so was Aladdin shit?
So was Aladdin shit?
>meanwhile without movie lighting
yes, end of discussion
I don't think anyone from Yea Forums is watching.
You had to ask?
>still qt as fuck
Your point?
The movie was about as shitty as Naomi Scott's ancestry.
What's with her bf expression? Does she have nigger tattooed in her nape?
she looks like a 6/10 poo in loo, you're a desperate incel with no taste.
>Live-action remake
The answer is almost always yes with very few exceptions. They're shameless cashgrabs with some added woke shit to them.
She is so fucking gorgeous, it's not fair. Fucking hell I just get this overwhelmingly sad feeling when I see her knowing that she's not my girlfriend.
The fact that they didn't make her a slave in the tiny red outfit is a crime against humanity
Is she the most beautiful woman in Hollywood right now?
Not her, so I don't care
Yes, by far
moar pls
She's not Ana de Armas, so no.
Imagine how much of a gross mutt their baby will be
Shes not even the hottest indian actress
Lol baby gonna be like the product of an indian street. Mostly shit
Name one hotter
It is her
Why do you purposely go on the internet and tells lies?
her shit wasn't on my chest. also Will Smith is no longer the cool, non-threatening black guy. Obama replaced him
*big sniff*
Emilia clarke
she opened vagene
do bobs show to
Still looks decent m8.
Its only a lie if you dont believe it buddy
yep, UK incel with bad taste spotted. I guess you'll take anything cause bong women are so fuck ugly
I mean, you're not wrong.
Its real look up fappening pics
i wish a woman was that angry at me tbqhwy
lol nice frog post nigger.
Who is this?
>it's a female shaves off her eyebrows only to paint them back on again episode
I swear they keep getting more Lovecraftian with their mythos.
Nice face but everything else about her looks trash here. Greased up hair and ridiculous shitty outfit
They look real
Once you realise her mouth is always open you can never look at her the same.
She doesn’t have a good stylist
THATS Jasmin? She's suppose to be darker!!
Cartoons exaggerate appearances and features to get the point across. Real Arabian princesses aren’t that much darker than her.
It's not awful.
>so was Aladdin shit?
Utterly terrible
Every actor was miscast and Will Smith gave probably the worst performance of his career
I was dragged to it and I spent the whole time thinking “why didn’t we just stay home and watch the animated version instead?”. It’s like a boring watered down version of the original.
The casting was perfect except for Aladdin.
FUCK MEN: The Song
Meh Jasmin was pretty but again not a great actress, solem Sultan was miserable, Chadffar was all wrong, Will Smith delivered every line with as much enthusiasm as someone handing out double glazing brochures. Nigga can't sing either.
Yeah I miss the happy sultan from the original.
However your assessment of Jaffar is wrong, he's way more whiney in the new one, not chad at all.
The original is physically ugly but his voice is chad and height are imposing as fuck.
Also I'm on the fence about Smith. I liked his singing in Arabian Nights and some of the others.
Smith can’t really sing but Arabian Nights still sounded great. Perhaps the song is so good no one can ruin it.
>shitting in the middle of the palace
woa based
Funny how before the release of this movie, everyone was shitting on Will Smith being Will Smith trying to out-stage Robin Williams.
...then the final word on the film turned out to be cringefest of 'wokeness' that destroyed the message of both films, for the worse.
I just knew with all the #metoo shit theyd never show jasmine in that end of movie sexy outfit. Young me fell in love with jasmine when she showed up in that slave outfit.
Ain't she half bong?
how can I get a middle eastern princess gf?
Be somewhat attractive and live in any major western city.
She looks northern Indian, Persian or white.
Kind of looks like Ivanka Trump
>no belly
Actually no. It wasn't amazing, but it was not unenjoyable either. They gave Jasmin and Jafar a bit more character than they had in the original. Songs were a weak point overall, though was solid.
The other live-action Disney remakes have set a very low bar for "good," and Aladdin lightly hopped over it.