Here's your Batman, bro.
Here's your Batman, bro
Fine whatever, just whatever
Mirin' that chin and jaw. He's based.
I like this guy. Haven't seen that many movies of his, but I really like him
OP here, I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters
>muh chin and jaw
They asked for a 'chiselled jaw', not a jaw that looks like a chisel.
He was great in Good Time
Nothing wrong with him, OP
>it's another jawlets seething episode
Odd choice.
Have met him IRL and he's literally the nicest guy you can imagine, but just don't see him as Batman. Hope he pulls it off and proves me wrong.
I think he can handle the role. Dude should've never played in twilight though, ruined his career
>ruined his career
Niggas about to play Batman.
Did you get to meet Mr. Death and the grips too?
Not for me.
Batman is an athletic hero with countless physical combat skills
And for more than 30 years Warner chooses the "name" and never who can physically do something as the character asks
This new DCEU born already dead for me
>he thinks every actor has to be jackie chan, brie larson, tom cruise, keanu
I like this dude
nice, he cute
Isn't he supposed to be a really chill bloke irl
If this is the new Bats
I wonder who they will choose to be the new Wonder Woman after Gal Gadot
how was said
Batman is the greatest comics fighter
You can not catch an actor and make him pretend that he knows how to fight.
they would have to at least choose some actor with notion of dance as michelle yeoh, who learned the choreography to do the fight scenes in his films
Honestly, he looks like he'd make a good joker more than Batman.
But if it makes reddit seethe, I'm all for it.
Looks like he inhales dicks, 2bqh.
I want his lips wrapped around my dick.
Should have gave the lead role to dolph then, he’s probably the best fighting actor known. Fuck Stevan segal he’s a massive faggot.
You mean YOUR lips around HIS cock, you tasteless queer.
great hair texture
Here's your Batman, bro.
Fucking Netflix. Iron Fist and Heroes For Hire could have been an amazing series.
Here's your Batman, bro.
Based Rob.
>I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year. She stood outside of my apartment every day for weeks – all day every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her.
>I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back.
He's a millionaire thanks to those movies an is what made his career in the first place. Now he can be comfy and play in whatever shit indie flick that catches his interest and is about to play fucking Batman.
can he be wolverine instead? he looks like it here.
Yeah man. Marvel hired RDJ for his amazing engineering skills after all
he based
Isn't he like 6'2 ? If you're going comics accurate you need a Kit tier manlet
>first queer flash, now this
they really dont give a shit about DC at wb, do they?
No one asked
I hope he's still the Flash so he can poz Pattinsion's neghole
He didn't have a career before Twilight. A kinda big side character for one HP movie isn't a career.
Literally me, only taller, better looking and attractive.
Unironically based.
Hugh Jackman is 6'2 and they made it work for like 9 films.
>complaining about Batman being played by a white man
Faggots against Twilight Man playing Batman need to check which side they’re playing for.
He was alright in Good Time. Kinda deadeyed. What else has he been good in? Everything else in his filmography seemed to have mediocre IMDb scores
Yeah that's why they have to go the opposite way now because nobody can match him
T. Jawlet
Reminder: ‘Enty’ makes this stuff up. Ratajkowski’s husband is an exec producer on Good Time, they all know each other. That dude’s blog is such a weird LARP, it’s like the WWE for gossip
Yea that’s one of the ones I was looking at. 6.4 IMDb 66% RT. Have heard only measured praise. Really worth checking out?
IMDb scores don't matter. Most of his stuff is divisive because he works with divisive filmmakers. Cosmopolis, Maps to the Stars, Lost City of Z, High Life, The Rover and The Childhood of a Leader are all good. Life is kind of bland and average. Damsel is good for the 1st half (when he is the main character) afterwards the focus switch and it becomes mediocre. Queen of the Desert is mediocre but if you like Herzog, try watching it. Bel Ami is terrible.
Looks like Case from Neuromancer.
Ben Affleck was unironically a great Batman. Shame how they cast him in shitty boring movies with shitty boring Superman. He barely even got a chance.
god what an insufferable cunt you are to trust virgins and their review scores
why not watch some of his films and see for yourself
and don't give me that "muh time" excuse because you're on this board