Dedicated Scientists Edition
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All the sources for the show.
>they could have casted a cute femboy to represent the scientists
>they got a woman instead
this is why i love the scientific community
they have a strong desire to tell the truth and give the facts, and ignore the political garbage.
god bless these men and women.
and fuck dyatlov.
Reposting today's Sitnikov's waifu Russian interview
all three of them only got 10 years of labor after thousands of deaths. is there anything stupider than the soviet union?
They just couldn't contain themselves from mentioning jewish persecution, could they?
I didn't order for a new thread.
I was in the toilet.
>blocks your path
>they have a strong desire to tell the truth and give the facts, and ignore the political garbage.
you've obviously not seen much of the culture that surrounds modern publishing and journals
The nobel prize for instance is a popularity contest
and "anonymous review" can also mean "get buttfucked by someone who works in your field close to your topic but is willing to fuck you over simply because your work MIGHT devalue theirs"
here's your (you) ffs
>they could cast Hickey as Homyuk but didn't
why live.
First for our waifu Core Chan.
Someone needs to go tell Yea Forums that a major media production used musique concrete as its soundtrack.
Found the climate change denying, anti-vaccing flat earther.
Did the drawanon finish the core-chan rule 34 pic?
Scientific community is a shitstorm of drama but with autists who don't know when to chill.
Reminder to water your cores daily.
Time to go
>legit shed a tear during the credits
How the fuck did they make this so kino?
>there will never be a 80s sitcom Sitnikov spin off
This isn't an actual composer but actually an amalgam of multiple composers, and you dishonor those composers by ignoring them.
>ddicated tontruth and humanity
>made up by lying anti-human leftshits
>tfw unironically the greatest force in modern science is still slavic
All I'm saying is that if you think all scientists are obsessed with truth you're fucking wrong, a helluva lot are merely there and talented but also vindictive enough to fuck over people who actually want to do genuine, good old fashioned science
So what's the verdict on the finale?
Guys legit question
in Episode 4, who was Shcherbina referring to when he said that he knew 'they' were listening?
NATO spies?
Unfortunately this. There's a reproducibility crisis in peer reviewed articles at the moment.
And when I say crisis: some group will try to reproduce a number of experiments from published articles and maybe 50% will succeed. The problem is that we've allowed peer review to replace experiments repeated by many different scientists.
There's less of a problem in 'hard' fields like physics, and a much greater problem in 'soft' fields like psychology.
tl;dr - don't put your faith in people or ideas. Look at evidence.
forgot link
probably definitely the KGB boogeymen
I don't see any women in this pic, do you? Oh, wait.
>in the inevitable biopic of /rbmk/ a woman will be used to represent all anons and to honor their dedication to kino
>For God's sake, Boris. You were the one who mattered most.
I cried.
The KGB. He said that because he wanted them to know that they fucked up.
kgb of course. he tells legasov that their rooms and worksite are bugged and removes him to go take a walk to have a safe conversation (until the kgb followers arrive of course)
Is he /ourcomrade/?
I mean surely there'd be more proof if there was a bridge that literally every person that stood on it during the night died shortly after.
No one noticed hundreds of civilians in the same wards as firefighters and nuclear technicians?
Scientists are perfectly willing to manipulate data and hide results. They even do subconsciously. The entire method of peer review and journal gatekeeping seems to have failed.
Entire disciplines, 100s of millions, even billions can be spent on completely fraudulant lines of enquiry.
This is a fun example:
Even after proving there's no effect papers are still being published. 25 years of bullshit.
Imagine this character if they'd cast Matt Berry. 10x better.
autism. go back to mlp
Is season 2 going to be Fukushima?
Since they can't get an all-Asian cast, they'll probably be all white.
no, akimov is
(((they))) as in the dead jews that they were standing on
*throws a clipboard at you*
It took longer for the effects to show up, but the did none the same. It was a mile and a half away, and downwind from Reactor 4.
well, Slavs aren't white so you could argue that it was whitewashed
>"I guess the real Chernobyl™ was the web of lies we wove to avoid one hundred trillion billion bullets of truth"
>we get iron chef tier fukui~san spam again in our lifetime
might be great
There will be a season two?
Did they die from cancer, or got the Ouchie treatment?
>singlehandedly fucks the soviet union and causes it's dissolution
There's literally no proof for this.
Notice the word "reported" was also used later about fake reports about valve volunteers.
The thing I love most about the show, aside from how extremely well made it is, is that it made me feel.
IMO. Thats a very rare quality in TV or even movies these days.
dumb frog poster
I'll miss ya /RBMK/
Hai hai!
something here doesn't add up
>01:23:42 Perenschenkov looks down and sees...
>explosion occurs at 01:23:45
>somehow he made it to the control room
surely he wasn't looking at the reactor a mere 3 seconds before it blew up
Whiter than you, incel
Ara ara
Oh, so that why almost everyone, apart from Dyatlov, looked like a inbred incel. They casted anglos.
>not 3.6 mb
>because Americans are such a good looking people.
Post BMI or gtfo
i was a little bit disappointed. they completely skipped the construction of the sarkophag
Haven't seen the finale but did they show the elephant's foot or no?
This scene is up there for me. Like Avon and stringer on the balcony in the wire except these two became bros.
>an entire hour long episode of some guys welding metal together
>In 2017 a species of parasitoid wasps discovered by Russian and Mexican entomologists was named after Elbakyan (Idiogramma elbakyanae).[27]
>Elbakyan took offense to being the namesake of a "parasitic insect"; this in part led to her closing Russian access to Sci-Hub temporarily.[2] In a message which appeared when Russians attempted to visit Sci-Hub, she said that it was an "extreme injustice" to have the wasp named after her.
fucking kek.
Actually they had a distinctly Soviet look. I was amazed at how they managed to get just the right type of mongrels to represent the Finno-Slavic-Baltic-Turkic ethnicities of the USSR.
I guess the real Chernobyl was the friends we made along the way
Brainlet here, what was so ominous about this scene? What was in the drums? Apart from the obvious that its yet more evidence of the core explosion.
>is there anything stupider than the soviet union?
blowing innocent civilians with atomic bombs
All he needed to do was get out of the room before the second explosion destroyed the reactor hall. The average human running speed is very roughly around 4 meters per second, and that's not counting the adrenaline of looking down and seeing the signs of a nuclear reactor about to explode.
i want a companion series about the complex expedition that goes in to the bowels of the sarcophagus and discovers the empty core and then further explores underneath to discover the elephants foot and the other corium lava floes.
>30 minutes MAX!
>stays entire days
>stay BEHIND the plastic!
>gets into the plastic
Why won't this bitch listen?
I serve the /rbmk/ Union.
>in Episode 4, who was Shcherbina referring to when he said that he knew 'they' were listening?
>NATO spies?
those are the gigantic pumps that feed water into the core. it's shows just how utterly destroyed the building was.
No one went to the Bridge on the night of disaster, it's a myth created by journalists.
I'm gonna watch the finale tomorrow. It's been an honor gentlemen to be in these threads with you, from the beginning til the end.
The memories, the memes, and the graphite that still isn't there will never fade. Thank you anons.
not great but not terrible
i've seen much worse
Scherbina was perfectly cast. He felt like the ultimate stubborn dumb-headed Soviet official.
Those are the cooling pumps to the reactor. Absent the giant fucking hole in the roof, the fact that they were wrecked was very bad news.
Which actor was this? Was it the one that noticed the rods were moving from the steaming?
There was no core explosion.
he was a good man, leave him alone
>doesn't believe in the dangers of radiation
same reason people don't believe in being drunk, fetal alcohol syndrome, or why they'd want to fly over an exposed reactor core
they need to SEE it to believe it, and don't draw conclusions otherwise
Those were the drums that were supposed to have exploded under the hydrogen theory the plant staff were working under at the time.
Explosion occurs at :48 seconds (or later), :45 was the time AZ-5 was pressed.
I'm not saying he wasn't. He still fit the stereotype very well.
Cheers anons
would this plot and pacing work with HBO's The Titanic?
also very weak on the liquidators aspect
like 5 minutes dedicated to the roof clearing and that's it
Not far from the truth. It was Chernobyl that taught the entire World the terror of Radiation. If it hadn't happened we would still be thinking that it's not such a big deal and maybe have 10 times more nuclear power plants than we do now.
How much knowledge would the average Soviet citizen even have about the dangers of radiation at the time, though?
Almost all are men, zero surprise.
Overall good series with the potential to be kino, if it wasn't obstructed by that Mary Sue feminist power fantasy the leftie queer director insterted into the series because of his political views. Sadly, it was not as good as the Terror.
How do you know it even exploded?
Well, now that you mention it that could actually be a interesting show. Although, there's a lot of documentaries. But the sea trials, her collison before, the last journey, and it's trial after could make for decent material. Titanic is extremely facinating.
Dripping sound intensifying.
did you even watch the episode or are you saying they lied?
Nobody cares about nips, right?
Here is how RBMK reactor REALLY explodes.
No, Chernobyl poisoned the well and created an irrational fear of Nuke power that resulted in us being stuck with fossil fuels and thinking that the sun and fucking windmills will somehow be the future of energy.
yeah, I caught that too. They did it twice lol.
>Which actor was this?
the older looking guy you see in ep5 in the locker room. he was in the pump room when it happened. the guy who was in the reactor hall and saw the caps jumping was perevozchenko, he runs for it to the control room and after it happens he goes looking for khodemchuk
>doesn't believe in
*doesn't know about
The Soviet Union took great pains to not tell those who didn't need to know about the potential hazards of splitting the atom. According to the Soviets, nuclear power was intrinsically safe. You had to get training in something at least tangentally relevant to nuclear power before it became common parlance that radiation was dangerous. And Lyudmilla Ignatenko didn't get anything higher than a high school diploma, so she had no real exposure to the hazards of radiation before the plant blew up.
top kek
And here is how /RMBK/ works and how it maintained a stable balance for over 5 weeks. A perfect balance of hot memes balanced out by cooling factors of discussion among others. It's truly the perfect thread design that will see no equal. But I'm afraid the fuel for /RBMK/ doesn't last long. After all the episodes are used up the chain reaction of memes will gradually decrease, but we will all keep the memories and friends we made along the way. I serve the Soviet Union.
Щerbina is cute
If you told me shit was dangerous, I'd believe it. All the nurses followed protocol and told her MULTIPLE times it's fucking dangerous.
i thinks its a lot more
>muh feminism!
She was a glorified secretary throughout the show and served as a idealistic foil to the cynical and pragmatic protagonists. She had no meaningful effect on anything.
We know, Valera.
Ahh, the invisible dance...It's beautiful.
Khodemchuk is buried somewhere in that mess.
The fact she was even there at all was the problem.
Something I didn't understand: In the second episode, on the plane to Chernobyl, Legasov explains to Scherbina that the graphite is used in the core to regulate (reduce) the Flux, that is the speed of the neutrons, lower the reactivity. In episode 5, at the trial, he says that Boron is used for that purpouse, in the control rods, but being the tips of the control rods made out of graphite, it had the opposite effect, a spike in reactivity, thus power.
>The Terror
Kino trinity
>being this retarded
I don't even remember her hour after the final.
Those are graphite rods coated with boron.
>dicks out for Chernobyl
>finishing this show made me want to watch Terror
now this isn't a bad thing at all
Other side of the plant, user.
>She had no meaningful effect on anything.
Are you sure? She single-handedly prevented a. nuclear explosion by warning Legasov about the water and she single-handedly convinced Legasov to testify against the Soviet Union, thereby setting the chain of events that followed leading to his death and the RBMK reactors retrofitting. She had impeccable morals throughout the show that were never put into question. Her character is a joke and it totally took me out of the show every time she appeared on the screen.
Imagine being such an absolute brainlet you go into a thread about a tv show that explicitly tells you it's not that nuclear power is inherently unsafe, it's people being greedy that caused the disaster and typing up that comment.
The fault was discovered long before but was covered up because muh soviet union. The head of the plant signed a document saying all tests had been ran when in fact they weren't. The chief of operations disregarded protocol because he wanted to brownnose his higher-ups and get a promotion. The people in charge of power distribution for Ukraine sabotaged the test because they had their own quotas to look after. The entire series shoves the fact it was the political system rather than the nuclear reactor that caused the meltdown and yet you managed to completely miss it.
Maybe the corium was meant to hit the groundwater after all.
Was it? I thought they looked similar. Never mind.
and the world would be better off for it since radiation really isn't a big deal.
instead we have brainlets running amuck ruining the future of humanity
>2-3 women in the picture, rest men
Well obviously we need to represent the majority male scientists with a female one
The show was good, but at times it felt like a direct transposition of a wikipedia page
none, it would probably be on a need to know basis
My point being it's not unusual for your average bumpkin to NOT fear what they can't see nor understand, UNTIL it's too late because it's natural to not fear something you don't understand and happens to alot of people
(although i'm aware that fear of the unknown is is a thing)
>She had impeccable morals throughout the show that were never put into question.
Because she never faced the bullet. That is why she is irrelevant.
read it in his voice
I guarantee you if they made that character a man this faggot wouldn't care
She was quite willing to face the bullet as she told Legasov numerous times, you absolute imbecile. Did you even watch the show?
there is no better a place in the world to be a tourist than japan, user
>Implying scientist's/engineer's negligence didn't cause the accident in the first place.
from wikipedia
>when the rods are inserted into the reactor from the uppermost position, the graphite parts initially displace some water (which absorbs neutrons, as mentioned above), effectively causing fewer neutrons to be absorbed initially.
she was a representation of legasov's consciousness as well as the rest of the soviet scientific community.
Ofc a sociopathic faggot like yourself can only see "muh feminism" in this picture
>She single-handedly prevented a. nuclear explosion by warning Legasov about the water and she single-handedly convinced Legasov to testify against the Soviet Union
The scientists she represents did that, user.
No, you've got the pumps right. I'm saying he was in the bank of them on the other side of the reactor. He's buried in the wreckage on the side with the turbine hall.
In ep.2 he said graphite increases reactivity by slowing down the particles.
>Opens drawer, pulling out secret classified planes of a nuclear reactor, and glances at them for one second
>"they are full of water, the plan they are devising is wrong, i know that for a fact, these stupid men are going to kill millions"
>I will totally face the bullet!
>Says woman not facing the bullet
Everybody in the USSR were used to have things forbidden for no real reason or for reasons that were plainly bullshit - this can't be done except it can if you pay off the right person, these products are unavailable except they are if you know the right person, you mustn't listen to this foreign music except you can if you can get it from a friend and so on. If you're used to being lied to, then why should you care now? And as she points out, it can't be that bad if the nurses and doctors are allowed in.
toptunov is the cutest comrade
the graphite stack in the core is what slows down (moderates) neutrons to facilitate more fission reactions. the slower neutrons move the more chances they can crash into uranium. boron control rods stop the reaction all together because they absorb neutrons so they cannot crash into urnaium and fission.
I'm not gay but this is cute
Im criticizing the muh feminism argument you dipshit
>served as a idealistic foil to the cynical and pragmatic protagonists
>people being all doom and gloom about the show and subsequent thread being over
>Game of Thrones still has a zillion more threads a day
I think we'll be okay, as long as we post
Maybe for another four years and four months...
at the very least.
Why didn't they make a separate character for Dyatlov's dickheadedness?
It was lazy writing. Nobody cares how actors are defending it.
>gets stopped by army in a top-security area
>"take me to your leader"
Thanks user
They should do something about the Kyshtym disaster which is relatively unknown due to how much the soviets tried to cover it up
OP fucked up and didn't put a link to the previous thread in:
oh fuck its true, thanks that was it
>the particles are travelling too fast and wouldn't hit other uranium atoms, so no reactivity and no power.
I get it now thx
What was this thing, fellas?
Spying in late USSR was a piece of cake.
The scientific community has always bowed down to cultural norms. In the middle ages it was the church, now it's PC culture. Fields like physics and maths are less effected but if say a psychologist tried to find a new way to cure body dismorphia (trannies) that involves getting them to abandon their delusions instead of appeasing them, he would be ostracised by his peers for the crime of going against the mainstream.
Very unlikely but if The Terror S2 is kino we can gather again and piss of the MRA chuds.
Looks like something related to the control rods
Status of the control rods
>a Soviet nuclear institute has plans of the most common reactor in Soviet service available
>this is unbelievable
>the fact that they really did need to be reminded of the water gathered underneath the plant being a danger to their sand firefighting is also unbelievable
as a brainlet, I think it shows the status of the control rods
first fuck your Yea Forums Yea Forums trash
secondly its supposed to stop and say tbc right BEFORE shit happens, not AFTER you TARD
>The scientists she represents did that, user.
Was there a need for her to represent any scientists though? They could have quite easily replaced her scenes with those of a few scientists giving advice to Legasov while he was doing shit in Chernobyl. Even then - they could have just not added scientists at all and just made Legasov the spokeperson. And don't give me that "we honor their sacrifice bullshit". You don't honor them by injecting a fictional Mary Sue that had no relation to the accident at all. Actually, what you do is make a mockery of the people that gave their lives. Of the real Legasov who fought for justice without the need of some oh so righteous woman whispering in his ear. Her character was absolute shit and had no place in the setting. I don't understand how anyone can defend this.
>if say a psychologist tried to find a new way to cure body dismorphia (trannies) that involves getting them to abandon their delusions instead of appeasing them, he would be ostracised by his peers for the crime of going against the mainstream.
Its not "if", it has happened.
Is this it or will they do more seasons about other events?
i hope you guys will do your part and donate when the links come up.
Dancing rods.
Decoration for New Year night shift.
Is fun for whole family
You're the fucking brainlet here who can't see the big picture. We had Chernobyl and yet we still ended up with Fukushima. Humans are retarded because they trip over the same stone twice or as many times as necessary. And there will always be human error as long as we exist, the difference being that playing with nuclear power the consequences can cause the apocalypse.
Nuclear energy might be cheap and clean but still is dangerous as hell because it gives a false sense of security to morons like you, who sometimes are in charge of things.
>hire one actor and have her do things that drive the narrative
>higher a bunch of faces and make them do things that drive the narrative
it annoyed the fuck out of me though that the man was portrayed as the retard and the secretary was portrayed as the one to heed advice
it almost seemed too blatant "in modern context" but alas I didn't ponder it too long otherwise I knew it would feel way too much like grasping at straws
You need to be lynched
Wasn't Fukushima the result of one of the largest earthquakes in modern Japanese history and less human error?
Dyatlov - Дятлoв in russian has a root - дятeл, which is translated as woodpecker.
probably measurements for steam and water flow/pressure around the fuel channels
>We had Chernobyl and yet we still ended up with Fukushima
You aren't a homo are you comrade?
>The people in charge of power distribution for Ukraine sabotaged the test because they had their own quotas to look after.
Where the fuck did you get this?
The grid operators are not to blame. They had to make sure power is supplied to the factories that were doing overtime to fulfill the quotas - and another power station went offline, so they told Chernobyl Power Plant that they need to postpone the test. They did their job, which was making sure that the power grid satisfies the demand.
Dumbasses put the emergency generators in the basement
Don't push it. The Terror was good. then got fucked into pushing modern narratives. Vampires ruin what could have been.
Yeah, but the power plant was still "unprepared" for an earthquake of that magnitude. Could be management problem since it's a private company.
largest earthquake coupled with the giga-est of tsunamis
it's a testament to japanese efficiency and infrastructure just how quickly they unfucked themselves from all the shit that got damaged, AS WELL AS the fact that they had a nuclear disaster
Meanfuckingwhile you still have a few twats in new orleans "suffering" from hurrican fucking katrina
When's the 4k release? 1080p sounds too meh at this day and age, but I don't wanna wait that long.
A magnitude-9.0 earthquake coupled with a fucking tsunami. The Japanese power company didn't do everything right, but they have one hell of an extenuating circumstance.
>We had Chernobyl and yet we still ended up with Fukushima
>A reactor getting hit by a Mag 8 earthquake and then a fucking Tsunami, and not melting down or even being a very big deal, really, is totally the same as
>An incompetent administration doing egotistical and self-serving tests on a fundamentally flawed reactor, built on the cheap, resulting in it blowing up and poisoning half of Europe
>you will never be entombed below reactor 4
why live.
Radiation is literally no big deal
I mean yea it sucks if you were one of the firemen who got melted
but it was only like a hundred or so people who actually died that way.
most people were fine
So today it's literally impossible for a nuclear power plant to go bollocks unless some natural disaster happens, and even if so there are fail safes in place.
it's a 5-episode series, having all the scientists argue, prove, and explain things throughout the show would make it unnecessarily longer. might as well get bravo nolan write and direct the whole damn thing.
Who /Gen IV/ here?
>Was there a need for her to represent any scientists though? They could have quite easily replaced her scenes with those of a few scientists giving advice to Legasov while he was doing shit in Chernobyl.
Because it's not a fucking documentary, it's a drama. It makes more narrative sense to have multiple one-note characters condensed into one than have the audience have to keep track of all those one-note characters, especially when those characters would only exist to pop up and be exposition-spouters. You're on the fucking film board, how can you not understand basic narrative structure?
>I don't understand how anyone can defend this.
Because most people understand this is historical fiction and aren't being driven into a rage over the fact a composite character is being played by a woman. You know goddamned well if a male character had been created to fill that role, or if Legasov absorbed the roles of every single scientist involved in the Liquidation, nobody would be this upset.
is the general consensus that AMC couldn've just adopted a more realistic and romanticized narrative? rather than the dan simmons thing?
Fukishima did melt down
>you can be prepared for one of the largest earthquakes in human history
>and a tsunami
laughs in 3 mile island.
Not the earthquake, but the tsunami. The tsunami caused the back up generators to flood and stop working because they were UNDERGROUND instead of somewhere safer. That small and stupid human error had a devastating consequence by making an entire area uninhabitable for many years.
That is the kind of ridiculous risk you only get with that beautiful nuclear energy some morons in here defend.
>and your OTHER tsunami
It's really the fault of Japs, who thought they could build a power plant on their shithole islands, which are subject to earthquakes and tsunamis
I am using melt-down in the colloquial sense.
Дятeл in Russian is also an insult, applied to people who are eithern stubborn or somewhat dumb/slow/unattentive
Yeah in 1976, not fucking 2019
>be 3 mile
>vent some steam
But it did melt down in colloquial sense.
>randomly touring the amusement park
>some patch of moss hits you with 2-3 chest x-rays worth of radiation
That's pretty fucking gnarly you have to admit
all black
>le stronk wymyn who coerce a brilliant scientist to do her retarded bidding by the power of feminism
why do a*glos have to ruin everything
Just finished the last ep.
did anyone else hold back manly tears during the end montage.
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about do you idiot.
A design flaw and a lack of a proper sea wall fucked that reactor. And it did meltdown.
Fucking bunch of morons in here I swear to god.
Did Greenpeace find the thread or something?
Is that fucking Robb Stark?
Fuck no. Just give them the Ulana scenes. They do not need to argue for 5 hours. A 5 minute scene is more than enough to get the point across. Mary Sue not needed.
Seems you're the retard that can't understand a basic narrative structure. How many times do I have to tell that adding a few scientists would not ruin such structure at all? Or even not adding them at all, let alone as a representation of a Mary Sue. Remove Ulana from the series and you could have more focus on the Legasov and his internal dilemma. Would make for a way more entertaining show than it was. Would give way more depth to Legasov as well. Instead we have the Sue telling him "do this, do that, don't be a pussy". And he just goes along with it.
>Because most people understand this is historical fiction and aren't being driven into a rage over the fact a composite character is being played by a woman.
Listen roastie, don't project on me. I'm in no way mad at it, I just don't consider it a wise choice. And what had the potential to be kino was ruined. Simple as that. Could have been a way better show without her scenes, that's all I'm saying
it had a meltdown as in it melted down
I'm not sure they have even yet been able to get an image of what exactly is going on with the reactor cores yet, all the robots die before they can get close enough.
Fukishima was hypothetically a lot worse in terms of the challenge but Japan is a lot more capable of handling the problem than the USSR was
that'd be like using off-the-rails in a coloquial sense in a discussion about trains
why would you fucking do that
actually, you can. The reactors automatically shut down the moment they detected the earthquake and the plant was not damaged by the quake at all. It would also have been fine had they moved the emergency generators upstairs, which isn't something we realised in hindsight - TEPCO management had been told that this might be an issue years before the tsunami, but they had decided to ignore it.
>natural events are inevitable therefore it's acceptable to have nuclear accidents
based retards
the fact that the accident happened is unequivocal proof that there should not have been a power plant in that place and constructed in that manner
>That small and stupid human error had a devastating consequence by making an entire area uninhabitable for many years.
>people arent already moving back
Neo-Luddite detected. But yeah, lets keep burning fossil and hope the the fucking sun will provide what we need.
I don't want this to be over bros, all i have to look forward to now is E3 with Yea Forums
The buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis of similar magnitude. It's Japan after all.
150$ on ebay, soviet surplus dosimeter. What do you think? I should pull the trigger?
Terror S1 is universally agreed to be kino, rbmk is the spiritual successor.
consensus is Terror S2 will be some SJW POC agenda driven shitbox. but only time can tell.
We're trying to see what would work on HBO, not fucking TBS
ITT: incompetent assholes
how the FUCK did you get this job?!
i did, user, & during boris and valery's bro moment
nothing happened in Three Mile Island. Literally 0 people died or received harmful radiation.
are you legally blind?
what are the chances for the 2nd season? show was a hit
Dosimeter quality varies greatly. Get something that isn't a piece of shit.
>in an alternate worldline, these things replaced jet engines
Exactly, kind of describes him and his decision making in the most obvious way
how face blind are you
>the fact that the accident happened is unequivocal proof that there should not have been a power plant in that place and constructed in that manner
im not arguing this
But im arguing that considering what happened and considering what had happened before that, it's a fucking miracle how bad it ended up being
Those ladies were nurses, they traveled with scientists to draw blood for them.
raise the power
nuclear energy is white and based
As a toy or souvenir, maybe.
If you need a real dosimeter buy something modern.
If it's so safe why don't you go there and have a walk? Why don't you eat some of the vegetables growing there or drink some groundwater?
By the way I've been there and I know I would never let a child live there. And I'm done with this stupid discussion.
what would it even be about? unless they made STALKER into a TV show
That number really only covers those who suffered direct ARS. Its difficult to determine just how many people developed cancer related illnesses due to radiation exposure but certainly a large number were affected.
Like poetry, really
>Terror S2
what the fuck i had no idea is was a thing
if the first one was based on dan simmons' version of the terror, what the fuck is the basis for season 2, or why does it even need to be billed as a season fucking 2
I'd halve the pet shooting and put some community scenes, besides Homyuk has enough screentime which would be all fine and enough.
Writing realistic scientists with different opinions is too much work for authors compared to putting A+ morals Ulyana who can push one message.
More power, your grace?
Yes, there was a melt-down. But what I mean is what people picture when you say "melt-down" - that being a colossal release of radiation, mushroom clouds and all that shit.
The reactor failed, yes, but the consequences are largely meaningless. Expensive, but meaningless. Considering the magnitude of what happened to the plant and the result its an argument in favor of nuclear, not against it.
Fukishima was scheduled for an update and refurbishment.
Blyatlov best character.
it's also about ships and shit but during WWII in the pacific theater
how many people get cancer normally?
who cares, we've got a gigantic reactor right above our heads every day.
Imagine if Paul Ready was cast
>By the way I've been there and I know I would never let a child live there
I dont give a fuck about your opinion, its been declared safe.
HBO's roadside picnic?
would the slavshits be willing to lease the bandit radio polkka
>what people picture when you say "melt-down" - that being a colossal release of radiation, mushroom clouds and all that shit.
people are stupid, that's nothing like what a meltdown is, a meltdown is exactly what is says, the core melts downward
not accounting for Earthquakes in fucking Japan is human error
They latch on to somthing with meaning and use it as a vehicle to push shit, expectations are low.
Oppressed female at a Jap interment camp summing a demon to kill the evil whites bois.
Its ether that or kino. unlikely to be kino.
Honestly I don't think Fukushima would be as interesting. Not as much crazy shit that went down.
>fuck dyatlov.
but dyatlov was unironically based.. the fuck is wrong with you?
lay off the writers and creators, they didn't have a choice to NOT have a female character in a show
either Legasov origin story or Khomyuk during vacation in fukushima in 2011 when things get sour
"Ulana Khomyuk" from the second episode was a man: Vassili Nesterenko
inability to distinguish between faces is a classic sign of autism
Yes, thyroid cancer. But what everyone tends to forget is that thyroid cancer is 100% treatable. You remove the thyroid and take a pill per day to counteract its absence.
So the argument re: death via thyroid cancer is whether they were killed by the cancer caused by radiation or a lack of medical treatment.
Say goodbye to Pripyat'.
Life uhhhh....... Finds a way
I know, it was my mistake not to use more precise language.
>Are we brothers Valera?
>I would like that very much
I cried as well
>As an expert on the subject and with his experience as a fire fighter, he threw liquid nitrogen containers from a helicopter on the burning reactor core. To do this he had to move into the middle of radioactive smoke. Despite the heavy radioactive contamination of the area, Nesterenko survived. However, of the four passengers of his helicopter, three died from radioactive irradiation and contamination.
man thats so fucking stupid. it makes me so butthurt.
Repost from ded tred
Chernobyl also means Wormwood in ukrainean. "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Chernobyl. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter" (Rev. 8:10-11).
Also, up to the Civil war Chernobyl was a center of hasidism in Europe, being 70% jewish town. Chernobyl rabbi dynasty is still one of the most renowned in the world. It is said that the last Chernobyl rabbi who lived there cursed the town after especially large scale pogroms forced the remaining jews to leave.
Why not just kill and eat this delicious looking guy?
Don't mind those retarded fucks, they speak out their ass. Those are most likely the emergency water reservoirs that can be used to inject water straight into the core. They're positioning on another frame in the show also confirms that they're at the bottom of the building so this is most likely. I cringed when that user said pumps. He probably never saw any kind of pump irl to believe it even remotely would look like that.
The bigger problem with Fukushima was its backup did not take into account possible inundation, and Japan's reactors apparently don't have as standardized backup systems that the US has. They were able to ship a backup generator in that would have worked had it been compatible; it was not. US nuclear plants all have the same backup hardware (or at least their output and interfaces are all practically identical), and there are depots with this hardware within 12 hours of every single reactor in the US should there be an accident and the local backups fail.
Mr. Goodsir, go down to the core and administer some lemon juice over the rods.
> nuclear energy
> requires great expertise, education, responsibility and reason
> provides great results if handled appropriately, buy qualified people
So it is the real life magic, that can only be handled by real life elves?
For me, the takeaway from from the Chernobyl disaster, and, to an extent, Fukushima, is that while "perfectly safe" reactors can be theorized and built, the sheer inherent power involved is too dangerous to not respect. There's a dichotomy there. Simultaneously safe and incredibly dangerous.
is everyone sleeping?
>Oppressed female at a Jap interment camp summing a demon to kill the evil whites bois.
sounds like a classic spoopy plot
maybe they should let the japenese direct it
Read the book!
The gay was a total badass, trying to save people he was the one knocking on doors, talking to communist retards.
>Vassili Nesterenko (2 December 1934 – 25 August 2008) was a Soviet and Belarusian physicist from Ukraine and a former director of the Institute of Nuclear Energy at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
It's like 1pm here now, most of europe it's early in the day so people are at work, or sleeping, or up and not doing much.
She represents a community of scientists, not literally a single person you brainless incel.
Have. Sex.
It literally says "Main circulation pump" on them.
Nvm, I thought we were on Episode 6.... found it now.
ayo so you be sayin we ain't nukelarz and shiet? only you crackaz can fuck up this bad
There's a big difference though.
Soviets solved Chernobyl in a year, while gook insectoids are still letting Fukushima shit up the Pacific Ocean.
No, he's buried somewhere else, in one of the pump rooms, an area that is now collapsed. What you saw in that pic are just water tanks. These are the actual pumps:
Episode 6? You stupid user?
user, Fukushima happened because TEPCO went cheap with tsunami barriers
they thought a tsunami that big was not possible against glorious japan
the tsunami barriers weren't tall enough, the diesel generators got flooded and 3 reactors got ganked
rings a bell?
in truth they didn't bother with the barriers because it was just cheaper to build them that way, they purposely ignored safety concerns and bribed safety officials for the sake of saving money
oh wait, rings a bell? :^)
she is the worse character in the show by far
The Fukushima exclusion zone is significantly better off. They've cleaned out enough areas that they're letting people start to move back into the periphery.
>Chernobyl NPP is now a gigantic sarcophagus for one single person that was never to be uncovered from the rubble
I just wanted a hug between Boris and Valery, bros
The fake pol incel rage and russian bot shit-stirrers are getting desperate.
The pumps are on the left in the picture user posted.
what is she thinking right here?
>I have to go fix this accident caused by men
I live near Leningrad NPP, ask the answers.
By the way, the same RBMK 1000 reactor operates there.
But do you know what Norway doesn't have?
possibly, but unlike those aelfs our failures don't get reanimated in the shitshow that is age of sigmar, instead we just get raw denial of whatever the fuck land we fucked up
very sovietic of him
Vatnik Bingo?
which arguably isn't saying much in a show of almost 100% memorable and good characters
>no one called her Mary Suekov
m-muh meme...
Titled The Terror: Infamy, it was developed by Alexander Woo and Max Borenstein
Fat asian guy and jew.
staring gay startreck asian
It would be racist if it wasn't an asian writing it.
Some treehugger group in the goverment blocked revisions for the plant, that would've prevented the accident, a year before the catastrophe.
The radiation into the ocean is no big deal
Thanks bbz
>By the way, the same RBMK 1000 reactor operates there.
This is true.
How many blocks are still running?
>1 million viewers average
>a hit
but i mean the terror was a dan simmons one-off book
Why bastardize the name?
It's the equivalent of taking a one-off like the The Rock and instead of having it take place on alcatraz, you make it take place in space on a meteor
fuck legasov and FUCK KHODEMCHUK
What did the caterpillar represent?
>How many blocks are still running?
Stable 5 power units. Of these, several types of RBMK 1000 and VVVR 1200. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant completely changed the security system.
Highest rated show on IMDB though
the brave scientists to honor their dedication and service to truth and humanity
It literally isn't
an appreciation for life beyond the state
... finds a way
>fuck legasov
I can understan that. An antisemite (for power) that lied to the liquidators about the dangers of radiation
>fuck Khodemchuk
>unironic incel unironically upset at women
Ackimov left the door open.
They were still running the other 3 Reactors at Chernobyl up until the early 2000's. So that doesn't surprise me at all.
It was a real person and real story is much better than the fiction
I think the last block was shot down in 2000, the other two in the 90's.
We are talking 20 years ago so it is surprising.
I can't say this enough, it's so good
Ohh mb, knew they were still operating just assumed it was all of them.
Piss off KGB
Legasov's actual tapes transcribed
Chernobyl 2 : now in japan
Cant fucking wait
>In October 1991, reactor No. 2 caught fire, and was subsequently shut down.[18] Ukraine's 1991 independence from the Soviet Union generated further discussion on the Chernobyl topic, because the Rada, Ukraine's new parliament, was composed largely of young reformers. Discussions about the future of nuclear energy in Ukraine ultimately moved the government toward a decision to cancel the operation of reactor No. 2.
>In November 1996, following pressure from international governments, reactor No. 1 was shut down.[19] Removal of uncontaminated equipment has begun at reactor No. 1 and this work could be complete by 2020–2022.[20] In December 2000, reactor No. 3 was shut down, and the plant as a whole ceased producing electricity.[19] In April 2015, units 1 through 3 entered the decommissioning phase.[21]
1 was fundamentally more dangerous than 3:
>Reactors No. 3 and 4 were second generation units, whereas No. 1 and 2 were first-generation units, like those in operation at the Kursk power plant. Second-generation RBMK designs were fitted with a more secure containment structure visible in photos of the facility.[4][full citation needed]
Position of the control rods in the reactor, from 0 to 7 meters in a 1m increment
>Legasov's actual tapes transcribed
KGB fabrications, not "transcriptions"