How do we fix the fantasy genre?

How do we fix the fantasy genre?

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*m'ladies in your path*

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The Dark Forest should be on the Lionguardish side of Gothmor. It should be something you have to go through fairly early on. Likewise the Elvenhome is way too far out of the way.

stop trying to copy/homage/reference/even acknowledge tolkien

This is really bad. It's just GoT plus LotR. Where's the mountain range called Spine of the World, and the pirate coast, and the rival trading cities?


You can't, people want the same stuff but different.

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>only describes a Tolkien-like fantasy world
The fag who made that pic has never seen anything beyond LotR.

instead of using Tolkien as the ultimate reference point, they should use Beowulf and Le Morte d'Arthur because there are lots of ways to take that than the way Tolkien did

also for diversity points have more novels based around Journey to the West, the Ramayana, and the Arabian Nights

Morte d'Arthur is full of incomprehensible themes that only made sense to medieval lords with their twins preoccupations of honour and piety. It didn't have much worldbuilding.

the fuck is this, looks like some faggot put world of warcraft, lotr and got together

fantasy should be less about worldbuilding and more about using fantasy elements metaphorically to explore philosophical concepts that wouldn't arise in real world scenarios and to explore the psychology of the characters

>Massive Wall
>Mount Death


this isn't nearly as clever as the person who designed this thinks it is

It really shouldn't, because that's fucking boring.

I want to play a game in this setting.

yeah instead let's have the same shit done over and over for almost a fucking century

*writes 100-page detour about subduing a succubus*

Left Hand of Darkness adaptation when?

Eh it'd probably get fucked up anyways.

>take inspiration from real life
>dude you are ripping off le based tolkien! he invented history, geography and everything else!

Nobody wants to watch sword and sorcery character studies about fictional characters dealing with something that will never happen.

Be original.

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For kids and families, The Chronicles of Prydain. Either have Disney finally do something with the license, or have them give it to someone that will.

For people wanting more gritty GoT shit, The Black Company.

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I liked the setting, but the characters were mind-numbingly boring.
Pic related can write characters.

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by pursuing better quality

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Pic related
Isn't this already a Disney movie?

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>how do we fix something that isnt broken

BASED and redpilled

Disney mashed up the first two books in the series, The Book of Three and The Black Cauldron, into a movie named after the latter. On a technical level it's beautiful, and it's sorely underappreciated, but the Mouse hates it for nearly bankrupting the animation division. Seriously. The movie was a critical and financial flop. Disney pretty much pretended it didn't exist for nearly 20 years, and still don't acknowledge it.

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fuck off faggot

Did someone say quality?

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>actually give budgets to independent and exciting filmmakers with a singular vision about fantasy and have them go balls deep in 3 hour epics that cost hundreds of millions
It's the only way I'm going to get a classic Warhammer film, I'm convinced. Like if you just let a director like Wes Anderson do his own Lord of the Rings, or the guy doing the Dune reboot/remake the freedom to make The Dark Tower.

>I didn't get the joke at "Clichea"



that's the point bro

Are rival trading cities a fantasy cliche?

studio execs care about profits, not quality

That's why you need to unironically pull a Marvel and have weirdos do offshoot films with a decent budget.

this. It's not cliches, it's just two maps put together.

just be yourself :^)

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That's more of a cyber punk thing.

But dealing with hypothetical scenarios can help shed light on our own reality.

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shit at writing a plot that goes anywhere
shit at D&D whenever he appears on celeb shows
shit at talking to people about anything except the autistic shit he wants to talk about
what the fuck even is he

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Post the best fantasy map you got Yea Forums

I saw him on some D&D stream. He was stuttering and sweating all the way through, trying and failing to play the wise, experienced paladin (he was level 5 in a party of level 13s). They all extra patient with him because he's a writer.

A better map would be similar but incorporate some other elements:
>Badlands is to the South and East
>Orcish steppe nomads
>Gondor is the western tip/edge of the map (or all elements of the map are reversed, see Narnia)
>Elfland is more forested
Everything else is p good



Op you just got burned hard.

>Shoglath was talking shit!

These images are always made by people who think they're much more creative than they actually are

>watch D&D streams unironically
>call others autists

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From the Artesia comic. A fantasy world that's heavily influenced by C15th mercenary companies and Mary Gentle's Book of Ash.

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I actually like this one unironically.

what happened to spain?

>sucks gums, subverts your expectations.
You cant be serious.

introduce a proper taxation

this guy is right you know

the fag who made the pic also read the Silmarillion.
And then the fag read page after page of Tolkien pastiche... and people SUBVERTING!! TOLKIEM!! including Jordan and Goodkind and, yes, Martin. (The Wall is just the Siege of Angband but with men instead of Noldorim.)
So maybe that artist likes cocks a bit much, but if so then Martin likes tossing salad.

> what is satire

>can't play by yourself
>have no friends

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Can't fix something that's meant to be broken. Fantasy is juvenile escapism for losers. You take that away by making it a little more cerebral, and you lose your audience.

Stop making your fantasy maps look like just a weird version of a regular world map.

I didn't call him an autist (but he actually is though).

ah, Golarion.

Spain didn't exist in real life pal
what did they teach you in school

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Stop making high-fantasy
We've been through thousands of years of worldbuilding organically. Anything your mind can think of will have obvious parallels to our world's history and geography, rendering it unexpiring and cheap to anyone who isn't low-iq.
Stick to low fantasy, seeing something immediately relatable (not 'subconsciously' relatable through lame metaphor) being affected by the out-of-world elements you put in your story is much more engaging than a regurgitated mess.

>people the write schlock
Tolkien thieves
>people the write pretentious schlock
Efforts at Anti-Tolkien settings
>people that write ok genre shit
People that draw inspiration from sources they're passionate about and create their own setting

rate this map

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wait you said fantasy

You clearly dont know how important mountains are to biome formation

>village is bordered by two rivers
>village is literally called Two Rivers

on this matter, non-white people could unironically help. There's tons of fantasy and sci-fi stories made by people from southern asia or south america that have a completely different take. Sadly, we never see them on tv shows or the big screen because "muh medieval euro fantasies"

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you're probably going to take this with a grain of salt because 4channel criticizes everything, but this is retarded.

Also some gross boobie jokes.
This was my generation's (X) Song Of The South. We kept hearing about it - and there was a fine Sierra game based on it - but most of us never got to SEE it, until the late 1990s when the MausHaus finally relented. and then streaming of course.

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how many epic high fantasies do you have to read before getting all butthurt like OP

just started one and it's pretty comfy desu

>subverts your expectations.
how so?

Xianxia and isekai are even more trashy than generic Western fantasy.

I don't understand how half these mountains form. Where are the tectonic plates?

it was geoengineered obviously

seriously, check out the Dog Star blog by an actual Indian-descent writer on that.
Fantasy written in India is shite. Fantasy written by the diaspora is a lot better. The Dog Star blogger thinks it's because, in India, everyone is still writing faggoty Hindu epic fanfic. Outside India they write to defend Indian culture.

>tfw no Lovecraft Dreamland TV series

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But sci-fi already accomplishes this and much better than fantasy ever could

mfw the only classic warhammer film i'll ever watch is Event Horizon

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I actually got through that fucking trudge of a read.

The setting is interesting and unique but holy shit the writing itself is repetitive. I swear he started every other sentence almost exactly the same way. littered with run on sentences describing the same thing he already did about a paragraph ago.

That being said an adaptation could be pretty cool given the setting and atmosphere, been meaning to work some stuff from it into a D&D campaign

metru nui>mata nui

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rate this map

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comfy 10/10

awful. did you make this haha? its gay

Most english language fiction from the 19th century was actually quite bad.

You're supposed to read the modern writing version first to get a better picture of the setting, then the original to get a better understanding of what the author's original intent. Tremendous bruh moment

two fat turds circling the bowl. The left one's nuttier.

Where's the normal zone? Where you start out. Is it the Tiny Bickering Fiefdoms?

"90% of science fiction is crap. ... because 90% of everything is crap."

I stopped being friends with a co-worker of mine after he gave me this book.

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Haven't had a chance to post this in forever

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>He didn't like The Name of the Wind

he wrote a whole book just to cope vicariously through his self insert

Rothfuss was always a faggot. Some beta male kid loved him. Our office felt sorry for him and kept trying to fix him (mfw nobody ever did that for me) but it didn't take.
He's probably ended up a bitter, loveless asshole like me by now. He's probably in this very thread.
In sum: fuck Rothfuss; fuck him hard, for ruining lives.

>start reading book series
>it's being adapted for TV
what do bros

is it enjoyable to read and then watch the action after?

Not really. It never lives up to the book.

is this friendzoned: the novel?

>the old wizard is actually evil!
>the hidden prince is actually a cowardly lowborn!
>the noble barbarian is actually insane!
Repeat for every character in every book he writes.

I read the Annihilation trilogy before the movie came out and I can't see anyone talking about how good the movie was before making me want to slap them

>that cope
Would make sense if it was the guy who fucked her first dabbing on all the betas who come after

No shes in """love""" with him but is a literal prostitute with issues.
The bigger issue is the MC is a really shitty self insert
>Okay so hes a super genius the greatest ever at magic school
>Also his music is so beautiful that he can make anyone cry
>Also also hes a super sex man who a goddess fell in love with him
>Everyone wants to fuck him and hes so great
Its especially annoying since the plot is filled to the brim with inconsistencies and holes but the author always hand waves it with "HURR ITS NOT WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED HES AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR"

Speaking of isn't wheel of time supposed to be getting a tv series?
I wonder if normalfags will hate it because RJ borderline hated women in his super realistic portrayal of them.

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Why fantasy map suck

>that guy who didnt farm out boozybay before going to Mt. Grym

Keep shitskins out. Even if they were included in the original story, shitskin characters should be played by white people.

why are you all pretending you don't know the fucking show's name

Pillars of Eternity has the best map ever in fantasy. It was made following actual physics.

Came here to post this. Earwa is top tier.

Final trilogy when?

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Because only boring people with no life experiences write genre fiction.

every basic bitch tolkien/D&D 3.5 blatant ripoff is still better than subversive hacks we have now who hate the genere and the audience shitting out globohomo propaganda + porn disguised as a groundbreaking new direction for fantasy.
fuck nufantasy and fuck every character now being a nigger or mystery meat goblin.

Most military sci-fi is written by people who have had extensive military service

Hopefully it will make braid tugging mainstream.

Cuck: The fantasy

>globohomo propaganda
you sure sound intelligent.

bros should I read the witcher books or wait for the TV series or force myself to finish witcher 3

>Another giant fucking wall
>Le Fiery Draconic Isles
>le mountain chain in the middle
>le giant tree
>all those norse mythology names

Literally "Lord of The Ripoff: Games of Vikings"

Ain't you tired of this shit kids?

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I enjoy making maps on inkarnate. How should i improve?

t. gay mafia defense force

are you retarded or something

even if it was different from the book, as a standalone movie annihilation was pretty good

are map autismos a real thing
>wahhhhh you can't have mountains that other world had mountains in it noooooo
lol you're not supposed to draw a map just read the book stupid

Adapt "Shadows of the Apt"

don't even bother doing any of this shit
books are only good the first two maybe
hype for the games is over
tv-show gonna be flop shit

Literally none of that was a surprise twist unless you are actually mentally retarded.

Explain to me what was good about it.

>tfw they almost made an amazon adaptation of this
Thank goodness we dodged that bullet. Once upon a time, I used to want movie/show adaptations of my favorite books, but now I just want everyone to stay as far away from them as possible.

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i liked it

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>boundless steps
>clearly bounded on all sides
what the fuck

>there's a gay mafia
Hello, Breitbart.

By adapting the Gentleman Bastard series.

Kill Brandon Sanderson.

ark survival/10

redpill me on this guy
been hearing his name a lot lately

Can somebody do a what I expected vs. What I got for this?

This is literally (figuratively) just a map of the old world plus Hawaii and Atlantis. very lazy

Finished the WoT series when the author died, people are memeing he'll finish ASIOAF when GRRM dies (he's gone on record saying he'd refuse)

He's able to write decently and fast, which is the gist of it

And what should be on either side?

i had a good laugh, thanks man.

No. It's World of Warcraft mixed with Shanara

>things existing is bad

looks like home

Hes REALLY overrated, not bad at all mind you but his fans are numerous and super goddamn obnoxious.
He essentially writes western shounen anime for young adults which is a good niche to be in right now since the massive influx of people from GoT.

Hes also a weird Mormon and puts all his weird Mormon hatred of sex and affection in all his books.

Adapt slavic mythology

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It’s where France is supposed to be.

The Marvel movies of fantasy books.

sounds based

absolutely patrician, best fantasy on the market

what did he mean by this?

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not soon enough brother

Prachett TV series would be pretty great.
Though its probably for the better one never gets made.

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Will they get gangbanged by the norse mythology chads?

Gnostic metaphysics + bleeding edge neuroscience + hell is real = oh no no no NO NO NO NO

Yeah, I don't get why Lovecraft's stuff hasn't been adapted in serious manner, there is a shit ton of weird and original shit there, and its not like it is unknown or something new, this shit has been around since the 20s for fuck sakes.

A ton of big name authors and directors have referenced the dude extensively, and yet no serious effort to create some sort of series or movie that makes an adaption outside of some low budget obscure stuff.

Is it because of the cats?

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Why did the Asgard wildbeasts bother with their plan to attack the massive wall to create the breach when instead they could have just gone around the mountains of the myst and attack vikinghelm from the east, and then go on to lionguard? Instead they attacked the massive wall and the only worthwhile thing near it is the nothern shire which is strategically a useless location, while taking out vikinghelm and lionguard would have essentially eliminated all of their major resistance to then go on to fight the cities in the plains of gondar. Seriously, this shit makes no goddamn sense at all.

Climates make no sense.

it's because of the racism

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Based and tentaclepilled

inferior to this

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Why does every fantasy novel or movie depict High Middle Ages with plate armor and castles? Why not more Dark Ages Europe with shield-wall infantry and Carolingian-esque halls and towers? Have people wear only chain-mail, a helmet, greaves and bracers, and a shield. Cavalry is mainly for scouting and raiding; no barding or lance charges.

Good Omens released less than a week ago.


>complete mastery of science, and near infinite knowledge
>able to practically live forever
>create a hedonistic utopian planet
>one day find out gods, universal morals, and the afterlife is real
>all your family, friends, and ancestors are writhing in Hell forever, and your soul is already damned
I typically hate prequels, but I wouldn't mind seeing how the progenitors used to live and reacted to finding out their eternal souls were toast.

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Has anyone actually made a decent fantasy geography. I actually went to school for this and it’s annoying to see generic land masses without any logic in the climate (hello rain shadows anyone?) or the terrain.

Because seeing the peasants live in grass/manure huts is really depressing.

Best you'll get is Shae's reaction to the Inverse Fire in the False Sun. Hell of a twist though. Imagine technocrats today learning hardcore, heavy-duty Old Testament morality is objectively true.

Isn't that done by Gaiman who also writers Lovecraft routinely, so yeah, no excuse of this then If King and Gaiman who are supremely woke can put his racism aside, surely can Hollywood.

It's not.
Lovecraft has had a ton of movie adaptations, comics, vidya and board/card games.
The stories just don't fit the hollywold formula and were fairly niche up until recently.

>the fantasy genre
It's been the Tolkien genre for the last 50 years.

Thid greatly pleases the altrighters and truthers

this pic is ridiculously comfy, mind if I save it?

Stop relying on Tolkein shit.

If you want, sure. I'd prefer if you were original and came up with your own stuff though.

God is a fucking hack.

Hasn't finished his books.

It doesn’t have to be mud huts and squalor. Have something like towns and villages made of wood and some stone/brick. A defensive ditch and stout palisade to protect them. The larger more prosperous towns use stone walls and towers and the cities (basically anything that has more than 10,000 people) can afford good masonry and architecture.

As for plots, make it more substantial than fighting goblins or evil dark wizards. I know GOT made everyone butthurt but the fact that Daenerys went Mad Targ is something that many of us on Yea Forums speculated on. She wasn’t this liberator but an invader who genuinely believed in the goodness of her cause. The most dangerous fanatics are the ones who do horrific atrocities for “the greater good” in their twisted sense of self-righteousness.

I even liked how Northmen were indiscriminately slaughtering civilians in King’s Landing because that’s what actually happens when a city is taken during the Middle Ages.

Military service != life experience. It's just a job for boring people.

What is possibly WoWish about that map? Nothing.

Mezoamerican stuff is basically adaptation free

Are you guys looking forward to a black muslim gay transgender Aragorn in amazons lotr adaptation?

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Stop basing it on medieval Europe for one. It's a played out setting and is way too common. Instead move into other cultures such as Polynesian, African, and Middle Eastern (mesapotamian) architecture and what not. If not whatever made in the genre will always be compared to Lotr and GoT.

Keep in mind this is purely settings wise, Obviously competent writers, a good story, and consistent lore is a necessity for improving the genre.

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Pic related is you

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Ok, retard


except filled with niggers amirite?

Incredibly unbased.

t. lazy ass GM who got called out

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>u r drumpf!!

El Incal?

More like El Incel LMAO

Most people have no clue or appreciation of pre-Columbus civilizations in the Western Hemisphere. It’s usually Western European, some form of Near Eastern, or China/Japan analogies in US fantasy.

Like other people in this thread have mentioned, South Asian and Slavic are criminally overlooked.

In fact, one of the best fantasy books I’ve read A Wizard of Earthsea depicts a dark-skinned guy who thinks he’s the shit because a wizard sees his potential and accidentally unleashes evil from his own arrogance. He was the Anti-Harry Potter before there was a Harry Potter. And his world is full of dark-skinned peoples who are civilized compared to white-skinned pseudo-Vikings who are savages. The author, Ursula le Guin wrote the book in response to fantasy dominated by European-esque people and the idea WHY wizards were old and wise.

A Wizard of Earthsea is kino. That being said, Tombs of Atuan > AWoE. I read the shit out of those books back in middle school.

jerking off to 5 year olds doesn't make you interesting, user

Best Fictional world map coming thru

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I'm just finishing up the second book. What does this refer to? I've heard shit gets a little autistic come book seven or eight.

tfw didn't get the joke until i saw italy

i may be retarded but i still laughed

I agree that Tombs of Atuan is better but A Wizard or Earthsea impressed me a lot when I was 9. It easily blows HP out of the water. Hated how Sci-Fi Channel fucked up the adaptation.

I'm legitimately horrified an image like this exists

>A Wizard or Earthsea
Isn't there a Studio Ghibli movie about that?

thats sounds gay and like something that would interest someone who doesnt have sex

Yes but it adapted the later books and was a piss-poor job.

you live an easy, sheltered life

Is that the movie that's an insult to life itself?

Got a good chuckle from that, especially Azgard, Kazzakrad, Lionsguard, Forgehold, and Yggdraseal.

Yes it does.

I had the same thoughts. And the exotic east is in the wrong place, obviously.

Can they at least change it up a bit, its always basically just a variation of LOTR/D&D or some semi-historical bullshit thats trying to push some political message.

Can they at least do some typical D&D shit like always but halfway through they whole reams gets invaded my Cthulhu monsters that throws the whole thing out of whack, or hell do a reverse colonization and have some sort of Aztec empire invade the generic fantasy world, where they starts ripping Elf heart outs and cutting Dwarfs heads off as an offering to their weird sun snake feathered god.

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That's just Wales.

Someone post the map from night lands

No because the ending would be generic as shit. You'd either have some hero slay the big bad or a bunch of speeches then the good guys rally and win. Might as well not bother. And nobody is going to write all that and let evil win because it makes the characters you develop pointless.

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Don't mind me, just dropping one of the better fantasy BOOKS in a long time (game is shit in comparison, learn to read).

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What fucking books are you talking about please fucking tell me.

the dwarf/elf/fantasy race shit honestly need to go.

if they are just vehicles for certain human civilizations that existed in our world (ie. the scottish stand-in or the celtic stand-in, etc.) then just use fucking humans. making them their own races just pidgeon-holes them further into the identity presented for them.

is stormlight archs any good or nah

>How did Hawaii form

You can always have it be a stalemate, then the invading force just takes half their territory, and for the next centuries they try to coexist while having proxy wars.
Imagine the Eldritch controlled side slowly sending missionaries and start converting Elves to pray to the giant octopus space god, I mean, corrupting Elves is always fun afterall.

So all of her series are bad, especially stormlight. I have found all his standalone books and novels to be amazing. He is the best person making worlds right now. The issue, is he then meanders around them, trying to subvert expectations. Not realizing people have these expectations because its what they want and are for the most part good.

Read, Warbreaker if you are interested in him its his best book besides mistborn number 1, but then he fucks that series over.


Isn't Lovecraft all about interbreeding and the new race just taking over, thats basically Europe now.

based Vsevolodborisovichivanovposter

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>Thing that Nods
>Place Where the Silent Ones Are Never
>Plain of Blue Fire
>Vale of Red Fire
>Pit of Red Smoke
>Seven Lights

Funny thing is you have this sort of fantasy multiracial makeup done right with the Vulcans/Romulans (Elves/Dark Elves), Klingons (Orcs), Dominion (Fae), and Borg (Undead).

For all its faults, Star Trek especially Deep Space Nine touched upon how humans and other aliens interact and have stereotypes/bigotry towards one another.

People keep talking about LotR in this thread but I have yet to read any fantasy like the actual books.

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I can't remember what it was called. I only remember that they were a bunch of voice actors.

We wuz causality and shit nigga

>using fantasy elements metaphorically to explore philosophical concepts that wouldn't arise in real world scenarios
>and to explore the psychology of the characters

home :-)

You could start hybrid putting any effort into the races. Especially explain how elves are OP but humans are still alive.

>criticizes fantasy genre
>hasn't written a single published piece of work

Why aren't you spending more time creating and less time criticizing user?

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he keeps changing from "they" to "me"
are there 3 people involved or 4? GRRM did those "train of thoughts" better because he always used italics for those

>How do we fix the fantasy genre?
two of the biggest fantasy series (asoiaf, lotr) are barely a fantasy

so yeah, we're pretty much fucked.

>Why aren't you spending more time creating and less time criticizing user?
This is a fallacy that 3rd graders recite, be proud. You don't need to be accomplished in something to critique it. Logical arguments trump experience. There is a reason no one listens to fucking anecdotal evidence.

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I have never flipped burgers, but i can still have an opinion if i eat a shitty burger.

What’s Gondar’s tax policy?

Yep Mistborn while decent gives me SUPER anime vibes, it's almost like he's writing it to get an anime adaption.

but as always action is fucking lame compared good characters interacting and developing

It was weird that he never mentioned sex in the Mistborn books. Most books even ones for teenagers at least bring up the topic.


> something something Beowulf and Le Morte d'Arthur and do the thingy

no ones going to do that dude

>village has a bridge going over the river Lum
>call it Lumbridge

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It's shit and cliche like everything that comes from that shithole of numales

whats this from again? it kind of reminds me of dark crystal

book called leviathan. It's a re-imagining of WW1 but one side uses machines and the other creates genetically modified animals.

Read the House on the Borderlands. It's by Hodgson as well, but is much, much better. It is the most phenomenal book I have ever read.

I mean, it can happen. Problem with fantasy is always getting the budget required. Lower the fantasy, easier it is to procure.

fantasy fits animation style so much better because it's hard to cgi all the magic powers and make them look good

stop copying tolkien and stop copying taxman

Disney won’t do shit with the Prydain license ever since Black Cauldron nearly killed their animation department, whether anyone else would take it on after that would have to be a labour of love.

>(((elven land))) that close to the threat
you know that would never happen

Central powers were so fucking foolhardy. What did they expect to happen from that position? It's a miracle they lasted as long as they did.

Now the real QИALITY мap is coмing

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Pretty creative how they've transliterated Dale into Cyrillic.

That's the Russian map for the Hobbit.

>Pretty creative how they've transliterated Dale into Cyrillic.

Just seemed like a nice way around the lack of an A sound like we use it.

It's literally a phonetic transcription. Of course it's spelled /dejl/.

1) stop treating it like its a joke
2) adapt good works
3) fuck tolkien

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Well excuse me, Dmitri Ivanovich

holy shit fucking based.

no shit sherlock. That's exactly what is written in the filename.

runescape movie when

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replies to this confirm fantasy readers are next-level plebs

If you're so interested in psychology and concepts why don't you try reading actual literature.

tfw I was brainstorming a short fantasy story with my friends and the map we drew low key kinda looks like this

I'm working on my books and there's one big central continent split into three parts, is a highly advanced city, a big crater, and a big forest up top

other than that it's a bunch of islands spread across the world, with several being quite large but none of them as big as the central one, and at the edges of the world there's a big ring of forest that no one has ever passed and hides the center of the planet, how did I do?

oh and the planet has two moons but one of them is fake which is hiding the prison of the final villain and being protected by the second to last villains, the protagonist gets rused into helping to kill them only to realize they were hiding something worse all along

These works are hard for cusual audiences today because of a very different sense of pacing, the secondary importance of 'characters' compared to post 1600 writing, and current year audience fedoraism.

Fav. dungeon maps?

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weren't they vikings of some sort?

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Slavic mythology and cosmology are all but butchered by christianity. Neo-pagans are tolkienist morons and their """slavic""" lore is just made up fantasy.

lol I once made up a world whose one continent looked 90% like this.
'Cept the sunken kingdom wasn't

Rus' were a kind of viking at first. They became Slavified fairly quickly by contact with the Slav tribes emerging from the interior.

For the starters stop with the fucking medieval Europe.

Do Victorian Age fantasy or Chinese fantasy or whatever. Just not another fucking medieval Europe.

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It's gonna be long as shit once it's all done. But I would definitely recommend it. He can create very emotional scenes which is what I like about him.

I cringe so much when I see names with -ia and this map has a lot of those

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More original fantasy. Everything is always an adaptation of a book or a fairy tale/folk tale.
Sci-fi film and tv gets plenty of original stuff. Fantasy should too. Where's the fantasy version of Alien, Predator, Independence Day, District 9, Avatar etc?

Hold my beer.

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>Victorian Age fantasy or Chinese fantasy
Do Late Antiquity = Dark Ages or Early Renaissance (just coming out of the medieval eras). Both are times of great change.

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>I cringe so much when I see names with -ia
You got a problem with Latin?
Take it up with the Praetor.

cute crab

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Made me notice how cringe and unoriginal my fantasy world is. Will have to rethink a lot of stuff.

Move aside, maplets.

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Both that stuff happens in Berserk if you're into the weeb shit.

Are there any popelar fantasy series with bubble-worlds, tower-worlds, cave-worlds? Cause having just another one globe or disk becomes trivial.

Make Shadowrun popular and go back to Krull Style fantasy of the 80ies and leave Lotr the fuck alone.
Shadowrun has:
>Orcs, Elves, Trolls, Dwarves and other fantasy races.
>all set in the near future with Cyberpunk shit, Neon nights, Corporate hell and futuristic Guns.
>The magical Internet where hackers insert their avatar in a thing called Matrix to hack shit in person and punch Firewalls.
>Wizards that conjure abominations out of toxic waste, nuke a whole block by accidentialy standing on an ley line while conjuring a fireball and other whacky shit like Aztec Bloodmagic.
>The world is beyond fucked after magic returned. Sometimes in 2012 magic suddenly became a thing, Dragons awoke and 3/4 of humanity was turned into Elves, Orcs, Dwarves and worse.
>Big Corps run the world, all controlled by a Dragon. One of the worst is Aztechnology, a spic Mega Corp that is run by a crazhed dragon and his mages that sacrifice people like cattle for R&D and profit.
>Instead of open warfare, deniable assets called shadowrunners do the dirty jobs for the Big Corps or one of the few not fucked nation states. Since everyone has an ID, shadowrunners usualy have a hidden ID or got theirs purged, so they're off the grid an can do crime heavy jobs for their corporate Overlords, aka Dragons.
>A general rule in shadowrun is, if you're killing someone for a big price and there's no Dragon involved, he'll be involved once you kill the guy.

A crime Noir Tv Series would be gold.

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Can I have more steampunk please if you don't mind good sir.

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I'm looking for a fantasy map, it's basically a really deep hole in the ground that sends people crazier the deeper they go. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I saw it years ago and can't remember the name of the setting.

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Where is this from? It doesn't look official.

This. Fat, virginal plebs everywhere you look.

>he just copies a spider

>Warhammer film
Pick one.

It’s from Bionicle. It’s an artificial island generated by a 40 million foot tall robot’s cloaking system. It covers the robot’s face and it’s shape mirrors the shape of a city inside it’s brain because gravity or magnetism or some shit.

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I've seen him on twitch. He is insufferable.

>babby's first argument
this infantile as fuck level thinking is expected from an anime poster
