Why do leftists want this?

why do leftists want this?

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Because they think it's funny and they want you and your children to suffer and die

because rightist would actually pay to see it

Everything they want is in service of undermining and destroying American values, freedoms, and morale to destabilize the country enough to make way for a Marxist revolution. The Jews are driving it to wipe out whites.

do they go to tranny jail or

It's not real.

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>there's no /pol/ spamming on Yea Forums, go dilate, tranny


>Fox news


>Martinez became “noticeably hostile and defensive” when a detective began asking about the girl’s allegations. Martinez said that the girl had been “talking crap” earlier that day and denied being a child molester. Martinez said the accusations were a “publicity stunt” before refusing to speak further with the detective.


>The person found guilty of this crime, Michelle (referred to as “Miguel” in local news reports) Martinez, was not a stranger in a public restroom but rather a family friend who allegedly raped the 10-year-old victim in a bathroom in the victim’s home.

>While Martinez is transgender and was convicted of raping a child, the case does not document that transgender persons are any more likely to sexually abuse minors than any other segment of the population. The idea that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are child abusers or pedophiles has long been used to foment prejudice, although those who push this idea have often been hard-pressed to provide any proof for that claim.

>The sad fact is children are far more likely to be abused or raped by someone that they know than by a stranger. The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network estimates that in 93 percent of sexual abuse cases reported to law enforcement, the victim knows their abuser.



So you agree this tranny did rape a kid.

>The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
they must have some good videos


>the case does not document that transgender persons are any more likely to sexually abuse minors than any other segment of the population
Yes but transwomen are biologically men and men rape more than women.

Because they hate children, innocence and all things good.
They are legitimately evil.

Yes but do you agree Fox News and OP is pushing a false narrative to make people scared of a boogeyman?

Yes so we should genocide all men not just transgenders.

as much as rightwingers want unstable virgins shooting up schools

Why do pedos get stopped by bathroom signs
If someone is so deranged that they rape kids why would they obey a bathroom sign?
Are trannies so mentally ill that they’ll rape kids but only if they’re in the right bathroom?

the Fox News article objectively states what happened, how is that agenda pushing?

>raping a family friend is somehow less scary than than raping a stranger

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It's a public place. They don't want to get caught like any criminal doesn't. It's easier for them to do it privately.

yes, we should not let any man share a bathroom with women

>Second, regarding any crime, male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls (aHR 6.6; 95% CI 4.1–10.8) but not compared to males (aHR 0.8; 95% CI 0.5–1.2). This indicates that they retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime.


wow there really is a tranny defense force on nuchan. so fucking disgusting

It's obviously using "bathroom" to bring up ammo to the transgender bathroom argument and you are being intellectually dishonest if you think otherwise. Do the other articles they make of abuse state the place it was committed in the title?

it's the reddit tourists

imagine how many missing kids those milkmen have in their basements

I think his point is the fact that they mention the bathroom
It isn’t really that important where in the house the rape took place but trannies have bathroom issues so they mention it

Mexican trans, fox must have busted a nut.

When it's a girl being raped in a public bathroom, yeah



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It's better than we have the transgenders rape little boys in the bathroom than little girls. You know the gender transgender women are usually attracted to. Retard.

they use futa bathroom access to diddle strange children

waaahh why are people pointing out inaccuracies in my low effort political bait post?? :( what happens Yea Forumsros?!


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Why do you post this on Yea Forums?

no they will never admit it no matter how many times you prove them wrong because they are cowards who hide behind irony and defeatism. They know their views are inhumane and disproportionate and cannot allow anyone to criticize them directly

It wasn't a public restroom. It was a private bathroom in someones home yet this article is going to be used in the transgender bathroom debate like it actually means anything.

Isn’t it obvious that if you have children you shouldn't let the mentally deficient near them?

And that's a good thing!

I think leftists actually get off on shit like this


hey look, he's making this face

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This but ironically

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Well that's the media though, they all do it, not just foxnews

White devils have raped and pillaged all over the globe nothing will change. Now they send the mentally ill into the world to finish the job

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Like it makes a fucking difference lol. You're defending this sick shit.

>the case does not document that transgender persons are any more likely to sexually abuse minors than any other segment of the population
>93 percent of sexual abuse cases reported to law enforcement, the victim knows their abuser.
They attempt to refute the claim of a higher *rate* of sexual abuse by transgendered people by referring to the *net* abuse committed by other segments of the population. (i.e. "Members of the Manson family are not more likely to kill than other segments of the population because most murders are committed by people who are not Manson family members.")

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can i put my dick in her pussy?
she's a woman, right?
oh, a man in drag?
that's uh...
so... i could stick it in her... his? ass?
that'd be gay
i'm not gay?
so... has a dick and is a woman?
a man in drag with an asshole is the same thing now?
i uh...
i think you have some issues user.
so... i'm going to bounce.
no, you stay here.

I'm not defending I'm saying this can't be used in the transgender public bathroom argument. Do you disagree?

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