how can one woman be so based?
How can one woman be so based?
>le epic quirky gurl x3
You will never be with a girl this pretty long term.
What the fuck is this meme and what happened to her
>le le underaged autistic fat cringe poster XD
Get the fuck back to /pol/.
lol sloths rofl i love those meme haha
If I was on the Bachelor I definitely wouldn't drop a white girl 1st pick.
rent free
Why does a 23 year old feel the need to go on a reality TV show to find love? Women are so desperate because they're only good for less than half their life it's hilarious.
Is this a bot? Fuck off. Ironic coming from the people who complain about ‘NPCs’.
Women know their lifes is tragedy so, they turn it to comedy.
you sound familiar, did you also make this?
Why do all the women on this show look like they're in their forties?
wtf theres a tv show where a random man gets a harem and then chooses one of them? wow pic related is surprisingly true. so what do I need to do to be one of those men?
What the fuck?!? I love /pol/ now
To get followers and boost their influencer/modeling/etc career
>roastie gets BTFO by christian chad (volcel)
>post-wall roasties squeal
Save her before she becomes a cat roastie guys
I want to fuck her
how the hell did you get /pol/ from that post tard?
Literally nobody goes on these shitty balchelor-type shows to 'find love', retard. They want to boost their careers and garner a reputation.
>They want to boost their careers and garner a reputation
like this slut
did they?