What do you tell people when they ask for your favorite films and shows?
What do you tell people when they ask for your favorite films and shows?
Vanishing Point
>What do you tell people when they ask for your favorite films and shows?
I don't have friends so I never get asked for anything.
Nothing because I haven't shared words with another human being, beyond mumbling thanks to cashiers, for about 9 years.
Who is this?
superbad. it used to very bad for me because I'd tell people I am "into movies" or whatever and they'd ask me what was my favorite movie and I'd say superbad and then they'd rate me as a retard. but it's a classic and being considered a retard is better than lying
I tell them I like Marvel movies and Game of Thrones. Then they talk to me
I tell people that their inferior brains can’t handle the mentally demanding kino that I enjoy, and informing them of it will not be good for them. Most of them don’t understand, which is fair because the majority of the planet have a mental capacity of a 12 year old
Tell them i like westworld, but they just ignore it and tell me about outlander and how good of a show it is
That I don't watch movies or TV shows
That's retarded or you're hanging out with retards. Either way, you're retarded.
The Jerk and Futurama
how can I live like you?
no this is Patrick
Kathleen McClellan playing Jerry's nudist girlfriend, from S9E9.
Swindler's List
favourite tv: deadwood
favourite movies: old movies.
fight club and breaking bad
haha yeeea uhm Pulp Fiction for sure haha *sweating* and uhm heh GoT m-maybe haha
TV: Parker Lewis Can't Lose
Film: Weird Science
The wire
12 angry men
I just say Seinfeld. Not that it is. I just like to watch peoples faces when I say it.
those women on 90-00's movies are so beutiful man
I tell them the truth.
I don't have any favorite piece of visual art.
I don't care about naming something "my favorite yaddayaddabingbang".
Honestly, fuck these types of mundane questions.
Jean de Florette
I say good burger or heavy weights sonetimes
They are only trying to get to know you, you shitstick.
Leave out the "shitstick" part of your comment and I'll consider replying to you, defending my position on why people that ask these types of questions "to get to know me" aren't worth engaging with.
Yeah when it comes to my favourite movies and Tv shows I just tell them truth about how I like all kinds of crazy shit from Annie Hall to Seinfeld to Difficult People to American Hustle to Mean Streets to Bullit to Point Blank to Dirty Harry to Bring Me Head Of Eddie Fisher to Black Mass to Boogie Nights to Avengers to The Middleman to Danger 5 to Dangerman to The Prisoner to Doctor Who to Altered States to Stranger Things to The Adventures Of Buckeroo Banzai to Misfits Of Science to Alex Cox's Repo Man to Star Trek The Original Series to Killjoy's to Deadwood to West World to shit dude, I don't know, Robot Jox.
I tell them that my favorite current Tv series is Gotham or how Adam West Batman, The Dork Knight, was my favorite TV show growing up as a kid and that only reason why I agreed to take up piano lessons was so I could learn how to play opening theme music. I tell them truth because you should never be ashamed of who you are even when what you are is fucking crazy weird freak who can't function in real world without a DVD player, CD and stereo to come home to.
and it was government fault,dyatlov dindu nuffin
Mulholland Drive
Bladerunner: the final cut
It's a great movie user. I admire your honesty
No. You are a cunty shitstick. There is no need to defend yourself.
Shining (Kubrick, 1980)
一代宗師 / 一代宗师 (Kar-Wai, 2013)
L'inhumaine (L'herbier, 1924)
[달은 해가 꾼는 꿈] 예고편 (Park, 1992)
بادکنک سفيد (Panahi, 1995)
I fucking love this pasta.
Rashomon though I just love Akira Kurosawa. Normally people think I'm talking about an anime.
The Tree of Life
the wailing
true detective season1
kino as fuck taste