I'd seen Always Sunny seasons 1 to 6 and loved it but just never managed to see any of the later episodes...

I'd seen Always Sunny seasons 1 to 6 and loved it but just never managed to see any of the later episodes, mainly because I'd been told it turns pretty bad soon after six and then eventually to absolute shit. On tv an episode of season 13 came on (had no idea it was this old) and my God, the first thing that struck me is how bizarre everyone looks. Also Mac just told some kids on bikes that he's gay.
What the fuck happened?

Attached: always-sunny-in-philadelphia.jpg (720x481, 120K)

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Mac's Big Break is probably the worst episode

The only season I didn't enjoy was last season. People have been shitting on the new seasons since season 5. I distinctly remember posting here and discussing IASIP when season 5 was airing and everyone was shitting on it because of that dave and busters episode and all the "marketing" in the episode. Yet that's now considered one of the better episodes of the show.

The thing is in later seasons they have been trying more experimental stuff with the format of the show, and it hurts it more than it helps.

Absolutely not. Mac finds his pride is the worst episode of the series thus far. I also found the gang goes to hell to be pretty mediocre.

In fact, almost every episode last season was mediocre, which is insane to me because season 12 overall was hilarious, with multiple great episodes (Making Dennis Reynolds a murderer, Hero or Hate Crime, Water Park and Old Lady House).

Actually, now that I think about it, I think A Cricket's Tale is my overall least favorite episode. Cricket cannot carry an entire episode by himself and is only well used as an ancillary character.

Dennis just called a guy a "söyboy beta cuck" is this show written by memes now?

When Frank and Charlie start living together is when the show goes on a steep decline. When they stop living together is when it starts to get better but it never gets to be as good as it was.

The episode where they go to the water park became my new all time favorite so some of the are worth watching

Keep going if you enjoy it. Some episodes are kinda bad but the good ones are still great.
>frank reynolds steals a tour bus and remembers the good times with the gay

If you think that was bad wait until the next season where the scripts have to be approved by Disney which will probably be the last season since its all they are signed on for and its not a very Disney friendly show.

They still technically live together, its just that neither one spends any time at the apartment because they don't want to be around the waitress who has lived there since the season 12 finale.

Why would Disney cancel a show that makes money just because it's too rude? They're going to still make stuff under the FOX name just to keep that brand. Remember they also own most of Hulu too.

Attached: 1556742584197.png (1963x1500, 2.94M)

its still good after that, just not consistently

They fucked over an entire film production/distribution company (Miramax) that was extremely profitable just because it wasn't SJW enough for Disney and got them bad press for being rude why wouldn't they cancel a single show that makes much less profit?

It’s interesting from the perspective of, what the fuck even is Danny “DeVito” all about? He is like a mystical Jewish dwarf from a land before time. The continuous, paid threads promoting this show should provide an ideal vehicle for exploring his unusual situation. Danny DeVito or one of his sodomite apeling bretheren actually raped Jesus Christ to death. This tradition is actually supported by some Talmudic writings as well. The lusty dwarf isn’t just a literary and cultural myth, it’s based on real life.

I urge all of you anons to read Theozoology which explores Danny’s lineage in depth.

>They're going to still make stuff under the FOX name just to keep that brand
The same FOX network that canceled every single one of their live action comedies last year when it became clear Disney was going to buy them and started producing softer series like Last Man Standing and The Cool Kids?

Why are they like this

All footfags are shitskins. Don’t try to understand their subhuman ways.

There was always something salvageable in all seasons after they hit their peak until last season which was just bad all around. You know how cartoons turn soulless when they update their animations, Sunny turned to shit when they started using new cameras. But last season was the only totally ireedeemable one. And yeah a lot of them look weird now cause they fell for the same trap that they would have critized earlier, which is every cast member getting better looking as the show goes on. They don't really look better though, just faker.

Time's Up was on par with some of the best episodes of the series.

Great Again, Escape, Bathroom Problem, and New Wheels were about average, but the rest were well below average.

Season 7 and 8 had their moments but it was sporadic. Trend continued beyond that. there certainly are some gems in the later the seasons but yeah comedy show started to suck, this happens always

i'd say women writers, but the truth is the decline was already happening. having a diverse writing staff only made it plummet faster

adding to this that the show felt real and genuine in the first season (dont know exactly when it went to shit) in its absurdity and filthiness. like when you see a george carlin stand up for the first time. but after 5 season you're like: "okay george relax stfu" and instead of stopping he turns into amy (((schumer)))

There are still some gems in the later seasons, but they're surrounded by coal.