This was a decent flick. A 7/10. I don't get all the hate.
This was a decent flick. A 7/10. I don't get all the hate
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I really wish they gave Goji more screentime.
My brother asked me while watching this if Millie was a girl or a boy
I get the hate...
It was shit. I went in for action and got extended trailer scenes which kept getting interrupted by human drama nobody cared about. Even the final fight was shit. At least the 2014 movie gave us a proper fight that we were allowed to see.
Is the fighting really not good? I knew the human stuff would be bad but I can cope with it if the action is great.
This. The human element was even worse and it undercut the hype for any of action sequences. The last fight was a blur because the director couldn't make up his mind whether to stay on the monsters or the people.
I thought it was alright too. Probably on par with the 2014 film but for different reasons. Still not enough monster fighting though and the cutaways did get annoying.
They're both the same shit. Toy commercials. Pretending like one's better than another is pure COPE.
I wonder why there’s so much hate...
One of the biggest problems with 2014 was that you couldn't see shit. I honestly don't see how anyone could put this amazing film in the same category as that uninspired snoozefest.
KOTM was objectively better from a narrative and structural standpoint than Avengers Endgame, though. The entire reason why KOTM is getting review-bombed by paid-off critics is that Disney doesn't want another toy commercial to compete with Marvel and the dying IP known as Star Wars. Toho is trying to bring Godzilla back just as those two franchises are at their lowest points.
When was "oh my god ZILLA" pronounced in a movie? My country's dub was trash.
It was in the underwater sequence when they visit Atlantis and find Godzilla sleeping.
That's fine, and you're right in a few ways. The difference is one gets its flaws glossed over while the other gets hammered for the same shit.
The fighting you get to see it good, but they move the camera constantly, there is always something obscuring the shot be it rain, fog, the dark of night so you never get a clear shot of the monsters and they intercut every monster fight with the human side of things so you never get that sustained widely shot monster fight you've come to expect. It's like the Jason Borne version of Pacific Rim. All you get is a flurry of fast 2-5 second cuts back to the monsters then back to the people, then back to the monsters, then back to the people and it's obvious that the people are the focus as far as the movie is concerned. Large portions of the fight are lost and happen off-screen. You know they happen because you can hear them and see the aftermath, or sometimes they're happening out of focus in the background of a human shot but they don't show them because the movie was too concerned with showing you what happened with the people even when their story has no baring on the monster fighting at all anymore.
It's still good, but what I'd call frustrating.
They are both fun friend!
fuck that's annoying
Lads I want to get into Gamera, where do I start?
That's one of the limitations of having to animate everything in CGI, which tends to age poorly if it's left unobscured or unfiltered. Watch Godzilla 1998 or Star Wars Episodes I and 2 to see how cheesy the CGI characters look today. I get that the general public doesn't want to watch suitmation, but CGI has its disadvantages as well.
The hate is entirely incoherent. The movie is great and has legitimate flaws but the reaction makes no sense. Especially in regards to other movies they've reviewed. You get people suddenly praising 2014 like it was a good movie all of a sudden.
I think I'd rather they'd have worried if the action scene was good today and I can see and follow the action right now than worry if the CGI was still going to be passable a decade or two down the line. The CGI in Jurassic Park isn't the greatest but that movie isn't frustrating to watch today either it still works despite the CGI looking old.
You say this but Bumblebee just came out like a year ago and that had a CGI transformers in at least half the runtime and they interact directly with humans in broad daylight without any tricks or gimmicks to obscure them from view and I think they look fine.
Jurassic Park is a great movie, but if all the action sequences had been done in CGI instead of with practical effects, it would not hold up nearly as well. There's also a big difference between animating a Brachiosaur lumbering through an open field than animating two giant monsters fighting to the death and shooting energy beams at each other.
>Gidorah is an ayylmao
>kept in antartica
>at outpost 32
nice reference to the thing
Not really, the difference is only really the laser beams part.
You can also compare this to Avatar, that was almost ten years ago now and that had CGI creatures in daylight interacting with humans. There is no shortage of movies heavy in CGI they didn't need to obscure everything and hide it from view. I think your excuses for them are pretty weak.
>The movie is great
It's good if you go in with the right mindset, but I think people calling it great and ignoring the serious flaws in both the monster and human sides are part of the problem because you're setting expectations way too high.
The first movie. It' in black and white just like the first Godzilla movie.
I'm not entirely making excuses for them. I'm just saying this is the technique they used to cut corners on the CGI due to budget and time constraints. You're taking taking about 30 seconds of CGI dinosaur action from Jurassic Park, and saying that's why we should have gotten two hours of four CGI kaiju fighting and destroying cities. I'm disappointed with some of the decisions they made when it came to cutting away from the action as well. I'm also disappointed that we only got to see Mothra's design unobscured during the final battle. King Ghidorah was always in shadow as well, so you never really get to appreciate how golden he is. But then you look at the CGI in Avengers Infinity War and Endgame, and a lot of the same criticisms could be leveled against those two movies which had much higher budgets than Godzilla.
I'm saying what I honestly feel about the movie. It's dramatically better than 2014 and Skull Island, got me hyped for more and for a potential G-Force parallel, and consider it amongst the best Godzilla movies.
>serious flaws
There are serious flaws but in the context of what I just said they're negligible.
Is this a sequel of that version with Bryan Cranston in 2014?
I actively hated the human parts compared to 2014 where I just felt indifferent to them. There were more monsters scenes sure but for some reason I feel like they were in it less.
That's Ps2 cutscene tier.
I mean i get nostalgia, it was a breakthrough back then, but get real for a moment - the textures on that thing are so low res that they're literally blurry.
I bet you never seen a Godzilla film before huh
>You're taking taking about 30 seconds of CGI dinosaur action from Jurassic Park, and saying that's why we should have gotten two hours of four CGI kaiju fighting and destroying cities
When did I say this? Oh right I didn't.
I'm just calling bullshit on your excuses for them. Compare it to Pacific Rim, about the same budget, the same studio, came out six years ago, it also did most of it's fighting at night and in the rain, but there were a few daytime fights but we got sustained wide shots and the action wasn't cut up into short 3 second clips.
>That's Ps2 cutscene tier.
Uh-huh.. you sure about that? Mr. CGI pro?
I think you might want to plug that PS2 back in.
Yes, but this movie is still accessible to newcomers. The 2014 movie is honestly among the worst "Godzilla" movies, in my opinion. I watched it once in the cinema, and once or twice on bluray, and I have no desire to watch it again. It's honestly just incredibly boring and emotionless after Bryan Cranston dies. It focuses too much on the hoo-rah military propaganda, which completely defeats the purpose of Godzilla. Anyone who has seen other Godzilla movies could tell you that the military/JSDF is almost completely useless in them until they do something like create a Mechagodzilla. Having infantry actually able to hurt the giant monsters robs the movie of that sense of dread and helplessness. Gareth Edwards is a faggot who takes existing IPs, and tries to twist them to aggrandize himself as a auteur.
Okay, I agree about the Bryan Cranston movie. How is this one in comparison?
Looks like it's not out on bluray yet tho.
Just saw it again last night. Really enjoyed it alot more the second time around. Didn't mind the human stuff as much, I think because I could mentally check out enough to enjoy it more instead of agonizing over when the monsters will come back on screen. When you know what to expect it's alot better desu. Would solidly give this movie an 8/10 on second viewing where id give it a 7/10 on first viewing
I still think you're overselling it by calling it great and failing to mention the all the flaws you have to overlook in the process to reach that conclusion.
Not everyone is so forgiving of a movie this long and this dull, I think all the elements of a great Godzilla movie are there but the construction was very poor and there is no excusing that runtime. And people complained about Shin Godzilla being too long this was 20 fucking minutes longer than that and Shin almost feels snappy by comparison.
Have sex and watch end game
Also have to say the memes coming out of this movie are pure kino and the scene where Ghidorah wakes up and then fights Godzilla is fucking amazing
Well, I just feel a lot of people are being overly-critical of this movie when it gave a legitimate plot point for the rain and darkness being that Ghidorah created a huge storm around itself to terraform the planet to his liking. We got clear, well-lit wide shots of Mothra as a larva, Rodan during his emergence sequence (which was kino), and Godzilla at various points such as his resurrection scene and the final shot of the movie.
It's Alex Jones approved.
Godzilla is such a cuck that he lets the faggot that killed his fuckbuddy live
KOTM is ten times better than 2014. I've seen it twice in IMAX. It really feels like a true Godzilla movie Toho would make. You can tell real fans of the franchise had an influence in making it, rather than it being embarrassed of the source material like the 1998 and 2014 movies were.
Gidorah killed Mothra, dipshit.
absolutely based
>This long and dull
You're begging the question. We disagree, plain and simple.
The movie was a roller coaster ride and felt like an hour and a half it moved so fast and covered so much ground. It was never dull. It was great.
It's not Disney.
Best post in this thread
Fucking based this is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life
Ok I see. That makes me excited to watch it. But you gotta tell me...
No Mothra dies after stabbing Rodan and then just uses up her remaining time to fend off Gidorah
Millie Bobby Brown be like: yep lmao fuck Boston
And then the quiplord scientist is like: Sucks for you if you're a baseball fan LOL
Why did the two MUTOs fight Godzilla in 2014 if he's the Apex predator to which a MUTO a mammoth and Rodan bow to?
Because those MUTOs are likely a different subspecies of MUTO, but more simply they were horny and MUTOs use Godzillas to make babies
They were mating and he was bothering it.
I think you might wanna google some FMV's from Final Fantasy or Onimusha instead of in-game graphics, and stop pretending to be retarded.
If you think the pacing in this movie was bad, then I really have to question if you've ever watched Godzilla 2014, or even some of Toho's original movies, which are much shorter. KOTM nearly always kept me engaged, even during the exposition scenes. I honestly didn't feel the 2+ hour runtime. I will say that there were probably too many named characters, and going back and forth between them could get a little bit disorienting. However, movies like Avengers and Star Wars get passes when it comes to long runtimes and numerous characters. Why should KOTM be judged so harshly?
I honestly loved the Alex Jones analogue character.
Oh if we're talking FMV then literally anything released back then could be PS2 cutscene tier since it could play DVD quality video. Hell the lord of the rings games put in scenes from the movie as cutscenes making your comment of PS2 cutscene tier utterly meaningless.
>The movie was a roller coaster ride and felt like an hour and a half it moved so fast and covered so much ground.
I wish I could have seen the movie you saw. The KotM I saw was a sluggish and lumbering mess and most people seem to agree with me on that.
disappointed, I expected the sound to be a lot better plus it was pretty gay watching godzirra get his ass kicked like a bitch
Enjoy your 3-day Disney World pass m8
I don't think we watched the same movie
>hurr making profit from movie is bad!
It's a decent. I don't like all the shilling though. I even watched Godzilla '14 alone but I wouldn't go to KOTM on the weekend because the shilling is disgusting.
You couldn't see shit in the 2014 fight. Opinion disregarded
Me and my Brother had an awesome time.
Shut up Kyle I slept throughout the movie
My favorite scene was Rodan destroying all the jets (and even eating that one pilot). Also that shot of Ghidorah when the humans are leading Rodan to Ghidorah.
Imagine being such a brainlet that you need this trash to be simplified for you.
I'm not even a marvel fan, I'm not into Star Wars, I didn't like the 2014 movie either, hell I think this one is better and I said if you going in with he right mindset it was good. I just cannot get behind anyone calling it great without some major caveats. Compared to the rest of the franchise I'd say it's about middle of the pack overall, it's no where near the best but it's not one of the worst either, although it would take a lot to out due how terrible All Monsters Attack is. When people say 1998 was bad i always put on All Monsters Attack in response.
>watchmojo is still a thing
Not the same guy but the extent to which you move the goalposts is hilarious. LotR games use actual scenes from the movie, while user talks about COMPUTER GENERATED GRAPHICS. In which case, he's right - PS2 era FMV surpassed early CGI implementation as far as production values go.
>all this coping
I don't even care to argue with someone retarded enough to think this board hasn't been shitting on The Last Jedi since it came out. It just annoys me that you're here and you're posing.
Are you serious? You guys shilled the fuck out of it months before it arrived. You have threads reaching bump limit talking about how you'll assemble on the 31st and finally kill capeshit.
Like three months from now at the earliest, it just came out like 4 days ago, brainlet
>If you think the pacing in this movie was bad
I don't, and didn't say that. see I think overall it's good, but I in no way am diluted enough to consider it great in anyway. It has more Kaiju than 2014, overall it's more interesting than 2014 and the fights have more interesting things going on than in 2014 but I actually think the Kaiju fights in 2014 were shown better than they are here because they let the scene breath without constant distracting cuts back to the humans every five seconds.
he got rekt twice, had to get rezzed, got downed again, got battle rezzed, then spammed an AoE in a 1v1 to barely scrape by after getting hard carried he is a fuking noob at best
How I won't watch it, I will boicot your movie now since you called me a brainlet. FUCK OFF, RUDE PERSON. I WILL NEVER WATCH YOUR MOVIE NOW.
I think it was good in regards to it being an exciting action movie with plenty of CGI and SFX/musical spectacle. People who think every Godzilla movie needs some kind of deeper meaning or social commentary like the 1954 movie have probably either only seen that movie to prepare for this one, or they just read the Wikipedia article about Godzilla, and think they know what the franchise is supposed to be. I love the serious Godzilla movies full of dread and gravitas too, but I also like the more action/sci-fi oriented movies. This franchise isn't like Marvel where every movie is completely cookie cutter with different superheroes substituted.
LotR had CGI you moron and they put it in the game so now LotR which was well ahead of anything a PS2 could put out could fall under your definition of a PS2 cutscene. Did you forget it was a major CGI movie or were you not alive back then or something?
He said cutscenes, cutscenes were often in-engine, had he started out by saying CGI FMVs in games such as Onimusha and Final Fantasy X you'd have a point.
it's only his second movie, he should be a noob. his first outing was holocausting a nice young couple. give the guy a break.
>he got rekt twice
>had to get rezzed
Because of a major plot point, not getting killed by another monster
>got downed again
Because Ghidorah got a power-boost after getting put on the ropes the whole fight
>got battle rezzed
At the cost of his monster ally's life, i.e. another emotional turning point
>then spammed an AoE in a 1v1
The "AoE" is an established attack from the older movies
>to barely scrape by after getting hard carried
He dominates Ghidorah at the end when he's in burning form
why do hollywood jew writers get such a hardon when they undercut serious dramatic moments with stupid ass "funny" dialogue
It got popular because of the first Avengers movie
Of course were talking FMV, the CGI in a movie ain't in real time dumbass, you're shifting the goalposts and comparing apples to oranges, in order to look retarded i guess.
>Did you forget it was a major CGI movie or were you not alive back then or something?
And did you forget it was made almost 10 years after Jurassic Park and had 50x the production values of a contemporary vidya? The point is how CGI grew and improved over the decade, that video games were using assets in their FMV's that matched or surpassed early movie CGI, you bumbling fuck.
>Of course were talking FMV, the CGI in a movie ain't in real time dumbass
Then say that next time, when you say PS2 cutscene that doesn't mean FMV, that mean PS2 cutscene most of which were real time. If anyone is shfting goalposts it's you, at first it's PS2 cutscenes but now it's specifically PS2 FMVs.
>And did you forget it was made almost 10 years after Jurassic Park and had 50x the production values of a contemporary vidya?
Which completely defeats the point of your original post, if Lord of the Rings is PS2 cutscene tier and so is Jurassic Park the distinction is now meaningless. Way to go moron.
My favorite part was Godzilla going Nuclear on Ghidorah and then eating him.
>most people agree with me
>91% audience rating
I've seen it twice in IMAX, and I would honestly go see it again this week before X-Men takes its spot if I wasn't so tied up with work. Even if Godzilla isn't really your thing, no one could honestly deny that there weren't a ton of kino moments in this movie. The emergence/resurrection scenes for the main four titans were all fucking amazing.
I am glad Mothra and Godzilla were finally confirmed a couple. It took years but it finally happened.
Again I liked it, see What we're discussing is a matter of degree. I think good but flawed overall middle of the pack, while you think it's great and one of the best.
Wow, cringe as fuck. Is this you?
Godzilla was winning the ocean fight dummy. The Oxygen Destroyer was the only thing that stopped him from winning.
Can we post some cute Mothras?
It's essentially arbitrary, some movies get dogpiled by critics for no reason. Waterworld is another example, it's an ok action movie but critics shat all over it like it insulted their families. Meanwhile poor movies like Iron Man 2 just get the middling reviews that are appropriate to them.
>but now it's specifically PS2 FMVs.
That should be obvious from the context, but since you're unironically retarded, you required repeated clarification from two people. CGI is pre-rendered, FMV are pre-rendered. In-engine real-time cinematics are a whole other thing that doesn't belong in this comp.
>if Lord of the Rings is PS2 cutscene tier and so is Jurassic Park the distinction is now meaningless. Way to go moron.
Way to go retard. whooosh.
Lord of the Rings had like 50 times the budget of a contemporary AAA game. The point that in the 00's, you could make CGI as good or better than the early CGI blockbusters, with a fraction of the original cost. Y'know - progress?
Get fucked, you and your room temp. IQ.
Not him, but I honestly never believed I could love an American-made Godzilla movie or a Godzilla movie without suitmation until I saw this one. I loved Shin Godzilla, but that movie was much more experimental and serious than KOTM. Shin is not what I would call a "fun" movie. It's something you watch to scare yourself a little bit. For what it's worth, the Showa series is my favorite of the Godzilla franchise.
It was crazy to see Godzilla rip Ghidorah’s head off. I just expected him so shoot it off. Didn’t expect it to go so brutal.
>That should be obvious from the context
It wasn't because you were saying it was PS2 cutscene tier not PS2 FMV tier, they are very different things and worlds apart in terms of quality.
> The point that in the 00's, you could make CGI as good or better than the early CGI blockbusters
Well no the point you were making was that Jurrassic Park looked like a PS2 cutscene it doesn't and you got called out on that. Now you're backpedaling and trying desperately to save face.
I didn't hate 2014 either, and I have grown to appreciate parts of the 1998 movie so I not completely down on it either, I mean it's better than All Monsters Attack. I don't "love" King of the Monsters but there are parts I thought they did well but at the same time there were many things I thought they got wrong. It's a frustrating movie because all the elements of a great Godzilla movie are there and I wish it was this non-stop action roller coaster with good human drama and dialogue balanced with good monster fighting action I just didn't get that from this movie.
I felt like I was watching a crocodile documentary when Godzilla ambushed Ghidorah in the water.
Absolute Kino
>humans take up way less screentime than in 2014
>amazing Kaiju fights with little cut-aways
>human characters are merely side-show narrative devices and don’t overestimate their importance
Where the fuck are these complaints coming from?
>humans take up way less screentime than in 2014
>amazing Kaiju fights with little cut-aways
Wrong. There were even more cuts.
I went into KOM thinking it would be what you described, but it was even worse than 2014 with dick teasing monster fights only to cut back to the people.
>human characters are merely side-show narrative devices and don’t overestimate their importance
the climax was more focused on the gay ass family than Godzilla fighting Gonorrhea lmao
That part gave me a boner
The cuts to the human characters in KOTM were much better than they were in 2014. I feel like they were done with the intention of trying to keep the balance of tension high for the climaxes of both the monster battle and the human story, as well as give a scale of just how big the monsters were in relation to the humans and our world.
here's the basic gestalt:
>sound track = KINO
>ghidorahs intro and godzilla coming to stop him in antarctica = KINO
>all monsters bowing and him roaring and cut to title screen = KINO
there were other great moments
the one thing is i couldnt see the fights well, especially that one in mexico thats mostly in the water, who thought it was a good idea to just show godzilla from the neck up and random ghidorah heads fighting. imagine john wick being like that? just his neck and head and the bad guys neck and head
the weird thing is that scenes from trailers were harder to make out for some reason, like they go by so quick, you blink and its gone. i checked out a cam rip after i saw the movie in theaters and had an easier time following the fights. maybe i sat too close?
>When people say 1998 was bad i always put on All Monsters Attack in response.
To be honest, I think 2014 is just as unwatchable as All Monsters Attack because of how banal and cringeworthy it is with cutting away from Godzilla to low-energy scenes of people sitting on a train or a little kid watching TV.
>i checked out a cam rip after i saw the movie in theaters and had an easier time following the fights. maybe i sat too close?
Probably, because I had that same problem seeing it in IMAX. I went to see it again last night, and got a seat closer to the middle. I was able to pick up on a lot more stuff like the facial expressions of the monsters, as well as the captions on the Monarch documents and stuff that fly by so quickly.
>cutting away from Godzilla to low-energy scenes of people sitting on a train or a little kid watching TV.
Gareth Edwards is such a retarded hack that he ripped that from the worst Jurassic Park movie where the kino Spinosaurus attack in the river is interrupted by shots of the little kid watching Barney on TV. There are fan edits of that sequence, and it's actually really cool with just the river scene and BGM uninterrupted.
Mothra was cute! CUTE!
damn now i wanna go see it again but sitting 3/4s of the way back
Pacific Rim is to John Wick as Godzilla: King of the Monsters is to Jason Bourne.
The ideology goes the fast cuts and constant camera movements and constant close ups make the action more "frenetic" and "visceral", but in my experience wideshots and as few cuts as possible is always way more interesting to watch which is why movies like The Raid are so good. Instead of cutting every five seconds they pull the camera back keep it in one place and only move it so you can get a better view of what's happening.
Those designs are simpler than creatures the size of skyscrapers. It's easier to make machinery look realistic as opposed to massive creatures.
It's a 6/10 at best. The 2014 version, Shin and Kong: Skull Island are all quite a bit better.
how does cutting to the retarded dad and the girl doing nothing except LOOKING at the monster fight keep tension high? am I not supposed to understand that I should be watching Godzilla fight other kaiju unless I'm shown the characters doing it? god forbid the shot of Godzilla falling to the ground after Ghidorah flies him into the atmosphere is shown uninterrupted, no sir I need a cutaway to two shitty actors looking at what I'm trying to watch
>The 2014 version, Shin and Kong: Skull Island are all quite a bit better.
Shin is a totally different movie, so that's up to personal preference. I feel like Kong: Skull Island tried to float by on star power, and only paid lip service to the older King Kong movies. It wasn't bad, but I enjoyed KOTM much more. Godzilla 2014 was just abysmal and underwhelming. All of the hamfisted military propaganda made it feel like a Bayformers or G.I. Joe movie.
>god forbid the shot of Godzilla falling to the ground after Ghidorah flies him into the atmosphere is shown uninterrupted, no sir I need a cutaway to two shitty actors looking at what I'm trying to watch
Again, it was to demonstrate the scale of the monsters, because a giant fucking dust cloud envelops the whole city and the human characters after Ghidorah drops Godzilla from space.
They've each got a thousand little moving parts I'm still not buying it.
I don't think "they wouldn't look realistic" is good enough of an excuse. Shin Godzilla less than 1/10th of this movie's budget ended up with better monster scenes. If that was the concern their priories were seriously fucked.
The cinematography and direction for Godzilla 2014 is several orders of magnitude better than KOTM.
It's much better than 2014 in my opinion though Cranston is a better actor than anyone barring Ken Watanabe.
>Again, it was to demonstrate the scale of the monsters
I actually didn't get that in this movie. All the monsters felt so removed from the humans an anytime they were together it was in extreme close up you never really got a good sense of scale at all. It had the opposite effect than intended.
How you show scale is to Zoom the camera out and show the whole gravity of it, like the skydiving scene in 2014.
Pacific Rim was dark and in the rain too but you could still fucking see what was going on in that movie, mostly because they pulled the camera back to the point you could actually see what was happening.
you don't remember how it happened. Godzilla is shown falling from the sky, cut to a closeup of the family simply looking at what I want to be seeing, cut back to Godzilla impacting the ground. what good does cutting up that shot of Godzilla falling do? what is the point of taking me out of the moment of him falling to see a reaction of it? shit like this happened multiple times in the movie
The only time the CGI in Shin Godzilla looked better than KOTM was during the 4th form emergence scene where it looks incredibly real. The atomic heat ray destruction scene is also amazing, but the CGI in the rest of the movie isn't that great.
>check out the awesome cinematography in this wholly unnecessary and drawn-out scene that has nothing to do with Godzilla
There were plenty of kino moments in KOTM that weren't two and a half minutes of dudes falling from the sky.
The monsters actually had direct interaction with the humans in this movie, unlike 2014. I feel like we didn't see the same movie if you honestly believe they didn't.
>Mothra larva scene
>Ghidorah emergence scene
>Rodan chase scene
>Godzilla and Serizawa scene
>Godzilla's resurrection scene
>Ghidorah and MBB at Fenway scene
Both Shin and 2014 capture the spirit of the original movie pretty well while KOTM is the fun capeshit edition. Nothing wrong with it of course but it's a lesser film.
The CGI in Bumblebee was shit compared to Michael Bay’s film. Yeah there was minimal camera movement and nothing obscuring the screen, that made it completely obvious how basic the animation was.
Shin Godzilla took a long ass time to make, and even then in that movie he's mostly lumbering about. In KotM the kaiju are much more active.
>Yeah there was minimal camera movement and nothing obscuring the screen, that made it completely obvious how basic the animation was.
And it ended up looking much better as a result. Bay's movies were a fucking mess and impossible to follow.
It really is a fucking joke. It's just gonna get worse.
KOTM completely fail to sell us on the size and scale of ANY of the monster fights. 2014 managed to run circles around this movie on that front with far less going on onscreen.
>Both Shin and 2014 capture the spirit of the original movie
Yeah, I don't need yet another movie "in the spirit of 1954 Gojira". You do realize that there are shitton of Godzilla films that are nothing like the original, and those are the ones that actually created a fanbase?
The soundtrack was awesome except for the song at the end credits.
>Both Shin and 2014 capture the spirit of the original movie pretty well
Shin was a competent reboot adapted to Japan's modern social problems. 2014 was Gareth Edwards trying to make a name for himself by hijacking a Japanese IP to make a poor attempt of emulating Spielberg.
>The atomic heat ray destruction scene is also amazing, but the CGI in the rest of the movie isn't that great.
You say that but it was there and I could see it and I prefer that over close ups and shaky cam.
>The monsters actually had direct interaction with the humans in this movie, unlike 2014. I feel like we didn't see the same movie if you honestly believe they didn't.
>Mothra larva scene
Decent, but again the human interaction was mostly in close ups where you can't get a sense of scale
>Ghidorah emergence scene
Constant cuts, exterme close ups most of the time, no susstained wideshots hard to get a sense of scale
>Rodan chase scene
Was actually pretty good, and probably one of the few well shot scens in the whole damn movie
>Godzilla and Serizawa scene
Close ups, wide shots didn't have the two in the same frame very long
>Godzilla's resurrection scene
>Ghidorah and MBB at Fenway scene
Both were constantly intercutting between the humans and the monsters no wideshots with both in frame all closeups and shaky cam shit.
The soundtrack was awesome, but it was mixed too low. It's drowned out by the dialog and SFX too much, especially during the Mothra Imago emergence scene.
torrent when?
>Shin Godzilla took a long ass time to make
Then maybe they should spend more time and less money on these movies.
This reminds me of Jackie Chan on how his Hong Kong movies ended up with better action than his Hollywood movies because in Hong Kong you take the time to set up each shot and you spend hours and hours resetting until you get the shot perfect but in Hollywood you just cut, pun, cut, kick, cut, punch, cut, kick, cut.
Ok user, enjoy your modern day equivalent of fucking Godzilla vs Gigan, a movie considered genuinely terrible even by diehard gfans
>KOTM was objectively better from a narrative and structural standpoint than Avengers Endgame, though
Just saw it. Never seen a Godzilla movie before, closest thing was the recent Kong movie and Pacific Rim
I fucking loved the monster fights but there was way too many human drama scenes. Are there any Godzilla movies that has more CGI fights over drama?
Alright is there any movie that doesn't feel as dragged out? The pacing started to wear me out near the end.
Time is money.
Shin Godzilla is one of the most expensive gook films with it's twenty something million dollar budget.
You can bet that majority of that moolah was sunk into it's extensive post-production.
two days ago.
I'd rate it 7/10 as well. It wasn't the greatest it could be, but it wasn't a total flaming pile of dogshit like some movies can be. I think WB just didn't pay off the critics. Plus some of these people were fucking retarded and wanted MORE human scenes and human drama in a movie that really does not need the level of shitty cutaways to petty human problems that it already has.
I think there's a reason, and the reason is not disney
Shin was only 15 million, this movie was 170–200 million more than ten times that price.
Maybe spend less and plan more.
I'd say GMK probably feels the fastest.
>check thread
>retarded tripfag is still shilling this trash
Upon second rewatch I want to do it with some gimmick, out of these which one any of you recommends?
3D darkens the movie too much so skip any that includes glasses.
I'd say 2D IMAX is your best bet.
>black godzilla vs grey blob thing on a black background covered in dust
Endgame was a mess that was only "good" because you are emotionally invested in 11 years of your capeshit soap opera.
That movie is actually good aside from the hokey looking Gigan and King Ghidorah flying models and some other corniness (I don't mind corniness in Godzilla movies).
There are only four Godzilla movies that use CGI extensively.
Based and Gojipilled
I've seen it twice in 2D IMAX totally worth it as long as you get a good seat.
2D IMAX is a meme... Cinemark XD was better
Seriously, the IMAX brings nothing to the table based on the ones I've been to.
The very definition of based. His review of Revenge of Sith was amazing as well. I thought of him when the crazy chick mentioned overpopulation.
What happened? Did they pull a 2014 again?
He's a fag. Godzilla has tons of screentime, but it's shared with three other monsters.
No, I meant the blueballing. They show built it up and just as the monster are about to get to work, they switch the scene to some other shit. Do they do that shit often?
There is no hate, just faggot normies reeing
Movie is absolute Flickino
This ain't Rocketman. You expected gay, flamboyant colors? Also, across the entire franchise output this last 30 years, daytime battles can be count on one hand.
No, the movie shows off Godzilla out the fucking ass
They obscure some of the monsters at times but it's to create absolute kino shots in the clouds and smoke silhouette and shit to build up reveals and tension
I've heard from Japan bro's that they're unironically loving it over there
Movie is rewatchable as fuck
He just proved everyone who said KOTM has no deeper meaning or symbolism wrong.
bros im rewatching it online and its easier to tell wtf is going on during the fights compared to cinema. WTF did they mean by this?
Age Of Ultron screenwriting and script were miles better than the execution of Endgame.
The cinema screen is just too big for your eyes to see everything at once if you sit too close.
No wonder the brainlet mass media is hating on it.
Big screen + you being too close to it = eyes can't easily keep track of shit because your retinas have to move actual distance to cover what's going on, whereas on a regular TV/screen you can take it all in without moving your eyes at all.
Godzilla needs to be seen in IMAX but from the back row of seats IMO because much of the action on screen is large scale and things move across frame very often
Bigger screen means your eyes are darting around to get the full picture
Watching it on your phone or computer or whatever makes it easier to take it all in
I think it has more to do with the fact that it shows white leads who aren't dysfunctional and retarded, a strong nuclear family compromised of a regular female (not a YASS QUEEN SLAAAAY caricature), regular teenage girl, and father who cares about his family. Also doesn't show Asians in a negative manner, film is full of heroic sacrifices, Mothra is a positive female role model ironically enough, and the fact that Ghiddora (which can be construed as representing "evil", an otherworldly entity that ancient myths even referred to as the devil) taking over the US capitol and flooding it (the swamp). Oh yeah, and no forced agenda or progressiveness for WOKE points. Add in to that mix references to a hollow earth in a non-jovial manner, it's easy to see why one person or another would have some reason to hate the movie. There's many different angles to it.
Yeah, the King Ghidorah = Satan aspect of the movie is really obvious. Even its heads resemble goats more than dragons compared to the previous versions of Ghidorah in the Japanese movies. This is really the only movie where I've felt that King Ghidorah looks just incredibly evil. His original design from the 60's was obviously based on Chinese dragons, so he was a nod to the Chicoms and their tensions with Japan. The 90's design was based on Western dragons, and the whole Godzilla vs King Ghidorah movie is about the West being antagonistic to Japan.
The fact that the """"comedic"""" moments were pretty cringy due to flat characters, except for literally one of the jokes. Movie should have just taken itself (the humans) seriously and dramatic.
I hear 4dx is amazing for this film but I dont have any 4dx around here sadly.
>movie flopped so hard groups don't even bother with a cam rip
Roasties hate it because Zhang Ziyi is just gorgeous and owns every scene she's in.
Disney shills
True forgot to include that.
Ghidorah theme best theme.
Bow ya shits!
Man how you people are past the point of delusion. You type this shit and you know what you're saying is wrong, you just want to be different kek
Her accent gave me a boner.
>retarded subjective opinion
Choose only 1 user
Name one kino moment or frame from Endgame.
>muh girl power scene
I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy it, because I'm heavily invested in the MCU as well after seeing all the movies. KOTM was just a better standalone movie objectively speaking.
It had some amazing kino shots but the garbage story of some murrican family watered it down a lot. If you completely remove the plot with the family and reduce the film to 90 minute it would be much better.
>Name one kino moment or frame from Endgame.
Any frame with Thanos' ship in it
Thank fucking godzilla !
top kek both these films are equally terrible. the only people who liked godzilla are people who gaze at spectacle like a onions boy. i'm not understanding why everyone here genuinely thinks this movie was good.
Disney and haters
>R E N T F R E E
stay mad, flopzillacuck
>good movie that got brigaded by incels
>bad movie that only brain damaged fans of chink rubber suit monsters bothered to write a review for
Which had the better final kill?
2014 - MUTO "Kiss of Death"
KOTM- Big G atomic breath roasting the final Gidorah head in his mouth and eating it
It's sad that Pacific rim is the best western Godzilla movie to date
Can't see wtf is going on
Just checked and turns out there wasn't even 2D IMAX in my country, just 3D IMAX, and even that one is leaving the theater. So I either see it tomorrow, or never. Eh.
Maybe I will wait a week and see it in 4DX or ScreenX
Absolute truth.
>IMAX is a meme
Only if you don't have a real IMAX screen
So man "IMAX" screens are fucking fake "LieMAX" bullshit.
The latter is a hell of a lot more epic and cool.
Go pay for it you subhuman.
IMAX is a different aspect ratio and the screens are supposed to be fucking huge.
Here is a quick way for you to check if your local IMAX is real or not.
The family story kept it down to earth, otherwise people would complain that it was 2 hours of scientists giving exposition and milfags doing rooty-tooty run-and-shooty. I think they should have reinforced the point that the father hated Godzilla because he blamed Godzilla for killing his son a little more, though. It would have made his arc of accepting and forgiving Godzilla a bit better.
I saw it this morning and I'm pretty disappointed. Everything with the monsters was great, but the dialogue and attempts at comedy were pretty poor. I even liked the cast but it feels like they were wasted on a bad story.
I've only ever seen pieces of other Godzilla movies and I'd like to sit down and watch the good ones. Where should I start? Aside from the original which I've seen
Epic, now do a food analogy
Just watch them in the order they were released.
2014's actually felt like an animalistic desperate attack, Godzilla had to reach and struggle for the kill, like it was all or nothing at that point
KotM's just felt very tryhard, you could tell they were trying to one up the 2014 kill
"I'm seein' things a lot more clearly now."
This one's a solid entry-level movie. Has solid storytelling and great suit action
"Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack"
Before seeing this, I've only seen the original and 2014 in full. But I'll check those out
Bro the quips weren’t even that bad and only reserved for one or two comic relief characters. None of them felt out of place from the situation.
The father was the only one down to earth and he could have stayed. The mother made the plot 10 times as retarded as it needed to be.
If only there existed other human beings who enjoyed similar things yet don't react like children.
the jew fears the kaiju
Family story was fucking stupid and wasn't helped by how there was no clear central character in that subplot.
Film starts with us following the mom character, then after the inciting incident in the narrative happens and the plot starts moving, only THEN are we introduced to the father character. It's bad storytelling, plain and simple
For it to work they should have started the film with us following the father character, and we see how his guilt over his son dying in a monster attack led to his hatred of Titans and the eventual split of his family. The human plot is now an ideological battle between the father character and Serizawa, one wants to put a stop to Godzilla while the other wants to help him.
Also for the love of god, PLEASE give Mothra more to do, they give her a beautiful redesign but then her role was just pitiful in this
>except for the song at the end credits
The fucking 'comedy' in this film was absolutely shit, literally Marvel quip tier shit.
Nobody in the cinema laughed, some audibly groaned a couple of times.
Keep that shit out of my kaiju films.
No one fucking watches Godzilla for the cinematography.
You're an actual retard and I hope one day you gain some self awareness before finally blowing your head off
Was that Kumonga among the monsters or am OC? I saw a giant spider but didn’t know if it was Kumonga?
I thought so too. The comic relief lines weren't at jarringly inopportune moments or seemed incredibly scripted like in Marvel movies.
A lot of Godzilla movies have humor. It's just Japanese humor, so it's usually understated or deals with irreverent or deadpan delivery. The worst quip in this movie was the gonorrhea line, which wasn't as bad in context as the trailers made it seem.
I chuckled a little on that part
It was "Scylla." Legendary doesn't have the rights to use any of Toho's other monsters besides the big four (that we know of currently).
One groan-zone line vs Iron Man making pop culture references for two hours.
Yeah fuck any comedy in action films. When Terminator said “Hasta la vista baby” in T2 I got so fucking pissed “HA HER HER HOO HER HA” Look fuckers I’m laughing now go the fuck away I swear the people who add any jokes into serious action movies are Reddit as hell all those quips in A New Hope between Luke, Leia and Han were shit too it’s all this reddit this is reddit this is memes
She beat Rodan all by herself and saved Godzilla. I was very happy with how they handled her.
Shame her end credit scene never got filmed though. The director talked about it and it was pure kino.
They find another egg I assume?
>regular female (not a YASS QUEEN SLAAAAY caricature)
Also counting that the woman was the one who doomed the world by not getting over her loss and going full retard. Besides being called out and interrupted by male characters and a bitch by the female chinese one for obvious reasons.
>So are like, Godzilla and Mothra a thing?
>Oh my God... ZILLA!!
>I'm glad he's on our side!
>Looks like Godzilla's been working out!
What was it?
I don't know what you're talking about, but supposedly the blu-ray release will have a 3-hour director's cut version.
They said it in the film
>Bro the quips weren’t even that bad
They were pretty bad.
The twins go to her temple and mothra left an egg on of the twins is a mother to and her 5 year old twins are singing a lullaby (the mothra song) to mothra’s egg
>a franchise that's spent probably a trillion dollars in advertising and promotion is living "rent free" in anyone's mind
Call me a shill, but Marvel quips about Spongebob, Build-a-Bear, Fortnite, etc. are a lot worse than those.
>The human plot is now an ideological battle between the father character and Serizawa, one wants to put a stop to Godzilla while the other wants to help him.
That's... a pretty significant part of the pretext of what's already in the film, user. Did you forget the scene where serizawa consults mark and tells him about making peace with the demon?
>critics don't deserve to be paid because their opinions aren't the same as rabid fanboys
Okay...I mean I guess...
>One groan-zone line
pretty much all BUT one of the comedic lines were groan zone. None of the people in my theater laughed at any of them except for one.
>dark and in the rain
James, give it up buddy. Maybe you need new glasses.
I barely noticed them and they were often just observations by the basedboy or boomer... like 5% screentime at best.
I'm trying to find a real sauce right now, but some fag on Yea Forums mentioned it the other day.
long-time godzilla-watcher and sex-haver -- the best godzilla barring maybe the original is unquestionably shin godzilla (at least if you're looking for an actual movie and not just a kitschy romp) and don't let contrarian nostalgiafags tell you otherwise
based and mothpilled
The fact that humans still take u pa considerable amount of screentime. and there is not a single redeemable one
One scene doesn't make a movie. The current movie is about a family in turmoil because the mom has a plan to save the world through Titans except it doesn't work.
>I barely noticed them
That's because you're stupid and probably a NEET
>"lol dude bad comedy doesn't matter since I just dindt liek notice them, lmao!"
Just because you ignore a flaw doesn't make the flaw not exist anymore. It's not even just me talking about it. Multiple anons in this very thread are bashing KotM's attempts at humor.
Shouldn't you be molesting little boys in the desert?
So far every complaint I've seen about the movie is just being parroted from people who haven't even watched it.
The ONLY complaint I saw validated was the cutaways from monster fights, that's literally it.
The plot is so simple a braindead monkey could follow it, and there were just around 1 - 2 """"quips"""" in the movie.
Absolute faggots.
>waah why not every godziller movie super serious!
Just shut up faggot.
>the scene where mark is having a staredown with godzilla after telling serizawa that he wants godzilla dead more than anybody
>the unrestrained venom in serizawas voice after he tells mark that he got his wish when godzilla was hit by the missile
One scene in each of the three acts. I would say that there's a fairly consistent internal conflict going on.
>there is not a single redeemable one
Serizawa, Chen, and based negro army people were all pretty good and not even annoying like people memed for weeks on Yea Forums prior to the movie's release.
Not complaining about the goofy movies, as such. I've watched them consistently since i was a kid, and I have a great appreciation for both the practical effects and suit acting in these movies.
It's just Shin Godzilla is better than all these movies if you want themes or commentary or something.
Friendly reminder that critics hate this movie because they hate the idea of a broken white family healing through adversity
Friendly reminder that marveldrones hate this movie because the tomato website told them to
>Godzilla fights Ghidora on water, one of the few times he's ever done this in any film
>Fucking destroys him, and would have killed him if it weren't for the Oxygen Destroyer
>at least if you're looking for an actual movie and not just a kitschy romp
Shin Godzilla was about as well made as The Core or any other garbage blockbuster with mountains of fake Hollywood science. The only real difference is that it's foreign, so it immediately gets bonus points, and has political commentary about a bunch of politics you know nothing about, so you pretend it was well-made in an attempt to elevate your social standing.
>The ONLY complaint I saw validated was the cutaways from monster fights, that's literally it.
Yeah and if you actually watch older Godzilla movies, this happens quite often, because it was difficult for the suit actors to record extended fight scenes due to the physical toll of it all. Watch Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster, on which G:KOTM is based, and it does the exact same thing of going back and forth between the monster battles and the human conflict to keep the tension high. There were a few bad cuts in KOTM, but it was nothing as bad as 2014 where it would cut from exciting monster reveals to mundane human scenes.
>settling for trash plot and characters just because you thought the pew pew fights were good.
Whats wrong with the movie is that outside of the fights its generic boring trash
Yea Forums is retarded
KOTM has themes and commentary according to Alex Jones.
too bad it was so zoomed in and you couldnt see much of it except swirling body parts
Kinda like every Marvel movie?
Please post it.
yeah, like the other shit films that braindead retards like
Yes, exactly like crappy capeshit
99% of action movies are like this. Not every film has to be oscar bait to be enjoyable.
They don't have to be absolute garbage either.
This is exactly my opinion as well. It was like someone came in and edited the monster porn down to PG.
Not even close to as good as the last zilla nor Kong.
please see
That scene gave me a hard on. Seeing how powerful Zilla was in his element was amazing.
>about a bunch of politics you know nothing about
literally did a content analysis of the public response to the fukushima disaster
>fake Hollywood science.
no one goes into some monster flick on the assumption that it's going to be some hard sci-fi story, and hard sci-fi has never been a part of these movies, so i genuinely don't know what this complaint has to do with anything
>in an attempt to elevate your social standing.
everything is in-group signalling, including what you're doing: pretending shin-godzilla was trash to play to the tastes of insular geeks and nostalgiafags whose cultural identity is largely based on their niche interests remaining niche and underappreciated. you're just being contrary because shin-godzilla was well-received
Too dull to watch when it was not focused on monsters, and cutaways during the finale were frustrating. I wanted to like this more because the fights seemed outstanding when I could make them out in the background.
This tripfag is way off base.
There are short, very short, moments of kino in this. It is embarrassing. It's as though they thought the audience wanted more of the human story. The fights are short snippets while we get to see face reactions and other bullshit.
This movie sucked.
t. Old-ass, avid Zilla fan who even likes the shitty ones.
I like they kept Ghidorah’s space alien origins
Do not watch this snore fest. What an utter garbage movie made for edge lords. Irritating main cast and horrible fights
>literally did a content analysis of the public response to the fukushima disaster
And they still fucked up that bad? Damn.
>no one goes into some monster flick on the assumption that it's going to be some hard sci-fi story
We had a nuclear crisis not even five years earlier and the movie couldn't be bothered to even research what happened in that one.
>everything is in-group signalling
Pretty spot on, because I'm signalling to you that you're an idiot that elevates a big monster movie over other big monster movies because he doesn't understand the poor commentary of a foreign nation's political fallout and shrugs of hilariously awful Hollywood-level movie science.
This, but brain dead retards continue to dwell in their honey moon phase.
Baragon did the best he could. Mothra and Ghidorah can fuck off for not helping him.
Everyone gets an AoE now. Look at Wonder Woman and Black Panther.
This new Godzilla flick was shit.
>movie metaphor wasn't a 1:1 representation of real-life
damn i never noticed that
This one scene is better than the entirety of G:KotM.
What a shame. They have forgotten the face of their father.
Decent is not a 7/10 a 7/10 is good
Holy fuck this board is full of actual under 21 fucking retards
Holy shit, Leatherback and Otachi are still forever based
I've seen every single godzilla movie aside from the fanmade warewolf vs. godzilla, so I know what you're talking about. I also caught the "meltdown" theme from vs. Destroyah when Godzilla and that dad guy stared at eachother.
Thing is the people complaining never saw a godzilla movie in their life.
It's incredibly frustrating when some cuck like "Angry Joe" preachest to be a hardcore fan of Big G then in his review askes why they called Ghidorah "Monster Zero" and how it makes no sense and sees it as bad writing like a retard.
You're a lunatic. Critics hate it because the Humans aren't developed enough. They don't give a shit about the monster fights. It's not becuse of whatever /pol/ conspiracies you're talking about.
Why wasn't the wife shot on sight?
What little monster action we get is mostly good. The problem is it is all in short snippets that keep cutting away to other shit or have a giant ass jet fly into the way of the action. It is like the director is purposely trying a technique to not quite give the viewer what they want fully. It is so annoying that it ruined the movie for me. I will watch it again but only to edit it down to all the monster scenes alone (some of which are lame)
Rodan intro is great.
Mothra intro is OK.
Ghid intro is OK.
First Zilla fight is good but choppy.
Mothra v Rodan fight is fully stupid.
Final fight is the trailer scene you saw plus 25 seconds of good stuff split into 5 short scenes.
Majorly frustrating. Yet still a must for fans. I give it a B- but also condemn it to clap erasers after school.
>Praise movie for commentary
>The commentary is bad
TLJ is terrible, but there's probably truth to the incels brigading the RT score thing.
Why would fans like a frustratingly bad movie?
Based robot poster.
no, i think you were exactly right when you said, "it would only be real social commentary if godzilla stepped on fukushima and then the rest of the movie was the japanese government dealing with disaster relief minutiae"
For the monster fights. I'll watch a pirate copy and FF to the monster scenes without havinbg to deal with the wretched directing and writing.
G fans endure the shittness of the movies for the monster fights. Same applies here but the fights are poorly done. Still though .... new Godzilla fights must be viewed.
... that is why, my dear faggot.
We all know that people are gonna make kaiju porn in the monsterverse. But how would the more intelligent kaiju react to it?
>"it would only be real social commentary if godzilla stepped on fukushima and then the rest of the movie was the japanese government dealing with disaster relief minutiae"
3/4ths of the movie is the movie is a bunch of mediocre actors bumbling through dialogue to get to a contrived conclusion that had all the depth of a Transformers movie, but you can't argue against that so you're just going to devolve into insults or try to pass the flaws off as ubiquitous among all movies. In either case the movie is still mediocre at best and overrated by idiots that don't understand anything it's about, for reasons aforementioned.
God that scene was SO fucking good
no you're right, a metaphor is a bad metaphor if it abstracts any detail from the thing it's describing, which is of course why metaphor doesn't exist and all allegory is a complete description of the thing being represented.
i, like you, think the critical failing of godzilla '54 was that godzilla wasn't dropped out of an american bomber onto japan and was a big dinosaur and not an atomic bomb
they'd start cults of humans that'll jerk em off and crawl in their kaiju assholes
>Wrong. There were even more cuts.
Learn the difference between a cut-away and camera angle cuts for the same scene you fucking waste of carbon atoms
How does it feel knowing that Godzilla stopped Endgame from breaking Avatar's record?
Asking for a coherent plot, interesting characters and a decent chemistry isn't asking for a "oscar bait" tier movie.
lol was Angry Joe that ignorant about Monster Zero?
>try to pass the flaws off as ubiquitous among all movies
Case and point:
>think the critical failing of godzilla '54 was that godzilla
... and a giant plane flying intothe middle of the screen to obscure the fight EVERYONE would rather see.
Boston BTFO
you've missed my point entirely, but if you go to reddit, the helpful people there use sarcasm markers to make clear they're being insincere or hyperbolic
My point is that you can't argue based on the movies merits because you're retarded. You've showcased that spectacularly, just like every other pseud that likes to pretend Shin Godzilla is some standout cinematic masterpiece.
And here comes the passive aggressive insults that were already predicted. Thanks.
>pretend Shin Godzilla is some standout cinematic masterpiece.
i just said it was better than almost all the other godzilla movies lol calm down
You said:
>(at least if you're looking for an actual movie and not just a kitschy romp)
Even though the movie is a kitschy romp the likes of every Hollywood blockbuster.
Then you want on to say that the movie was great because of some analysis it did and that it shouldn't have good storytelling because it's a movie. This was all after you initially said:
>don't let contrarian nostalgiafags tell you otherwise
Even though all you've done is backpedal off a cliff and resort to sarcasm.
That sounds kino AF
Would've been kino if they kept the cinematography, sound design/mixing and overall seriousness of the first one. Like themselves said: This is the Aliens to the first one Alien. It's not bad, top tier kaiju porn actually, but different in tone to the first and I prefer that
>Mille walks from monarch base to boston stadium
>Boston stadium is the only way to broadcast the Orca device pitch to attract the titans
>Monarch base is located ON A MOUNTAIN, coulda just done that shit there
>find millie in the final battle by going back to their old home, implying its even left standing when monster zero attacks
>Eco terrorist group lets mom go, why? The plan isnt even a 100% complete, why let her go?
>Chinese girl does nothing but recoil from explosions
>lol look at this artwork, it shows proof of the titans
>cgi to shit
>shit quips
>apparently Monarch bases just dont have cameras or any form of security whatsoever.
what makes this anymore different from capeshit? its franchised out and needs to make it big to succeed.
What... I mean I get that people just want two hours of monsters fighting, but there were extended shots of monsters over and over. We got some human shots to remind viewers of the scale, because if you zoom out too far it loses all scope, especially during the Antarctica and sea fights, but you literally had 5 minutes each of just presenting each fucking main monster. Mothra got several minutes of screentime before doing anything, and the larger fights were extended bouts of just noise and fucking gigantic CGI things doing CGI stuff in front of CGI backgrounds. The film was fucking bad, but that's a complaint I can not understand. You legitimately had wide shotfs of monsters running at each other, close ups of them powering up through their different anime stages, extended flying and swimming shots...
>the movie is a kitschy romp
relative to the vast bulk of godzilla canon, shin is downright sober and reverent, is the only point i was making
>because of some analysis it did
no, i did the content analysis as part of my graduate degree -- i was responding to your claim that i don't know anything about the politics of fukushima
>Even though all you've done is backpedal off a cliff and resort to sarcasm.
i'm just making fun of your retarded complaint that shin was bad because, as you put it, "it wasn't a beat-by-beat, real-time retelling of the fukushima disaster and technically godzilla isn't even mathematically possible"
other than that, i largely agree with the common criticisms of the movie -- it has flat characters (don't really care, not the point of the movie), massive pacing issues, anno's political message is sloppy, etc. shin's far from a masterpiece, but it's still one of the best godzilla movies, and as a general metaphor for japan's (or humanity's) relationship to nuclear power, i think it's fairly successful
Agreed with this. The cuts to the human side, to me, provided a sense of scale. They were far less disruptive than the 2014 cuts. Surprisingly Gidorah stole the show.
It was basically what I wanted when I first saw the trailer.