Was this Millennial or Zoomer?
Was this Millennial or Zoomer?
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They're boomers now, so it was neither. Probably closer to millennial if i had to choose
Anyone got any good fanfic I can read of the girls?
Preferably fanfic that has been recently updated
Some guy keeps spamming those fanfics on every board
Late millennial. Most millennials won't know it but the younger ones will.
that show aired from like 2003 to 2006, and true blue zoomers only started formiing memories and being cognizant in 2005
2005-07 was when the networks like Nick, disney, and CN seemed to have a huge attitude change with the increase of cheap flash shows and sing-and-dance tween sitcoms. Also Web 2.0 and social media started around that time, signaling the start of Zoomer kid culture.
was shit, that's enough.
Thoughts on my Lor from The Weekenders story?
(Four chapters)
(The sequel, seven chapters now) c
Exactly, which is why people who weren't even in scool yet prior to 2005 are unquestionably zoomers
The show was sort of after recess but before Kim possible - it was just sort of there. Still enjoyed it. one of my favourites growing up. Attention shoppers...
And there he is
This show was so mediocre and forgettable that not even reverse image search works for it and just labels it as "cartoon." Even Doug was more visually memorable than this.
What did you think?
Image search is fallible
These designs are awful.
No it's not, butthorn.
>Millennial = born from 1981 - 1994
>Zoomer = born in 2000 - 2005
Zoomers are even worse than millennials since they're raised on Marxist bullshit made by today's media.
Born in 1990 and no idea wtf this is, looks like As Told By Ginger for faggots
4/10, would get me reprimanded, not fired from work for reading it on my personal phone.
>Klasky Csupo's worst looking show
ALL of Klasky Csupo's shows are visually ugly to look at.
Zoomer. I'm a millennial and I don't even know what the f this show is.
>First episode aired in 2000
definitely millennial
Zoomer is about 2007 onwards
Oh shit, one of the jannies got pissed and beleted the post.
late millennial, unless zoomers can remember watching this during it's airing while shitting their pants
here's your (you)
Can you make one where Tine and Carver meets Vince from Recess and Gerald from Hey Arnold, and Tino sucks them all off and takes many loads in his mouth and ass?
To me, it's all the same shit. Anyone born after at the absolute latest 1987 is unrelatable. And that's even pushing it.
Can you make one where Carver and Tino discovers their sexuality and Tino fucks Carver?
As Told By Nigger is Klasky Csupo's worst looking show (and also that show sucked)
Duckman has some amazing night scenes and is generally palatable as it lacked that... "fuzzy" human look the rest of their shows had - and hell, Rugrats wasn't bad
Did you actually read it?
can you make a story where Carver and Tino meets Arnold and Harold from Hey Arnold and they have a orgy?
Lor was the ideal girl fr 12 year old me
Man you're like 35 and still on this board
you will be one day too.
Hope you read it
>here's your (you)
Have you read it?
Can you make one where Carver and Vince from Recess double penetrate Tino?
have sex fagcel
It has to be a bot generating all these bad/gay suggestions
probably just the schizo fanficfag talking to himself
Can you make one where Carver catches Gord and Tino and makes them eat his cum?
I appreciate that you know this guy posts so much that its become known that he also a racist thats fucking hilarious to me.
No, I'm the fanfic guy and I hate these suggestions.
Can you make one where Lor and Tish takes Carver, Tino and Gord as prisoners and force them to fuck eachother?
>Also a racist