Name an actor with a better filmography

name an actor with a better filmography.

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*blocks your path*

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Reminder that if you go through enough chewing gum your jaw can look like this

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I hate this faggot so much

unironically Tom cruise

Arnold Schwarzenegger.


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My wife

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Cashier at Publix that I kind of look like him I think she just wanted my dick

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Fight Club, The Tree of Life and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford are some of the best films ever made.
Each of em' are the best of their decade

cut your nose hair bro

He's always better than the movies he chooses to be in, which makes him a cop out, too reliant on contrast with the mediocre to seem better by comaprison.

He's better looking than Robert Redford but not better. Change my mind.

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>Fight Club, The Tree of Life and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford are some of the best films ever made. Each of em' are the best of their decade
Watch more films. Only The Tree of Life is close to being the best of the decade.

reminder, Clint was a sissy boy masquerading as a man

I don't see the slightest bit of resemblance but you are good looking. 8/10

Doesn't count because he was never the lead. Fuck off.

Has he been wearing his pants that high up all of his life?

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feel free to suck a penis my dude

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Tree of Life sucked dick you pseudointellectual


>Tree of Life
There is nothing pseudo intellectual about ToL you illiterate ape.

so he's even cooler than he looks

believe me, you're not ready for the sheer amount of autism

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it's pablum with a Great Director's clout behind it. the Lubezki visuals are the only good part of the film. it might as well be bloatware used for demoing the home theater section at Best Buy

>you're not ready for the sheer amount of autism
Are you teasing me? Now I really want to know so spill the beans

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It's just a simple story, it's more about emotional resonance than anything else. Also Lubezki is not the sole reason for the visuals, Malick had beautiful visuals before he ever worked with Lubezki.

Well he was fantastic in these and they're not exactly mediocre

very easy fren. The hard thing would be to name an actor with better hair

Tom Cruise

What about The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford?

very easy fren aswell

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Great film, but i don't know whether it would even be in my top 10 of the decade. I guess that also depends whether you count the year 2000 or not.

lmao is this guy insane or something? how does he explain the sheer amount of children and bastards Clint has outside of his stupid theory of the daughter being the carrier?
Still he seems to have many other videos on actors and such so I will watch more for the crazy conspiracy kino.

Name me 10 films from the 2000's that are objectively better then tAoJJbtCRF

Should i count 2000 or not?

Max Von Sydow

how would gum change your jawbone

Mulholland Drive
Werckmeister Harmonies
Yi Yi
No Country for Old Men
Synecdoche, New York
Tree of Lie
Memories of Murder
City of God
A Serious Man
jk, i'd put it atleast top 5 of the decade


Well then i will go ahead and count 2000 as well.
>Werckmeister Harmonies
>Yi Yi
>The Weeping Meadow
>La Commune (Paris, 1871)
>In the Mood for Love
>Memories of Murder
>There Will Be Blood
>Still Walking
>Colossal Youth
>In Vanda's Room
>The Return
>Syndromes and a Century
>What Time Is It Over There?

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for me ? it's Delon

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Nicolas Cage

Me. Guess who I am. I'll never admit it. But I always check in on this forum

James Stewart

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Ben Affleck

this one is true but too obvious


Absolute Classic.

>He's better looking than Robert Redford


Cary Grant

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why he won an oscar for that hobo movie is beyond me, he did nothing but lay around all the time