/wall/ general

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Other urls found in this thread:


jesus christ it looks like something from beetlejuice

Yeah, a bit. But shes also ugged up for the character with no makeup. Some women can wear skinny, most can't. The leanness really brings out the Golda in jewesses of a certain age. Still...they shine brightest of all in their primes.

she and Hila Klein share an (in)ancestor

i would push her against the wall in a forceful but loving way general

Momo Challenge

When You Find Out One of Your Friends Is Incredibly Racist / Homophobic / Transphobic


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>evades wall for decades

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I didn’t really understand what Tom Wolfe meant when he described the skeleton like wives of the New York elite in bonfire of the vanities until I saw aging Allison Brie

She looks like a cute aunty. Stick to watching lolita user.

She got veneers and it makes her mouth protrude too much like a monkey/nigger

This is why I don't date white women.

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imagine believing this. looks like a cute aunty

>The leanness really brings out the Golda in >jewesses of a certain age.
Correct. This is why Trachtenberg is a great pick for a Jewess waifu.

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/anyone past the age of 16/ general

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She's 36? Damn

Chloe already had lip surgery done before her first big roles.
She’s just getting further bogged now

>watching all of the girls I went to high school with gradually look more and more like a wax mannequin left in a hot car

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I don't get, it's a goofy photo and she looks fine?


You're supposed to hit the wall, not eat it.

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she's still hot, her hair is just stupid. those (((execs))) must've really gone to town on her though, she was the best looking actress imho

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>she was the best looking actress
Still is, baby

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>user, you've gotten so big! now come give granny a kiss.

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women hitting the wall doesn't even bring me joy

she could have dated a nice boy at 20 and married him by 23 and had all her kids before 28

instead shes married to dave franco in middle age and has no kids and is posting sexy selfies despite the fact that shes clearing aging compared to nubile young women

Someone found the painting in her attic

imagine breeding with "white" woman.
Give me a ebony qt or latina any day

Looks more like a predator baring it's teeth.

jesus christ


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>white """women"""

What species is this strange creature?

it’s the jew genes
they can’t beat their own dna with chutzpa

I just started watching Community. Annie is so fuckable. This hurts.


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she has the skin of a fucking iguana

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It's a pretty old meme desu
Some people call it the bangability window

>"""white""" """women"""

dubs and we all get a khazar gf

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>white child has nigger lips
>black child is doing the white people face
this family is fucked up lmao

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After she shaved it for that movie her hair has never recovered. Its been so awful waiting.

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Why hasn't she had a kid yet? She even had a younger man to marry is that meant to be her kid

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Technically true. You don't date any women.

Her being a raging alcoholic and megalomaniac made up for it.

Marisa Tomei a cute

those pit shots were really great though

I saw that movie on a date and don't remember the ending because I hated it so much I got blackout drunk and was yellling at the screen

did she slather herself in grease before this?

? she's still clearly good looking, just batshit and does stupid looking hairstyles and makeup


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shoulda taken her to a skin flick

in the last second during her awful tacky show the narrator goes "oh yeah btw, she sold her soul to the devil during the school shooting. The end"

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big yikes

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that peachfuzz beard tho

Guess Kylie Rae's age.

Attached: aew pre show alicia atout Kylie Rae (1).webm (1920x1080, 2.37M)

Looks cute to me

I think you guys are being a little harsh tbqh

She's either one of the most busty beautiful cuties ever or the most demonic creature to roam the cosmos

maybe it depends on the light

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>Not even past 20 and already hit the wall

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Raffey hit the wall harder than Hershlag

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You’re stupid

How do women even deal with the knowledge this will happen to them?

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Robin Wright is 53 and is hotter than when she was 23.

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left 33 right 45

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She still has game.

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did she get her skull shaved like korean women get their jaw shaved, wtf is that forehead

I really thought Kylie Rae was in her 40s too.

Attached: aew pre show alicia atout Kylie Rae book shh.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

she's like 45 it's almost impossible to get pregnant at that age and if you do there's like a 90% chance it's a tard

I don't know.

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seriously what happened to her
her eyes completely glazed over in comparison to just 5 years ago

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She needs to pay The Architect a visit

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36. it's doable but female fertility begins its decent at 30 and is in freefall by 35.

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Inbred Bong genetics.

Oh man, the state of Dave Franco.

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why do women took this kind of stupid photos?

whats the point?

James bond burger?

They are whores who crave attention.

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she was never that good looking to begin with

Just looks like a really shitty hairline.

6th bond 9th menu item

see the mask

She still looks good.

ITT: Incels and Future Incels

007 hamburger?

Who is the lady in the middle? Her personality is legit adorable

Bronson Sandwich?

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Pierced her buns?

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based and yagesbaropilled

Blackpill right here, it's hard to even take joy in it when you realize one's poor decisions (male and female alike) are just exporting mutual misery across the gender aisle to the people one could've been happy with and it's making us all circle the drain of loneliness a little more with each generation. Especially when your sister is 28 and you see her careening towards spinsterhood. None of us knows what she even wants, but I hope she figures it out soon. She's already popping anti-depressants like candy.

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are there any episode where the wall is defeated

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marisa tomei in the wrestler


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Actually she's still hot

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giv goth raffey gf!

body, but her face is melting


Nah. I don't see melting at all. She's massively for someone that is turning 46 next month

Man wrestling is fucking awful now.

I don't get what the point of this thread is

Are you gloating that you're a virgin?

*massively attractive

on a scale of "very gay" to "extremely gay" how gay are you really?

Kate is still alright....but he's dating her only so he can fuck her daughter right?

Holy shit how is this the face of a 26 year old?

It looks like her diet, she looks thin and unhealthy

nah,she's in the wall

Na man, it’s actually pretty funny
t. 29yo with a 25yo wife

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This one hurts the most for some reason...

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she's hot for an old chick but looks like a bag of shit compared to when she was younger

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Guys these threads really bring me down. Brie was so hot in Community. My GF is 21 and she's cute, her sister is my age (32) and she's /wall/ed pretty hard. I saw a pic of her in her early 20s a while ago and God she was hotter than my GF. Now I don't know what to do.


Motherthiccer Mike

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Jews hit the wall like nobody else does. It's those inbred genes.

No be a superficial piece of garbage. Please dump your gf because if you're just playing her let her find someone less hedonistic and shallow

i thought it was training for that shitty wrestling show

why do white people make this face?

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>coping because you never got to fuck them in highschool

secretly pounded

>muh holes

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I'm not sure what to think of this one.

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fucking kek

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she was replaced by her stand-in


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>mescudi pop pop de wop

>spits on your wall

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She kinda looks like amy adams in the right pic

Avril has always reminded me of Liz Vicious.

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was it heroin

Lisa Turtle from Saved By the Bell

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apes never hit the wall

I think the wall really only applies to people who were once attractive. You just posted an ugly dude

I...I figued it out.....

"Last night I, Pierce Bronson, fed cheeseburgers to your sister"

Oof, just looked up the quiet girl I had a crush on freshman year. Fat single mom of two working as a janitor. I want off Father Time's Wild Ride.

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>as a janitor
I don't know her but I bet she didn't deserve it.

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doesnt she have some condition though

This isn't hitting the wall, it's called being a jew.

Kid Cudi is based, do not speak ill

that has to be drugs

We have to go back Yea Forums!

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Holy hell

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Dr Now, I'm CIA.

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>Captain Marvel: “Even with my back against the wall—I don't give up!”

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>admitting “she” is an African American man

I thought wearing black was supposed to give a slimming effect?

notice how the fitgirl trend goes hand in hand with a woman drying up into a pallid wrinkled skeleton? women were meant to have a layer of chub on them to stay young and keep collagen levels up after 30

>tfw mom is 45 and still gets carded at bars and clubs

who else /good aging genes/

Well, Sean Penn isn't beating her anymore, I'm sure that helps

What kind of me repeating "Kylie Rae" do you not understand?

Attached: Kylie Rae's #AEWDoN post match comments All Elite Wrestling aew youtube account.webm (2048x1152, 2.68M)



Nonsense, men don’t hit the wall

she looks great though

Kinda heartbreaking that the bubbly 20something we saw on Community and Mad Men is slowly becoming a dried-up prune.

lelmao. chris rock was right

>greatest rapper is white
>greatest golfer is black

are you a guy or girl?

I don't follow wrestling and don't know who this girl is so can you actually post a picture or something of her when she was "attractive"

My best buddy from high school married a woman whom we knew since middle school. She’s 7 years older than him and we all had a crush on her when we were 11. They married when she was 36 and he was 29. She’s still good looking but nowhere near her prime. Never understood why he had a relationship with her instead of someone his age or younger. They now have 2 kids and I’m afraid that one of them might end up with autism.

>I've been found out!

>slowly becoming

Holy FUCK is you serious

black women aren't attractive in the first place tho

Idk but it makes me wanna knock them out...

hershag a cute

Depends. I’ve seen some East African students who are hot as fuck. Not to mention mulatto girls. One of them was a classy British girl with green eyes and tea-colored skin.

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Still decent for her age. But the wilt is happening every day. By the time she hits 40, she’ll have more lines and crinkles.

Amazing genes









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They look great. And I think they are good scientists and TV presenters.

how about women who age like fine wine?

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The fuck. Did she get breast enhancement?

Hit the wall so fast.

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she was a lardass for a few years