Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Letterman for that stupid beard.
I don’t care about celebrities political views I care about these dubs lmao
one vote literally doesn't not matter.
why do you care if a man grows a beard? faggot cuck.
He's only mad because letterman is jealous of trump. It's possibly the weakest argument you could make. He had nothing against Kanye so he had to act like a child and change the conversation to a completely different thing.
you mean THESE dubs??
Letterman is the one in the wrong. This isn't even an argument, it's a cliche people parrot without properly thinking about it.
>if you don't vote you can't complain
Why? it's not like a movie where you'd have to sit and watch it to actually critique it. Even if you don't vote you would still have access to information so you could form opinions on various topics
It's like you can only review a movie if you paid to watch it at the theater
>bbbbut it was on tv !
Why is Letterman still shilling for the Dems? Surely he's not on the payroll anymore, that cheque is going to Colbert
>Shut the fuck up and listen to me you uppity nigger!
what did dave the tv host/rapist mean by this
Letterman is correct, here.
Reminder that if you voted a certain way because of a celebrities position you deserve to have your vote removed
People who don't vote still are affected by laws the government put in place...
>if you don't vote you can't complain
true tho
Wow what an original take
Boomer tier faggotry. Abstaining from voting is just as valid a choice as any.
Beards are gay now. Only gay men have them.
Because you don'care and just like to complain or play sports team.
>fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass, you uppity negro
what the fuck how did Dave get away with this
I used to have a show where celebs shilled, but now I have a beard so that makes me smart.
Ho ho ho
David Letterman has always been a pathetic cuntlord who laughs at his own jokes. See also: his interviews with John Waters, Harmony Korine and Marilyn Manson. The faggot literally thinks he is better than everyone.
It's never just "one vote." There are millions of people who share your shortsighted opinion and don't vote.
ESL pls go away never return 4channel is American website thanke
He’s not, retard.
And people who confront others over their votes deserve a swift punch in the mouth. Kanye would have been well within his rights to chimp out on letterman here
Your opinion is your vote. Lrn2democracy retard
>It's a zoomer can't grow a beard episode
It matters if you personally don't use your vote
guy with a stupid looking beard detected
>Colin Kaepernick didn't vote in the 2016 election
>therefore he doesn't get a say in his own kneeling protest
Letterman's brains are mush from watching MSNBC, Maddow. He is lost in a labyrinth of propaganda and lies in his own mind.
That’s a million instances of one vote
Kanye should realize they just want him to say he hates Trump and they won't stop
Literally no connection between the two things
So...except for liberals, who are the people Trump has hurt?
>it's a neckbeard incl thinks his beard makes him a man episode
Kayne, if you forfeit your right to vote you don't have a say on the argument.
I can only imagine what kind of omega posted this
If everyone who didn’t vote voted for one candidate they’d win every election in a landslide
>he thinks he lives in a democracy
who is the retard
A communications disruption could mean only one thing...
You know I knew Raimi had a big circle of friends in the entertainment industry, but that guy really knows everyone.
he's the same guy, why are you kids triggered by an old man with a beard?
The United States is not a democracy
Beards are extremely gay in [current year]. You’re both fags
>You have to vote for one the shit candidates because you don't get a say otherwise
>Withholding your vote/spoiling your paper in protest because you do not want to endorse any of the available options is not a valid way to participate
Fuck off, the system is rigged to keep a couple of parties in power and some people want nothing to do with it.
so the one way you have to actually change things is something youre not going to do. Then you have to stfu and you cant complain about anything that happens because you didnt do your part. Sure you dont HAVE to vote. But if you dont, you have no say in the discourse
Not voting is also an opinion. Dummy
electoral college means voting for trump in ny is a waste
I don't want anyone ruling over me, therefore I don't vote for anyone.
>listen here nigger
>police brutality is on the ballott
Why are you so retarded?
I don't vote lmao suck my dick
i don't have a beard, im just not upset by others having them
people who say you can't complain if you don't vote are insufferable
>and some people want nothing to do with it.
Then these people are stupid, because the parties that exist are still ready and willing to legislate every aspect of your entire life.
but someone rules over you regardless. you might as well try to choose who it is
>voting actually matters
Lol what a fuckin brainlet.
Yep, he is the same guy that had a dopey talk show, except now he has a beard. so why does he think anyone should give too shits about his political opinions
No people who take everything for granted and can't even bother to show up for elections yet want to be le outraged selfrighteous faggot are insufferable
You don't need everyone to vote to know how the herd reacts. Millions of people who don't vote with the same voting pattern of people who vote. I bet if you only let half of people vote, the results would be the same.
>I don't watch Game of Thrones
Just as annoying as people who don't vote.
>Kanye isn't allowed to speak about things the left blame Trump for because he didn't vote
>Kaepernick is allowed to speak about things the left blame Trump for even though he didn't vote
Why are liberals so retarded?
No. I'd rather die on my principles than be a slave to a system I don't respect.
>you don't vote for the person who assigns the chief of police
one of you zoomers post that brainlet wojack shit for me
kek the opinions of a reddit zoomer mean less than nothing
Clearly he’s driven David letterman to irrational, seething anger
Millions of truly redpilled people.
Not even half of people vote now
What do you mean "why"? I just told you why. You didnt do your part as a citizen. You just sat there and let shit happen, so just sit there and deal with whatever comes down the pipe.
Sometimes it's not about you, selfish.
If not voting takes away your right to complain, why do leftists constantly complain?
>only our rulers should have a say in politics not citizens
There is literally not a single position in the world right wingers won't take to be offended by something
what if you dont like either candidate? Can I complain then or do I have to pick one piece of shit over another to be allowed an opinion?
>votes for Hillary
Apparently he didn't vote for Trump either, so he has no say in this.
That’s not a threat, moron.
>obsessed with beards
Gee, I wonder who posted this.
you don't get paid $20million a year to be on tv if you're not in the circles and retired or not he still owes people. he sold his soul and shill he must.
>a reddit zoomed
No, but nice try. Maybe you shouldn’t be so insecure.
I didn't say this. Kapernick protested police brutality.
What if you think every possible candidate you could vote for are scum so choose not to?
>if you dont vote you can't have any political opinion about anything ever you piece of shit nigger
wow Dave really
Doesn't sound like you're correct. Not convinced yet.
So you can only fight against legislation if you voted for the party that is introducing it and therefore you endorsed their introduction of it.
Sure, sounds like it works just fine.
>all the poltards bending over to defend a nigger and suck his dick
Lmao, how pathetic.
Anyone can have a say in politics, which make it funny that some over the hill talk show host thinks his opinions are wiser or some shit.
Fuck everyone else. I've seen enough to know everyone is a faggot and society is bullshit.
Attacking letterman =\= defending Kanye you fucking brainlet
How is voting being a slave? You are the single most retarded person in history. Whether you vote or not you still have to follow the laws or youll end up in jail. regardless of whether or not you vote, someone is going to get elected. No matter what. Guaranfuckingteed. so you might as well exercise the right that thousands of people have fought and died for, and get off your ass and vote
>pay old talk show man to do talk show
>old man grows out beard because why not
>zoomers get triggered
good old dave
>"user, who are you voting for?"
>"oh, I don't vote. I guess I'm too busy to follow the news and I'm not informed enough to decide."
>"oh, but you *really* should, user!"
>"I think I'm gonna vote this year. Things are getting pretty serious and I feel bad not doing anything. I'm not sure whether to vote Green or Libertarian, though."
>"user! A vote for a third party is a vote for Trump!"
>"I guess I just can't condone interventionalism. I don't like my tax money going to bombings where children are collateral damage.."
>"user, I don't think a protest vote is going to do anything. I think you should pick between the lesser of two evils."
Fuck normies. They act all sanctimonious and highminded but they just wanna pressure you into joining their team.
No you don't unless he makes that position part of his campaign. Not that the person wasn't asigned long before 2016
Just admit your comparison was wrong this dishonesty doesn't sway anyone
>one vote for trump in Los Angeles vs reaching out to millions of young black voters in swing states to listen to trump’s arguments instead of immediately dismissing him
Letterman ultimate brainlet confirmed
Yep, that national anthem really beat the shit out of...
wait, what?
>So you can only fight against legislation if you voted for the party that is introducing it
Weird strawman.
No, you should vote for the party that's willing to fuck you over the least. It's literally your duty as an American citizen.
Woah cool it with the racism, tranny.
>>a reddit zoomed
Civilians are way too stupid to allow them to vote.
What the fuck does the average Joe know about ruling a country?
Just like we don't allow people to be completely free because that means they'd act like a bunch of savages, we shouldn't let them vote because they are way too stupid.
You need to seek help if you actually think like this, I hope this is ironic.
Vote uncounting by writing something on the ballott.
the analysis shows a difference between not attending and not counting
>you didn't vote for the douche OR turd sandwich? begone with you!
>tranny projecting his interracial homo fetishes
sick argument!
Well in your case, yes, please refrain from ever voting, or participating in any societal norms.
Literally boomerposting. Yikes. Mow lawn.
Well thats just because youre stupid and dont understand how society works. Maybe when youre 18 you'll start to get it a little more.
You go and leave a blank vote, you are still expressing your opinion on the matter and your right while claiming no one of the choices appealed to you. Instead of looking like all he other lazy people that just don't vote.
Westerners don't deserve what they have, they have no civic sense and respect for their rights and duties. Thank God Asians are taking over.
He has plenty of "say" he's rich and influences people whoever he supports gets thousands of votes and nobody gets his personal vote.
Or you could say, I don't want either party to fuck me over therefore i won't vote for either.
Actually have a principled position not play the game of which candidate is least shit.
>supporting the duly elected president of the country hurts people
who? liberals? would he be so concerned for the comfort of republicans if Hillary had won?
>>obsessed with beards
you little cucks started crying because one old man has a beard, i dont even have a beard.
>I don't like my tax money going to bombings where children are collateral damage.."
Why is this your number one issue though? There are plenty of American children suffering in poverty.
>showing up to vote and writing 'fuck you niggers' on the ballot allows you to have an opinion but not voting doesn't
All the t_d refugees in here are only defending Kanye because they themselves aren't old enough to vote yet still feel like their opinion matters.
Yeah, arguing about this with Kanye might be easy, you guys didn't have the same stance with George Carlin though.
why are zoomers so triggered by beards
I didn't say bears are stupid I said his beard is stupid. Does he think that makes him look wise or something?
Why would voting in cali even matter for president? The only time your vote ever matters is in swing states.
Because millennials have them, and millennials are pussified little shits.
No one wants anything to do with millennial scum.
It’s a symbol of consent
This is true.
>what is autocorrect
Some people don’t spend 24/7 on this site and don’t have “Zoomer” in their dictionaries, you pathetic faggot.
>heh you’re just too young therefore I’m smart
Or, you could acknowledge the reality we live in, and adapt to it until you are successful in changing the system to your liking.
The "both parties are equal" is an okay argument, but it's disengenuous to pretend like the ways in which they want to fuck you over are entirely different.
so the hormones are working, I see.
I'm just waiting for an argument no need to get upset user.
>I didn't say bears are stupid
stop embarrassing yourself kiddo
>supporting trump hurts people
lol tell that to half the country that voted for him you fucking irrelevant old cunt
Your post was retarded.
Original reply to you meant for
You don't deserve spell checking.
*are NOT entirely different.
My bad.
The overwhelming majority of elections are won by whichever candidate has the most funding for their campaign. Your one vote can't compete against giant bloated ad campaigns. Even if it could, it wouldn't matter because the politician you voted for has no obligation to fulfill any of his campaign promises. He's going to spend his time helping the rich people who really got him elected.
This isn't even getting into how fucking broken the two-party system is, which the average person can do absolutely fuckall about because nobody with the means to get elected will ever want the two-party system that's keeping them in power to go away.
>heh I see you made a typo tough luck
I guess I see bombing as much much more horrible than the type of poverty that is commonplace in America. So even though there are more children in poverty in the US, I think bombing outweighs it. It's not like I don't care about the poor, I donate ~6% of my gross income to charity and I'd donate more if I didn't have to pay so much in taxes to support the military.
lurk more little faggot
embarrassing post fren
What do you mean you don't want to participate in the clown day at work? Becky in hr worked really hard on this! You can't just show up at do your job and go home you have to socialize!
Why should you get denied a political opinion if you don't vote? You still have to live under this system regardless of your participation in it.
idk what commie hellhole you crawled out of, buddy. but here in America we vote for our sheriff and our mayors.
reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers
>are you a cop
well you cant have any opinion on crime then
>are you a jew
well you cant have any opinion on israel then
>are you a woman
well you can't have any opinion on what a woman does then
fuck off Dave you retard
Because your participation in it is the only way to get the outcomes that you desire. It's really that simple.
To not vote and then also complain just makes you a crybaby, which Kanye notoriously already is.
Letterman. Refusing to take part in a broken system you don't believe in is a valid choice, as voting even though you think it does nothing only adds legitimacy to the proccess.
And yet politicians voted into office get to control what cops, jews and women do on a day to day basis.
But Kanye isn't complaining, he's saying he loves how the vote turned out and thinks the right guy is in charge. Everyone else seems to hate him saying this though and saying he doesn't get the right to say it.
Good, makes my vote more valuable.
Kanye isn't complaining. He just saying no matter what the media pushes they will never convince him to hate Trump, and talks about how you should listen to him instead of immediately tuning him out.
Letterman doesn't have the authority to make that call. As a citizen, Kanye has a say.
Letterman lets non-americans talk about trump. What a fucking hypocrite.
>did you vote Dave
>so you agree to the democratic process of elections then
>then you dont have a say in this
you, OP
You don't get to have an opinion on politics unless you're a politician. Period. Therefore both Letterman and kanye's opinions on the subject are of no matter.
Kanye wasn't the one complaining, he simply showed support for Trump, which he's not allowed to do apparently.
Ye is a California citizen no? Thats like if ai voted for Clinton in my bible belt state. Doesn't matter. Letterman.
He loves how the vote turned out why?
All we do is listen to Trump. He posts on twitter every half hour. The only reason I can fathom that Kanye supports Trump is because he sympathizes with the simple fact that both of them are rightfully called out for being absolutely retarded.
Then why didn't he vote? Too cool for it? To think you cucks worship this guy as LE HONORARY WHITE because he supports Trump. You deserve to be robbed by niggers who think they are too cool for laws and living with civilized people.
All votes are made of one votes therefore all votes matter or none matter your choice
>you're not old enough to vote
well you can't can't have any opinion on anything
Kanye is literally never right about anything.
His wife, his clothes, his politics, his hair, sending his mother to third world countries to get plastic surgery so he can save some money, etc.
He's fucked up, a lot.
That's what I don't get. Kanye has never voted and nobody every bitched about him complaining about politics before when he was complaining. Now he's like, oh, I like who is in charge now and everyone has a problem with it. Jay-Z is a registered felon and not allowed to vote and yet nobody ever complains about his political talk.
And what about criminals, they are denied the right to vote forever, this means they are no longer allowed to voice political opinions too? Letterman will be fine telling Angela Davis she is not allowed to speak on politics?
You don't listen to him if you think he's retarded. There is a difference between not liking him and just flat out calling him names and having childish outbursts which you are doing.
voting doesn't really matter at all. electorialism only reinforces a system that is built to serve capital, the consequences of which are no longer just "poor people stay poor". there are real environmental problems that are going to start having enormous impacts on the way people live their lives in the next 50 years. it's unlikely anything will be done because 1. conservative lawmakers are entirely bought by corporate lobbyists who resist meaningful change, or are just stupid and think science is fake 2. liberal lawmakers are also bought by corporate lobbyists who resist meaningful change, or the few that aren't are obsessed with civility and compromise. When is the last time a really progressive change came out of congress without overwhelming pressure from the left? it was more than 50 years ago, and a lot of those policies have been undone. so it becomes obvious that the system we are in is built primarily to preserve our current class relations. of course, poor people have always been and will always be the ones to suffer the consequences of this inaction.
Try to keep up with the argument brainlet. People against him are saying he doesn't have the right to complain because he didn't vote, but he's not complaining at all he just likes the guy, which destroys whatever argument you're trying to make.
>Did you vote for retarded candidate A or for retarded candidate B
No I didn't vote for anyone. Both choices are terrible.
>Then you don't have a say in this.
Bravo, nice argument there.
This is not a "woke" opinion. You're just sympathizing with a complete moron who rolls over and plays victim every time he gets called out for his stupidity.
You lack intelligence and so does Trump, and Kanye, and that is why you sympathize with both of them. We have no reason to think otherwise until you are able to reasonably articulate why you support Trump.
>>He loves how the vote turned out why
He said many times he and Trump have Dragon Energy and that can only be good for America.
Oh, so now the racist rhetoric about Kanye comes out once again because he's not "acting black" enough for you. I keep forgetting once that black baby comes out they stamp democrat on its ass.
>sending his mother to third world countries to get plastic surgery so he can save some money
human garbage
No its akin to complaining about your dinner when you dont cook, dont put in money for groceries or rent.
You don't like it? Buy your own groceries, cook your own food or move out and eat out. But you dont get a say on dinner otherwise, you look like an asshole.
Letterman with the serious low iq take
If you have enough influence to change 2 or more people's minds you literally made more of a difference by talking about it than it's possible to do by voting.
Note : this is literally not dispuatble
>if you like the guy I don't like you're dumb
Elementary school tier
Progressives have shown they dont have the brainpower to actually do anything to help the environment. So many of them have been brain washed by big oil and pop history that they actually think nuclear is bad.
There is no saving people that stupid. There is nothing that can be done to make people THAT stupid not as stupid.
He's right. you can't bitch about anything if you didn't vote
you are completely right, and anyone who disagrees with you is a fool
He could have voted for candidate c d e or not-counting.
If politics matter so little to you and you still complain your just a faggot
>d-dude you are racist
So? I am coherent, I don't change my opinion like you retards all the time.
>dude you must be a democrat if you don't like Kayne!
Kill yourself.
>He said many times he and Trump have Dragon Energy and that can only be good for America.
This is childish.
What is the magic dragon energy translating into as far as how it improves the lives of everyday Americans?
Articulate why you like him. It's your show.
Check 'em.
Letterman, fuck kikes and fuck niggers (except based Kanye)
>le low iq anarchist take
A non-vote is a vote. It means you don’t want to support whatever corporate stooge is running. I vote but respect non-voters.
>le my political opponents are stupid babies and I'm the smart and rational one!
repeating rhetoric
like the parrot he's been trained to be
High iq Post
please don't confuse liberals with progressives
I really hate the "THEN YOU CAN'T HAVE AN OPINION"
Yes I literally can have an opinion on anything regardless of circumstances.
non vote means i was watching tv all day on election day
unvaid ballot means you don't like the candidates
This post represents a lack of intelligence.
Articulate why he "lacks intelligence" , despite meeting every qualifier of success and intelligence in life.
We'll be waiting little NPC
I like how you didn't address any of my points because you know I'm right
I'm not confusing them. Progressives ARE anti-nuclear. Which is why they are retarded lemmings.
You can vote AND talk about it.
But talking about it is not participating.
This. Ultimately you only need like 1000 people to vote to get a broad canvassing of the overall electorates opinion.
On the contrary, Kanye has never been wrong and Trump is once again the right choice. A wife that has been 100% loyal and stuck with him through all this shit? Most married men would be lucky to have a wife as half as loyal as Kim's fat ass. And why is she so loyal? Because all those years everybody on the planet was telling Kanye to drop or divorce her, when Jay Z one of his supposed good friends doesn't even go to his wedding because he doesn't like his wife (and he cheats on his own wife lmao) Kanye said fuck the world, you're my choice, that's not changing. It's almost impossible to find a woman that values loyalty and Kanye found one of the only ones.
>If politics matter so little to you and you still complain your just a faggot
everyone has the right to talk about it and complain about it.
that's what freedom is all about.
If you don't't want that, you must make voting mandatory and remove the 1st amendment.
>i don't do anything to change the situation yet i love complaining
Nobody is saying you literally can't what we mean is what a retarded poser you are
You can, but you just come off as a whiny bitch to be ignored.
>voting in california/newyork
>They act all sanctimonious and highminded but they just wanna pressure you into joining their team.
100% true. never even engage with others politically. If they want to talk about who you're voting for, it's because they want you to vote for the same person they are. Those who actually respect the process cast their vote without attempting to sway others. Fucking proselytizers
>lesser of two evils
Tell them that Trump was the lesser of two evils at the time. Clintons have already done plenty of damage to the middle east. Trump at the time had no hand it, but that's different now.
You still have to explain why he didn't vote if he thinks Trump is the right choice.
It's not about me. You're attempting to change the conversation because you have nothing. Our entire back and forth is because you think him not voting and complaining is bad, all I said is he's not complaining at all. Don't over complicate this.
>I am racist
>kill yourself
Such fine arguments lmao.
read you down syndrome
This. Say whatever you want about Kim and Kanye but it's clear that they both love each other
>It's almost impossible to find a woman that values loyalty and Kanye found one of the only ones.
>a woman who only gained infamy from the release of a sex tape
Not all opinions are equal though.
Its why they are more and more using actual athletes as commentators because they've actually participated in what is being discussed.
Like complaining about your meal at home when you dont cook or put in money for groceries. There was an opportunity for you to be involved and you opted out. Complaining about things and not doing anything is just whining.
Trump doesn't make arguments. Other people do it for him and he just parrots back parts he remembers.
If no one shares my worldview of course I can not vote and still complain
I dont have any influence over another persons voting habits.
He inherited millions of dollars from his father yet lost millions of dollars year after year in plenty of failed businesses. He then by most accounts played very shady tax filing games to try to hide his failures, year after year. He's not a good businessman, which is the entire crux of his political fame.
The fact that he can't spell, and arguably can barely read, etc. don't even need to be mentioned.
Better argument than avoiding the question by bringing up a non existent hypocrisy in my behavior.
are you genuinely low IQ?
>This. Say whatever you want about Kim and Kanye but it's clear that they both love themselves
Important distinction.
The presidential election affects you so little as the average American. Voting in your local elections have massive effects on your life, but you dumbasses actually dont even do that and are trying to put people down for not voting in the most useless election of all.
Vote local or shut up, you mong
How many millions did he inherit?
How many millions does he have now?
>inb4 he would have done better putting it all on S&P
So would anyone
>supporting Trump hurts people
I guess we need to abolish our military and national borders then.
And I was talking about what Letterman said not your retarded argument.
>You don't have a say"
YES he has. no matter how edgy and retarded you want to be, he has a say.
Nobody knows how many millions he has now. Brainlet.
How many businesses does Trump have and how many of them went bankrupt? Asking because you seem to have a lot of knowledge on his professional life.
>Trump at the time had no hand it, but that's different now.
Except for donating to every Clinton campaign up unti that moment, but whatever.
Fun fact, in 2014 he even donated to Kamala Harris.
Why are they going so hard at Ye for this? Who is he hurting? Who has been hurt because Kanye wore a hat? He's not the only black that supports Trump. Reminds me of a few years ago when they tried to attack Lil Wayne because he said all lives matter.
>If you didn't vote for either candidate, both under different criminal investigations at the time by the way, you can't say anything.
I love the people that think voting entitles them to extra freedom of speech than people that didn't. That's not how freedom of speech works David.
>d-d-ude you s-stupid!
Why are people who dont vote insufferably smug
He was the person who most lost money for about a decade between the 80's and 90's according to the IRS.
>Our entire back and forth is because you think him not voting and complaining is bad, all I said is he's not complaining at all.
Kanye is literally telling blacks they're slaves for voting Democratic, and ignoring the very real racist statements/actions of Donald Trump just to play token Negro. He owes the world an explanation for that shit, and you are suggesting he doesn't. It would be the right thing to do for you to articulate why you feel this way.
The entire point is barely NOBODY KNOWS, because he refuses to release his tax returns, which literally implies some type of guilt. If he's so successful he should want to show that.
What Hypocrisy? I love Kanye, and think his Trump support is another brilliant choice. It's cool famalam. You can tell me all about killing myself again.
>Because your participation in it is the only way to get the outcomes that you desire.
There are many many ways that the average person participates that don't involve voting. Even if you didn't vote for or against your representatives, officials, or magistrates in the various levels and offices of government you still have a right to petition them for redress of your grievances. They're not going to turn you away simply because you don't have any ballot participation on your voting record.
This is what is so stupid about this argument. You don't become Persona non grata by some arbitrary absence on a specific day. This is just a fucking gay tactic used to silence opposing voices.
>all lives matter
I don't even begin to understand how this is even an attack-able position. What are you saying when you disagree with that?
>I know I'm losing this argument so I'm trying to force the other person to have all of the information in an attempt to make them look unprepared and foolish
>being this much of a child on a playground
That’s like saying I can’t support pepperoni pizza as the best even though I didn’t vote for it in the pizza polls
>Why are they going so hard at Ye for this?
kill yourself poofter
wow, what a fucking loser you are
I have never read a Trump tweet in my life. I didn't vote and I don't give a shit that the guy's in charge. It hasn't affected my life one tiny fucking bit, except for the constant bitching I hear from petty shitheads about it. If Hilary had won it wouldn't have mattered either. None of this shit is of the slightest importance, and YOU'RE the one obsessing over things that don't even effect you.
Saying black lives matter is not saying all lives don't matter
Saying all lives matter is saying black lives don't matter
Saying blue lives matter is hilarious fuck cops
When someone worth voting for comes along I will vote for that person.
>but muh lesser evil
Neck yourself, youre perpetuating a corrupt system and legitimising the rule of thieves and liars.
You're a slave for only voting for one party ever. He's not telling anyone to vote republican, he's not telling anyone to not vote democrat, he's saying to formulate your own opinions and to really listen to everyone. He just happens to like Trump.
You cant complain about the pizza that was ordered if you consciously chose to not participate in the order or put in money.
You can't without looking like an asshole at least.
fish and chips meat water slurper nigga
>They're not going to turn you away simply because you don't have any ballot participation on your voting record.
Now that's an idea that quite arguably should be implemented.
If you become a felon you're instantly denied any participation. If you willingly forfeit it, then....
>It hasn't affected my life one tiny fucking bit,
You're incredibly uninformed, therefore really shouldn't be calling anyone a loser. When your ass gets shipped off to fight in Iran, you literally wont be able to say shit.
Sounds based to me.
the only dubs in the thread speak truth
I never wanted a pizza so yes I can
>Donald Trump is a terrible businessman
I didn't know that because he seems successful to me and has made it far in life, but if you think that you must have a reason for it so I'd like to see it.
black lives are subcategory of all lives, you retard
>absolute brainlet
The absolute state of (you)
But what is happening is Kanye not voting has result in Trump losing 1 vote and instead he has told to his fans and public in large that they should vote Trump, which could possibly net Trump 1 000 000 votes.
Or lets say Vladimir Petin wants to give Trump his 1 vote, but can't since he is not American citizen. So whatever Petin thinks about Trump or American politics doesn't matter. However, Petin has indirectly told American people to vote for Trump, which gained Trump 62 984 828 votes.
Does Petin have a say in this?
maybe they don't vote because they don't care, but it's better if uninformed and uninterested people don't vote instead of voting for whatever popular candidate they heard about on tv and social media
>You're a slave for only voting for one party ever.
Ridiculous strawman. Nobody is blindly voting for one party forever. They are listening to ideas and formulating their own opinions. The very thing Kanye thinks he's WOKE for suggesting.
The irony is Kanye BLATANTLY states he doesn't pay attention to political issues, and doesn't vote. Yet suddenly he's the expert on how to formulate opinions on political issues, and how you should vote.
lmao imagine how fucking low IQ you would have to be to think Donald Trump can't read, not to mention not knowing how real estate and bankruptcy works
Little idiots just repeating what they've been told like good little wind up soldiers
Choices of pizza:
Remember to take a bite or you cant complain.
>Kanye is literally telling blacks they're slaves for voting Democratic, and ignoring the very real racist statements/actions of Donald Trump just to play token Negro.
So if you don't vote democrat when you are black you are:
-saying blacks that do are slaves
- are a token negro
So, blacks don't get a choice at all? You can vote democratic or not vote and if you don't vote you don't get to say anything? And you'd have the exact same problem if Kanye was against Trump since he didn't vote right?
I'm starting to think he's not a bad businessman and you just can't figure out how to save face.
Prove to me he can read.
That is an EXTREMELY racist statement. And retard lives matter too don't diminish their vote. 1 vote from a retard is equal to 1 vote of a non-retard.
It’s even worse because Kanye is not complaining. Kanye is saying things are good and Letterman is telling him he can’t even say that he’s happy if he didn’t vote.
Politics truly is their religion and Kanye hasn’t performed the right sacraments to participate
>implying i want jury duty
Fuck capeshitters
Fuck people who post sjw articles
Fuck /pol/
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
Fuck /leftypol/
Fuck disney
Fuck star wars
Fuck /got/
Fuck people who post twitter post
Everyone is doing what Kanye is suggesting you should do? That's great.
You're on Yea Forums. You were never going to change your mind about anything anyway. You're my brother, user, and I will always care about you. But let's not pretend we're having The Great Debate here.
Meanwhile +1 will always equal more no mater how much you type.
But hey, you welcome celebrities sharing their opinion and encouraging others to participate in that which they will not, that's on you, no judgement on that at all.
Saying black lives matter is saying all lives don't matter because blacks getting shot by police is not statistically more significant than any other group getting shot by police. So if you're gonna have a problem with blacks getting shot and not anyone else, then you've got a bias.
The only "solution" to the "problem" that BLM is concerned about is to remove a cop's right to defend themselves when they feel they're life, or the life of another officer or bystander is threatened by a suspect that refuses to submit peacefully, to do that is to deny their right to live and work as safely as possible, which is
saying blue lives don't matter, only black criminal lives do.
desu cops should just get the fuck out black communities and they can all kill each other, they're a lost cause.
>supporting Trump hurts people
The absolute state of the left
I can't take anyone seriously who takes Kanye's political views seriously.
He's neither progressive nor conservative, he couldn't name Trump's policies when pressed on the issue, he only likes Trump because of the hat.
>Choices of pizza:
>now i dont eat that, ever, in my life, but y'all should definitely partake in the vomit out of all the choices, vomit is tight as fuck, my absolite homie.
- ye
But is it OK to be white?
>So if you don't vote democrat when you are black you are:
I really wish the strawmans would stop. You are bending over backwards to assume things not being implied at all.
It is absolutely ridiculous to expect any black person to vote Republican post the 1940s. Do we need to delve into the racist history of America, and which side of the line the political parties have routinely fallen into?
I'll try a strawman of my own: SO what you're saying is that the only way for a black to prove they're not a "nu-slave" is to vote for a Republican who routinely refused to rent real estate to blacks, took out full page ads in the NYT calling for the death penalty of 5 literally innocent falsely accused black children, etc, etc?
>you were never going to change your mind anyway
Because he's actually a good businessman and you just can't admit you don't like him. Again I have nothing against people that don't like him just be honest, don't try to claim he's some retard failure just because you're angry.
>>Now that's an idea that quite arguably should be implemented.
No it shouldn't. If you want high turnout, just do what Australia does and fine people that don't vote $100. Or will blacks also complain about that in America.
Take the Obama vote. There were millions of people that had never voted in their entire lives that voted for the chance to creat the first black president. And then he killed Osama Bin Laden. Remember, it's 100% Hilary's fault that she couldn't get black people to vote for her. She couldn't even get white women to vote for her.
>Your one vote can't compete against giant bloated ad campaigns
it did in 2016 when /our guy/ won despite being outspent by the evil old hag :)
>So if you don't vote democrat when you are black you are:
>saying blacks that do are slaves
Wrong. When you are saying that black that do are slaves, then you are saying that blacks that do are slaves.
The issue user adressed is: Kanye saying these things. Not implying them by 'not voting Democrat' (which he didn't anyway). I can't believe I have to explain this to you, you autist.
>because blacks getting shot by police is not statistically more significant than any other group getting shot by police.
This is horrendously false, therefore the entirety of your post can be ignored.
friend, I saw tales from the hood 2 and according to spike lee if you vote republican the ghosts of every civil rights leader will haunt you
>Kayne is considered the most influential and important american artist
>user can't read headlines
Go back.
You can never take a free mans freedom of speech as long as they live no matter how hard you try.
>If you become a felon you're instantly denied any participation. If you willingly forfeit it, then....
If implemented it would probably be parallel to anyone who doesn't have a current positive contribution to tax revenue being denied the ability to petition government. That would make every recipient of Welfare and every felon in practice a non-citizen. They would be nothing more than wards of the state.
No citizen ever loses their right to petition governmental officials or have an opinion on how they conduct governmental policies and exercise their authority. To give up that right you have to give up your citizenship entirely.
what a yid
No wonder Trump is prez.
>If you want high turnout, just do what Australia does and fine people that don't vote $100. Or will blacks also complain about that in America.
That's the best idea you've got? We can't start with making the voting system we have more accessible online or something simple like that? Jesus.
>Remember, it's 100% Hilary's fault that she couldn't get black people to vote for her. She couldn't even get white women to vote for her.
You wont find me disputing this at all.
>look like an asshole
who gives a fuck? are you a woman or something?
terrible b8
It's not. In relation to the amount of crime each group commits they all get shot at a similar rate.
Just put a celebrity and Americans will vote for him. Democrats should make Oprah run.
>this guy who is successful, rich, president of the united states, is actually a moron because the Tee Vee told me so!
It's funny no matter how many times you lefty pol reset era faggots try to "debate" politics, you always have the exact same arguments and talking points that are virtually indistinguishable from those that were designed by dem superPACs years ago
The harsh truth is that Trump is the most progressive president in recent history, he makes "No gay marriage" Obama look bad.
The one that raped a bunch of women and somehow got away with an apology.
can we just do that black mirror thing where we vote for cartoon characters
>No it shouldn't. If you want high turnout, just do what Australia does and fine people that don't vote $100. Or will blacks also complain about that in America.
Blacks complain that needing an ID to vote is racist, I cant imagine how many would be chimping out if they had to pay $100 fine to not vote
Except those people don't all have the same opinions so again, it's pointless
The only thing to change the current situation is a reactionary revolution, gay little votes don't matter at all, the winner is already vetted by TPTB
s-shut up
no u
no they don't.
>because the Tee Vee told me so!
Imagine being so much of an underage Zoomer that you don't remember pre-2010s Trump. How old are you, user? Are you still in high school?
>If implemented it would probably be parallel to anyone who doesn't have a current positive contribution to tax revenue being denied the ability to petition government.
That's a LEAP. Nah nigga. It can be simple. You skip out on 3 consecutive national elections, you forfeit your right to participation in future elections. Hell, Republican parties at the state level already adopt practices based on similar ideas, going though and purging voter registrations for anyone who didn't vote in the last election.
She cheated?
Why do people in the media hate Trump so much? Anything positive sent his way sends them into a frenzy.
I wasn't the original person claiming it but, yeah, sure, you're right. I don't have any facts right now because I'm not going to bend over backwards googling shit for you when I know it doesn't matter to either of us.
I could show you shit about so-and-so number of bankruptcies, or articles about failed endeavors, or third-party stories of illegal shit. And you can easily discount most of it for one reason or another. So why are you pretending to have an open mind, when if you did, you'd just go look shit up yourself anyway?
He is a failure. He's just failed upwards. Don't act like that's not a thing, and don't act like those are people to be sincerely admired. Or maybe you do think they should be. I suppose I can understand that. But it seems like such a cynical viewpoint and value system.
>If you want high turnout, just do what Australia does and fine people that don't vote $100.
lmao your fucking delusional if you think this makes us fucking vote.
>In relation to the amount of crime
The correlation is less relevant since the entire point is that blacks are more likely to be stopped by the police in the first place, despite NOT committing crime at a higher rate than any other group.
that Harmony Korine interview is a classic. and the Crispin Glover on drugs interview too
This. Letterman, like a typical liberal is projecting his disease.
Kanye never said voting democrats makes you a slave. At the most he said that blacks are still stuck in a slave mindset. Kanye has said more than anything love love and love will bring this country closer together and nobody wants to listen to him. Instead they "cancel" him and other shit. The outrage he has received from white people who loved him 3 years ago has been shocking. These people fucking LOVED him. Turns out it was conditional on him towing the line. It always is for blacks.
I read one piece insult Kanye for 1000 words and then go on to Praise 03 Greedo, a meth dealer currently serving 20 years for drug and gun charges. I read another that said Kanye West wants to fuck his daughter because of a song where he worries about her growing up. I'm just saying, when a black person in America doesn't vote democrat, he finds out just how much of that love was real.
>this guy who gurgles Arabian cum every night is actually based because /pole/ told me so
It's funny watching you Burgers self destruct your own country, I'll give you that
>rich successful people can't be morons
>We can't start with making the voting system we have more accessible online or something simple like that?
All this shit about hacking and your solution is an app for voting? Jesus.
>you don't get to have an opinion because you didn't cast a worthless vote in your home state which is 100% guaranteed to be blue every goddamn year
For people who complain so much about the electoral college so much they sure as fuck don't seem to understand it.
>Blacks complain that needing an ID to vote is racist
A state-issued photo ID is what they're rightfully complaining about. You didn't need one for decades up until Republicans at state levels realized it could be enacted as a make-shift poll tax in communities of color that don't have as easy access to DMV offices.
>his beard makes him a man
it obviously does tho
>despite NOT committing crime at a higher rate than any other group
This is horrendously false, therefore the entirety of your post can be ignored.
Despite being 13% of the population, blacks commit over 50% of violent crime.
>he outrage he has received from white people who loved him 3 years ago has been shocking. These people fucking LOVED him. Turns out it was conditional on him towing the line. It always is for blacks.
It was conditional on him being sane.
I don't mind conservative artists. My favorite filmmaker is a Republican.
Kanye has turned into a basket case who's unironically proud of not taking his meds.
I think you have a closed mind and think everyone else does too. Your post seems like a lot of projection.
>blacks are all driving without licenses
yikes, no wonder they get pulled over so much
>Obama and his cronies sell guns to mexican drug lords right at the border, which are then used to kill americans
Nothing to see here, not a big deal
>Trump allows sand niggers 5000 miles away to shoot each other with american made guns
>All this shit about hacking and your solution is an app for voting?
Wait WHAT? Who hacked what? When? Go on....
racist asshole.
In Czechoslovakia (And rest of eastern europe), during communism, there were still regularly held elections. Voting was mandatory and you had only one ballot to choose from. Only way to show resistance to the regime was either by not voting or casting a blank ballot.
Not voting is valid choice and gesture in itself.
You're voter turnout is on average above 85% at every election. That will never be the case in America. Implement the fine, I want to see if it does make a difference.
Some of care about character.
Or know that not all opinions are equal, and an asshole's is simply worth less.
>Despite being 13% of the population, blacks commit over 50% of violent crime
How do they cash their welfare checks without ID though user? How do they buy their 40's without ID? I
Post your silly beard
Give them one when they get arrested. The process isn't any different when they're added to crime registry.
Sure, he wasn't explicit, he simply implied it.
Like the coward president he supports always does, wait he didnt support him since he didn't vote...the fucker he hypes.
go to the dmv like everyone else and get a fucking id there is literally no excuse
>gangs of beaner junkie rats are a greater threat than billionaire-funded terrorists
As I said Tyrone, it's fun watching your ship go down.
dilate, it’s finna heal up
Why was voting without state-issued IDs a thing forever until southern states decided otherwise? It was implemented to suppress the minority vote. Stop being stupid.
I agree with the admired thing you said though btw.
>supporting trump hurts people
Jesus christ, the man created the best domestic market since the 50s WITHOUT the help of a global war recovery, enacted the most comprehensive criminal rehabilitation program ever to actually get the dindus off the street and is exposing the DC corruption and frankly their inability to adapt to everyone, not that the man's been perfect (fucking Bolton? Why? )
The only way it hurts people is emotionally because they can't deal with being wrong
You do realize that the leader of the cartel is considered to be the worlds richest man right? And that a large portion of his men are military trained right?
whatever you say, lady.
people can be assholes one minute and nice the next. way to write someone off because of a simple statement that you don’t like.
How many skyscrapers have the cartels blown up?
Kanye has been insane his entire life. A sane person doesn't go on tv and shout George Bush doesn't care about black people. He's always spoke of how people have called him insane. He hasn't changed all that much. I remember after the Taylor Swift shit, when he lost the love of white people once and made MBDTF. He said in an interview he hates that album because it was an apology album and he didn't actually do anything wrong, except tell the truth. You can watch his Zane Lowe interviews. If anything, the biggest difference now is Kanye is actually happier right now in life than he's ever been. But now his actions are damaging to his entire race or some shit I guess, because he likes Trump.
>A state-issued photo ID is what they're rightfully complaining about.
>You didn't need one for decades up until Republicans at state levels realized it could be enacted as a make-shift poll tax
Cost of getting the alternative photo ID useful for voting: $0
> in communities of color that don't have as easy access to DMV offices.
They setup Polling ID buses that visited every county in the state THREE TIMES EACH the year before the election season.
Also I would like to point out that between demographics there is only a 3 to 5% difference in the number of people in each group that didn't have a form of ID that was accepted at polling places. The last poll conducted on the topic showed that 14% to 18% of whites didn't, and 18% to 23% of Blacks didn't.
I'm always amused by the argument that voter ID is used to suppress minority votes when it wouldn't impact or even effectively deter any specific demographic group. The assertion is based on completely baseless and severely condescending assumptions about different groups.
If you want every vote to COUNT and be valid then voter ID laws ensure that voter fraud is more widely prevented.
It's what fbi stats say, you can believe it's some racist conspiracy if you want, but it makes sense.
Everyone agrees blacks make up the majority in prisons.
Everyone agrees that black ghettos are generally much more dangerous than other neighborhoods in the US.
Why would that be if blacks weren't more prone to criminal activity?
They're all just getting arrested for no reason? Just racism? How would you identify that? Because every black person arrested said they're innocent and we're suppose to take their word for it?
I dont know, perhaps because fraud? Why can't i just go into a bank and say my name is Tyrone Jackson and ask for $500 without showing ID? (besides the fact that blacks only use cash checking services because they are too retarded to not overdraft every week)
>the man created the best domestic market since the 50s
He's riding the wave that Obama crested on the economy. "OBAMA DINDU NUFFIN" not needed. Trump gave tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires that only EVER lead to deficits and recessions, even after promising that the middle-class would receive it.
Because Democrats are using illegal immigrants and dead people for voter fraud, you mong.
It's irrelevant what the motivation was - I mean you are not going to shit on civil rights act just because it was motivated by political effort to court minority votes. Fact is that mandatory IDs are a thing in most of civilised world.
It's not hard to get photo registered ID in America if you are an American. It's not even expensive, in most cases it is free.
>he doesnt know who's behind the towers
Ahh nevermind, we can stop talking now
An asshole's opinion isnt worth anything.
Some people are assholes about politics, Kanye is one.
I wouldn't hear about his opinion on plastic surgery or saving on medical costs since he killed his mother by sending her to third world countries for liposuction.
Hes an idiot, a proud one, which is worse. Like being proud about not reading.
>Cost of getting the alternative photo ID useful for voting: $0
This is false in North Carolina. A state-issued ID costs $11-20 (can't remember), essentially meaning that each voter is REQUIRED to spend money before they vote, which is called a fucking poll tax which is fucking illegal.
I've got facial hair but people who sperg out about their beards and how manly they are, are usually overcompensating for being massive faggots
I don't know, I strongly feel like he's been in a downward spiral since the Pablo era. He used go to therapy, no? Not anymore apparently.
I agree that certain people (cough cough Pitchfork) only turned on Kanye when he became openly pro-Trump. They were perfectly fine with Kanye fucking losing it regularly before. They even romanticized his outbursts.
Im an american citizen, and i cant vote.
Im not allowed to unless i move to the continental US, and only after months of residency am i allowed an ID. Then, i can vote, if i didnt miss the elections.
This thread is a fucking shitshow and if you faggots are the average participants in our democracy well fuck it count me out. Not a club I want to be a member of.
eLeCTiOn FrAuD is not a real thing, at all. There have been a handful of "legitimate cases" in the billions of votes that have been cast in recent history. Conservatives made that shit up to justify enacting their voter ID laws.
are you unaware that write-in ballots are a thing?
Well that's what democracy is. Go to China.
no one IS an “asshole”
you can do asshole things or say something asshole-ish, but that same person could go work for a charity for dying children with cancer two minutes later.
labeling people as assholes is just a way for you to write them off in your small brain and pretend like everything they do is worthless.
This. Im actually a lobbyist who is pushing for mandated government transit to all voting stations. Some people don't have the gas money to make it to a polling station, or they don't have cars, etc.
It is the people who don't have $11 or gas money who matter most to this country. They are the ones who are helping us out the most, and we need to value their input at the government level the most.
Jesus I didn’t even read your whole post before responding. how are you going to call someone an asshole and then be an asshole about him in the same two sentences? holy shit what a fucking hypocrite.
>Im not allowed to unless i move to the continental US
My mistake. If you are a United States Citizen, getting to vote is very easy.
>t's irrelevant what the motivation was
It's entirely the point. Why are you okay with being a parrot for Republicans who are routinely looking for ways to suppress voter participation?
No. Chaps your ass doesn't it.
>our democracy
>its actually a republic
KEK get out brainlet
>no argument
I win, thanks dumb zoomer faggot
>doesn't understand percentages vs gross totals
>obomba did it
Know how I know you're fucking dumb?
This is absolutely ridiculous. Governmental participation should only be for the wealthy and white. Nobody else matters.
>eLeCTiOn FrAuD iS nOt A rEaL tHiNg, At AlL, 'fOr My MaStErS tElL mE sO
You've literally got campaign officials saying they do it on film
There is literally nothing preventing non-citizens from voting, so why wouldn't they?
Democratic republic you minibrain dong sucker.
Im not allowed to do that.
I am a full citizen, since birth.
What fucking sense does that make? Why the fuck WOULD they willingly participate in the system if they're illegal?
Illegals are some of the most law-abiding people in this fucking country. Because they don't want to get caught.
You just dont like what im saying.
That makes you the asshole.
>democratic republic
>adjective noun
Is a small dog considered a small? or is it a dog?
USA was a fucking mistake. The founding fathers were cool but once they died off everything just started going to shit.
>dude stop generalizing and labeling people!
>labels people
It is considered both small and dog. Fucking brainlets I swear.
Not really. You still have to stay here, watching these headless monkeys decide the laws you have willingly chosen to abide by.
Unrelated, Trump's ban of transgenders from participating in the military has been a complete triumph and put an end to these traps from getting free sex change ops costing the taxpayer millions of dollars. And do note, they do get to serve after they transistion. They just can't join up, decide they actually want a dick and then demand the military pay for it.
>He hasn't bothered to look up the numbers
Are you not allowed to get a passport?
>Illegals are some of the most law-abiding people in this fucking country
This makes sense to me.
Yes, funny enough i am.
I got the passport. The book and the card. Just no say in federal politics and i dont get a senator or representative in Congress.
Military veterans by in large are still suffering to even get appointments with the VA at all, and yet men who want to cut their dicks off are the priority?
America is fucked.
This. Adjectives and nouns are literally the same thing, and using words is a patriarchal system designed to make it harder for minorities to get jobs
Hey DC bro, I work in your city and fucking hate it desu senpai
every other country on the planet has a voter ID system
There is literally no downside to making sure a real person is casting a vote and now just some democrat operative canvasing elderly and black neighborhoods, getting(stealing) their mail ballots forms and then dropping them off by the truckload at the polls after they close in districts where it's a close race.
Oh wait, that's exactly what they've been caught doing in multiple states lol
Mandatory gun licenses would suppress the number of firearm owners just like mandatory driving license suppresses number of drivers and so on. Voter participation is not a holy grail to strive for - sure it's good when you have high election turnout but it's not something to build your system around.
European Parliament elections have consistently below-average voter turnout numbers but it does not mean that every single european country should enforce mandatory voting or stop requiring mandatory voter IDs. To me - as an european - this looks like just another politicised issue. Mandatory ID is logical way to prevent voter fraud, it is a commonplace in most of civilised world and it did not turn europe into dystopian far right fascist dictatorship like you predict it would in the US.
It's honestly absolutely irrelevant what the republican motivation is - most tools of democracy have less than noble origins. FPTP systems, election thresholds and even mandate distribution methods are all widely accepted democratic mechanisms despite the fact that that by your logic they should be abolished because they suppress the electorate.
Ah we have a fair idea
The United States is a federal republic and a constitutional representative democracy.
Just fyi. Idiots.
>Military veterans
The VA is a shitshow, anyone that thinks they can fix it good luck to them. The President has to concern himself with modern threats though, real ones not ones like that climate change bullshit.
>oThEr CoUnTrIEs Do iT
The one thing I can give Trump for is saying fuck you to other countries. I don't give a fuck what England has to say about Voter ID laws. It is literally irrelevant what Spain does with their voting system. America was founded on the ideal that everyone is welcome, and everyone is entitled to participate in a non-monarchist system. Voter ID laws directly contradicts that, and the very fact that only one side of the American political spectrum pushed for it should be telling enough.
Good guess, but no.
Did work around DC years ago. Taxes are amazingly high!
Quiet there's no point talking to any of these people who don't even know the name of their senator.
*give Trump CREDIT for
You're welcome, MAGAs.
>Voter ID laws directly contradicts that
How? Is there a law prohibiting certain groups of people from obtaining state ID?
Why should I care who my senator is? Is he going to ever do anything to help me personally? If I call and ask for his help will he? No. I'm not rich enough to matter to him so why should he matter to me.
So do you oppose gun restriction laws only because one side of the spectrum pushes is? Do you oppose more liberal abortion laws for that reason?
And so on and so on.
>Voter ID laws directly contradicts that
How? This country has borders and laws. Borders other countries don't want to respect and then try to sneak in to vote for people that also don't care about our borders.
Any and every legal citizen can get a photo ID. Even felons can get a photo ID.
No, but its racist if you expect black people to have $20 to get an ID. Its not like its a fucking bike they can steal from your yard
you can be a zoomer, you can’t be an “asshole”
Here in America, we should be making it easier to exercise our right to participate in elections. We should not be gaslighting about election fraud that does not exist in order to make it harder.
Conservatives benefit every. single. time. the vote is suppressed. Is that not telling enough? Is this really a hard concept to grasp? Were America's past elections for the last 200 years invalid because citizens voted in them without being required to produce a state-issued ID?
fuckin rico pay federal taxes and you can have a vote. until then fuck off.
It doesn't matter what he opposes or not. He gets to do so as a free citizen. And even vote on these choices and protest ones he doesn't agree with.
> we should be making it easier to exercise our right
Your right. Not a mexican's right, not a Canadian's right. An American's right to participate in an American election. And it's a right every legal age American has, and it's a right that should be defended from dilution by illegal interlopers.
>Conservatives benefit every. single. time. the vote is suppressed.
In other words Democrats benefit whenever there's no prevention of illegal voting
>we should be making it easier to exercise our right to participate in elections
I feel we should be making them available to all legal citizens guaranteed the right to vote and photo ID is the easiest solution to that. I may have problems with gerrymandering but not with voter ID.
I'm just saying that argumenting against something - anything - only because one side supports it and the other does not is pretty fucking retarded.
The s&p argument is wrong, it makes 2 false assumptions: 1) none of his other 5 siblings get any inheritance 2) the general average growth of the market and ignored all actual downturns that happened
He made money at above market rate
>Conservatives benefit every. single. time. the vote is suppressed
>conservatives win every time that the vote is fair, instead of one side allowed to cheat by having dead people vote
It also fails to take into consideration the 22,000 employees his corporation has.
In one hand he could have a shitload of money sitting in a bank with nothing to show for, in the other he has less money, but 22,000 people are able to pay their mortgages, have families, etc. What is worth more?
>Your right. Not a mexican's right, not a Canadian's right. An American's right to participate in an American election. And it's a right every legal age American has, and it's a right that should be defended from dilution by illegal interlopers.
As previously stated, this is a strawman. There are not hundreds of Mexicans or Canadians showing up to polls to vote in America's elections.
>conservatives win every time that the vote is fair,
Bush Jr. did not win fairly, and neither did Trump. Let's talk nigga. Let's talk about how the Electoral College has outlived it's usefulness and should now be abolished.
U r all gay niggers I love u all goodnight
>There are not hundreds of Mexicans or Canadians showing up to polls to vote in America's elections.
Prove it faggot. Protip: you can't prove a negative, but you can take one small preventative step to minimise the possibility of it happening.
>on page 9
See you faggots later
How You Know When Someone Has Lost; Chapter 1; Page 1