What is the testicular torsion of videogames?

What is the testicular torsion of videogames?

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posting first in the best thread on Yea Forums right now. it's an honor sir


Thank you


How does that happen?


I meant to post this Yea Forums.
What is the testicular torsion of videogames?

This. Asking for myself and some friends

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What is that worm-like thing on balls?

>this is your average Yea Forumstard
Jesus Mary and Joseph

one of the most common ways is after waking up in cold weather

you get out of bed and your ball is hanging a bit oddly, then the cold tightens up your scrotum and there you go, torsion

everyone on Yea Forums is actually underaged

I can't believe I fucked up again.
What is the testicular torsion of kino?

what is the female equivalent of this?

Yeah but then wouldn't it go back to normal in higher temperature?

They’re just balls in a sac they can move around a bit. Never as bad as the pic, but if you move wrong or are laying down sometimes it happens when you get up after things have shuffled around. The opposite of comfy.

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Would have to be this I guess

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I literally woke up with it once. It might very well have been the worst pain I've ever been in in my life.

a knotted rope dosen't just go back to being unknottted on it's own user

If anyone ever has this happen to them, go to the emergency department of the hospital immediately, best done within 4 hours of it happening.
It is considered a priority medical emergency and you will be put to the front of the queue above anyone not urgent. It can result in death of the testicle within a matter of hours.
Chances of saving it within the first four hours are best, within 12 hours is still high, 24 hours drops down, last chance of it being viable is 3 days, and that is around 10%.
Symptoms are extreme pain and swelling of the testicle as shown in the picture, though very rarely it is possible to have a 'silent' torsion without pain.

It's called a penis, tranny. It's that thing you chopped off, remember?

>The most common symptom in children is sudden, severe testicular pain

once the testicle is torsed it immediately becomes highly inflamed so the spermatic cord can't relax again

if the torsion is only partial sometimes a doctor can manually 'untwist' it though

I do not know! But what I do know is that my comic The Lightbringer is NOT the testicular torsion of comics!

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Can be or it can happen during sports.
If you have 'bell clapper' deformity where your balls hang strangely, or you have particularly large testicles, it can happen more often.

Talking about that small goo like thing on top of each.

I like to think my lack of sex life was so depressing one of my balls just decided to hang itself.

So if it happens to you, how do you fix it? Does it fix itself after a while or do you need surgery?

I'll answer your question OP. In videogames it's Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Battle Royale games came to the forefront of the industry and in an effort to be cool, they bent and twisted their franchise to accomodate, giving all their attention to the Blackout mode. They ended up cutting off a campaign mode for Black Ops 4 completely. And the zombie mode is not getting the flow of support it needs.

In film, it's the Star Wars franchise. They continue to take the story in directions it shouldn't naturally go all the while preaching at us with their not so subtle political views. The balls the franchise onces had are cut off in favor of girl power and diversity.




You do need surgery.