>dad is black
>dad is black
He took his wifes name
>there were no Africans enslaved by the Spanish in the Americas
>therefore there are no blacks in Latin America
>therefore no black Latinos immigrate to the US and learn English
>therefore there can be no black Latinos without accents
When they created this guy, they clearly thought they were being smart by trying to appeal to latinx people as well as blacks. Obviously that's not going to work. To everyone, including latinx he's black.
Nice try though.
What the fuck is latinx you retarded american subhuman
there are plenty of black hispanics dummy
>black hispanics
So basically black/nigger.
Whenever a Latina or latino use latinx I instantly recognize them as a cuck of the Jews destroying their own culture.
Fuck i thought being a nigger is bad enough.
But imagine being a beaner nigger immigrant.
yeah i do find it hard to believe he'd have morals
Not even a Yea Forums fag but i fucking hate Miles Morales and he seriously ruined that movie for me.
I would even have preferrred a movie from Spidergwens POV over him.
>there were no spanish who bred with nigs and had their progeny breed almost exclusively with nigs
Nobody in asia, europe or even south america will know what the fuck latinx is. Its just meme term only americans take seriously.
It's cuck speak for Latinos.
have sex
There were black slaves in the Caribbean and Brazil, so I guess he comes from one of those places.
There are like 30 million black or part black people in South and Middle America
I refused to watch it, Peter Parker is the only Spider-Man I'd watch.
Spider-Gwen? Maybe, at least she doesn't call herself Spider-Man.
Stop equating dark skinned people with Africans. No matter how many times you rape an African, you will never get one of them to look like American blacks. They're not the same race and it's painfully evident to anyone in the know.
The slave trade was never about shipping niggas here. It was about shipping them out. They were already there when Columbus came. They just needed to be killed/enslaved/displaced so the Euros could get them off their land.
You gotta be retarded to think they brought over 12.5 million Africans from the West coast without completely depopulating it. Even gradually, that's impossible. You gotta be even more retarded to think they did this while still having to deal with the Indian wars. Those numbers were fabricated to try and explain how many negros were already in the americas.
take your medication paul
The fuck is you smoking
This is some crazy shit, I know. But look into it and you'll soon understand that it's absolutely true.
The truth
he took his mom's husband's name
the man who actually watches and takes care of him
>thinks a painted on print from 200 years ago proves anything
Fucking retard
You're going to have to prove they came from Africa, because I don't know a single "black" person that can.
There's literally hundreds of these pictures. Not to mention when you look into what the initial explorers were saying about the South American and southeast Indian people, it matches these pictures. John Smith described the Indians as being almost as dark as devils. Don't get mad, just think for a second. Why was the Indian slave trade going on at the same time as the "African" slave trade? Why would they bring motherfuckers from another continent to tend to crops and work land that they knew nothing about? Why not enslave the people that were already there, and already knew how to pick cotton and harvest crops?
it's the gender non specific term for latinos despite the entire language depending on specific genders for words and phrases. good morning is female, but afternoon and evening is male? what?