Am I missing something? It's good but people are acting like it's the second coming of christ

Am I missing something? It's good but people are acting like it's the second coming of christ

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Other urls found in this thread:

there hasnt been anything good airing in years so were probably being generous with praise

The Americans just finished last year

last episode was a bit lackluster
it was like watching school presentation

Attached: chernobyl3.png (415x147, 52K)

It's a bit hard to like it when it's based on a real event and then they mix it with lies.
The worst part is they put in this person and for some reason she has the answers to everything.

Attached: wamen.png (1051x927, 871K)

that's called a deus ex machina

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Because it is the season where nothing really starts airing and cause GOT ended which left a void within a lot of people.

i never tried it

HBO shilling to keep subs after GoT, nothing more.

>It's a bit hard to like it when it's based on a real event and then they mix it with lies.

This. The last good new show I've watched was season 3 of Fringe and that was 9 years ago

The """normies""" like it because it's shaming USSR, it's shaming mediocre white men in power, it's shaming nuclear technology

Yea Forums likes it because despite all of this and being /pol/, people appreciate the craftsmanship. It's a genuinely great show. The acting is amazing, the aesthetic is great, atmospheric, meme-worthy on so many levels, only white men in the cast and above all fairly true to the actually history. It's educational.

yall really just went ahead and forgot about this show?

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they literally say at the end that she was a fictional character created to represent all the scientist that didn't get heard
Jesus christ faggots...

The acknowledge every liberty taken and show real footage in the final scenes.

I'm 100% convinced that people seething about this show's accuracy are Russian.

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The best thing about it is reading ex-soviet boomer butthurt comments

But it didn't shame nuclear technology at all. It shamed shitty soviet craftsman ship which was exactly what caused the Chernobyl disaster.

>supposedly “redpilled” but also worships women
Sounds like the perfect show for Yea Forums.

>they literally say at the end that she was a fictional character created to represent all the scientist that didn't get heard
>Jesus christ faggots...
Did they say old party man and other cranberry shit was fictional?


>been so insecure

Where should I go for E1S1 ?

Implying that soviet boomers can read much less speak/write english...kek.

just like Terror it's marketing user


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Your local cable provider.

If by years you mean 2 years, then sure
Because The Return was 2 years ago

It's all aggressive marketing from HBO to try and retain people who were pissed at GoT

They don't have episode 1 anymore...

Wherever Jared goes so must I.



the ratings are bots

Yes of course HBO's survival is absolutely hanging from the subs of the 200 incels who post in this shithole and who pirate the show, anyway.

Why didn't they see graphite on the roof?

Yeah, I don't have it, nor the money..

Imagine being triggered by this.

Attached: ulana.png (1455x818, 1.18M)

>then they mix it with lies.
they acknowledge it in the end and show all theo the other scientists it's not practical to have them all cast

based discord retard

>all those men
>literally only 3 women of over a dozen men
>choose to represent them as a woman
Hmmmmmmmmm.... hmmmmmm......

Imagine being triggered by that.

>a tv series is (partly) fictional
you don't say? it's not a documentary, faggot

Not an argument.
Imagine if a group of vast majority female scientists that had one token white guy was represented by a fictional white guy.

i count at least 5 women

since when was Yea Forums so gay, it's nice to have some balance with a woman in the mix, the whole time i thought legasov might fuck her in his dying days

This, either OP forgot or he hasn't seen Twin Peaks.

you poor delicate little thing get over yourself it's a tv show

this doesn't even make any sense you retard

>literally diversity is our strength: the post
Modern Yea Forums

only incels are afraid of strong women taking ther rightful place in men's historical positions. this is how it should have been. this is how we'll teach our children.

have sex.

Fucking zoomers. Learn how to torrent, Jesus fucking Christ.

You’re right, it doesn’t make sense because
1. No one would ever try to give men credit for something women did
2. There is no woman majority group that solved any problem
Fair enough, fair enough.


then why not a male character? because feminism is more important to cucks like you lmao. kill yourself

based retard

Based seething feminist

Please help me then (I'm from 1989)

Do you have a link maybe ?

>no arguments
just eat our propaganda goy!
yeah no mr shekelstein

you've taken the incel meme too far it was only ever a meme

i preferred sneed to this new invasion of mentally ill posters

i swear these threads are 90% bot replies

Nice projection. Yea Forums has always called this shit out but only since the birth of the incel meme in 2018 have you faggots come to unironically defend feminist propaganda.

And all of them are right. Remember comrade zoomski, if today you are watching badly made capitalist propaganda, tomorrow you will be taking nigger dick up the ass.

>this new invasion of mentally ill posters
yeah I agree these feminist trannies are out of control. back to discord and your bootleg hormones LMAO



/pol/ and r9k are the literal discord trannies stop using Yea Forums buzzwords

Nice try faggot. Trump is a feminist like you who passed affirmative action laws.


This is all the spoon feeding you're getting.

discord trannies were first found out on Yea Forums nice try tranny

>*makes thread with article from 2017 and screencaps twitter posts from literal who's on his iphone*

Im not OP. In case you didnt notice there are other people posting. Lmao you trannies are legit mentally insane

im certain this a bot or mentally ill poster

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jokes on you i'm a TERF babes

>t. butthurt KGB

>no one is perfe-

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OMG dude have sex

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Why wasn't she sent to the gulag like 100 times?

begging ya to have sex

there you go :^) the exact reply you wanted epic original post my friend i would react with an emoji ut im afraid it's not possible on 4channel

The Soviet Union fears the Strong Independent Woman.

>iphone filename
hello underage itoddler

Thank you user

BTW I used torrent a lot but I thought that was no more in use and the streaming was the shit now

Haha this image is correct, minorities and women shouldn’t exist and society should be based on small units of 150-200 at the very most.
Therefore we need to destroy all cities

>15 filename
Hello newfag


Khomchuk being a woman and standing in for dozens of other people doesn't bother me so much as the liberties taken with other characters.

-Dyatlov acting like a psycho in the control room
-The old communist's speech to the Pripyat council
-Shcherbina threatening to throw Legasov out of the helicopter
-Khomchuk's outburst and arrest at the hospital
-Helicopter crashing at the wrong time in the clean-up
-Legasov's outburst in the court should have been at the Vienna conference, if Dyatlov's memoirs can be believed; that is where the spilled the beans about the design flaw, not in front of the Soviet trial

The show was pretty much constant kino though, so I'm not angry. The writer is a dickhead on twitter, but I don't read twitter.

>we must rewrite history to include women and minorities so future generations will base leadership decisions on a lie! It's the only way, goy!

Have abortion

They should've written "THIS IS NOT A DOCUMENTARY" at the very end for the seething retards

honestly the memes are better than the show itself

>radiation bad

Attached: radiation bad.png (485x443, 31K)

Yeah but that epilogue music bro...

in low doses radiation actually has a cleansing effect on your DNA. background radiation is constantly cleaning our DNA and chromosomes. it only becomes a threat in higher amounts.

no they're not, you must be in shock

You're begging? Aright bend over.

What is the basis of this "cleaning effect" medfag?Any proof?

So you freely admit that women are women and men are men after all, lefty degenerate?

Do you even remember the last time you had a solid shit not laced with lube and cum?

>this guy sits at home all day on his fat ass

Check out this superior specimen bruhs

There is really nothing divisive about it, which works in its favour. Plus it's an interesting subject that never been properly dramatized

this and chernobyl have been the only worthwhile tv series in years

It was presented incredibly

It also said more about the toll the lies in place to protect power structures like the soviet union take on the lives of innocent people.

It was almost perfect for what it was. If the female character was slightly less in your face and needlessly empowered it would have been the most well written miniseries i'd ever seen.


Yes, that's what he said. Nothing good has aired in years.

I think it's so popular because they've dialed down the fug wypipo bullshit - or at least they couldn't hamfist it in. Most shows these days, you literally have a blonde haired, blue eyed Nordic woman getting blacked in the first 3 minutes. Chernobyl had that bullshit female character but otherwise it was just telling a story instead of trying to, first and foremost, demoralize whites.

I just started watching Warrior. In the first 2 minutes, they have a racist bigot white character oppressing poor Chinese immigrants. It's just so tiring trying to find the story through all the propaganda. Films and tv shows are saturated with this shit. That's why Chernobyl is head and shoulders above what's currently out there. It's easy and refreshing because it's not constantly spitting venom at you

My favorite line of the whole show was when Boris said
>The story of Russia is one of sacrifice and each generation must know its own suffering.
The Russian people always seem to pick up the tab for the failures of the Russian government.

It's good old television not pretentious dreck


You're underestimating the traffic this board has. There's thousands of people reading this shit, and any attention is good attention.

Also, there's seriously something wrong with this shit. It's a good show, but the attention on here is fucking insane

Some network is going to accidentally make an implicitly white show and it will blow up in the next 5 years.

You fell for the shills, congrats.

It was great Ivan, you really should focus on fixing your country first and then spread propaganda on the chans. I mean, don't you care for your fellow Russian people? I can't understand it, to let your fellow countrymen suffer so much and then be a little cuck bitch for the state.

t. Hebrew Broadcasting Office shill#4,328

It's just very good compared to all the other slop out there

If the Soviet Union had a woman in charge it might still exist today.

Yeah I don't get the ridiculously over the top praise it's good but not legendary.

Nah, you're not missing anything. HBO astroturfed the fuck out of this.

>they literally say at the end that she was a fictional character created to represent all the scientist that didn't get heard
Yeah, and for some reason it's a woman, while all other scientists in the show are bungling incompetent men. Part of a political agenda to empower wymyn. Wahmen power! Wahmen power in STEM! We need more wahmenz in STEM to stop the evil and incompetent men from killing us all!!!!1

The books with stories from survivors and victims shook me way more than this show.

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I'm here for the memes and I don't see shit, stop discussing Khomchuk's sexual organs and post decent/laughable content, user.

No pic related for you

Memes aren't funny user have sex

sex isn't that good without the right person.

>Why is someone discussing mistakes in directing?

Attached: brainlet2.png (226x223, 7K)

based redditposter

No, if the Soviet Union didn't use graphite tips it would still exist today.

Based and redpilled.

Find love then

I really feel this cheapens the work of all these scientists. They could've made the female scientists the most important ones if they wanted to focus on muhhh women in science, but this was a really weird way to go about it.
having said that, Ulana is total gilf.

It started off really strong then had a shitload of boring padding from 2-4, but 5 was really good. 1 and 5 are my favorite episodes
Overall 7/10. It was cringey as fuck though when they keep larping as Russians calling each other comrade when theyre not.

Why are russians so fucking incompetent? I'm pretty the starvation and famines has fucked them beyond

These numales usually have wives or girlfriends. Even this fucking guy. It's not fair!

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>Why are russians so fucking incompetent? I'm pretty the starvation and famines has fucked them beyond
There isn't a single nuclear plant in the world that's up to standards you realize. Japan fucked up not long ago, are Japs incompetent? Is France?


>i saw a tv show therefor i know stuff
go ask your mom for some tendies, retard

imagine being so gay you don't want women in your media

Spoonfeed me
What happend to 3 lads who were sentenced

It's good but, I definitely wouldn't say it's great.

Maybe it's a nice palette cleanser after a ton of people just got through the shit show that was GoT S8, so compared to that this is seen as amazing.

"The Night Of" was a much better recent mini series.


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Just copy the right (again) and tell THEM they're the ones that get triggered, all while shaking.

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because it's a retelling of the chernobyl events for brainlets who cant watch a 1 hr documentary or read a book about the subject, and because of what this guy said. its a really bad show, full of ominous "cool" long shots of people walking and staring at nothing.

First episode was such kino these idiots can't see it's been down hill ever since.

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>Am I missing something?
Your good taste faggot, this series was kino

Why are Russians and slavaboos so easily triggered?

Have sex


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It's an excelent show to cleanse the palate from the poop called GoT we all tasted just recently

none of what you said makes the show less good.

The Americans will be remembered long after all the shit series have been forgotten.

4koma of Boris Legasov and the general making silly ideas to push the graphite of the roof when?

All episodes were equally good.

The what?

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No. God damn it!! Not a woman?!!!! I'm fucking done with this show now, I didn't know it had A FUCKING WOMAN on it goddamn it. Why is everyone a cuck?! I'm so Based and Redpills.

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>im offended on 4channel
Don't forget to tell your friends

Imagine being this dense. People like this actually exist.

go to google scholar and search for "Linear No Threshold Model" and read the conclusions of some new papers

Basically, the LNT is the model that has been used to estimate radiation related cancer rates. Basically it says that all doses of radiation are harmful, and there is 'no threshold' under which those doses are not harmful, and also that the harm increases linearly with increased radiation.

The controversy is that researchers have shown on mice that small dosages of radiation trigger cells to engage their DNA repair mechanisms, so not only there is a threshold under which radiation is harmless, it can even have beneficial effects.

However, you can imagine how hard it is to prove this, when experimenting with radiation doses on humans that would increase cancer rate by 0.000001%. How would you even know.

The LNT model is still in use today, and is what was used to produce the 4000 death estimate for Chernobyl.

and many others.

Just like what happened with the real woman.

And even if you get more research, more conclusive proof, good luck selling to the public that bigger dosages are now safe, without them thinking youre trying to turn the frogs gay

Terror was better


only peabrain americans with a boner for soviet bullshit think it is awesome and something new, when in reality chernobyl has been milked to death in mostly all forms of media

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Have sex