and isn't calling it a literal attack on white males, is a feminist leftist
You people are actually insane.

>A startup company selling cheap china goods
>A multinational conglomerate with an entire division dedicated to moral messaging, PR, societal impacts etc
Pick one

So what are they then? "Right-wing"?

Please explain to me how a country with literal Affirmative Action based on race being applied to SAT scores and a Mass Media that is literally just a propaganda-arm for Leftists is somehow still "right-wing".
Because we still have Freedom of Speech? Because people keep 66% of their paycheck rather than 33%?

>she said to the man wheeling him around in a wheelchair and no longer able to function below the waist after putting himself in harm's way for his team

Nah. You're just full of shit.

kek those fucking dislikes and comments

The US is moderate you stupid /pol/nigger, our policies are not far left or far right, never have been. We also live in a mixed economy.

Christ, this is the intelligence level of some of you and it is embarrassing.

>two second staged demonstrations sometimes feature women
>full-length commercials with an actual narrative, however, are exclusively "men dumb, woman smart"

WEW, look at all that equality.
You're right: Commercials can't pander to women; an infomercial featured men AND women dropping things due to a lack of a carrying-case that one time! Equality!

Attached: Soyboy Excited 1.jpg (387x437, 40K)

Not even close
If you're republican, you're either rich and avoiding taxes, or a minimum wage hillbilly, so in either case, you pay nothing to the country. America is funded by the middle class, ie, Democrats

So if you rape them in the ears it's technically not rape

this is why nobody can have a real conversation with you people.

>this sub

Attached: 1528924261243.jpg (717x880, 100K)

>Typing in caps
But he didn't. Why are you lying?

>finishing with an insult
Oh, I see; the real issue is that you got triggered.

Welcome to arguments, shit-eater.

I don't have to. All I had to do was refute the claim "those commercials don't get made" And I did, successfully

>rich and avoiding taxes
Found the commie

But you aren't?

>they get shamed
>but they aren't specifically told they should be shamed so it doesnt count
I think we have been rused

really she said that? X-Women?

do these hacks not realize the comics were abut inclusivity and they've been going on forever? it's about social outcasts, not fucking wammen

>the "middle class"

Fucking lol. Democrats literally hate the "middle class" and their policies are targeted at destroying them. Looks like you cucks already forgot the lessons you learned in the 2016 Election.

Attached: Democrats and the Working Class Hypocrisy.jpg (546x320, 24K)

>NPC isn't a buzzword

Are you seriously trying to deny the fact that incestuous Leftists predominantly own and control the Mass Media? Seriously?

Attached: Media Headline Consolidation.jpg (1024x1024, 272K)


Not even close. The point of those infomercials is to exaggerate the difficulty of simple tasks, not make people look stupid.

those movies are always shit and flops; you might want to think about changing the name to B-Trash.

lol btfo, women will never unstand this

But you didn't.
You cited some two-second clips in a fucking infomercial, which isn't a traditional TV commercial.

Stop hand-waving.

Not caps used out of context
>Why are you lying?
Mongoloid detected. Disengaging

unironically kys

This image is true. I worked at a bank in IT and my fat friend got busted for being "nice" with this office lady. Turns out a year later she fucked this hot lawyer dude who worked 2 stories above ours and was 10/10. Women won't call it rape if you're a chad


Literally doesn't exist.
Fox News isn't "right-wing" and literally ANYTHING ELSE you could name doesn't even approach anything close to mainstream.

Leftcucks control Mass Media, traditional AND digital, and everyone knows it at this point. There's literally zero point in trying to deny it.

Kill yourself as soon as possible

Imagine saying this the same week that the director of Procter and Gamble Gillette division came out as a full on intersectional bolshevik in an interview.
You people are so funny - your handlers are making interviews with Forbes PROUDLY flaunting their goals and efforts and you for whatever reason run around denying exactly what they just said.

>Fox News isn't "right-wing"
Now I know you're retarded.

Fucking savage.

Attached: Burn Response.jpg (400x271, 60K)

Carlson is the only thing right-wing on Fox.
>B-but my Family Guy jokes!
Piss off.

>thinking that highlighting words for inflective emphasis is the same as capitalizing text to display emotion

You might be legitimately retarded.
There are also capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. Do you also think that people who use those are "sperging"? Also, do your parents have to strap you into bed at night?

>middle class is Democrat?

Media isn't suppose to have a political bent

t. never actually watched Fox News ever.

The front page of their website literally has articles implying a lion that attacked a woman was "sexist".

Typical leftist extremism. Anything that isn't as mindlessly far-left as you are, even if it's just slightly less far-left but still left, is automatically "RIGHTWING NAZI DRUMPF CONFEDERATE FLAG LOVING RACIST FASCIST PROPAGANDA".

just shut up you guys. read a book by tom sowell

she sounds like an x-wife

>Literally a stormcuck FB meme
the government itself isn't far left you fucking abysmal retard. We are a moderate country by policy.


I wish this was a thing.
Can anyone name a single television show airing right now that is "right-wing"? And I don't mean "slightly less rabidly leftist than everything else". I mean something that is ACTUALLY right-wing, and at the very least as transparent about it that all other media is as transparently left-wing.

Because I can't think of a single fucking thing. Non-leftoid media literally doesn't get funded.
"Right-wing media" doesn't exist because it isn't ALLOWED to exist.

Middle class=/= working class
Back to social studies class for you friendo

How about fox News, retard.

He likely does know about that but is pretending he doesn't.

Leftists very rarely argue from positions of actual honesty. They instead argue disingenuously and lie almost constantly and just kind of hope that nobody in the thread has the specific conflicting information that proves them wrong. If they get BTFO they just leave the thread/resort to trolling, shitposting and spamming the same nine or ten images of somewhat overweight people in MAGA-hats they got from Reddit.

Fuck off limey.

>reddit spacing
>defending this shit
You don't even deserve a (You)
Fuck off plebbitor

>stormcuck FB meme

Is this the new word you millennials are using for "facts"?

It's ok, your grade 4 teacher didn't teach syntax and proper grammar. You're a millennial, everyone knows you're illiterate. Have a gold star for effort

I love these threads because it shows how triggered the incels get

>We are a moderate country by policy.
>open borders
>sanctuary cities
>adversity SAT scores
>decriminalized wilfull spread of HIV
Cry more.


>Leftist writers create ultra-powerful Mary Sue characters that swoop in and save literally everyone because THEY THE BEST GURL POWA
>"Lol why are the characters saving everyone female? I guess that means women are better than men because they are more powerful. ;)"

I fucking hate soicuck writers so fucking much.

Attached: Pissed 200%.png (305x331, 215K)

This has to be bait.

I love these threads because it shows how triggered the femcels get

"Have sex incel!" it cried from the cuckshed.

Fox news is not right wing. They are moderate centrists.


>If you're republican, you're either rich and avoiding taxes

The top "1%" of America provide roughly 85% of the entire tax revenue of the country.


We literally don't have open borders. You're a stupid tard.

Definitely bait


But anything right of Lenin is "far right" to modern leftcucks.

Attached: Fox News is totally the biased one guys.jpg (1002x890, 78K)

>We literally don't have open borders.

Oh sweet summer child.

Attached: Items Discarded by Illegal Immigrants on their Way to America.jpg (576x432, 68K)

>literally millions of illegals that Democrats allow to have Anchor Babies, vote, get welfare, and eventually even get amnesty
>We literally don't have open borders.

The only place we don't have "open borders" is on paper. In reality the borders are more open than your mom's legs, and that's by Democrat design.

Attached: Liberals Admitting to Engaging in Illegal Immigration.jpg (1125x1328, 128K)

Again, we literally do not have an open borders policy, written down, at all

Illegals do not qualify for welfare benefits, user. Why do so many of you have next to zero knowledge when it comes to border policies and immigration?

Well, you could see the X as meaning "cross" and it's not a far stretch from that meaning "trans". So it's already called "Trans-Men", and a trans man is a woman who thinks she is really a man, so it basically fits her perspective of the story pretty well.

Attached: 1558397089955.gif (800x800, 628K)

>Muh gormillions

See: Written laws mean nothing if they aren't enforced. And Democrats literally blockade those laws from being enforced.

Attached: Immigrant Potestor.jpg (720x538, 81K)

So we don't actually have open borders? OK.

>Illegals do not qualify for welfare benefits

Oh wow, is that why California has literally zero illegals benefiting from the welfare system?

>The Democrats in a Republican majority control government are to blame
Based partisan hack.

>using fake SNAP cards and literally not being allowed by the federal government to obtain welfare if an undocumented alien is the same as "illegals are abusing the welfare state"

>The borders aren't enforced
>But a piece of paper somewhere says they are enforced
>This means the borders are actually enforced

You might be the dumbest fucking nigger to post on this website in a long time.

Attached: Homer Phone Stupid.jpg (762x574, 30K)

>These are adjusted for income

>Republican majority, that means Republicans can instantly pass and enforce all laws instantaneously

You seem to forget that you're living in an institutional federal republic and not fucking Communist Albania, retard.

>using fake SNAP cards
>"illegals are abusing the welfare state"

>broadly mention incels
>actual incels pops their head up unprovoked
Like clockwork

>Have some of the most sophisticated border patrol practices and technology anywhere in the first world that has led to dramatic decrease in illegal crossings
>Deport more people than the top ten countries in the first world based on GDP growth and population
>Some /pol/ idiot thinks we don't have borders

Whew lad

who cares. it's better they are fed so they can do their illegal job. why do i give a shit if they're buying $2.50 frozen burritos with govt money

>Khum yuk

I'm trying to educate you that the level of welfare abuse is so astronimcally low when given the fact that they can't even qualify for the benefits in the first place.

You know Trump has been lying to you straight up about illegal immigration rates since the campaign, right mutt?

You had virtually no outside obstruction and still couldn't pass shit.

>They're not abusing welfare programs
>So what if they are? Don't worry about it mang, it's all good
Neck yourself

i wasn't the one denying it. it's stupid to care about this. i get that you hate brown people but try not to be such an annoying bootlicker about it

Boys will be boys is literally defending children and teenagers from oppresive feminist and busybodies that want them medicated and behaving like fucking robots( or women basically). Is just saying let them alone.

Is come to a point where not even young children are safe from this shit. No wonder we have a soiboy epidemic.

reddit tier comeback. please gift.

That isn't the thing being criticized by the commercial, you don't even get what the messaging is. That's how low IQ you are.

Men are usually the ones more pursuant in these scenarios, and men are more likely to coerce a partner into sex acts while under the influence of alcohol. There's literally nothing wrong with this.

Here's a simple trick to help you. Every time you watch an ad, show or movie, mentally swap the sexes if everyone one screen. Try it.

These people ITT are literally having fits because I don't agree that a fucking Gillette commercial is evidence of a major anti-male conspiracy to destroy whites

sounds ahistorical but ok

Why? I'm not obsessed

>team doesn't have any trannies

nothing to do with my comment, another reddit tier comeback. fuck off back to your safe space you fag.

>rebbit rebbit rebbit

In that case, do trannies get a free rape license like muslims do?

The best part is that no matter how many dickless Jewish omega males in business, media, and entertainment let these retarded roasties make these retarded movies and arguments on endless repeat, everybody knows deep down women are fucking stupid and worthless and no amount of threatening people into silence and obedience will change that.

It's almost like letting the downie kid run the bases in t-ball after he hits the tee instead of the ball; everyone still knows he's out and retarded, even the downie himself!

Attached: c8cb7566079e0093956333821e5950c8.jpg (500x500, 43K)

you seem unironically mentally ill

>some dumb bait thread ends up triggering nu-/pol/ retards crying about NPCs, the ebul liberal media, illegal immigration, trannies, soiboys and white men being under attack
>these are apparently the "facts over feelings" types


It's X-Mam!

Attached: wetwerteryre.jpg (483x212, 19K)

It's basic FBI statistics too. I love how stats only matter for blacks but when you bring up how the majority of all rape is done by men, then it's an attack.

simply epic post sir. bawed and realitypilled

wait what? how is it rape if both wwere drunk?

You know that your cats eating your corpse doesn't count as being buried by your family, right?

Women are just too weak, afraid, and stupid to take things by force

unlike the chad pol posters itt

Imagine being so cucked that you seriously ignore ICE and Homeland Security and think we don't enforce our borders.

Was this supposed to be an argument? Again, if statistically, more men commit violent rape, then shouldn't you be completely on board with demonizing men because they do commit disproportionate amount of rapes, user.

It's just logic.

Sanctuary cities actively undermine border enforcement

It shows that women are weak and ineffectual and should keep their fucking mouths shut before they piss us off and we shut it for them ;)

Attached: 1559681071306.jpg (722x625, 67K)

The phrase "boys will be boys" has been used by (feminist) women to justify child rape in cases where a woman sexually abuses a boy. Specifically on sites like Jezzebel and Feministing. So you're almost right but not in the way you want people to assume you are.

Historically the phrase was used whenever a mother panicked over boys rough housing. The modern myth that it's somehow this secret code for rape is pure fiction.

What's your BMI?

>Fox news isn't right-wing

So why is it being mentioned in a shaving commercial? By your logic we should be mentioning black crime stats as well since its statistically significant

It's like you completely missed what the point was

There is no significance to the statistical proportion of violent rape, because women cannot commit violent rape.

None of this was the point of the commercial. Jesus Christ. You don't even think understand the conversation.

Do you just don't think there is any toxic or damaging behavior that men and women participate in? Since that's the issue.

They also have very weak bone density, especially in their jaw, so they should watch what comes out of it!

Attached: D8L3eQgXYAAg7lv.jpg (750x1334, 69K)

>Women are literally fucking children incapable of saying no, while men are always in control even when drunk.

Wow. Thats Pretty sexist

I'm a different person and you're refusing to answer a simple question because you're a dishonest faggot

>Stats only have significance if I like them
Based cherrypicking retard

>You don't even think understand the conversation.
What's the tastiest crayon color?

Just be consistent, if stats always matter, then you should be defending the Gillette commercial

>Um professor, have Xex

>Let's women shit on him
Faggot, you deserve it

Do you think that men care what you feel is "toxic"?

Shut your fat fucking worthless cunt

Attached: D8LCLsIWwAEHwT1.jpg (1024x682, 58K)

>A feminist
>demands consistency
Self-awareness when?
I actually agree. Feminism is basically anti-semetism/racism aimed at men. But you feminists don't seem to understand that yourselves.

All piv sex is rape. No exceptions

Let's see what that commercial would like like w/ black crime stats:
>Black guy in suit in an office setting at the xerox machine or something. Karen comes up to him outta fucking nowhere telling him murder is wrong and he shouldn't do it. Black guy looks ashamed and vows to correct his behavior.

You keep calling me names and not addressing my arguments. Truly epic.

>men literally repeat like fucking robots "boys will be boys" while children beat the shit out each other.
>reee why dont you guys get this propaganda reeeeee.

Oh we get it. """Toxic masculinity"" is bad mkay.

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>the triggered roastie itt

>that's the issue.
an issue for literally nobody but the most out-of-touch sheltered snowflakes, so broken by their dysfunctional upbringing they've been driven literally insane and unable to interface with the world without breaking into hystrionics

nobody who genuinely cares about these people would be going along with any of this shit. they should be given mental health treatment, not enabled.

Checked and was just about to post this.
We're talking about movies, they're a temporary escape from reality. Who cares. Let them dream about being strong and smarter for a few hours, honestly I find it adorable.

are you all mad about a commercial for real? you must be a lot smarter and better than women lol oh and also smarter than the jewish guys who made the commercial. you really owned them

Millionaires and workers are mostly Republicans.
Billionaires, gov employees and welfare recipients are mostly Democrats.
Taxes mostly fall on Republicans -
Billionaires avoid taxes, gov and welfare consume taxes

I wish I could own Jews.
>"Pyramid isn't going to build itself Shekelstein!" *CRACK!*