Social media pages for Ad Astra are up now. They haven't posted anything but they're verified.
@adastramovie on fb, twitter and ig


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We don't deserve this movie

Someone who worked on it described it as "Heart of Darkness in space"
I hope the studio doesn't recut it

would be extremely depressing if they don't take the risk leaving it as is.

It's coming soon.

Rumor is that the studios don't know how to market the movie. Also read this for more info

Sweet. Most anticipated American movie this year for me.

brad pitt

sorry meant for

Is it better than Interstellar?

That's a low bar.

>james gray
fucking kek his films are awful

It will be.

James Gay is a dishonest hack

Probably not. Interstellar is kino of the highest order.

Pick one.

Interstellar is garbage. People only compliment it because of Nolan.

What should I watch that's better than interstellar? Genuinely asking btw I really enjoyed the space exploration stuff.

Not him but there isn't much in the same vein and scale as Interstellar so I can't think of any rec at the moment but that doesn't change the fact that Interstellar is an overrated flick that gets most of its praise by normies and Nolan fanatics.

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2001: Space Odyssey, also watch The Expense tv show, its great.

First Man

>single person space crews

Too dangerous and probably because no one else wanted to risk their life
The movie is about Brad looking for his father

I don't know if it was good or not but I remember seeing a trailer for a movie about a guy going to mars by himself that seemed cool.

Why did they send his father alone?
It's more dangerous sending a single person on a multi year mission, especially one as old as Tommy Lee Jones. What if he falls up and can't get down?
>inb4 he also has an AI
Then why send a human at all?

>He continues, “And it’s very ‘Heart of Darkness.’ It’s sorta like, if you got ‘Apocalypse Now’ and ‘2001’ in a giant mash-up and you put a little [Joseph] Conrad in there and you hope its as good. But it’s probably not. I’m being silly. But those were the influences.”

Stop shilling for this. It also stars Jamie Kennedy. It's going to be a 7/10 at best, guaranteed.

read this. This is the only info we have so far
James Gray has never disappointed me.

His father is a head of colony that is supposed to build some telescope on one of the moons of Neptune. So he is not alone.

It's not coming out until the fall, just forget about it until then

First Man, seriously. Also the Right Stuff and Apollo 13. And yes, 2001 as well.

>never disappointed me
So glad Yea Forums user approves it... same cunts that think Tree of Life is shit, but John Wick is "kino." Give me a break, desu.

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James Gray is an extremely predictable and dull filmmaker, but this sounds vaguely interesting.

I see you just want attention by antagonizing people. I won't give you the satisfaction. Have a good day, user. :)

Claire Denis’ brand new High Life


>Flying up to Neptune, you can hear radio broadcasts that were broadcast on Earth in the early 1930s.

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he is now, but he used to be great

No it's apparently because the script is super weird and has no proper plot. the studios don't know how to sell the movie. Some russian blogger read the script and described a lot of it. It's just very unconventional, but the studios want to recut it

I don't care for the attention. I'm just saying, Gray doesn't have a solid track record, and one person on Yea Forums, which is known for its poor taste, is not enough to sway me on believing this will be great.

That looks interesting. A lot of people who hated and loved it, not much middle ground.

Not true. The film test screened last year with incomplete effects and people who saw it claimed that it was his best performance. The film is apparently good but not for basics.

they will just play it all backwards and it will be the story of one man desperately getting away from another man.

James Gray is pretty solid, he makes films like they came out of 1970s, the problem is his writing. His direction is good.

>man goes crazy in space
wow so original

Space based

>is not enough to sway me
Nobody is trying to convince you. Get over yourself.

>not much middle ground.
it was meh. Nice overall feminine mood with mostly introspection and emotions and self induged drama. If you have nothing else to watch it will pass time.

>mfw Jamie Kennedy is in the top billed cast

Genuinly happy for him

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Apparently Brad's character is autistic or has asperger's or something. Don't know about crazy

>No it's apparently because the script is super weird and has no proper plot.
So was the Tree of Life and Pitt killed it in that.


If it's Heart in Darkness in space, it's going to be his dad that's gone crazy

This fact alone has me questioning this movie.

Yes. :)
Say what you will about his acting, but Pitt has good taste in picking scripts. He's also producing this one, so he probably won't let the movie be recut. He took Gray's side when the studio wanted to recut Lost City of Z as well.

kek. I got a dick for you to ride, desu.

Why is he wearing a Gemini helmet and an Apollo space suit?

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No you don't, tranny.

>This is the only info we have so far
Not true.
Another source.
>After reading the script, it's kinda eerie how much this personally reminded me of Blade Runner 2049. There's even a James Brown hologram ala the Elvis hologram.
>It could go either way (as of right now, I'd predict a MC score somewhere between 75-81), but there's going to be so much tech support with this film (the description of all the space stations and platforms is nothing short of immaculate) It's exactly what you picture a Gray sci-fi film to be (Lost City of Z + Interstellar + Blade Runner) and while I found some of the narrative trite and forcefully dramatic (albeit, it's tough to read sci-fi scripts), it really is a playground for him to show off with the techs and visuals-- it luckily won't have the skyhigh expectations of Interstellar and Plan B should support it because it'll be his most accessible (there's chunks of real rough, lazy exposition dialogue in the first act), breakout film (might be overall too "highbrow" for general audiences but not moreso than, say, Arrival and packs even more action sequences).
>Tommy Lee Jones plays Pitt's father and while the character is ripe for recognition, it's a limited role ala Neeson in Silence.
>This belongs to Pitt (ironically, his character is described as introverted along the lines of Neil Armstrong, which makes an interesting companion piece with First Man ) His character is a lot like Adams in Arrival or the somber characters Gosling has played in Blade Runner, etc (very cold, reserved, distant, formally deliberate-- perhaps more awkwardly so) but gets a few 3rd act occasions to let his guard down and reveal an expressive, vulnerable side-- that said, I can see a path at a nomination.

Also test screening last year. Pitt is great the film is good. Someone said it explores same themes as Fist Man but it's much better.

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Very nice. :)
I liked First Man a lot. Autists going into space should be a genre of its own.

Interstellar is the most interesting movie about space exploration. There's literally nothing like it.

Anyone has the link to the script? Sounds intriguing desu

>Interstellar is the most interesting movie about space exploration. There's literally nothing like it.
You mean Dark Star of course. Silly mistake, but I corrected it for you.

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No but this exists

Stay mad /pol/tard. You missed out on a great movie, because you couldn't stop thinking like a redneck.


Agreed. It's why I can look past it's flaws. Great experience watching it.

>single man space missions

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