I don't get it. Why didn't Elrond just kill Isildur right there and destroy the ring himself? He just lets the guy walk away and keep the ring?
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Elrond couodnt kill family
From what I remember Aragorn's bloodline goes all the way to Elrond's brother who chose to be mortal
>lmao let me the king of the elves straight up murder the king of the men this will surely have no repercussions
In any case they weren't actually in the volcano at the same time, that was Jackson not Tolkein
>Elrond couodnt kill family
This and also Isildur was a superhuman chad so Elrond wasn't guaranteed to win that fight at all.
Isildur was a Numernorion and was a 7 foot tall Giga chad
he asked the eagles to do it but they refused
>lmao let me the king of the elves straight up murder the king of the men this will surely have no repercussions
Sure giving Sauron a chance to get his ring back would be better
Just fucking say some orcs ambushed them inside the volcano and Isildur got killed, problem solved. Tolkien AND Jackson were hacks.
Elrond would probably have lost the fight for it
yes, because the place was full of witnesses
then elrond wouldn't be able to run his campaign
He feared retribution against the Elves. They wouldn't understand why he killed him only seeing him as an assassin.
He didn't explain his tax policy yet.
Why not ask the eagles to kill him?
>There was a tremor inside the volcano and he fell in.
Elrond is a Noldor. He's also Isildur's Great*20-uncle.
They've had like, three or four notable kinslayings, they don't need another one that will also ruin race relations with the only race in Middle Earth that's still willing to deal with their shit.
reminder that the volcano and all the land around it would have exploded and collapsed, no need to give explanations since no one would have survived
Maybe isildur would push alronds shit in, he defeated sayron himself adderall
Isildur was Elrond's gay boytoy. He couldn't bring himself to kill his own bf - its n the books
>"Ask her out!"
>dont kill this one dude even if to stop the apocalypse guaranteed
What exactly would be the point of attacking him? Elrond can't throw the ring in either. He would just keep the ring himself. Did you guys not watch the movie?
even if elrond fought and killed isildur, would elrond be able to destroy it afterwards?
Reminder that he is half-man
Why didnt eagles kill him after he refused?
The elves didn't want to go to war with men.
>yeah dude trust me I can see in the future, even if WE LITERALY JUST DEFEATED HIM, he would have come back in a few thousand years so I had to slay your king. No hard feelings right?
Can't fit in the volcano, and it's not like Elrond just announced to the army below that Isildur decided to keep the ring.
Why didn't God push Isildur like He did with Gollum?
elves didn't know ring could revive sauron, just that it was seductively evil and would be used by future assholes to gain power
Everyone would assume Elrond just threw Isildur into the volcano.
And Eru isn't about to screw over Elrond like that, he's friends with Elrond's Dad.
how'd they adapt this scene so well?
I miss these edits.
When will a proper Middle Earth TV series be made?
This would be a show (potentially a cartoon so it wouldn't be a CGI cringe-fest) that covers every single canon work of Tolkien in chronological order. Every single word of every single book would be taken into account with nothing removed, nothing forgotten and nothing added aside from where dialogue is vague (if it says Butterbur thanked someone, the creators would have the liberty to write how he thanked them and have that dialogue added to the show for example).
>Season 1 - Beren and Lúthien I
>Season 2 - Beren and Lúthien II
>Season 3 - Fall of Gondolin I
>Season 4 - Fall of Gondolin II
>Season 5 - The Children of Húrin I
>Season 6 - The Children of Húrin II
>Season 7 - The Hobbit I
>Season 8 - The Hobbit II
>Season 9 - The Ring Sets Out
>Season 10 - The Ring Goes South
>Season 11 - The Treason of Isengard
>Season 12 - The Ring Goes East
>Season 13 - The War of the Ring
>Season 14 - The End of the Third Age
Every single poem and song within the books would be present in the show and when appropriate would be put to music.
Every poem and story outside of the books covered in the seasons (such as the absent Silmarillion) would appear in parts at the beginning of befitting episodes. If there's not a fitting place to put it, it'd just appear at the beginning of what would otherwise had been a short episode. For example, a poem about Tom Bombadil would appear before an episode taking place in the Old Forest. Or the story of Ungoliant would appear in an episode featuring Shelob. No canon story would go missing. Even the various Middle Earth poems written by Tolkien would appear somewhere throughout the series, even if it was just before the credits.
Because of this all, the creators would have as little creative freedom as was needed to create this show and interoperate Tolkien's works in good faith. This would be Middle Earth raw.
And Elrond was okay with this? Even if Sauron didn't come back, he just lets Isildur become corrupted by the ring knowing full well that nothing good can come from it? Just so he can bitch about humans to Gandalf?
>Every would assume
That's bullshit. Just say he tripped and fell in.
Well, better not try then. If something's not guaranteed it's not worth it.
If Elrond had killed Isildur and taken the ring he would have been unable himself to throw it into the fire, it would have corrupted him.
>isildur, liquidate all the assets
Why is everyone in middle earth so weak willed?
Sauron's will is strong. Mortal man nor elf cannot compete. Sauron is literally a demigod.
>not just pushing the ring with the sword without touching it thus avoiding corruption
TV series would be the absolute worst case scenario unless, UNLESS they get an unlimited budget.
>literally a demigod
>Can't corrupt a tiny nerd
>Can't corrupt a tiny nerd
i can see you haven't finished the movie yet
Are you talking about Sam or Frodo?
Because the ring broke Frodo. At the moment of truth, he fell like Isildur before him.
Sam wasn't corrupted because he doesn't really want anything the ring can give him.
He wants to spend his days tending the garden and the nights fucking Rose Cotton until her hairy toes curl. Ring can't help with either of those.
are you faggots unironically having a discussion about lotr without it being tax posting?
Tolkien would be ashamed
If he had even accidentally held the ring during that fight to throw it into the flame he would have been corrupted he couldn't risk it.
So sauron's weakness is boring people? I guess they kinda do explicitly say that's why hobbits were a good choice.
>Aye, but what about the second bailout?
>He wants to spend his days tending the garden and the nights fucking Rose Cotton until her hairy toes curl. Ring can't help with either of those.
He could offer him an orc-wife and a rose garden in Mordor.
>boring people?
>nights fucking Rose Cotton until her hairy toes curl.
The game of thrones posters left back to reddít now that theres no more game of thrones
I wish that were true or they kept in the same thread.
>taxposters = gameofthrones posters
That's not a bad way of putting it.
Hobbits don't want much unless they're Tooks, and what they do want they can get easily in the borders of the Shire.
It should have been made in the '80s by Jim Henson with David Bowie as Elrond, Crispin Glover as Pippin, John Candy as Gimli and Michael J Fox as Frodo with backgrounds painted by Bob Ross.
Elrond would have been corrupted if the Ring were in his hands.
>orc-wife and a rose garden in Mordor.
That's not far off from how it went.
>I could give you anything you want, just put me on!
But I don't want anything. I want to go home and garden.
>Then you shall have a garden that stretches across the kingdoms!
Oh, that sounds nice. But I don't think I can tend a garden that big.
>Then you shall have slaves to work the fields for you, just wear me!
Fuck that shit, what's the point of a garden if you don't tend it yourself? This is bullshit. You're bullshit. Where's that crack?
this is what I came for
now I can leave this thread
no thanks
He couldn't. Isildur would have knocked him on his ass and killed him right there.
Why did Elrond chimp out at humans being corrupted by the ring when he would've done the same?
best answer
Because they smell bad.
Even if he won what then? He couldn't throw it into the fire either, and he knew it.
he's a prick
elves are dicks
Because Isildur had the ring of power. He was beyond Elrlond at that point.
Elrond couldn't have destroyed it either
>tfw Aragorn is actually fucking his own cousin
>loreposting >>> taxposting
Aragorn was Shelbypilled
Elves are elitist cunts, thats why they all decided to leave when the ring was gone, "muh beauty is fading from the world, our rings are worthless now oh no better run away to Valinor, btw no Humans allowed even though you just won the war against the ultimate evil and saved the world from darkness, must suck to be mortal lmao"
Tolkiens legendarium says that Mortal men got the gift of Mortality
Even Gandalf tells Pippin that death is the ultimate journey and theres beauty beyond it
Imagine havung to live with your own thoughts for thousands of years
Here it is
Where was Gandalf during all of this? Why didn't he just fly the eagles to the thing?
>chad numenorian
>virign elf
>Aragorn fucks his cousin
He was in Aman, The Undying Lands relaxing and living his immortal life
I bet it can give him a bigger dick
What did frodo want that the ring corrupted him so easily?
He wanted Sam to finally have sex.
Who the fuck would fall for that shitty ass excuse you fucking Elfnigger. He would be dead too.
>get your spirit and body broken and bent just to get your incel friend laid
Best wingman
frodo wanted to save the world and shit, peace and love and stuff. Sam didn't give any fucks about the world, not a big picture kinda guy.
Sam was corrupted the moment he held the ring, he was weaker then Frodo.
>thinking an Elf can compete with a man
Sam is the only bearer to willingly give it up
>INCELDUR, cast your penis into the vagina!
So it’s mentioned somewhere that halfings have more resistance to the ring than men or elves.
He hadn’t been sent to Middle Earth yet
Kill? The elf could cut off just that finger with an arrow shot or whatever, and toss that into the lava.
It is litterally impossible to willingly toss the ring into doom. It was impossible even for Frodo, who had no fantastic ability and was a hobbit. For elder elves like Elrond, he would have been even less likely to toss it and, unlike Isildur, had latent power which could have made him a true terror if he acquired the ring.
>tradeable ring
>best in slot stats
>invisibility effect
>its owner is dead and the rings is yours now
>some retard elf says destroy it
why would anybody honestly do that?
>numenorian are strong because they are part elf
>somehow a full elf would be weaker
You had to be there to understand, puny mortal
>that the ring corrupted him so easily
Motherfucker carried it for thousands of miles on foot into the heart of modor facing death and temptation the whole time, and only stalled at the very heart of Mt Doom.
>corrupted easily
Lmao at this dude
he was already corrupted from the start
him going to Mordor was the ring pushing to go back to his owner
yea the ring has an aura, it clearly tempts people just aware of it's presence
Because he wouldn't be able to destroy the ring anyway.
He probably was already under its influence, which is why he didn't do anything to stop Isildur
Isildur was a numenor, which means he was a fucking big huge strong as fuck ultra chad. Elrond would have a hard time trying to bring him down, more or less an impossible task.
They were related.
Elrond would have a big explanation problem if he killed the fucking king himself. "he wouldnt destroy the ring, lol!".
Again, Elrond would likely have had his ass handed to him if he tried to fight Isildur.
The ring is much more powerful if you actively want it, so there's also the possibility that if he killed Isildur to take the ring he couldn't have destroyed it either, and is the hands of an elven lord it would've been more dangerous
Hobbits in general have a natural magic resistance.
This. The risk was too great. Even IF he got the ring, got corrupted and used it for his own good, the ring would eventually have fucked him over because the ring only serves ONE master.
why would they listen to him?
>push Isildur
>jump in the lava yourself
>no one is left expect people wondering what happened to the two kings
Lol, it's like asking a meth head to push a rock (?) of meth into a volcano. They'd rather just smoke it.
Because the final battle against sauron in the thrid age was supposed to be the final trial for humankind before they inherited middle earth
It would be awful. The simarillion is a mess.
Elves are pricks throughout all their history
>muh simarills!
It's like when the allied forces won the second world war and USA hired all the Nazi scientists. Should the UK have attacked the USA for absorbing their power? No, of course not! They're allies! Even if it would be for the greater good.
Didn't he have a vision about turning the whole shire into a luscious garden?
Isuldur would have utterly shitstomped him and tea-bagged his corpse.
Yeah that’s why he didn’t just give it to the ring wraiths on several occasions
Why didn't OP have sex
Only Jon had enough resolve to kill his ally to save the world as if he had the knowledge of a timetraveller.
please spell the name right. You're talking about the light of the gods here.
How will the tv series handle this highly controversial character? he's hated among many fathers in particular
he won't be in it since it's set in the Second Age. He will only be born after many Hobbit sons and daughters.
Is it true the lotr tv series is already considering making it about a nignog?
Bilbio doesn't count because
Why didn't Elrond just ask Isildur about his tax policy?