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I really am intrigued.


Wow she looks great


wtf that looks nothing like her. if she got botox and shit I'll be pissed.

Looks like she got lip injections

>Wonder Woman
>has zero muscle mass

Attached: Wonder-Woman-1984-wrapped-2.png (1046x1176, 1.49M)

When you have super strength, who needs mass?


Where does the strength come from if you have no muscles?


>takes place in 1984
>no 80s fashion

into the trash it goes

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It actually angers me that female movie stars are allowed to be fucking pathetically weak whereas males are expected to be insanely shredded.

Attached: Superhero-Face-Off-Jason-Mamoa-vs-Chris-Hemsworth.jpg (1124x596, 282K)

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>RDJ shredded
Go on...

Fuck Jews and fuck Israel

It's part of the female fantasy that they can do anything men can do, and it's a perfect representation of what's wrong with that fantasy. Men are naturally capable of incredible physical strength, so it makes sense to have our heroes be the strongest men. But then women came along and said "That's sexist, women can be heroes too" and so they created these fantasies where women are heroes even though they're weak as fuck, but they pretend that they aren't, even though we can all clearly see they have no muscles. It's like the perfect metaphor for "progressive" ideology in general. Everybody can plainly see that something isn't the case, but we're all expected to deny reality and pretend that it is. This goes for all the feminist bullshit as well as the transgender bullshit.

The characters powers come from his suit however RDJ is still in great shape for the movies.

Why do americans always forget that "hero" is a male noun and the female equivalent is "heroine" ?

Relative to the female actors, absolutely.

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you think patty casting couches her actors

Why do communists always forget that they're fucking retards who don't understand language.
Masculine nouns can refer to both male and female, and it's been that way since the beginning of language you moron.

oh hey that's the abandoned landmark mall in alexandria
i know they were filming there last summer as well as in old town and georgetown

post her forehead

You're an idiot.

No, that's not actually how language works, mutt.

words have precise meanings, and semantic drift is 99% misuses of language

post her alien skull

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>semantic drift is 99% misuses of language
>saying something this grammatically retarded while lecturing people about grammar
You should probably look up the definition of "irony"

skinny horse faced cunt


> Cheetah is notably sympathetic like the Rebirth version of her.

> Cheetah is done through make up and practical effects like the following (cgi touch ups is fine)...




> If Ares returns he gets a more faithful design hyper close to this -

> Ruth Wilson (luther) as Circe? Pic related...

> Circe gets a faithful to comics design and they aren't afraid to sexualize her

> Cronus if used gets a hyper faithful adaption of this design -

> Hades if used has the character's new52 design -

> Diana & Hippolyta get a team up adventure together in the modern day.

> Hippolyta is not killed off.

> Pedro Pascal's character is not a blatant Trump metaphor despite his appearance.

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Yeah, the term "mankind" clearly only refers to men. Stop using it to refer to females.
The same goes for the term "doctor," you should always use the female version "doctress" when referring to a woman.
Do I need to give more examples or are you beginning to understand why you're retarded?

stop bullying

Attached: o-GAL-GADOT-facebook.jpg (2000x1000, 333K)

Rat faced kike.

how can marvel even compete?

They can't.

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that's why I use the word "humanity" instead
>The same goes for the term "doctor," you should always use the female version "doctress" when referring to a woman.
I will.

Perhaps you should follow good advice instead of telling people to fuck up as much as you do.

I don't know what your native language is, but it very clearly isn't English, and you should probably stop telling native English speakers how to speak English because you have no idea what you're talking about.

>mythical goddess with superpowers
>needs muscle
That said, I much prefer ripped Supes compared to that cuck Reeve

>The same goes for the term "doctor," you should always use the female version "doctress" when referring to a woman.
God damn I laughed hard you glorious fucker

> a balding, chubby, ugly superman would be pure kino

What an un-wonderful woman.

Are you guys fucking retarded? If you're using your muscles in the ways that superheros do, they will be big whether you have super strength or not. They're constantly straining their muscles, pushing their physical strength to it's limits, so their muscles would still be huge. Super strength doesn't change that because it's all relative.

I guess we should apply real life logic to fantasy stories since that's apparently what you want. Let's ignore how her powers are literally magic and have no basis in the real world. Why don't you try being less autistic?

If you have the access to roids and perfect nutrition as these Hollywood actors have, it's not really an achievement to loon like they do. It basically comes from doing nothing


disregard the rat faced kike gutter whore and focus on an actual worthy wonderwoman choice

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>calling him a faggot and gay when gadot literally looks like a man

t. shlomo

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too fat

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The eyes are too distracting. Very creepy.

these have to be absolute blown out homos or jealous roasties lmao@urlives sad sacks of cum

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>doesn't realise that tiddies go away if you train