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i don't get david lynch

I continued past Community's third season

I ate dog once

The godfather was boring as fuck it's overrated

I ate human once

I'm stronger and faster than Bruce Lee

fucked my co-workers wife for a couple years

North by Northwest is easily Hitchcock's worst and is an average movie at best

All this hate for Brie Larson has made me desire her. I know she is average looking but her haughty and holier than thou attitude coupled with the sheer hatred felt for her by me and everyone else has made her incredibly attractive to me. I desparately want to fuck her, I lust after her more than any woman now. I masturbate to her most times I see a photo of her. I literally just drop my trousers where I am and pump until I am spent, I cannot help myself.
Please, Father, forgive me. I have sinned greatly.

i only go to theaters for capeshit

I really hate Persona. Bergman is overrated in general.

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I sōyed myself watching John Wick 3

I saw SNEED at a FEED AND SEED in FEED SNEED yesterday. I told him how cool it was to SEED him in FEED, but I didn’t want to be a CHUCK and FUCK AND SUCK. He said, “FEED AND SEED". I was taken aback, and all I could say was “CHUCK?” but he kept FUCKING AND SUCK. I FEED AND SEED SNEED. When I came to CHUCK to FUCK AND SUCK I saw SNEED with FEED AND SEED. CHUCK was very nice about it and professional, and was like “SNEED, FEED AND SEED, the FUCK AND SUCK.” At first SNEED kept pretending to FUCK my Suck and FEED my SEED wth hefty SUCK AND FUCK, but eventually turned back around and FUCKED my ass with FEED AND SEED. When he filled me with a load of FEED AND SEED, CHUCK stopped him and FUCKED AND SUCKED. I don’t even FEED AND SEED. After FEED SUCK AND CHUCK KEK, I SNEED FEED THE SEED SUCK, AND CHUCK FUCK SNEED SEED.

2001 a space odyssey is overrated

I often jerk off to girls saying nigger to the camera, it sadden me because there is not enough of it

your post is overrated

I liked Captain Marvel

The Young Pope is OK

Are you black?


I unironically like TLJ.
I also think that the sequel trilogy has been better than the prequel trilogy so far.
TLJ > AotC
But I do like RotS more than either of the sequel films.

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In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
My last confession was 8 weeks ago.
I have come to realize that the LotR trilogy is very overrated.

>I have come to realize that the LotR trilogy is very overrated.
How so? What are your problems with the films?

If Kylo wasn't Luke's nephew, I really wouldn't have had a problem with him thinking about killing him scene.

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I hate movies they're so boring to me now. I am getting old though. TV shows are an absolute chore forget abt it

Go back

I created sneedposting.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
My last confession was 8 weeks ago.
I must confess that I have come to realize that the Lord of the Rings is very much overrated.


Me too

Contrapoint's latest vid made my pepe hard...

Cowboy related media is capeshit for boomers and your dad loves it so you were always going to like it, too.

Watch her post-Oscar press interview. She's literally the definition of soul, or at least used to be. I don't know what the mouse did with her.
You can be damn sure I'd still bust a load over her upper lip tho

Just because a dad likes something doesn't mean the son will too.

I have a fixation on Millie Bobby Brown.
Help me, bros.

engage in intercourse with an adult


Thank you, Father. I will try.

Obviously the rightmost water is the best water

I'm in love with Ki

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There’s a director who has made MASSIVE blockbusters and cult classics who has a youtube channel on which he gives filmmaking lessons and answers all questions. He also talks a ton of shit about other movies/filmmakers/producers.
His videos all have less than 100 views and you can’t find his channel by searching for his name. I will not reveal his name because I don’t like the idea of the little community being invaded by anons.

I come here to report all of you sinners

I started the Sneed meme

A peanut is neither a pea nor a nut.

No, I'm just an ugly loser

I only watch movies with my gf

we think taxi driver sucked

i'm the best looking, most cool guy on this board and i tell incels to have sex about 30 times per day. i also genuinely think capeshitters are subhuman and that they can't be trusted at all. there has to be something wrong with you to enjoy movies so shit.

I skip leg day

I’m LillisLover420

What happened to the other 419?

Ha ha ha ha

user, not sharing basically means it's not real to any of us and it's pointless for you to have even said it in the first place. Get out of here nobody cares

All of this, except that I enjoy capeshit in all of it's forms. I am also being genuine in my claims.

what did you watch?

so you admit you're a subhuman for enjoying it, thanks for being honest. trips checked

The Wire sucked
Breaking Bad was overrated
Neither even touch Sopranos and LOST

We fought for her. Against the Milliefags. I was the last one standing. We won but it cost us thousands.

I still enjoy Bane memes and it makes me chuckle whenever I see them

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I love episodes 7 and 8, RO and Basedlo are shit tho

Game of Thrones' ending was overall pretty good, a bit rushed in places but if you thought it was going to end with Azor Jon having a lightsaber duel with the Nightking you completely misread what the series is about

They had no idea what to do with the ending of Game of Thrones.

Bryce Dallas Howard is the sexiest woman to have ever existed

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Lindsay Ellis is a complete hack

i consider you all my frens

I touched a nigger once

Drive is my favorite movie.

thanks you fren

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I only watch netflix originals.

I unironically like Grey's Anatomy


Recommend some.