Is she right?

is she right?

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ha everytime

Posting articles no one gives a fuck about is literally ruining this board

>not giving a fuck about jewish subversion
you should


i mean nobody wants OLD white men. but that's always been the case. we dont have to reboot stuff

Times up

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No one has embraced shit, though. Don't confuse that with people watching the drivel that gets produced because there's little else with the same budget or hype.



It's like clockwork

Oy vey that's a good thing!

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>in the last 4 years, moviegoers have embraced poc and female led movies

Without naming capeshit, name one.


No please mister minority dont replace me yet


Yes, I want black queens with huge hips and titties as my main characters

What if my ancestors were too poor to avoid or upkeep slaves?
And why do i get heritage sin like we live in a tribal village again? Isnt this why wars start in the world today, because this group did something against my ancient group?

Is this just Indiana Jones or all movies?
If its just Indiana Jones, does _audience_ even care if they make more.

Do you idiots know how many whites play video games and waste their time in general? We need blacks playing games and watching films. then they can't reproduce.

win win

You guys need to think of these articles in a positive way.

No one gives a shit about who the protagonist is. People went to go see Jurassic Park cause dinosaurs, people saw men in black cause aliens. It's not like people go see jackie chan movies cause he's asian, they go cause of his style of film making and the stunt pieces.

But the blacks are occupied with basketbal and rap. While they chase the top spot they burn themself and kill themself in gangwars.

>reee white males nobody likes you STUPID GOYS
meanwhile in reality a movie about an old white boys superhero club is about to become the highest grossing film of all time.

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This price you have to pay for being white user

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Honestly yeah.
I'm a white guy like I guess most of you are, but I am just finding it so cliche seeing a guy like me in every leading role. I mean, theres other people on this earth lol.
Whats the chances that every 'chosen one' has white skin?
Also the 'blacked' stuff bothers me. I have a few black friends and I don't care when I see them with white girls, why would I? Its not like I don't get my fair share too.

I stick to shows and movies made from the 70's to the mid 2000's, with very few exceptions only when something special comes along, which is exceedingly rare. So have at it. Feminists, trannies, forced diversity, white men are evil narratives, whatever. They can't take away the classics.

Dunno, OP. Was she when you started this same thread yesterday?

Even worse is that slaves were brought in to undercut the wages of your white working class ancestors

troll smarter, not harder. 2/10.

you have to go to christian private school and participate in a non state sanctioned exercise?

(((Fellow white))) detected

Of all sad words of tongue or pen

why would non whites be able to succeed? that’s so unrealistic

Still not as bad as said ancestors fighting each other for the opportunity to lick the assholes of slaveholders, whom they regarded as their natural superiors.

>Whats the chances that every 'chosen one' has white skin?
really really high
nobody would chose a nigger

>like I guess most of you are

You might like to do an image search search for "/pol/ meetup".

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Looks more like some theatrical sin banishing you know from church. Is this some sort of protestant thing to confess your sin?
And signaling that they are not bad? Guess this is more like some egoistic thing so they wont feel guilty anymore.

28 people in this thread are retarded and complaining about a fake article that was just posted yesterday

when will you learn

>let me tell you my bullshit opinion
no thanks shekel monster

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The problem is that africans sold their brethren, just because they were from a enemy tribe. Only later on with colonizing whites came into slavetrading. Before that it was muslims and blacks.

>about to become the highest grossing film of all time.
user, I...

>This moved past the artcicle
Being such a brainlet to miss the point its just an opener to other discussions.

>Whats the chances that every 'chosen one' has white skin?
100%, almost all superior races have white skin.
>I'm a white guy
I'm sure you are, Mordecai.

this discussion is for the wrong board faggot

>Posting articles no one gives a fuck about is literally ruining this board
Fucking this. Posting screenshots of articles and twitter shit should be a banable offence.

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>100%, almost all superior races have white skin.

but every race has its wretched inferior dregs, marginal types who cling the hardest to sentimental notions of superiority. /pol/ and Yea Forums are remarkable in their ability to attract such high concentrations of the type

>Only later on with colonizing whites came into slavetrading.
By the time Africa was colonized, slavery was illegal in Europe.


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Yeah sure.

Avengers, filled with 10000 white male protagonists, grossed billions. And people don't want white male protagonists? GTFO.

fuck off nigger you arent welcome here

>watching movies made after the 1990s in the first place

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The science is in brothah the industry built by white people and Jews in a white country doesn't need you. Look at the Force Awakens and Black Panther which totally aren't based on sure-to-win brands backed by millions of dollars and a company that has all the industry talent.

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we want to get fucked by rich women and rich niggers not by rich white men.
god damn the US is such a hateable fucking dumb country.

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Literally every time

So Jewish traders bought African slaves from other Africans, brought them over to the Americas in Jewish slave ships then sold them on, mostly to other jews, to undercut the wages of white workers.

And this is whitey's fault how?

>"white" americucks brutally treat keep&their slaves like they are some bug people
>"haha, it was just a joke bros"


>The audience

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not him but can you provide sources for the fact that most slave owners were jews

You know, those slack jawed dullards who hand over their wageybux to watch the same superhero movie over and over again

I don't fucking give a fuck if main protagonist is fucking white, black, latino, mulatto, mixed race, gay, cripple or god forbid a woman.

It just has to make sense. I can't do half the shit Arnold Scwarzenneger does in his movies and I'll never look half as ripped so the movies that push "strong female characters" shouldn't be deluding girls that this is what they can be. It's definitely what they should strive to be, but not necessarily can be. Brie Larson is so far up her own ass with that that I believe she'll wake up one day crying when she'll realize she's not an alien hybrid jet-fuel pilot.


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this is what everyone is getting wrong, the swj and the retards here, they are just black and white, mostly US retards are like that, the US is the most brainwashed country on earth beside NK.

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Yes you do. You're just so well-conditioned that you feel compelled to say that you don't.

These pictures always look like arrested drug traffickers in Thailand when I see them.

Really? I'm Asian, and haven't been to the theaters since the hollyjews turned up the affirmative action meter to 11 years ago.
I don't care that the cast represents a diversity rainbow, but rather that they are able to play a believable role.

this nigga gets it.

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This. No more Captain Mah-Vaginas please.

Every fucking time.

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>Whats the chances that every 'chosen one' has white skin?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Do Jews love mountains? Why they keep calling themselves berg

when jews came to germany they adopted german names, and the best thing they could do was stick two random words that often appeared in german surnames together

>a woman

>>Here's why
That may be the most annoying thing about the article. An article by its very nature is meant to inform. Why the fuck would ypu use that phrase? Is this some new buzz words and phrazes taught by idiot journalism professors barely out of diapers themzelves? It is some computer algorithm moronic journalizts are running their articles through? Some stupid editorial mandate?

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long history of deception

Bitch. My people were still in their own country fighting for their freedom from the occupying Muslim armies that enslaved them. Don't you fucking dare blame me or my ancestors for the slavery of blacks in America.fucking

Fellow white folk here. I think that article is probably true. People are tired of us white people. It's time to accept that diversity and multiculturalism is the future of western civilization. What do right winger gonna do to stop it, violent revolution, voting for politician like Trump? No, there's nothing can stop it, just accept for what it is. White men is done for good. :)

Jesus died so I wouldn't inherit sin. Also, Slavery isn't a sin according to said God.

It makes perfect sense

And remember, women profitted from slaves. It was their property and were they could open up a shop.
So they breed slaves and sold them to get independent from their husbands or patriarchy.
Still white men are responsible. Remember its always white mens fault!
Funny noone remembers this bok thatanalysed it.
Welcome to clownsworld!

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Not that user. Its overblown. They did, but just part of traders like they were part of these societies.
You only can criticise them, they are in it with whites too.

>links to evidence-free article which mentions a "study" but barely refers to it

You know I love mocking the mentally ill /pol/tards that spew all manner of outlandish drivel over the rest of the boards but this is getting uncomfortably close to some of their claims regarding a certain race of people that shall remain unnamed. Too many instances to just discard anymore

Frankly, women have been the most prevalent slavers in the modern world for a very long time. They get hopping mad when you even bring this up.

it's less jewish subversion and more that jews often end up as hack journalists due to a rich upbringing and nepotism

Here you go, sir.

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what are these poc and women led movies they speak off?

Yeah, especially fake ones

Captain Marvel
Black Panther
Get Out
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
Wonder Woman
Lady Bird

Not to mention the countless others I didn't get to see yet. Being ignorant doesn't change reality.

I didn't want this. Thanks to Yea Forums I keep noticing the Jewish agenda. How do I turn it off?

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We didn't say it would be easy. We just said it would be the truth.

wtf I'm not a nazi anymore

What do you think the name Goldberg means, user? :^)

You don't. Once you start noticing a berg here or a stein there you will never stop noticing.

It is a blessing and a curse to know the true state of the world

Look at that fat fuck dog I just want to kick the shit out of him.

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wow a whole 12 movies huh?

Imagine naming yourself after a thing you want. That’s like me changing my surname to Bigtittiesgf or Hasfriends

I'm so sick of the word "powerful".

We have such sights to show you.

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No. The majority of "the audience" does want white leads.

Willing to bet if he took a time travel machine to modern day London he would rethink doing that.

>What if my ancestors were too poor to avoid or upkeep slaves?

Excuses, excuses everywhere. You're the one at fault.

Holy fuck


And thats the reason that slaves have bigger dicks than their free family. Women breed them this way.

Or they got named by germans. Overtime these names sticked. Question is when jewish families came to middle europe and when surname got common.

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There is just no fucking way, they have become living stereotypes of themselves. Don't they feel any embarrassment from that?

And if you consider that white lead movies still made money, Avengers or Lalaland, and 20 years ago black lead movies were hits too, or how did Will Smith & Morgan Freeman got so popular?
Some may think this has to do with good actors or good scripts?

They probably have no self awareness.

You mean "want". Because people dont care that much if the movie is good or enjoyable.

Didn't you know whitey? You are responsible for anything done by whiteys anytime in history.
Also anything blacks do today or ever is whiteys fault too.

I'd do anything to be able to go back in time and show people what resulted


Taking that assertion didn't work out so well for that pokemon movie.

oy veeey
-0.5 MIGA points has been deducted from your account russian bot

the sound of music's first half was pure comfy kino, then it got boring romentic drama schlock. And it was way to fucking long!!

>ctrl-F fake
>only 2 results
Truly the most brainless board on Yea Forums

Race doesn't matter. Story matters more. Marketing is supreme.

In places where race conflicts with story(a black Henry VIII, for example), performances can do a lot, but they can never overcome that dissonance. This is still true with fictional characters. Black Robin Hood doesn't work either. Neither does asian King Arthur or white Black Panther. You can still tell those stories, but not the *actual* stories, because they're mired in their own place in the popular consciousness.

You absolutely could make a story that overlays Arthurian legend in an Asian setting, but there are many elements that simply will not translate. You could have an invincible sword, but it could not be Excalibur, and because of differing cultural values, it would make a lot more sense for something other than pride to break it.

She’s wrong, racist, and probably ugly as well. It’s her opinion and she’s twisting any data she can scrub up to make it seem normal and logical.

Everytime. Then they question why we say things like “everytime.”

Why dont mods ban you faggots

comrades have been shitting up this board with these clickbait articles for years. even if they banned them it wouldn't stop them

Because its Yea Forums related and only got some offtrack discussion while Yea Forums discussion.

Now go and dilate, quick, before your wound heals up!

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted for Hitler.

You mad?
>also posting a gif from a film where most people root for Nazis

We don’t want kike protags anymore yes

Bait article.
And you idiots fall for that all the time.

It’s a fake article you dumb incels

You creatures believe anything you see fuck

White American, you mean. Every other predom white nation puts their national identity before their race. Yanks are obsessed with race because they have no culture of their own, except pop culture

Do people on Yea Forums unironically think black dudes have no personality outside of
>I wanna start a rap career, I didn’t graduate high school, I steal things, I have eight baby moms, I also like fried chicken ooga booga


I hate incels so much

it's fake

Low lifes posting mass replies should be Publicly executed

I mean there isn’t much a man can do about things like this. Articles fake about but this isn’t new news

>here's why

When leftist shills have to explain"why" leftist dumbfucks reading the shill paper should actually believe something, you know the article is a load of bullshit.

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