Are we brothers Francis?
Are we brothers Francis?
ugh my poor soul
Show for effeminates.
post height and jaw
>pretending he's in a position to make demands when he's obviously not
I bet you watched Chernobyl too. Faggot redditor, kill yourself. You write like a black kid, by the way.
you're trying too hard be more subtle next time
You did watch Chernobyl. I knew it. Disgusting fag.
certified mankino
>watching tv/film means i'm masculine because i watch it! le women will never understand le master and le commander!
Zoomers are so pathetic and transparent. Kill something. Learn to feed yourself instead of watching shows about men.
What the fuck crawled up your diseased cunt and died there, roastie?
Whats more feels this or when hes says goodbye to Blanky
Your failure of a generation, Mary.
Great show.
Watching retarded anglo think they are hot shit and then fail miserably never gets old.
well pardon us... Mr Gucci Loafers
That's 20 lashes per post.
>trying to imply someone else is gay after using an ellipsis
It's like you kids don't even understand what's wrong about your behavior.
"Some forks and a piece of rope" is something few women fully understand
Keep crying crusty cunt.
>you called me a girl so i'm gonna call you one now!
When are you going to grow up and be a man instead of just watching them on TV?
>Yeah, when are you going to put yourself into a life-threatening situation out of a nihilistic martyrdom and then find comradery with an old rival when everything seems most hopeless?
Wow, you sure are picking apart this fragile masculinity piece by fragile piece. I hate The Terror now.
>completely different femmebrain comes into the thread to play a gay game of pile-on while grabbing dicks on his way to the bottom
You grandfather is/was embarrassed by you.
>can't form any kind of actual retort bar chucking a sad and throwing out insults
nice chat
I'm 5'7 but with strong chiseled jaw
is it salvageable or should I give up
Have sex, Edmure
>it took a retarded nigger 12 minutes to pretend he was capable of talking back
Are we comrades, Valery?
Was this intentional?
>owns a gay mobile device
>watches gay shows for redditors
Surprisingly I wasn't furiously refreshing the page waiting for your reply like you clearly were/are lmao
>still zero actual argument
Why even bother? :^)
t. Pajeet.
How mad are you that your chink phones are getting banned in the west Mr. Chinky Chinaman?
>doesn't know when greentext is necessary
>defends gays because he is one
>it doesn't matter if i don't have an argument, it matters you don't have one!
Why do redditors always pretend that Yea Forums is for arguing instead of telling faggots and retards that they're faggots and retards? Is it because you're all intellectually insecure due to being bad at sports?
I wonder if you'll ever be topped as most pathetic poster
1/10 because you made me reply. Just skip to the part where you say you were just pretending to be a retard so you can actually take a break from furiously monitoring the thread.
jesus fucking christ is this Yea Forums tier shit acceptable now? As if the board wasnt awful enough as it is.
>autistic whining increases
>still no argument
l m f a o
I've never had it so easy, you're really bad at this
>Apple is made out of 100% US materials in the USA
Thanks for proving you're all complete retards, Suzy.
>new IP
>whiteknighting for another man because he's gay
>writes like a black kid
I guess you reddit imports from the post 2012 era didn't get the memo that this isn't the site for high quality, moderated discussion.
>another faggot for the pile-on
>sentences and paragraphs are hard for "people" under 25
It had nothing to do with nationality, the Discovery Society simply picked the worst leader available. Both the second and third in command would have turned them around and avoided the catastrophe.
Do you need a moment to stand up and take a few breaths?
>words are hard: the post
Do you need a few more minutes to think up something that a fat queer like Jesse Cox wouldn't say?
Ive seen you in 2 threads already, i know youre “having fun” but reflect on your acts, its starting to become embarassing
>i'm obsessed with you
>please teach me how punctuation and capitalization works, i'm black
sit down uncle
>5' 7"
>5' 7"
>5' 7"
>mfw he thinks his opinion matters