Big kahuna burger

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that's that ha-why-an burger joint, right?

No, it's a restaurant u negro

The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

big kahunigger
also fuck jannies

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You know these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at McDonald's in France.

that's right, the metric system.


oh yeah
what do they call a islands burger in france?

what type of burger was it actually?

just a prop?
something quentin picked up from jack in the box earlier?
was it specially made for this scene by an on-set chef?
how many shots did this scene take and did he eat from a different burger each time?


British Burger, because the United Kingdom is their neighbor and it's and island

أنا أستسلم

>what type of burger was it actually?
I think it's supposed to be a normal cheesburger with pineapple on it. Which is what would make it "Hawaiian". No idea about the rest of your questions.

Dammit. Now I need a McTriple and the only WacArnold's open anywhere near me is in the hood.

>Big Kahuna Burger
>Hawaiian burger joint
>overall talked up like it is some interesting piece of food
>actual prop just looks like a fucking McDonald's cheeseburger
Why didn't they at least attempt to make it look like an interesting burger from a unique hamburger restaurant? Like, fuck, a double thick patty and a slice of pineapple or some sort of tropical looking sauce or something.

The fact that this joke isn't vehemently racist or politically charged made me cry

American cheese is so fucking based

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ketchup + mustard is really good combo for burgers imo


Cool just no dabbing next time. Dabbing is for children

Don't forget to Dick the Birthday Boy

nigga your meat to burger ratio is way off

what was it's tax policy?

No no, they're Big Kahuna burgers, old Hawaiian family recipe.

Mhmmm THIS is a tasty burger

It was specifically made for the scene by an on-set chef at Quentin's precise direction. He had a very clear image of exactly what the burger should look like. He talked about it in an interview or on the commentary or something but I can't be assed to find the source right now

"Quentin, please understand that I simply cannot prepare the burger in a way that it smells like feet"

looks like shit, the inside of the bun should be toasted

>calling a fast food franchise a restaurant
Burgerfats actually do this

okay the way you switched the name to that was pretty cool
awesome post

halal burger