What's next for Sophie's career after X-Flop?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sneeding and feeding on camera

roasting for another 10 years then reality tv

It’s either going to be some higher budget RomCom or some hip, edgy comedy. She’s going to try and expand her repertoire and it’s going to backfire.


If you can't project her course by now, you have NO BUSINESS BEING ON THIS BOARD.

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Tell me the midget fucks not cersei in the ass please


Signing autographs at conventions

Cameos on the game of thrones prequel

Hopefully nudes, a sex tape with Maisie Williams, followed by a quick descent into obscurity.

Hey, is that the Cook?

>no Sansa
>no Arya
>no Missandei
>no Sand Snakes

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Pony action

>those bags under her eyes at just 23

Oof, I hope Joe Jonas kept the receipt

She doesn't need a career, she's got enough money to retire. She could stay at home and pop out Jonas babies if she wanted to. More likely she'll be a drug addled mess by the age of 30 and dead by 40.

acting classes and finding out why all the hair stylists prank her

Mine are worse

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Hope we get a lesbian sex tape. Not necessarily with Maisie though.

Release the nudes

Fame decays really fast. In a year, GoT will be old news. Do you think that a guy that can fuck an endless stream of hot 20 year old models forever is going to stick with this 7/10 after she is no longer "that chick on TV". They'll be divorced in a year. Also, Sophie has no discernible talent. Once her fame wears off, she is going to get offered worse and worse parts. In 3 years, she will beg for a chance to show her tits and coot coot if that gets her in a movie.

Remember Mischa Barton? That's Sophie's career.

Well yeah, but unless she's an idiot then she isn't likely to run out of money.

She could also probably, if necessary, get TV work in the UK almost indefinitely (which is probably what Maisie will end up doing).

Aren't the Jonas Brothers a bunch of promise ring nerds? Big Chav Turner will cuck the shit out of him.

Find someone rich to marry before her english genes take over.

General theory in celeb gossip circles is that Nick and Joe are both gay and their marriages to Priyanka and Sophie are shams.

I've always assumed that Joe and Sophie are both bisexual.

She already did.

Yeah. And Britney was a virgin until JT took her flower at 20.

The only way those guys are not drowning in pussy is if they are drowning in cock.

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I could actually believe that Britney was a virgin until then, given her background.

People have been kissing her ass since she was 12. This has been basically her whole world. There is no chance she settles for making dumb TV shows in England. She will crash and burn Lohan style before that.


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blowing me in an empty car on the tube

I certainly think her crashing and burning is very possible, especially given what she's said about her mental health, but if she can get past that then she might do okay.

Or she might hang herself before she gets the chance.


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That seems more like something Maisie would do, honestly.

rom com that flops

CGI cartoon movie about talking inanimate objects

really racy indie movie where she does a nude scene

What background is that? White trash in rural Lousiana, Disney Channel jalbait, then schoolgirl whore? Are you high? Her sister got pregnant at age 16, some saying it was a Disney producer that did the deed. Britney was on the pill as soon as she had her first period.

Why does Hollywood find it so hard to adapt a simple story arc? The cartoons did the Apocalypse arc in three or four 20 minute episodes and Hollywood failed to just copy that structure. Dark Phoenix plotline was all of 6 episodes and that was with Cyclops' space pirate dad and going to fight evil monsters in space. Should have been easy as fuck to rip out the space adventures and just copied that

Why is Hollywood so incompetent

they're both itno blow so im sure i could convince her

True, but I think Maisie would take less convincing.

Acting like a slut doesn't mean you are one, although admittedly there is something of a correlation.

Because they think they know what people want, but actually dont.

Because they think they can do it better

Either Bryan Singer fucked too many boys or not enough.

Or the wrong ones.

shouldnt magneto be like 60 years old almost by the time of this story
why does he sill look like 35

Modeling and minor movie roles or a descent into partying and drug abuse.

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Nah I think he's like 45, remember its the 80s not present day


I hope she doesn't answer the call too fast.

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Large women age faster. Here's 10 years older 5'2'' Emilia Clarke.

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I need sex

literally me

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Still taller than me >:

I thought it was the 90s and he was a kid of at least 8 during the holocaust


Based and emiliapilled

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are you a smol qtpi?

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>Large women age faster
Not really, Emilia just isn't a drug addicted slag like Sophie

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her health problems still hit her hard tho, it's impossible to think that they didnt have an impact

They did, but she still cute as fuck

Famke was a very serviceable Jean Grey.

only a fool would deny it

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I pity those who don't like Emilia Clarke

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their mom didnt love them or something i guess

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>Don't speak to me or my wife's caterpillars ever again

What's so bad about this new X-Men film?

imagine shansha with superpowers
pretty cringe

Gotta feel sorry for Jonas. That slag straight up smashed the wall.

So she's just a shit actress?
Don't they have people whose job it is to tell if someone is a good actor or not before they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a capeshit film?

you didnt saw the ''we should be called x-women'' dialogue?

maybe she fucked some producer or whatever and got the job, maybe they focused on the hype on GoT to do half of the job for the marketing, maybe she did a good scene and they thought it would work, who knows
as you probably noticed, professionals of every field sometimes fail at their job

Better than Sony's Marvel Universe

the timeline is so bizarre and hard to follow, they keep jumping like entire decades between movies

Her eyebrows are like those flippers in the pinball machines.

They're banking on her GOT fame.

that's supposed to be bad?

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This. At that's because she's marginally attractive than her friend goblina. One can only imagine Maisie's fate. She was already bitiching about not finding something like GoT.


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All the money in the world and she will hit the wall so hard it'll make her suicidal once again

Hopefully fucking nothing

Game of Thrones is over, these people can go be irrelevant and live off their millions now

>2 aneurysms and multiple brain surgeries
>still looks cuter than most girls 10 years younger than her
See OP pic and you will know what hitting the wall means

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Famke still looks great , even better than Sophie

she's fine as fuck

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Wow. So delusional. It’s too bad they couldn’t lobotomise her acting ability.

Don't be mad because your movie flopped Sophie, you can always leak a sex tape

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How could a board room of people actually sit down and come to a conclusion that the whole "Dark Phoenix" plot was a good idea? Can it get any more generic?

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Joining the rest of the GoT failures in a suicide squad remake.

Hopefully fixing that hairline before fading to obscurity

Sansa is fuckin fit mate , proper fuckin filth

Maise might pull an underdog and hit gold (casting wise)

They would not find anything there to remove.

softcore porn

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That came out already? The fuck?

Dany is fitter in the way women should be fit. Sansa is just a quarterback.

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She is by far better actress than Sophie Turner. Just look at the scene back-to-back in EP4 during funeral with Dany and Jorah and Sansa Theon, the superiority of Emilia performance over Sophie is outstanding here. And yes, Emilia looks better and younger than Sophie who is 10 years younger.

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far too generous
please don't say this, I'm looking forward to not seeing her again and don't want her to show up on our TV. Same for Maisie.

It's coming out this upcoming weekend, early reviews are in and they're trashing the fuck out of it though

She will spend a few months criticizing toxic males who didnt like her shit movie. Hoping this will get her a role somewhere. But the woke wave is over, she’s over with it

>still looks cuter than most girls 10 years younger than her
>posts nearly 10yo photo

here then

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I want to cum on her eyebrows.

Imagine being this delusional. Sophie performance in S08 of GOT was atracious. Peter Dinklage and Emilia carried this season HARD. The entire EP6 collapses after Dany death.

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Once people go from "hey that's the girl from got!" to "where have I seen her before?", she will fade into obscurity.

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photo from few weaks ago with Kit wife.

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Jessica chastain is in her last breath. Once it 2 is out, and all you fags run to the theater to pay for it, phone will slowly stop ringing. Wall has been hit, and shes getting too political.

Emilia is taking no prisoners in her war of humiliating every other actress' aging

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Nobody is going to watch this pfhahahaha

Oh, how i love broads hitting Wall

I picture Sophie chugging milk out of a carton and giving the nerd kid a wedgie before stuffing him in his locker and going to class to cut armpit farts with her hand.

Problem is that the money burns up very fast if you’re trying to be an A lister. The requisite lifestyle and hangers on rack up high costs for anyone without a steady income, which is why so many of them burn out spectacularly.

Lol. I burst out laughing during Kelly C’s “performance” in the throne room. I’ve seen better acting in Days of Our Lives.

The difference is Peter Dinklage can actually act, he can elevate the diarrhoea-tier writing. Emilia, Sophie, Kit, Quasimodo can’t.

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she’s 42 and still fine as fuck

yes please

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Kit can act ok (at least for his role), he just never got a chance to because of the script in s8

Walls have been hit.

She’s already got her foot in the door, and they can hardly recast her without a reason that doesn’t damage their credibility.
People behind Hollywood movies are paranoid of any action that may attract bad press, even if it improves the movie.
Disney can bribe critics to overlook or downplay a shit performance, but they can’t bribe away news that someone was so shit they had to be canned.
Look at what happened to Solo when they had to damage control it.

Emilia can act, but action lead roles are not for her

hopefully porn.

Full time SJW feminist activist focusing on killing unborn babies in USA.

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She was great in the throne room, she and Peter gave by far the best performances in S08 from all cast, and both of them will be nominated for Emmy this year, the only two people from the cast.

The throne room scene was not an action scene. She is just a deadpan actor despite the real Emilia being very personable and expressive.

Once the pity for the actor and character wears off, she’ll amount to not too much more than Sophie Turnoff. Based simply on the fact she played a more popular character.

has this ever happen? a mainstream actress who couldn't find any more work and had to let herself fall that low? maybe some humiliating facial abuse scene where they keep reminding her how big a failure she is? no? you sure? alright

For Emilia that is saying nothing as you because she has no acting abilities to improve upon.

I wish they would make a serious male pov drama movie with real fucking and good acting...

>implying the throne scene wasn't good

>enough money to retire
Yes of course, you can see daily in the news how actors are masters in good investment and how to manage money in general.

why do you seeth so much about Emilia?

>"What happened to GoT actors" article incoming...

Well she has better acting abiilites than rest of the cast except Peter, because she actes circles around all of them in season 8.

I think Emilia will be more likely to do well given that she’s already been burned by Hollywood, but had GoT to fall back onto so her reputation didn’t get ruined. Now she can stick to the smaller scale projects she does well in.
To contrast, Sophie is where Emilia was back when she made her first forays into Hollywood, but no longer has the GoT safety net.

Well, you’re a sharp one.

good point, Emilia should stick to romantic comedies

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It’s not seething when I am stating fact.

Let's bet you she's getting nominated to Emmys
Double if she win

Maybe Emilia is a bad actress but Sophie is just way worse.

Thats a man

Sophie advantage is that she is young, 30+ actresses have hard time to find job in Hollywood unless u are A+ like Amy Adams etc..., also i don't think that Emilia cares that much about big acting career. She already kickstarted some side projects; charity stuff for brain injures, production company... She seems like creative person who will do fine without acting.


No, THIS is a man

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unironically looks like a tranny

sure thing quarterback

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Are you fucking blind.

yeah, men age better too

Well she refuses to work in Georgia so she’s already taking herself out of many projects. Professional bearding for hasbeen boyband members and Cons I guess.

English are truly the uglies.

My point is that Emilia will be unlikely to bother with an A lister career, which will help her in the long run. Doing small films, getting a good name from charity and living a smaller maintenance lifestyle pays dividends.
Unless Sophie gets lucky, she’ll burn out of Hollywood rapidly. Her main advantage was GoT fame, and once that dries up she’ll have nothing that isn’t replaceable unless she gets a few hits under her belt, and even then JLaw showed how fleeting that can be.


Emilia should stick to me, because I fucking love her.

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Culture Club docudrama


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Hopefully nothing because she’s not a good actor

>lmao if you're inside my pussy I literally own you
What if we apply that logic to penuses

>tfw if only we were both born just after WW1 and then we could have married and had kids before the world got really fucked up

She's indian.

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Yeah you are right, at least Emilia except GOT has Me Before You which was box office success and well liked by audience, the only financial flop she has is Solo: Star Wars, which is still pretty good film at least compared to main line of Star Wars film, and she is good in it. Terminator didnt flopped imho, didnt make money, but the studio got the money invested back. Sophie has nothing so far, except GOT she has two bad X-Men movies. Pattison was low key after Twilight disaster making small movies and looks where he is now. Same with Kristen Steward, she bad actress, but small movies helped her a lot and she get charlie angels gig.


Emilia's Bongaloo genes are superior to Sophie's Celtobong genes.

cutie pie

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i dont like indians

Then you must like Emilia

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>2 aneurysms and multiple brain surgeries
Why does God make her suffer like this?

Weed bloat, chipotle, and conventions

Because nothing is perfect

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I wonder if she can poo in the loo? Probably not, dirty street shitter.

Because suffering makes perfect.
An easy life makes you an entitled bitch. See Sansa.

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she cute

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Hopefully, my dick. Yo Sophie if ya reading this, divorce that Jonas nigga and come snort some coke from my 6,5 inch love stick

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>achieves world wide fame as Sansa
>marries one of this generations top musicians
>gets to use motherhood as an excuse for retiring from acting

She’s living a perfect life bros


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>when you look twice your age

unironically better looking than sophie even if she's 10 years older
hell, natalie dormer looks better than sophie and she's almost 15 years older

Sophie already has a minecraft cube looking head and she's not helping herself doing heavy drugs

>A Jonas brother
>Top musician
pick one

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Pro abortion rallies.

my wife actually

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2 john snows?
and who is that blonde in the upper left supposed to be?

I think it was made very early on before missandei and the sneks were in the show and Sansa and Arya were still children

>no minorities
>no POC
>no trannies
>no non-binary genders
Wtf, this is going to flop so hard

The one on the right could be Robb.
As for the blonde, idk. Myrcella maybe?

>Her sister got pregnant at age 16, some saying it was a Disney producer that did the deed.
not just any producer

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Lewd pic incoming

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I looked it up on imdb
apparently the right one is supposed to be robb and the blonde in the upper left is the well known got character "prostitute"

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Unironically have seen this one dont rate it at all

Those names are top tier though

Baby's aren't "inside a pussy" you fucktard
>Lmao if you are hooked up to me and rely on me for life I literally own you"



this If you're starving somewhere and I don't help you survive, i haven't killed you, I just didn't contribute to your survival which is my every right. How about you respect the freedom US of A stands for

so is it true that sophie is a drug addict? she looks like britbong slut but I don't want to judge her only by looks

Just make a quick google. She likes posts about cocaine ALL the time on IG too

How long did it take for Hollywood to notice she can't act? Surely they had an incline from watching Game of Thrones.

>Every single movie released is a flop
>How will anyone recover?

Every thread is the same
How will the internet recover?

>t. Sophie Turner

A stupid proportion of British 20-somethings do drugs. On any given Saturday night about a third of people who are out will be doing coke, ket or mandy. Rich people especially
t. 23 year old bong

>character is a redhead
>cast a natural redhead
>dye her hair neon orange anyway

yeah there was something weird about that

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Her career options are somewhat limited since she won't do location shoots anywhere that inconveniences women in any way from aborting their children.

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Not seeing the problem here

If she has a dick, I would lick her asshole

If she has a vagina, I would lick her asshole

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Time for Godzilla to get busy!

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Is Sophie Turner unlikable? I feel like she tries too hard. But I also feel like she might be a nice person. I don't know Yea Forums

one of the throne is likely Ned
>the blonde in the upper left is the well known got character "prostitute"


Riding my dick.

What's the Blade Runner 2049 poster doing here?

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I like Sophie Turner she is still very young and striking hot and majestic woman. Character will develop in her 30s.

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big brother celebrity.

Nah probably some shit in british television.
They love their ugly slags over there.
She was already in doctor who.

busy, you say?

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>Dany is fitter in the way women should be fit
Faggot, ever been in a truly rural region where woman still carry shit around?
Women need general fitness and muscles aswell and are also attractive witht hem as long as this isn't roid tier shit.

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farting on my dick to get it hard and then letting me hot dog her cheeks.

She should do small roles that make her look good. She's married to Joe Jonas and was on Game Of Thrones she ain't gotta work every again. I'd say become super picky and only take like strong supporting roles that could potentially get her some more respect as a real actress

She will be my yandere wife in the next live actions anime adaptation from netflix

Good for her. There's nothing wrong with women sleeping with wealthy guys and putting a price tag on the sex is just calling out the elephant in the room that exists for all relationships. She might even coax one into knocking her up and who better to do so?

Tranny looking feminist sjw a yandere? buahahaha gtfo from there u fucking fag

Sansa looks like a man, and already hit a wall, and she only 23, she disgusting

she is one of those stong woman and shit
probably will never do anything useful in her life

She looks like a grown up Lex from Jurassic Park

>Sansa looks like a man
Low testosterone faggot detected
How embarrassing!

Stop being a cunt, nigga

Quentin Tarantino wants to talk to Emilia.

Her career is fucked.

Go with your tranny kill unborn babies u leftist feminist scum

She not only hit the wall but she fucking fat kek, more burgers for her

>being this autistically schizophrenic
how embarrassing!


>the porn parody has a better ending than the real thing

lower your standards

Her career is over.

kek even my sister called it. She says no matter what they can never get the phoenix story right

plus i mean really, did anyone thing sophie turner was gonna be good in this? She was a wooden plank in game of thrones, though not necicerily the actress' fault, her character on the show was garbage.

>no matter what they can never get the phoenix story right
the 90's animated show got it right shouldn't be that hard


Softcore porn

I think it might be the Cook.

I wish I was that dog.

>Implying Sophie will ever get another jobs filming in US.

It can never be unseen kek


>that subtle bit of nipple

Can't unsee

>tfw youre like 50 and still look better than current 20 year olds

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She'll transfer to dramatic work and become the next Elizabeth Taylor. Then you faggots will regret ever messing with my waifu

Is that aureola

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