District 9, Elysium and Chappie are better than anything King has ever shit out.
>dude just dont be scared of the party lol
Imagine looking at a fuckup by the Soviet Union 30 something years ago and thinking BLUMPF.
Based Bong
I'm so glad racist and misgynistic Game of Thrones was immediately overshadowed by this based anti-Trump show.
chernobyl was a failure of egalitarianism and socialism, because bydlo construction workers were requalified as power plant operators just because they built darn thing.
this is what they really mean by RENT FREE
they can't fucking resist it.
It's impossible to watch ANYTHING without thinking of Donald Trump when you are absolutely obsessed with him.
>orange man = bad
>russian man = bad
>orange man = russian man
Wait a minute, so is Trump still "literally Hitler," or is he now "kinda Gorbachev but more likely Stalin?"
Stalin was misunderstood but Drumpf and all other fascists are bad.
He's now "Calvin Coolidge crossed with King Leopold II with a dash of Milton Hershey"
Trump is the Boris Shcherbina, the right man for the job.
There is no bigger lie told than that we're all supposedly equal
Trump is just the embodiment of evil to these people
He' literally the Devil
Why the FUCK do these brainwashed leftists pretend the democrats aren't JUST as fucked up and corrupt as the republicans.
No self awareness whatsoever.
They're unironically supporting the same thing they claim to be against, all while being smug and arrogant about it.
How many threads about this is necessary?
The truth.
It's impossible to portray any historic event or fictional store ever in which people did something wrong or morally objectional without immediately thinking of Trump. Because he is bad. Holomodor? Trump. Titanic? Trump. The Sack of Baghdad? Trump. Massacre of Thessalonica in the year 390? Trump.
Really poignant allegories going on here
They're idiots who post the same old shit like this
>"other side: we want do bad thing
>my side: no
>centre man: wow no difference"
>me very smart
Can easily be flipped but they'll cry about it.
ah yes when I think about the time vincent van gogh cut off his ear i'll always blame trump
So this was all an allegory for trump?
They made a good show without a single minority to spite trump?
>>centre man: wow no difference"
that's right
>he's a man of mediocre intelligence in charge of great power--economic, global--that he does not understand
How is this wrong?
Americans and their Trump monomania episode#23482
I'm a National Socialist and for the life of me I do not understand why the left hates Drumpfie so much. What the fuck has that shabbos goy done to deserve it? Is it because "IT WAS HER TURN" and they're all mad about that?
>national socialist
ohnonononono why is everyone shitting on /ourguy/ president bloorph my fellow magapepes???? I'm getting triggered again REEEEEEEE
You're very far on the autism spectrum, aren't you?
People who take flash in the pan politics seriously at all actually are fucking retarded. Especially when they have absolutely no power to change shit.
how is it possible that such a naturally lobotomized braindead cuck managed to write one of the best KINOs in the history of television?
Stephen King is literally a pedophile
Based. Fuck that Israeli puppet.
So what actually is it with Trump? Is it honestly just that he comes off as rude? Is that all that there is to it? Politics wise he's not even all that conservative. He's probably the least religious Republican president ever for starters. He doesn't seem to be ideology driven, if anything it's more just about ego. I mean I can understand people saying he isn't dignified enough or he's too stupid or whatever. But where the fuck does that whole facism mania even derive from? Why are leftists going so absolutely crazy about him?
he's racist I guess
Lol, if he's racist then I'm Evola. Probably even worse.
It was her turn, that is literally all that mattered.They are mad they couldn't rub it in his face.
Maybe they dont like zionists.
Yes that's definitely the reason for this president being singled out among all the other American presidents in the last decades who by no means we're zionists.
>he says as he obsessively posts the same image for the 500th time
He's a shittalking billionaire Home Alone 2 extra from the 1980's who (at least appeared on the surface level) didn't take his campaign seriously and still won over yaas queen
Trump the biggest zionist of all time. Maybe it was just the straw that broke the rabbi's back.
You don't *have* to do this, OP.
>So what actually is it with Trump?
Ask the Warmbiers. Not like they won't vote again for the guy who negotiated their son's live to appease a dictatorship.
Here is a real example
>some literal bot account got banned for harassing people
Oh nooo. Help us, Daddy Trump, regulate the fucking internet also no big government!
>waaah a private company won't host my transphobic opinions on their servers
Grow up. Have sex.
Based, /pol/cels BTFO yet again
She's not a bot, she is a leftist feminist. Your picture was just a strawman that doesn't really apply to anything people are talking about.
>dumb TERF gets banned
Good riddance.
I seriously doubt that. It's more likely that the average sjw assumes that Trump is "antisemitic".
This is what happens when you get your news from Yea Forums
goes hand in hand with being a cokefiend
That's a logically sound statement though, she's not even saying men cannot be women. If you are defining yourself as a man do that by defining yourself as not a woman.
>she is a leftist feminist
Suuuure, which is why she's using a stock photo as a profile pic and playing up shit no self-respecting woman would say without alt-right prodding their backs.
lmao you people have mental disorders
get the fuck off Yea Forums you science denialist retards
he is a commie
it is really funny you would say that, epsecially since GW bush wasn,t so long ago. in fact, Obama was one of the least zionist president of the modern age but that,s kinda expected for a muslim
That is actually a news story, you can look it up
>conservatives are against all regulations
Why are leftists so stupid?
>science denialist
What science?
>stock photo
Imagine actually being a leftist lmao
kys tranny
Disgusting tranny pls kys
Lmao fuck off TERF.
>conservatives are picky hypocrites
Breaking news, everyone.
>I'm a National Socialist
based and redpilled
Is this show really that fucking bad for this shit? I wanna watch it but will puke if I see one more show where holywood elites "stand up for" the little guy and save us from Hitler.
It's literally rude Twitter = Hitler
>2016 memes
How appropriate, boomer-kun.
Trans people have more sex and relationships than you ;)
Nah, it literally has nothing to do with Trump, he is just making vague connections as anyone could. You could say this is about the failures of Obama as well. It's mostly anti-communist to the point where it seems to be just straight anti-communist propaganda.
He’s a white male.
God I wish it would be legal to kill trannies, its all because we gave women the right to vote
you think Trump is flash in the pan? serious question. I think there is going to be a very differnt political landscape after 2020/2024 that there was pre-2016. It's gonna last a good long while.
I support trans people on Yea Forums because it makes /pol/cels seethe
You will never be a real woman.
No they don't, that's why they kill themselves so much, they are lonely and realize they turned themselves into freaks and start to really decline even further into their late 20s early 30s.
Good one
Take your pimozide you fucking freak
So does that make the scientist lady Hildawg?
She was much like Hillary's campaign... all make believe.
And you talk about SJWs getting easily triggered
this fucking nigger again, how much do you get paid.
Isn't that some fat Amerimutt cop?
The white trash of america are slowly but surely becoming the minority. Soon intelligent city dwellers will completely decide who wins the elections and flyover hicks will be left powerless like they deserve.
That's embarrassing
shit no. look at his campy little collar tabs
I'm not trans.
>No they don't
They do. Even 1 is greater than 0 (you)
>election tourist magapede is also a phoneposter
I could never understand this way of thinking
Too smart to win
I was wondering why this perfectly bland and mediocre miniseries was getting so much shilling and attention, now I know. And of course the writer is a talentless kike hack whose sole other credits is garbage like scary movies sequels and spin-offs. The days of quality HBO programming are long dead.
Based poster making magapedes seethe.
I don't know whats sadder, him for spamming this shit or you for noticing and caring enough to keep a record of it.
I've never posted this before but you both really, unironically need to have sex.
>They do. Even 1 is greater than 0 (you)
That's not even true, a lot don't even get fucked once. I'll also tell you this, the LGB community hates trannies ans wishes you weren't even part of their group, as they are the most unstable people you will meet, they are only attached now because of trump, but they will usually never fuck mentally unstable trannies either.
Imagine being this bitter and wrong. I bet you've never interacted with a trans person in real life, just hear about them in /pol/ propaganda. Have sex.
>keep a record of it
It's a reverse search of the image you dumb retarded faggot
It's an image search in the archive reddit
He doesn't play their game the way he should. They want a man that was like Reagan, folksy and affable. Because they live in the lap of luxury drinking wine that costs more per bottle than your car, and sleep in sheets that took longer to make by hand than they will really work all year. So their only problem now is that when they turn on their phone screens and look at twitter and see something pleasing to their egos and souls. That's the game we all have to play on their behalf. Some guy at an award ceremony mentions them as instrumental to the project as he clutches his oscar. Or some film journalist says their film brought a tear to the eye. Or that the news talks about how we finally have the first female black leading actress in a feature length mini series that is R rated that broke a nielsen rating record (they get more specific each year because there is little to complain about, but the left is nothing without their struggle so they must persist). Then they get a tweet to say that the head of some department or agency is shit and is getting fired over twitter, it makes these champagne socialists feel less warm and fuzzy. They have to confront a harsh and seismic change in their nation or environment. It's no different than if they get a new coffee boy and the kid keeps getting their order wrong. They lose their minds there too, but they can't complain on twitter as they know they look like psychos, but with Trump, there is the safety in numbers.
You're a living joke, breh.
This perfectly describes Trump cultists
Oh no, I have and probably a lot more than most people because of where I've worked. The world outside of twitter is a very different place where people can't distance themselves through anime avatars and computer screens.
Reminder that King pissed out when based Kubrick overpass his work.
>no refutations
imagine my shock. what did I say you don't like hilderbot?
Do you think King can tell the difference?
Why is it impossible to watch a show without thinking about Trump? That sounds like obsession.
These shitlibs all have fried brains now from the constant kooky russia collusion crazefest the media has been peddling haven't they
Trump is now Chernobyl
>still nothing close to a rebuttal
I thought the freaks would try to destroy the show because it was successful and white.
I'm happy they're going for the evil white men destroy everything angle.
Not him, but you clearly live on a diet of ragebait. Sad!
nope, I do not, but when I answer a genuine question from an user and some pleb comes along and simply declares it unlikeable, I want that faggot to tell me why. I'm sick of close minded freaks decalring their opinions openly and literally the word "why?" send then into convulsions and they fucking run off. I'm british and since June 2016, this is what we have to put up with. Get told how subhuman trash are gonna ruin us by voting wrong, I ask why, they scream at me and disappear. People need to fucking stand up for their responses a bit. I'm begging people to actually fucking explain themselves these days.
Aren't most libs and sjws socialists though?
Soviet nuclear engineers are smarter than both of these clowns
>nope, I do not
Strange how your wall of a post revolve around libtard twitter, innit?
>user has an opinion on a relevant social topic in 2019 and contributes his point of view to the discussion
>"look how obsessed you are user"
Trump is literally Hitler.
Trump is literally Stalin.
rubbing together wounds and artificial things is sex lmao dat cope
>read these tweets
>watch last episode
>valery question how communists ignore truths when it's offensive
Mazin is either a troll, retarded, oblivious or the meme horseshoe is real