Now that the warp plasma has settled, what did Yea Forums think about Star Trek DEEP SPACE NINE?

Now that the warp plasma has settled, what did Yea Forums think about Star Trek DEEP SPACE NINE?

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Like pretty much every Trek series, it's a flawed gem. But in recent years, there has been a movement to call it TEH BEST EVAR!! and DECONSTRUCTION!!!1 and FLAWLESS!!!!! Basically, it has an annoying, vocal fanbase now. As a Star Trek show, it lost the most viewers during its run and effectively murdered all of the good will the franchise had after TNG.

It's alright I suppose. Personally I prefer Babylon 5

I love it, but its fanbase is the worst thing about it. Realistically DS9 would have been assigned an Admiral and several actual starships.

Should I binge this or VOY on Netflix? I've watched TOS, TNG and ENT, and all the non-JJ movies.

Why do you think that? Its just a mining colony.

No, he's right. First, there would have been a real diplomat sent to DS9 in order to bring Bajor into the Federation. Then, when the Dominion war was ramping up, there would have been an Admiral assigned to the station.

They kept Benji because he was the Emissary. He got in because he was kinda broken after his wife died and Bajor was mostly worthless without a wormhole. Remove him and the Bajorans would flip out.

Sending in a diplomat to negotiate with Bajor and having an Admiral take charge of the war effort doesn't mean removing Sisko. Come on, user, THINK.

But DS9 is flawless and its ok to fanwank its inconsistencies and Voyager sucks because normies can enjoy it without having to watch boring episodes that contain two minutes of an important plot point.

I was told to come shit up this thread instead.

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started watching Star Trek recently and haven’t gotten there yet. Finished TOS and TAS. About to start season three of TNG

DS9 best Trek

Yugioh is seriously awful, even as far as anime aimed at preteen boys goes.

I never liked DS9. Partially because I am racist, and partially because it's the only Star Trek that doesn't actually trek anywhere. Even the abomination that is STD "treks" into various places. Only DS9 remains stationary.

The Game of Thrones of its time.

In DS9 places come to you.

Who is the William Howard Taft of Star Trek?

Would you care to explain? I haven’t gotten to DS9 yet.


Sometimes I cry when I think about the Jadzia Dax look-alike that visited my dimension. I miss her, Yea Forums.

Sisko is Jon Snow. The Gamma Quadrant is North of the wall, DS9 is Castle Black and Dukat is Stannis.

>focus on politics
>edgy and gritty compared to other shows
>GoT is a deconstruction of the fantasy genre, DS9 is a deconstruction of Star Trek
>long arcs instead of episodic with recurring themes
>all character are depraved
>huge EPIC conflict
>chosen one storyline
>grey morality galore, makes fun of good and evil mentality
>terrible retarded ending

and Game of Thrones is shit

I drink synthahol and know things

>I'll make you a deal doctor, you spare me the 'we must do what is right speech' and I'll spare you the 'the ends justify the means' speech
>The Federation needs men like you, Doctor. Men of conscience, men of principle. Men who can sleep at night. You're also the reason Section 31 exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong.
Based Sloan btfo of zoomer STD and GoT dialogue that can only ape at moral ambiguity with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

VOY will be the most trek in spirit.

But does it subvert or deconstruct anything?

Janeway is a synthesis of the most extreme traits of Kirk and Picard while also being feminine.

Why didn't Sloan just use the fleet of Section 31 ships and Section 31 matter phasing technology to BTFO the Dominion?

>this is now canon
>people still deny the damage DS9 did

Why didn't the Federation raise an army of space truckers and pirates and equip them with retired equipment and ships from the scrapyards Spock was always stealing stuff from?

The final seasons felt rushed without any major ebbs and flows in a war that had seasons of build-up. Bringing the Romulans into it on the side of the goodies rather than being a shadowy power waiting in the wings was a poor move imo.

It did have the benefit of some fun characters but I felt they didn't have enough fun episodes. Also fuck Bajor - I bet they could have made those plots of a theocracy interesting but they pussed out on it.

Same reason the Dominion didn't just send a fleet over the mycelial network. A spunky woman of colour stopped them.


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>Also fuck Bajor - I bet they could have made those plots of a theocracy interesting but they pussed out on it
They fucked up Kai Winn at the end as well

DS9 Seasons 1-6 > Yugioh Duel Monsters > DS9 Season 7 > Star Trek Voyager

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Awe. You sound like a sentient vagina speaking through the far funny actress from Lady Bird and that new movie. Congratulations!

I still miss my Jadzia clone. :'-(

I remember catching the show for the first time late night on UPN. The episode was Visitor. I’m a manly dude but that one hit me hard. I started watching it religiously after that. By far my fav Trek.

>real diplomat sent to DS9 in order to bring Bajor into the Federation

Bajor wasn't important enough then.

>Admiral assigned to the station

There was. Admiral Ross commanded the Ninth Fleet from DS9.

Not old enough to appreciate the original I guess. Just couldn’t get into it.

What was the point of this scene?

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>reset button episode


They needed to Allamaraine and count to four. Then they needed to Allamaraine and count four more. Actually sit down and WATCH the show next time faggot.

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>its run and effectively murdered all of the good will the franchise had after TNG.

No. The shitty trek films did that. DS9 was trek gold.

>voyafag tells people to leave his thread
>thread dies

Cringe. DS9 is Trek in name only, much as STD.

>Voyager thread: 71 posters
>Space Mall thread: 21 posters
Makes you think

>actual discussion instead of one retard changing his IPs and samefagging all day everyday while using Trek to bitch about people he doesn't like
good point

Remember that time Janeway went back in time and was the first woman in space?

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>this level of mental illness

based Red

Remember when we would joke about Barclay eating Troi's poop on the holodeck and didn't have autistic fanbase wars?

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>everyone that doesn’t agree with me is one person!
You’re not ready for an anonymous image board.

No, but I do remember when she murdered a dude so she could bring back her favorite space pedo

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>enters Voyager thread to shit on show
>bitches about discussion between elements of the fanbase
Do you have any redeeming qualities?

I have to admit that is at least a little right.

I'm not shitting on Voyager as much as I am proclaiming Yugioh to be an underappreciated benchmark of human culture and art.

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voy is good. what is with literally everyone saying 'subvert' lately.

Eat shit

>pokemon with cards

TNG finale>>>>VOY finale>>>>>TOS finale>>>>>>>>>>>ENT finale>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a fucking heap of dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DS9 finale
Prove me wrong.

>TOS finale
>literally a random episode
Watch this

TOS movies finale = TNG Finale > ENT Finale > VOY Finale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS9 Finale

If you want a good version of the DS9 finale watch B5.

Turnabout Goyim
All Good Goys...
What Goys Leave Behind
These are the Goyages

Jess, quit turning off your trip when you make anti-semetic posts

To be fair I count TOS finale as VI.

Movies don’t count for some reason
arbitrary score/10

Not as cringe as Or as cringe as the Mandela Effect that the inventor of the bell curve was no longer a woman who committed suicide.

You do realize yo are asking this from a tripfag, right?

She has an asshole

Any Riker fatfic?

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I fucking hate when 9 Years (10 now?) rage posts and drives away the fun posters. It really kills the thread. Worst content.

I'm the asshole here? Me? Seriously?

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Was there a character who DIDN'T get fucked by the end of the series?

Not him but that poster said you have an asshole and it was likely meant as a compliment.

Likely Bash’s best feature

Most likely.

I thought my best feature was my dry wit but I guess now that you mention it I guess it might be my asshole instead.

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It is the best of the Treks overall imo

ToS and TNG have single episodes that are mega top tier, but DS9 is the most consistent.

Same applies to the cast, ToS and TNG have guys who are amazing but also a lot of lesser characters, but the DS9 cast is good all over.

Sometimes Deep Space Nine looks like an asshole.

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>this post was written by a college graduate

I'd probably hate DS9 a lot more if it weren't for the fact that it was the first Star Trek I'd seen after a nearly decade long absence from television over here and I was just happy to have any Trek at all again. It was on a channel that'd just gone terrestial and it was slowly expanding across the country, the station with a poorer reception got it worst so I get all nostalgic over watching it on a crappy, fuzzy analog broadcast. Ditto for Voyager, except I also saw the Revell model kits on the shelves before I even saw the series.

>but DS9 is the most consistent.
Yeah, in the sense where the overall quality is very much llike a curve. First two seasons are kinda weak but okay, middle three are great, last two are shit. Voyager is just all over the place in terms of quality, but it never reaches the same highs as TNG did.

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Nothing does, TNG is peak Trek (along with the TOS films)

Sure was great having both of the Star Trek threads derailed by attention whoring tripfags. Thanks BF and VF, you really make this a better place.

Best Trek

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>What did I do?
>Am I really that bad?
>Did you know I was in Ira’s ego stroking documentary?
stay woke

Everything with space politics was good.
Everything with the Prophets made me want to gauge my own eyes out.

deep space nine


Any DS9 episodes about samefagging with your puppet account in a discord?

>tfw used dialogue from Duet to shut down some Korean girl talking about how my ancestors committed """war crimes""" on Korean """people"""
>tfw got my dick wet thanks to it
My class A war criminal ancestor smiles on me user. Can you say the same?
DS9 has some absolute units of episodes shame Gul dukat became a Nvidia salesman and we wuz prophetz n sheit was the ending. Bajorans where a mistake.

>hip and fresh
>mature for its years
>even balance of tone
>several worthy memes

>chaotic tone
>terrible memes

Too Much Qurack no Adventure low tier science

DS9 Explore Nothing Cuck Show, VOY Unkown Discovery every single Time

put your trip back on, bf

DS9 is the best Star Trek series behind Enterprise, then followed by TNG. Fight me.


kys schizo

Why are u trying to be a CIA Gang Stalker? On a Trek thread mindlessly shouting sizo

DS9 is like watching paint dry nothing ever happens until dominion wars

hahaha ;)

What exactly, is supposed to "happen"?

Intellectual Techno Babble from real scientists, inventing solutions to problems, particals, arrays, etc, discovering new things

They're on a space station, not a ship. DS9 was a more character centric show with a continuous plot. You can't go into DS9 thinking you're going to get the same thing as TNG and TSO.

Like i said paint drying it's like watching a blank piece of paper

and like I haven't said but am saying now, you're a fucking faggot

This is the correct answer - frankly, I'm surprised no dubs

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No U

Who was in the wrong here?

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Did ya'll see the documentry they made a few months ago? The new ship is named after some nigger that got killed by the KKK and one the creators went all cringe about race and racism in his interview.

He didn't have a fair trial for his crime he committed

so why should he have a starship named after him? Should they name 6 million starships after victims?

lowest effort bants
you are dismissed

Didn't I just see this very same thread earlier but with Voyager?

Because he Raped or killed some one and he's not white it's only fair he gets a starship named after him aslong as he doesn't have wyt skeen Cola

Deep Space Nine is like having a fresh, hot turd in your mouth. If you're starving to death you'll chew it up, but that doesn't make it a pleasant experience.

Imagine the pitch meeting:
>So, we're gonna set it on a space station
>Isn't a space station, y'know, stationary?
>Well, yeah.
>But the first part of the name is Star Trek.
>Yeah, and?
>Well, 'trek' literally means a journey, or voyage.
>Pfffft, nobody cares, Gene's already drunk. Let's just get that guy from Spenser for Hire and shove it on the air.

I like DS9 a lot. Third best after TOS and TNG. What I find very annoying about it, were the things from "the 50 year mission" book. Just whining from Ira and , surprisingly, Ron Moore. How Voyager was the suits favourite, even though it was on the shitty UPN, while DS9 was on CBS. How the general public couldn't understand Ira's brilliance and all the shade thrown at TNG, for no reason, imho.

>So, we just read this pitch about a space station named Mesopotamian something
>How can we make it related to Star Trek?

>Make those guys with the faggy hair Cardassians and work in some holocaust references for the Heebs at the network.

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It's vf

Fucking based my dood.

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Don't you diss my fly girl holmes

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Low tier = Top tier , DS9 is it its rightfull place

Fuck: Bashirfaggot
Marry: Valley Forge
Kill: MentalCrash

>killing the only one with some talent

Marry BF
Fuck MC
Kill VF

You don't fuck Bashirfaggot, Bashirfaggot fucks you ya nancy-boy.

>marrying the schizophrenic Asian twink instead of the retarded tranny

>with sweaty, trembling hands you open communication frequencies
>like the Cheshire Cat, her grin seems to materialize first; a grin which grows wider as she sees what you’ve done to yourself
>”Greetings, Captain. My, how you’ve grown since I saw you last.”
>blushing, you tug at your ill-fitting starfleet uniform, your embarrassment heightened by the knowledge that it was too loose only a few months ago
>”That sort of behavior is very unbecoming for an officer.” she teases
>”If you can’t learn to control yourself, you’ll wind up stuck in your chair...” she continues, biting her lip in anticipation of what’s to come

Why would you fuck a swamp girl like MC instead of hate raping turbobitch VF? Making VF scream for you to stop is the ultimate hate fap.

Remember that time Voyager couldn't actually afford a juggler?

I don't want to fuck an ugly Asian man

Remember that time Voyager couldn't afford a real Indian?

I don't either but if I have to choose between the two I know I'll at least be able to cum by pounding VF's ass

Which member of BTS is VF?

What did you do to VF?

Pretty sure VF isn't a tucker going by the thigh gap in the ass pic.

I thought Voyager was hammy
Then I tried watching Canadian Trek

Yeah, stationfags hate when any show other than DS9 gets any sort of attention despite the fact that normies prefer Voyager.


Dogshit rip-off of Babylon 5.

Post it.

Pressed charges

It's the best Star Trek has ever and will ever be.

I thought it was intentionally hammy but it turns out it was just canadian. Made by gene's wife using whatever bullshit he left lying around

kek based