/RBMK/ Chernobyl General
Other urls found in this thread:
The graphite was the friends we made a long the way
A little cancer never killed nobody
Dyatlov is trans
Have you been keeping up with your productivity quota?
The radiation gave him a cunt?
Did they blow it up at 1:23:45 as a meme?
based Dyatlov killed thousands to save millions
He acted like a woman. A real man would see that he fucked up instead of screaming at others and lying to everyone that he didnt fuck shit up
Just FYI, there WERE people of color in Chernobyl
Reaction video with Russian liquidators. Main points:
- RBMK design was flawed and potentially dangerous
- Pripyat was evacuated almost immediately, Scherbina insisted on it
- Scherbina didn't know how nuclear reactor works, but he was skilled oil and gas engineer so he understood the basics and learned on spot
- miners scene was quite bullshit, they wouldn't be talking to minster like rude alcoholics, and no one would threat people with AK-47 - this is overdramatization beyond laughable
- In Chernobyl station workers held their ground, performed their duties as long as they could. In Three Mile Island everyone ran so fast, 17 people were killed in a rush. They were afraid to touch the spot for 3 years.
>25 fucking years without a promotion
dope. Too bad they didn't include them huh.
"Feat of Chernobyl firefighters", by Nikolai Vladimirovich Chernikov, 1987.
>3 fucking years trying to do this impossible test
>4 years 4 months
>Cherenkov radiation
>Chernikov painting
they should just do like a Mad Men series but in soviet Russia
>just finished 6 hour marathon of the series on the HBO Go trial
>can finally understand the memes
the true prize
that's not being a woman, that's being russian
I see it. Both women and Dyatlov like to deny the reality they see in their face unless force-fed truth.
the kinoest moment is when legasov unveils the design flaw and it cuts to Dyatlov realising he actually won't get the bullet because in case you didn't know they were all facing the death penalty and were practically guaranteed to get it.
It was good but overrated
Including the memes
Great job comrade
means nothing
>he killed millions
>to save thousands
was he just trying to bamboozle Sitnikov to go get killed on the roof so that he could get the promotion?
>In Three Mile Island everyone ran so fast, 17 people were killed in a rush. They were afraid to touch the spot for 3 years.
Nobody panicked, rushed, or died at TMI. As for not cleaning it up sooner it was contained so why would you?
>WAS one person of colour
>1 in a million
This was probably taken last year
Why does it look like a fucking neural network morph.
Aparatchik would be so fucking kino
>no more /rbmk/ in a week
>characters so unrealistic its comical
>only boris yeltsin is realistic but they killed him even when he wasnt at chernobil
Dumb show
>RBMK reactor
No, it actually exploded at 1:23. Not sure about 45 seconds, though scientifically it would be possible to know the seconds.
>characters so unrealistic its comical
karate CHOP
>БA3EД button
whats the deal with the wax?
>there will never be an 80s sitcom spinoff starring Sitnikov
warranty void if seal is broken
Fuck Dyatlov and fuck the USSR
>"uh-oh, not the roof"
>crowd laughs
>not tovarishchi
/rbmk/ is powered by memeium (isotope3.6) and its rare element with a quick burn rate. it is very quick to decay (half life range is 5-7 weeks) but you get the brightest and hottest memes from it. it's only rivaled by memeium (isotope 4u) which has a half life of 870 million years.
>le miners work in the dark they know everything
>miners threaten higherups
>minister of coal innacurate
How can anyone watch this mess of a show?
Imagine dying just because the incompetent management threatened you to do so
>Not sure about 45 seconds, though scientifically it would be possible to know the seconds.
the :45 is a fairly accurate guess based on the model they ran pull from the plant's computer. since they scramed the reactor it at 1:23:40 and it blew up with seconds after that you can bet it blew up pretty close to :45
i like how liberals celebrate one black just to show us he was there and demand "PoC" for the cast while they ignore and disrespect the 9999999 other liquidators. also: the red army was big and diverse as fuck. we saw georgian, Ukrainian, russians, Uzbeks and so on. there was no need for virtue signalling
there will be deaths
That was boris yeltsin that was boris shcherbina you fucking idiot.
americans don't give a fuck about people, they're just looking for clicks
>No. 3.6
u wot?
is the cut of episode 1 and 5 out yet somewhere?
Yeah. Why clean it up anyway? It's not in my backyard so who cares.
>Entergy's Indian Point Nuclear Plant leaks tritium and strontium into underground lakes from 1974 to 2005.
>2010, Deteriorating underground pipes from the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant leak radioactive tritium into groundwater supplies
As far as Ive seen it was just that one woman on twitter. Its all for the likes and retweets.
the only people talking about this ITT are you (((reactionary))) niggers. There are no librul boogiemen talking about this. It's all just your culture wars propaganda daddies keeping you in a froth about identity politiks so you don't focus on the autistic political shit you implicitly shill for. Take some time away from the black mirror
here we go, waited until everything was out
Finally someone said it, do not force ""problems"" that the idiotic west has into those threads.
more like Dylatelov
ukrania, russia, same thing
>chernobyl is made popular
>everyone now rushes to visit
>everyone pretends to be a slav
>STALKER culture is ruined forever
Fuck off we're full.
Tour of Chernobyl Reactor #2
so this guy is like an Aparatchik with his mail-order degree? And Dyatlov is trying to become one with the promotion?
russian, he was born in krasnoyarsk krai
Feel like pure shit, just want it back
all shall be right in the world
>i'm in charge here! stop stalling my reactor and raise the power
power surges up
yep, dyatlov was a fucking woman
had no idea there will be only five episodes, god fucking damnit
finale ep was by far the best one yet tho
>Dyatlov, Ulyana and Legasov
>the hole world know the core is gone
>now she has to prove it
> And here is how /RMBK/ works and how it maintained a stable balance for over 5 weeks. A perfect balance of hot memes balanced out by cooling factors of discussion among others. It's truly the perfect thread design that will see no equal. But I'm afraid the fuel for /RBMK/ doesn't last long. After all the episodes are used up the chain reaction of memes will gradually decrease, but we will all keep the memories and friends we made along the way. I serve the Soviet Union.
that's a modern picture
Akimov is cute! CUTE!
It blew at 1:23:40 actually, but close enough.
>everyone pretends to be a slav
Is that what Japanese feel when they see weebs?
t. Russian
The USSR was fun
As a fellow slav, why the fuck would anyone pretend to be a slav?
>Gorbachev making excuses for the dogshit Perestroika and Glasnost reforms.
The USSR would still be around today, even with Chernobyl, if Perestroika and Glasnost were no so quickly rushed through, throwing the entire economic planning into turmoil and creating fucking breadlines.
Gorbachev was a nice guy, but he was absolutely fucking retarded.
Life, uh... finds a way...
They literally Hiroshima'd vacationers from Novosibirsk and no one even heard about it
> Estimates of the size of the explosion have ranged from 250–300 tons of TNT equivalent to up to 10,000 tons of TNT equivalent.
>akimov looking into the reactor core, colorized
It was unplanned. The inchworm just fell on him from the tree, and they took a few shots just because.
Though it is reported that people who have been informed they don't have much longer to live tend to get really introspective about even the smallest things in nature.
>he hasn't caught up with the slavaboos yet
>for gods sake borys, you were the one who mattered the most
az-5 was pressed at :40. the rods dont drop instantly and the computers recorded a power excursion warning 3 seconds after that.
Wait so were the control rods made of graphite or boron? Were the only graphite elements the conteol rod tips?
hol up what's the real reason tips of control rods were made of graphite and why is that cheaper?
what do they use in the west?
Wasn't just cancer, many had strokes and heart attacks a few month or years later from Chernobyl.
Also, people lost their teeth quickly.
>Wait so were the control rods made of graphite or boron?
boron with the tip made of graphite
idk lol
She is pretty hot
its to make sure no one fucks with the switches when there is no need to do so.
If the switch is flipped, it is certain that it was done deliberately. The operator can't claim he "accidentaly" switched it. SCRAM-ing a reactor is basically sabotage of epic magnitude, as you cut off electricity form millions of people.
>no russian accents
they had one job
lol. the neo-cons and the mujaheddin thought they caused the collapse
>boron with the tip made of graphite
they wanted to see what would happen
Graphite increases energy output in the reactor, and when the control rods were pulled out, the tips were in the middle of the reactor, further increasing production
the point was efficiency with safety thrown out the window
>two reactions which were NOT TMI
Other than the inadvertent gas release when it happened TMI was contained and not going any where. If you wait a few years every thing is less radioactive and easier to handle.
What if they are lying and the system just didn't work, like at all and the rods didn't go down at all?
Fucking KGB scum that took over power in Russia still has all the archives classified going back to WW1 and WW2.
nobody needed to do silly voices you retard. they nailed every other aspect, just let them act
We don't use graphite as a moderator, usually. In the few we do, we use awesome shit like Helium as a coolant.
A graphite reactor is a nuclear reactor that uses carbon as a neutron moderator, which allows un-enriched uranium to be used as nuclear fuel.
>the failsafe for a runaway reaction is to insert all control rods
>the control rods contain an element which INCREASES reactivity
What did they mean by this?
>In Three Mile Island everyone ran so fast, 17 people were killed in a rush. They were afraid to touch the spot for 3 years.
You had me believe in your post up until this. Why would russian liquidators talk about shit like this? gtfo propaganda commie
As I understand it, they opted for the graphite tips to waste less fissioning from the uranium fuel rods. They basically opted for a slow break instead of a fast one, but they didn't take into account that the material would have the complete opposite of its intended effect when the core was getting super-heated as fuck.
Someone feel free to correct me.
that life is possible in chernobyl?
Because graphite tips were supposed to protect the fragile rods from getting fucked up mechanically during operation. As graphite is cheap and durable even at high temperatures it seemed like a smart design decision at the time
What is with the russian culture of constant doom?
It seems that part of the culture is apathy because you already expect that shit will go wrong, but on the good side, your culture seems to be also very, very resilient.
Behold, the Spicy Gumball Reactor
What do you think was Shcherbina's reaction when he learned about Legasov's suicide? ;_;
Fuck, image
just skim their history
not to mention other slavs who got double triple quadruple buttfucked
As a russian I'm ok with this. It is full of schoolkids anyway.
and they weren't supposed to be pulled all the way out. Normally the graphite makes no contact with the water, but they pulled them all the way out, then when they scrammed the system the rods dropped back, causing the graphite to make contact with the water, turning it to steam, sploding it.
I think
thank you if true
It is fueled by Spicy Gumballs (graphite balls with little bits of encapsulated uranium spread throughout), and cooled with inert gasses (helium, nitrogen, co2)
Shcherbina died before that, user.
Same reason they actually stated in the show, just didn't follow up. Graphite increases reactivity/moderates it. The heat goes up, and since RBMK reactors when rods are in, produce Xenon if working under lower power, as the operators move the controll rods up, it helps burning the xenon out, if there is any. If you got xenon-poisoned rector normally booting the reacotr up and bringing it up to proper working condition takes shitload of time. With Graphite tips you can also cut that time by few hours. This was a design goal back in the 60's and 70's, where Soviets considered nuclear power plants a ripe target for bombardments, etc, should there be WW3.
The idea was, in order to protect the reactor, they would lower the rods or shut the reactor down, but in case false alarm, they'd be able to bring back the reactor to full capacity faster and cheeper.
no Legosav was 2 years after. He survived 2 years 4 months longer
What's the logic in saying Chernobyl caused the Soviet collapse?
Read the book
It was the jumpstart, but not the cause of the collapse. It showcased everything wrong with the Soviet Union, cost a shitton and made people realise that they are living in shit which made them rise against it.
boris died four years after the accident, legosav only after two
Probably the massive amount of effort/manpower/money that went into the effort
It cost the soviet union a lot of money and men, not to mention bad rep and bad morale.
It caused an incredibly enormous damage for Soviet economy and was the last nail in the coffin
it was motherfucking expensive, especially on top of afghanistan
many scenes where they basically say "we need all of X resource in the whole USSR"
it costed like a mothafucka
dont agree with any other reasons
>It seems that part of the culture is apathy because you already expect that shit will go wrong
Because shit always goes wrong. When you accept it as a norm you can have at least some fun in the existential terror.
Turning Dyatlov into literally Hitler sirca april 1945 was kinda lazy
The effect of slight reactivity increase wasn't treated as a safety flaw. In normal operating conditions even a superheated RBMK reactor wasn't supposed to explode just because of that. Nobody expexted these rods to actually get stuck in the wrong place and yet it happened
what sentences would you give them
well, apparently he was a really piece of shit irl too so i don't really see the problem
>blue table "Based"
>red table "Redpilled"
I bet you fags don't even listen to dnb
if you can't see the numbers, I have bad news
The last one is clearly 3.6
A reminder to Chernobros wanting more roentgenkino to watch Edge of Darkness 1985 with Bob Peck & Joe Don Baker. One of the best dramas the BBC ever made
Watch his interview.
Shit even Discovery Channel documentary paints him as literally Hitler.
death by hanging unironically
Life in prison if they managed to live for 10-20 years. It this situation his sentence was quite fair since he is basically a living dead man.
i haven't read much of what he actually did but he doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as the show. show dyatlov was a lot worse than just being a cunty boss
I can't see any numbers
Everyone wants a villain, everyone wants an enemy to fight against.
They only did what every other Soviet bureaucratic chain was doing
The whole thing was rotten to the core
So all the reactors in the world just boil water and the main differences are just about how well and safely the balance ia kept?
You fags are fucking boring. L8r queers.
there aren't any numbers, he's memeing us
3.6 roentgen per hour.
He is still alive
permanently entombed
Yeah well reactor contents can vary however there's always a system heating water and turning it to steam in order to generate power from that
I want to have sex in Chernobyl
I saw another documentary about Chernobyl from a russian pop-science channel. There was an information on Dyatlov regarding his past. He was working on a nuclear submarine facility and his actions lead to another incident. After the incident his son died from leukemia. This even lead Dyatlov to be even more cunty than before.
Not great, not terrible
i genuinely thought that donald sumpter's character was gorbachev. yeah, i'm an asshole i know
Even with no ketchup on his head?
All power plants produce steam, how that steam is made varies wildly. Gumball bro first superheats a gas, then that gas heats water pipes to make steam
interesting, i guess that's where he's "seen worse"
ritter nailed that blank cunt stare
>incels still producing fresh chernobyl memes
this general will be forgotten soon kek
i also thought i had seen some ketchup on his head. like, that was my first giveaway
guess it just was the weird lighting in the room
>I want you to record your command
>*Karate chops file*
>Raise the power you dweeb
>the positive scram effect of the control design was discovered in 1983
>the rbmk lead engineer told the other plants about the problem and said it will be fixed and devised procedures and such for it
>the leadership above him came to conclusion that nobody would be retarded enough to run a reactor in a manner which the positive scram effect would happen. they said it was impossible.
really makes you think
He's delusional. Get him to the infirmary
>Mom, I posted it again.
pure alpha male
fuck your core
desu they didnt even think of some one been retarded/crazy enough to remove all the safety precautions
"I saw graphite on the ground" AHAHAHA
"you didn't see graphite" hahah
"you didn't because it wasn't there!" oOOooOOo
not enough of them
Witnesses interviewed by book writers added remarks about bad Dyatlov here and there because they were afraid of persecutions from KGB.
Book writers wrote that Dyatlov is evil to justify a list of accused picked by soviet government or not have their book published.
Then show creators read those books and made their Dyatlov a Hitler.
The circle of lies perpetuates.
this general will die but there will be no official record of its death. it was born to be forgotten.
Countless idiot failsafes weren't really a thing back in the Soviet Union
I loved the Leninism crap before the trial.
Now you get how typical the old man was? The whole fucking USSR was like that, all the time. Nauseating.
I missed it from the other episodes.
Because they didn't think the entire staff will deliberately sabotage the reactor. Sure it was a flaw if you think about it but just watch a few documentaries about plane crashes. Exactly the same thing happens.
>bad conditions
>people break basic rules left and right
>+1 thing that never happened before
These happen in the west the same.
I'll get that office one day, believe me.
climb up to masha and look over the well
Despite being too expensive to cleanup, the price of oil was plummeting to aprox. $15-23 for barrel. Add war in Afghanistan to that and that would be the end of it.
> >the leadership above him came to conclusion that nobody would be retarded enough to run a reactor in a manner which the positive scram effect would happen. they said it was impossible.
Unless source is provided, I keep thinking that "the leadership" didn't come to any conclusions and was just dumb and lazy.
at the very least they acknowledged that the account wasn't perfect in the words that were spoken by Legasov in the first episode
>in these stories, it doesn't matter who the heroes are, all we want to know is who is to blame, in this story it was Anatoly Dyatlov, he was the best choice.
all three hanged
examples must be made
Eventually, the fuel runs out. Such is the fate of the /RBMK/.
In the end every man is still accountable for his actions. By choosing to be part of that bureacratic system they knew this was a possible outcome for them someday.
Imagine your race being so worthless you have to try to convince people you even exist.
Slavs have nothing good in their lives so they don't care if the world is destroyed.
That means you are deaf I'm sorry
How/What are the Russians/Ukrainians thoughts on the series?
What should happen to apu posters?
it's very good but real story is better
>that scene in episode 1
well fug
Nothing, they are already cursed enough as it is
As Ukrainian I've thought Decommunisation was stupid. I still think it's stupid because it's a facade the goverment puts on to cover them not fixing real issues, but having streets and cities named after countless apparatchiks makes no sense now. Wouldn't mind living on Shcherbina Street though.
What the fuck? I thought for sure watching this that this was the actor who played the High Sparrow in GOT, i've checked on google and he actually is the actor who played Maester Luwin, and now it seems very obvious to me that he is and i don't know why i thought he was the High Sparrow.
High Sparrow was Cobra Commander in the GI Joe movie.
>I thought for sure watching this that this was the actor who played the High Sparrow
user, that's jonathan pryce
He had experience in power plants, just not nuclear.
>Unless source is provided, I keep thinking that "the leadership" didn't come to any conclusions and was just dumb and lazy.
its from insag-7 and reading further and further through it it seems to be a mix of "its impossible" and "woops we forgot about it" so yeah, its more dumb and lazy. i snipped a few paragraphs. but there's a quite a few mentions of the big list of changes to fix it that were just plain ignored.
I don't know how i got them confused it's very weird, i was so sure of myself too and now i don't understand how i mixed them up.
>the planned economy just needed a little more planning
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, friend
>people were freaking out over the dog scenes
was it really that bad?
Thats bullshit, they got it wrong
>"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter."
>The Ukrainian language word for "wormwood" is чopнoбиль or "chornobyl", the Ukrainian name of the town of Chernobyl.
God killed 27000 slavs so we could have this kino
Savour it gentlemen
>people getting killed in movies all the time
>nobody says anything
>some cheeki breeki boi shoots a dog
>everyone goes fucking nuclear
no, it wasn't that bad at all
I'm glad that a lot of people now knew unimaginable feat Chernobyl firefighters and liquidators conducted. And how painfully they died so people in Europe can live.
In Russia, all people related to Chernobyl have same status as WW2 veterans.
Underrated post
Did what Akimov did with the pumps even matter at the end?
no, that's the really sad part
This sequence was Metal Gear as fuck
>mfw he kisses his dead daughter's vibrator
>If you fly directly over that core i promise you by tomorrow morning you'll be begging for that bullet
If you think the dogs had it bad you haven't watched the show correctly. What happened to Ignatenko and the others was way fucking worse than the bullet the dogs took, and i say that loving dogs. In a show about a tragedy like that, that scene in ep4 seemed merciful and happy.
>Valery Khodemchuk, was likely killed immediately; he was located in the collapsed part of the building, in the far end of the southern main circulating pumps engine room at level +10. His body was never recovered and is entombed in the reactor debris.
>tfw they did find his corpse but no one dared to recover it
They were in VVER reactors, but those were too expensive because of that.
no to mention how liquidators had it, pizza face or 75rem/30
*Willie Nelson intensifies*
Dyatlov: Portrait of a lunatic
Anyone save the youtube link with the Russian guy backing up Dyatlov and calling the show absolute shit?
lol nice
Why did the show end cards single out Khodemchuk to remember out of all the plant personnel?
Why are slavs like that?
I checked the authenticity and to my surprise, they barely exaggerated
Dyatlov was a fucking madman
the dog running after the bus trying to catch up with his master bothered me more than the shooting
Gonna have to request a source, bud.
He probably died from radiation on the spot.
He didn't even get a chance to say goodby to family.
The part with the puppies was pretty bad
It's only natural to care about dogs more than humans (at least in the abstract).
Do you guys have friends in real life?
He returns in the next episode
>Anatoly Dyatlov, the deputy chief engineer, supervised the test. At the moment the reactor power slipped to 30 MW, he insisted the operators continue the test. He overrode Akimov's and Toptunov's objections, threatening to hand the shift to Tregub (the previous shift operator who had remained on-site), intimidating them into attempting to increase the reactor power.
>despite seeing the graphite blocks scattered on the ground outside the plant, he still believed the reactor was intact. Kudryavtsev and Proskuryakov returned to report the reactor damage they had seen, but Dyatlov insisted what they had seen was the results of an explosion of the emergency tank, claiming the explosion of the 110 cubic metres (3,900 cu ft) tank at level +71 was sufficient to destroy the central hall roof. Dyatlov reported his assumptions as reality to Bryukhanov and Fomin, the higher-level managers
That's a quote, not a source, my man.
Was he vaporized by steam? I feel like I remember reading that somewhere.
it was bad in a good way
Halloween costume ideas
>How do I copypaste into google
Probably trapped by rubble and killed by radiation
>33,000 Megawatts
you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
He never left Reactor 4.
I had to look away when chinaguy wounded that dog so it's entrails were out.
is this a spambot ? I always see spoilered images of similar trannyshit being posted on this board every damn time
No it's not natural at all, it's the opposite really. Dogs didn't even realize what would happen to them because of radiation exposure, there is the factor of psychological trauma in humans that made the tragedy so much worse. When they started vomiting and knew it was over for them, knowing they must have felt like they were living in a nightmare, that is worse than anything a dog could feel. Especially since they killed the dogs very quickly so they didn't even suffer by the bullet.
I love dogs to death but you're sick in the head if you don't feel more empathy for the human casualties in this scenario.
If they could run it at 33,000 Megawatts, why take less?
Soviet inefficiency.
>10000 MWe RBMK reactor
Next time, without the attitude.
Found him
>In real life Dyatlov was well aware about core destruction. It was on the gauges. No water flow, no pressure, control rods stuck. He didn't know about scale, but he knew that it was pretty bad. After walking around 4th block and seeing destruction firsthand he ordered to disable emergency pumps, because they were useless, water communications were nonexistent. This series partly based on "Chernobyl Notebook" which contains a lot of fiction, and not on real evidences. Dyatlov was a professional, but this series made him fanatic. Almost every single event here is a lie or just an echo of the truth.
>When they started vomiting and knew it was over for them
They didn't know. They didn't connect the two. They were all brainwashed
Trannies would good for this work; their genitals are already destroyed, no need for a codpiece
[geiger counter noises]
It's Bashirfaggot. A regular on /trek/. People think posting her here is no topic because she's a communist irl.
That's actually really insensitive and uncool.
shame it only last for less than 20 seconds.
>>RBMK-30000: Khodemchuk Rising
So are their groins m8
well they needed hundreds of thousands of people and there's only a few thousand trannies anywhere. Have you ever tried NOT spending all your time thinking about weirdo perverts?
>Thread quality is at 3.6, comrade.
Not great, not terrible
Keep pumping the memes!
Trannies didn't exist back then. They din't have the tec to dig out vagoos.
>RBMK-40000: Dyatlov Heresy
>implying now they do
>implying it works
Those poor idiots are killing themselves for a reason
>that's just feedwater
Do you think horror movies, which are 'based on real events' portray those 'real events' correctly? Of course they don't. Same thing with the miniseries. There was a hydrogen tank explosion, the tar on the roof was on fire, which went on for all night, the city was closed down for the public's benefit, but the series overdramatises the events and blows them out of proportion. There was no fault in the RBMK reactors, and most of the plant workers survived, and were simply delusional. Some people had to be pulled in for the repairs, and there was a small radiation leak - 3.6 roentgens, not great, not terrible. Everything else was made up for drama.
It's just old grandpas' memories. Maybe, they were told so in their times.
C-c-comrade, th-there's c-cumstains o-on the roof.
But Craig Mazin posted some of his main sources on Twitter and they didn't include Chernobyl Notebook.
>Voices from Chernobyl
>Chernobyl 01.23.40
>The Truth about Chernobyl
>The Legacy of Chernobyl
>Chernobyl: A Documentary Story
>Chernobyl: Insight from the Inside
>Chernobyl Record
No Chernobyl Notebook.
I finished the first book.
It's a must read.
>Trannies didn't exist back then.
Yes they have. There has ALWAYS been the same relative amount of "gay uncles" throughout human history.
>They din't have the tec to dig out vagoos.
A: Yeah they did.
B: There are only a few thousand operations a year AT ALL. The number of people getting sexual reassignment surgeries makes them essentially statistically insignificant.
They don't have that now, they just jump on anyone who says otherwise
>brags about reading
yup, it's Yea Forums.
You telling me they dug out vags in 1986? bull.
it's hard to read when you're dyslexic asshole
WHEN I start reading a book, I don't stop until it's done! I finish what I've started. That's just who I am!
Quick question, was the 3.6 rads per hour or rads per second, I can't remember.
Which you aren't.
per sec.
>In the US in 1917, Dr. Alan L. Hart, an American TB specialist, becomes one of the first female-to-male transsexuals to undergo hysterectomy and gonadectomy for the relief of gender dysphoria.
The technology and the general procedure has been something people have been doing for over 100 years now. It's not an overwhelmingly complicated thing. They either turn your dick inside out and shove it your taint, or they pull your pussy out and make it look like a dick.
Why do you retarded tranny-obsessed kids have such a basic issue with "looking things up" instead of just ignorantly acting upset about them?
A hole bored into the pelvis that needs heroic methods to keep open is not a vagina. They are not and can never be women. Seeth and cope, freak
it was per hour, you fucking retard
a fatal dose is 500 roentgen per hour
3.6 per sec is 221 per hour
Roentgen per hour.
>tfw too retarded to understand Rontgens, Curies, Becquerels, Rads and Sieverts
Wouldn't Bryukhanov be an Inquisitor since he's higher up?
>A hole bored into the pelvis that needs heroic methods to keep open is not a vagina.
A: who cares? Who said it was?
B: Do you spend a lot of time obsessing about this shit?
>They are not and can never be women.
Ok? Who cares? Again, you're talking to like a few thousand people IN TOTAL. Seems like a fucking crazy thing to do but if that's how they want to take themselves out of the gene pool, who fucking cares?
>Seeth and cope, freak
Do you actually think you're ever really interacting with trannies here? Like are you a closet tranny or something? Why do you think there's any chance you're ever actually talking to trannies?
Like how much of your life experience is spent obsessing about these perverts? And why? How aren't you gay?
Shut up nerd.
Admit that you enjoy doing research, user.
the only unit that matters is sievert
everything else is either deprecated\not used anymore in scientific contexts or used in very specific cases, like x-ray machinery that give you a single dose
>3.6 not great not terrible
>15 000 bad
All you need to know
I pee on namecallers.
They are different measuring systems for different things related to radiation such as exposure or absorption/kg. Just look up the basic definition on wikipedia and you'll get the gist of it. There are even calculators online to change one thing into another.
This is Yea Forums, dude. Most of us are pretty dumb.
and i shit on retards that play armchair smarty intellectual roles.
Roentgen: Is the measurement of energy produced by Gamma or X-Ray radiation in a cubic centimeter
of air. It is abbreviated with the capital "R". One milliroentgen, abbreviated "mR" is one-thousandth of a roentgen. One microroentgen, abbreviated “uR” is one-millionth of a roentgen.
RAD: Radiation Absorbed Dose. Original measuring unit for expressing the absorption of all types of
ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons, etc) into any medium. One rad is equivalent to the
absorption of 100 ergs of energy per gram of absorbing tissue.
That's what I have.
curie and becquerel measure activity, how many atoms emit radiation in a second
roentgen measures exposure, which is how much air is ionised by the radiation
rads measure absorbed dose, which is how much energy the body absorbs proportionately to weight
sievert measures equivalent dose which is weighted according to the amount of damage different kinds of radiation do
eat my shorts
What's a Curie in relation to R?
yeah I just fucking had to look up tranny bullshit because some """conservative"""" made me curious enough about that shit to want to know. Retards endlessly talking about perverts just makes more people look up that perverted shit. Endlessly whining about trannies just gives them more attention.
No, people are just mentally ill these days and care more about animals than humans.
1 Curie = 3.122 Roentgen
Curie and roentgen measure different things. Curie measures how many atoms decay, while roentgen measures how much air is ionised by the radiation. The roentgen measurement depends on the kind and amount of radiation released by decay.
>being killed suddenly and spontaneously in you own home by those trust isn't a nightmare of its own from their perception
>I'll try a mixture of libertarian 'why does it matter to you?' Autism and say he's projecting, got issues himself
Weak shit tbqh
make a new thread, fags
>Dogs didn't comprehend
That's where you're wrong, buddy.
> “The first time we came, the dogs were running around near their houses, guarding them, waiting for people to come back”, recounted Viktor Verzhikovskiy, Chairman of the Khoyniki Society of Volunteer Hunters and Fishermen. “They were happy to see us, they ran toward our voices. We shot them in the houses, and the barns, in the yards. We’d drag them out onto the street and load them onto the dump truck. It wasn’t very nice. They couldn’t understand: why are we killing them? They were easy to kill, they were household pets. They didn’t fear guns or people.”
>344 posts.
you guys need to step up your game
Ok but when they say "40 Curies" what do they mean? How bad is that?
>I'll try a mixture of libertarian 'why does it matter to you?' Autism
WHY does it matter to you? Why do you spend so much time obsessing about what a few thousand people do with their genitals? Why do you NEED to make everything about how triggered you are about genitals?
Like sorry m8 but you want to talk about trannies in a thread about Chernobyl. Asking what the fuck your problem is is entirely reasonable. You have an actual mental illness.
>and say he's projecting, got issues himself
Oh ABSOLUTELY that goes without needing to be said. What do you jerk off to tranny porn and hate them for tempting you or something? You want to be a woman but feel like a faggot about it so you throw it at everyone else? Why the FUCK else would you ENDLESSLY be thinking about them if it wasn't connected to your sense of self?
>Weak shit tbqh
Yeah like your psychology. You're a degenerate scumbag and you're going to burn in hell.
>The technology and the general procedure has been something people have been doing for over 100 years now.
So has the exceedingly high post op suicide rate. For any other procedure such a high rate would render the procedure illegal and the doctors liable for murder.
40 Curies would be above the human threshold of tolerance, which is at 25.7.
Levels above this are likely to incur tissue damage.
Now a real hard question for you Mr. Scientist.
What's worse 3.6R or 40 Curies?
Asperger's is worst.
That's like saying "how many miles per hour is 40 kilograms?"
Scroll down to the bottom and look at the last chart. You'll get an idea of what's used for what.
That's 1.48 trillion atoms emitting radiation per second. That's catastrophic.
are you retarded?
What kind of chomo asks scientific questions on Yea Forums?
1.48 trillion bullets.
>Why do you spend so much time obsessing about what a few thousand people do with their genitals?
>You're a degenerate scumbag and you're going to burn in hell.
can you spot the contradiction Yea Forums?
>So has the exceedingly high post op suicide rate.
they have a high rate regardless. Pretty sure the rate drops for people that do post op. And again, why do you fucking care about whether or not some tranny kills themselves?
> For any other procedure such a high rate would render the procedure illegal and the doctors liable for murder.
No it wouldn't people kill themselves after getting surgeries all the time. EVERYONE dies after getting surgeries on a long enough time frame. Trannies cutting their dick off and then later killing themselves doesn't really matter.
Like I guess you're not American but if you cared about suicides you'd probably hate guns. Pretty high rate of people killing themselves after they purchase a gun too. Should arms dealers be charged with murder?
>can you spot the contradiction Yea Forums?
Yeah you're a sniveling, contemptuous pervert that justifies your perversion by obsessing about OTHER perverts. You're going to burn in hell prove me wrong.
Busted! You are not a scientist.
Whatever how's that relevant to this thread though?
>That's like saying "how many miles per hour is 40 kilograms?"
You don't want to get hit by 40 kg at any miles per hour
>H-he's fast!
you wanna talk about perverts you get called a pervert. Learn to cope tranny.
>That's 1.48 trillion atoms emitting radiation per second
If it's in one piece or a sq km?
>objecting to obnoxious things is itself obnoxious!
You are done here and posing as religious is very base indeed lol
As if it's all in one piece, yeah.
Is that what they mean?
Bruh i didn't even reply to that gay shit just passing by. You might want to push AZ5 though
Yeah it measures the total amount of radioactivity, not how densely it's packed.
It still might not be that accurate. As if one was to approach contamination of 300microroentgens per hour in Beta or the same dose in materials emitting Alpha radiation consequences for the human body might vary greatly
as a woman i feel personally attacked.
>dumb man fucks up
>no woman in sight
>absolutely no one:
>retard on Yea Forums:
"fucking women"