the tidiest
The tidiest
the sneediest
Is it bad to have yellow fever? I don't feel like it's healthy to focus on dating a single race
Yes, because once you actually start living with a traditional asian woman for a few months you'll realize you've made a terrible mistake. Ignore your dick or just rub one out. It's not worth it, user.
This user has it right, just load up pornhub and fap user. Or better yet date a Latina or black woman, be sure to make many babies with her. If you have sons sure they’re circumcised, you wouldn’t want them to get penile cancer would you?
>Is it bad to have yellow fever?
not if you're asian
Could you imagine her getting rid of her yakza bfs sword collection and him just wailing on her for minutes until his hands are too sore to finish his meal?
I wish I could watch that tidy clip ;^)
Fuck off kike.
pretty sure that user was being ironic
Why do we hate her again? She seems kinda cute
more like the tightest pusy
you'all know she's 3'12"
I just don't know anymore nowadays..
L 4 ' 7 "
What's her JAV code though.
Wanna see her asshole.
>stockinged feet
Haha imagine the smell
I always hoped there'd be some huge expose that would reveal she was disgusting in her own home and a complete hoarder.
imagine the smell, haha
she doesn't do that
Now imagine her beating a cat to death with a metal bar or roasting a dog alive. Have fun, subhuman lovers.
If you're attracted to her because she is pretty, that is okay. If you are attracted just because she is Asian than no.
Know the difference.
Shoot, i'll try - just accepted a job offer over in Tokyo - i'll hold off the dating game for a while, though
Fuck off kike.
>Is it bad to have yellow fever
yes, you should kill yourself and make the world better
Asian women are only attracted by your wallet, don’t fall for them.
Second season is lit
God, I wish she'd torture me out of her devotion to cleansing the world. She'd strap me to a table specially made to lower for her tiny height and start sawing off square inch segments of my flesh, asking "Does this one spark joy?" while I sob heavily and answer no. Then she'd work her way from limbs to the more vital areas like my face and ribcage, while a growing mound of diced flesh litters the floor, only to be roughly kicked aside by her pantyhose-clad foot.
Despite that, i’ll Admit Asians often have much prettier hair than Europeans
blacked when
cringe and bluepilled
Is this another one of those JAV girls that fucks a disgusting fat guy with a microdick?