/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

We're done Edition
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First for sneed

>For God's sake, Boris, you were the one who mattered most.

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where's the spaghetti?

so what was the moral of the story?
how do we fix russia?

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I love slavs (being one myself) but I fucking despise Cyrillic and all non-latin alphabets
at least they aren't as bad as Arabic cursive or gook moonrunes

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we invade

Damn...poor Vasily got cucked hard

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>slow disease
>eternity in davy Jones's locker

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>Harry Potter's dad (James) is the same actor that played Fomin

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>so what was the moral of the story?
don't put retards in charge of a nuclear bomb

>so what was the moral of the story?
Communists are stupid.

>how do we fix russia?
No more communists.

this series going to spawn a new wave of anti-nuclear energy fanatics.
thanks for setting our society back another 50 years faggots.

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Wait a minute, I didn't get any subtitles under the pictures at the end

My god, that scene...


Uh why would the Kremlin officials care about Valery discriminating against Jewish scientists

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>i feel more for a show that is only 5 episodes then I do for a series i've watched for about 10 years and read the books for

hit or miss i guess

>only a B+ rating on AV Club

Bros... we got beat by Game of Thrones..

Russians will fix it in a few years. Just wait till the real wages drop another 10-20%.


that's the first thing I thought of aswell
good thing this series isn't popular at all in my country

Deadwood and Deadwood: The Movie

it's dirt they can use to tarnish his reputation

>When you're HBO and chilling with your waifu and you taste metal


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just lol at rating swordshit over this

Nice one dude! Post it again!

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>so what was the moral of the story?

>It's cheaper


>this series going to spawn a new wave of anti-nuclear energy fanatics.
china doesn't give a shit and they're dumping more money into nuclear than anyone right now.

Sitnikov bursts into the courtoom and reveals that when he was on the vent block roof, he saw the core didn't actually explode. Furthermore the meters they'd been using for the better part of a year were all faulty, and the reactor core desperately needs water, just like Dyatlov said.

Dyatlov remembers the pictures he'd been shown. He's seen the damage. Everyone looks to him, their secret beacon of wisdom this whole time. He clears his throat, stands, and addresses the crowd:

"It's 3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible. I've seen worse. Let's get that water flowing into my reactor core!"

Everyone cheers, the core is saved, Dyatlov becomes a hero. Roll credits.


Jared Harris is Dumbeldore’s son.

Reposting from last thread

RBMK Soundtracks
FLAC: mega.nz/#!eUIRmCRL !amYEVALq5zdcs0NJ0egzlzPcwXl3cpkGjYA2jlLwdO0
MP3: mega.nz/#!bFZ32aQS !Zuib-ukeIoMOhc2Xmws4tfj7t-ZeQOQjIViupNwn0Gc

Remove the space

>this series going to spawn a new wave of anti-nuclear energy fanatics.
If anything, it's anti-irresponsible nuclear energy.

What sort of shitty stream did you watch?

>tfw you will never experiene Kinobyl for the first time with your comrades again

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But the show goes out of its way to blame shit operators and shit design specifically.

Well... it's not like he's ever gonna let a reactor be operated incorrectly again, right? The soviet union spent 7 billion dollars training him

Make it rain!

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Officially, it was illegal to discriminate against citizens of the Soviet Union based on their ethnicity, and in this case, Jews were considered a protected "ethnicity"
However, as made very clear in that scene, it was purely opportunistic - Judaism as a religion was officially censured by the State Atheism of the Soviet Union, and Jews could legally be persecuted on the basis that their religion was subverting the state.

>final episode aired on june 3rd

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my fucking sides

>Not the best TV show made in the last 15 years

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Thanks comrade

Thread Theme


user, please post the image itself


Based Legasov

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Did Legasov's testimony actually happen?

that was pretty epic

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>and Jews could legally be persecuted on the basis that their religion was subverting the state.
Perfectly reasonable reaction.

HBO Nordic's own website. I didn't have subtitles turned on. Why the fuck is the text not part of the actual video? Retarded

What about the rules /RBMK/?

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Does anyone have the sung poem song that starts at the beginning of episode 2?
That was amazing singing by whoever did it, a comrade would really appreciate it~!

it is high fantasy vs historical fiction. Granted Kinobyl is phenomenally more kino than GoT, though perhaps they would be comparable depending on the season


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He actually gave a full report in Vienna

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fuck the rules
you have 15 minutes

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Why put it in then? Seems dumb

One on the right was the same guy who tried to get the one on the left's wife to take his child.

You'd almost think HBO weren't afraid to get their hands dirty anymore.
>lookin at you Dan & Dave

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Sitnikov literally could have stopped this if only he was in the control room.

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>didn't get to see the elephants foot

This shot was so good holy fuc

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He was saying it's a good thing you brainlet

someone needs to set that shit to colliape music

This in spite of the fact that the state - and that ruling - was made up of atheist ethnic jews

That's what happens when you pirate shit, faggot.

he probably could have desu

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hindsight is always 2020
but, it feels like all of this could've been stopped
all this needless suffering

I'm gonna try making a cut of this and the first episode and try and make it seamless as possible

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*soft snickering from the back*



Kinda shows you just how crazy Communism really was.

>Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth
Good line.




Yeah you're right, they should have had the trial with different people we haven't seen before and it should take weeks and be really boring like the real thing.

Dumb poster

>They mistakenly sent the one good man

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>TFW all you wanted was a promotion and you destroyed the Soviet Union

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>last episode
>turns out to be the best
How can one show be so kino, /RBMK/?

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The Boris and Legasov bromance was so good the entire series. I'm gonna miss them.


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anyone have a sound webm of this?

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>government lied! seem familiar? it's just like trump's america, it's going to happen here!

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The Bridge of Death wasn't real, why'd they include it in the credits?

Can I get suggestions for placements and quotes?

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>that entire epilogue

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What the fuck was Dyatlov's problem?

Absolutely mild, I've seen worse

Akimov / Toptunov are going to be easy Halloween costumes.

Just do what I tell you. Even you can manage that.

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he was saying you're just like me

uh guys, i need water in my core

he was the catalyst for all of this
how can one single man handle all this guilt

breddy based

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kek I might even put some red face paint on

>google The Bridge of Death
>get monty python results

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bros to the end

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anyone else a bit pissed we didnt see construction of the sarcophagus?

this was the worst episode imo. overall great series though

Only in brainlets, everyone know the next generation of reactors is where the investment should be scaled up

>Legasov - "What is the cost of lies?"

>That is how an RBMK reactor explodes
Fomin btfo

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His kid died of cancer, a cancer he got after Dyatlov was exposed to high levels of radiation at a prior accident. Could be a coincidence, some say he blamed himself for the death of his child

how will orange cheeto drumpf ever recover?

Dude had a point in the trial, though.
I'm lead to believe that valery's saying dyatlov deserved death wasn't because chernobyl was his fault, just because he was kind of a dick.

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He actually was unrepentant even after he was released from hard labor

The guy was just a giant piece of shit

yep, the Bolshevik revolution was a bunch of atheist ethnic Russian jews worshiping an atheist ethnic german jew usurping power in order to persecute everybody who didn't tip fedoras, and ironically Lenin and Stalin - both ethnically Jewish atheists - purged all the other ethnically Jewish atheists they collaborated with to get into power in the first place

Did they ever confirm what happened to them or is it left to our imaginations?





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is there some kind of personality disorder associated with being a raging asshole to everyone around you?

Orgasmic. Haven't felt kino like that since Twin Peaks: The Return.

Legasov: "Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth"

Bryukhanov: "Of course you will."

Fomin: "Are you stupid?"

Also, Dyatlov's should be "Fuck Khodemchuck."

I'm blonde, lanky and can grow a shitty moustache. It's actually perfect. Just need to find a reactor core to swim in.

>be me
>google chernobyl
>it actually happened

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to repent is to acknowledge the guilt though
he's in denial most likely
either that or he really is a giant piece of shit

/rbmk/ == /pol/

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I doubt smoothbrains will watch this series in the first place.

they said everyone on that bridge fuggin died

Comrade Khoymuk a cute mom

Bryukhanov needed far more screentime.

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Imagine just being a trainee, and getting wrapped up in this shit, and then dying because the shitty boss told you to look at the core

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This episode severely lacked in sitnikov

>Bridge of Death never happened IRL

That actually happened?

chernobyl actually happened unlike the holocaust

Whatever happened to this guy?

Every single fucking time.
It's literally about the how fucked the Soviet union is.
These people can't stop sniffing their own farts.
Finding ways to bash Trump over every little thing does not make you smart.

1 > 4 >3>>

Imagine being the engineers near the reactor and you had no fucking clue they were even doing tests

What historical event does /rbmk/ want to see covered next?

the fucking bench scene was incredible

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which one?

i want to see iceman in afghanistan

10 months hard labor, out in 2 cause pledged insanity

That's a pretty broad criticism. It could literally be leveled at any leader you don't like.

Are we allowed to be this redpilled on Yea Forums? let alone /RBMK/?

Best brothers

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Yea, must be an analogy for Trump.

rape of nanking


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Challenger explosion, with the exact same format and made by the same people

kek, give me a second or two

What was the point of these two characters? I mean I know obviously they were real people but what the fuck did they actually do? In the show, the entire time all they do is stand around with their arms folded while everybody else does something, and then they look at the core and fucking die

>His kid died of cancer, a cancer he got after Dyatlov was exposed to high levels of radiation at a prior accident.
>tfw you realize Dyatlov fucked up Chernobyl for revenge

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I wanna see everything
including decapitated women and babies on bayonets

We need a new phone.

Somebody else pointed out the Challenger explosion. That could be great, but I feel like it's too little content for a mini-series.

they were people who existed you fucking imbecile with autism

Does it have to be recent history? Because I'd love to see Punic War kino.

He's the head writer of the show

I kind of want that to have English accents too

I'd really like to see someone do a McVeigh/OKC series, but it'd be hard to do without making him look like an antihero, since he did exactly what he wanted.

kek at comparing the soviet union to Trump jfl at these normtards

here user stream it

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Vaiont Dam failure

Where is that shot from? Cutting room floor?


>Legasov’s delivery was masterful. Speaking uninterrupted for five hours through translators, the academician held his audience spellbound. He outlined the design of the reactor in detail—acknowledging certain “drawbacks” but glossing over inconvenient facts—and described a minute-by-minute reconstruction of the accident sequence, far more terrifying than any of the Western experts had imagined.

>When he finished, he sat for several hours of questions, and Legasov and his team answered nearly every one. Pressed by reporters on the disadvantages in the reactor design he had mentioned, Legasov replied, “The defect of the system was that the designers did not foresee the awkward and silly actions by the operators.” Nonetheless, he acknowledged that “about half” of the USSR’s fourteen remaining RBMK reactors had already been shut down for technical modification, “to increase their safety.”

>Impressed by such apparently unprecedented candor from Soviet scientists, and reassured by the idea that the disaster was an extraordinary event that had little relevance for nuclear safety outside the USSR and that its health and environmental consequences fell within acceptable limits, the delegates left the hall confident in the future of Soviet atomic energy—and of their industry around the world. By the time they departed from Vienna at the end of the week, the mood was cheerful, almost jubilant.

>For the Soviet Union—and for Valery Legasov personally—the conference was, a prominent British physicist remarked in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, “a public relations triumph.” On his return to Moscow, Legasov went directly to the Kurchatov Institute and ran up the steps to the third floor. “Victory!” he shouted to a friend.


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I thought that was the other guy
Even so, are they still alive? Any sources?

>no more kino for the rest of the year
it's been fun Yea Forums, see you all in 2020

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Have another

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only among retarded brainlets, user.

>It could literally be leveled at any leader you don't like
very true

Mine dl'd fine from tpb

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Challenger and Columbia? At least Columbia has a small tie to Chernobyl in regards to the fact that the people in charge made retarded choices.

The control rods moving up and down as seen in the .webm.

based. why was he left out?

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>It has been reported
AKA "fucked if we know"

>TFW the reactor actually blew up and oh god - oh fuck

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They were trainees. What do you expect a trainee to do in a situation like this?

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rarbgmirror. xyz/torrent/51d9g3z

Nice argument, now everyone is communism if I don't like it no matter how much it isn't communism. What a retard.

not him but thanks. I'm stuck here waiting for seeders with 3rd world internet speed aka 5 hours to download 720p version.

Oklahoma City Bombing, if covered the Waco Siege would be kino.

They already made a Waco series that didn't portray Koresh as a demon worshiping baby rapist

>just finished watching
>that dirge at the end
I think I'm going to go to bed now

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Americans with English accents is stupid, and no one wants to see Americans with American accents

who have as much voting power as any one of us
welcome to democracy

That’s a good one I want to see when they use mounted machine guns to mow down crowds then bury the bodies with the live children cause they were too short too shoot

Tianamen square. Lots of angles to show it from, and several days to cover. Plus the coverup.

Which part of Historical Event do you not understand?
Rape of Nanking never happened

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Well then why is it called the bridge of death smart guy?

he was day shift

Yay, she didn't ruin it!

Waco has already been done a lot
Oklahoma city would be great, /k/ would have a field day

Could be kino.

You can already see how mad the chinks are going to get

Jared Harris as Chinese student standing in front of the tank pls

>start watching because I don't like waiting for episodes
>constantly pussy out and have to click away every 5 minutes.
Am I just losing my nerve?

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for what even?

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The Black Death would work perfectly for a mini-series in this format.

The right man, in the wrong place...
The test should have been delayed till the day shift was in, and sitnikov could have saved all those people.

>Yet nagging questions remained.

>Halfway through the conference, during a coffee break amid three days of sessions closed to the media, the MIT physicist Richard Wilson had buttonholed two members of the Soviet delegation with a question that puzzled him. In the copy of the report that Wilson had obtained, rush-translated by the US Department of Energy and dense with tables and statistics, the simple arithmetic in some places seemed wrong: the sum of figures plotting radioactive fallout in specific regions of the USSR didn’t appear to match the total shown at the end.

>The two Soviet delegates had to admit that the numbers might not be quite right. Years afterward, Wilson learned that six pages of data on the contamination of Belarus and Russia had been excised from the report, on Legasov’s instructions. He had doctored the report on the direct orders of Prime Minister Ryzhkov.

>“I did not lie in Vienna,” Legasov said to his colleagues in a report he delivered two months later at the Soviet Academy of Sciences. “But I did not tell the whole truth.”

Oh that'd be great. Or the Apollo 1 incident and all that follows.

That's why it's funny. People would freak out.

Does anyone have a webm of Boris seeing the control rods jumping and running to warn the others?

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>Comrade, what readings are you getting?
>W-when I point it at Dyatlov I get 3.6 cuntgens
>You're delusional.

thats pretty much the target audience for this

What would be even more kino would be the 2 years of the sino-japan war. They massacred a 275,000 pop place to 10,000 before they got to nanking.

Eminem as McVeigh

nah why give domestic terrorists any more attention? fuck em

He still wouldn't have known about the reactor's flaw



If the test was delayed till the next shift I imagine Dyatlov would have exploded and we'd have gotten into the exact same situation.

wtf is that tangle of shit at 26 sec

>Legasov was the bad guy all along


*first 2 years

But was he alpha enough to tell Dyatlov to fuck off and SHUT IT DOWN

confirmed for autism

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There's never been a good dramatisation of Waco has there? They did a pretty good job with the Unabomber, something similar could work well with that

the control rods and sheeeeit

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Man up, user. Episode 1 isn't even the worst on the dread.

No, he wouldn't have let it get that far because sitnikov isn't a hot head.

why AZ-5 became A3-5

Halifax Explosion or Exxon Valdez

fuck off khomyuk leave my boy alone

me irl

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The accident is well under control - bottom left

russians pronounce 3 with a z

>it's over
it has been a pleasure posting with you, comrades

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What do you mean? Its the same thing

No he wouldn't have. Dyatlov would've pulled rank and threatened to fire him. He would have either caved or been thrown out of the control room


Look in the core and die.

>of all the ministers and all the deputies
>entire congregation of obedient fools

>they mistakenly sent the one good man

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low effort shitpost


Read this tweet thread and imagine the kino.

>implying you aren't as retarded as the people you claim are retarded

What's he thinking right now /rbmk/?

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Why worry about something that isn't going to happen, comrades?

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Seriously, user? Cyrillic

>tfw You've been collecting Soviet nuclear gear for years
>mfw I get all the nuclear bitches because of this show

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is Z a 3 in Russia?

Attached: ayy zed five.png (1804x1180, 2.24M)

I serve the shitposting union.

because cyrillic

Just wait until you see all the screenshots of really really smart people on Twitter saying that a story about the Soviet Union is like Trump.

Fomin attempted suicide while in custody during the trial, thus delaying the trial

It actually wasn't, the show's creators just are histrionic anti trump and paint him on anything.
He can only be broadly compared tangentially through the theme (from their perspective) of LIES.
Luckily this didn't ruin the show.
Mariska Suechenko didn't have a ridiculous outburst and they even acknowledge she's an amalgamation of scientific minds, which evidenced by the picture were basically all men.
Kino intact.

God, I didn't actually expect to get emotional. What a beautiful scene.

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Cyrillic character for z

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your mums pussy hairs

Yo, Imma let you finnish your testimony comrade, but AZ5 is the best button of all time. ALL TIME!

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Yes the 'z' sounding character looks like a 3 in cyrillic

Jamie Sives could play Vince Coleman.







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>At 7:19 am, after further discussion with the chief mate, the captain calls the chief engineer again, asking, "Can you ... isolate the fire main from down in the uh engine room? ... On the engine room side the isolation valve [on the] suction [for the] fire pump ... secure it, isolate it on your side so there's no free communication from the sea."[28]:489–490

>At 7:24 am, the captain, speaking with a crew member on the phone, says, "We still got reserve buoyancy and stability."[28]:493

>At 7:27 am, the captain instructs the second mate to ring the general alarm and wake up the crew.[28]:493

>At 7:29 am, the captain gives the order to abandon ship, and about a minute later can be heard on the bridge calling out, "Bow is down, bow is down."[28]:499–500

>At 7:31 am, the captain yells over the UHF radio for the chief mate to "Get into your rafts! Throw all your rafts into the water! Everybody get off! Get off the ship! Stay together!"[28]:501

>From 7:32 am on, the captain is heard trying to help the panicked helmsman, an able seaman, get off the bridge, with alarms ringing throughout.[28]:502 The captain repeatedly tells the helmsman not to panic: "work your way up here,"[28]:504 "you're okay, come on,"[28]:505 and "I'm not leavin' you, let's go!"[28]:507 The helmsman exclaims, "I need a ladder! A line!"[28]:506 and, "I need someone to help me!"[28]:507

>At 7:39 am, the VDR recording ends with the captain and able seaman still on the bridge.[28]:509

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post yfw 33000 megablyads

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>I shouldn't have asked for the night shift

Cheeky lad

Yea з is z,

ю ap гeй

You need to go back.

isn't that a kind of paint or something?

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Hey! Remember that time your nuclear reactors didn't blow up?

>blocks the promotion of Jewish scientists

What did he mean by this?

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*moves mic stand*
*doesn't move it back*

how hard is russian

>tfw watching this scene with my mom, both of us remembering how her hair used to fall when she was going through the worst stages of her chemo
it's been a while since i've felt this emotional when watching kino

Amerikkkans are DYING of jealousy at Superior Soviet Output

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Have another

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That shot right after the lid is blown off the reactor and they show the faces of everyone at the control room... pure kinematographe

Dyatlov knows he's fucked

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would you?

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easier than chinese, finnish, and japanese


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how are the sentence structures and grammar
which is it more similar to english or japanese

Yes it was real... they didn’t all die but a lot of em did

USS Liberty incident

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his smile and optimism: gone

truly /ourguy/

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I guess tv stations should just pack it up. There's no point in making anything else. Chernobyl just finished tv.

Well for one it has no articles, like 'the' or 'a'.

Not gonna ever happen but i really want to see one in the Tiananmen Square.

All I saw in grade school was a picture of the "Tank Man" and just a summary of a massacre. Shit was more crazy than that, Local military fought off government militia to protect civilians and the government actually stopped providing ammo to the local military cause they already had plans for a massacre. Crazy shit.

>pretty good job
unabomber series was complete horse shit.

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that's... weird
I'm not sure I comprehend that, but I guess that's why they call it learning





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fuck commies tho

ye . З з.

Captain sailed them into hell, if there was ever a call for mutiny this tub was it.

Put that fucking clipboard down and get my goddamn sandwich.

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It would need to be produced by a company that doesn't have the Chinese market up their ass

If they had waited for the day shift Dylatov wouldn't even be there and Sitnikov would have stopped the test from happening.

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Take the Moat for the family and I'll reconsider your position.

zozz that should've been the warning noise

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why would it? The show is incredibly clear


i mean those last few lines about lies were pretty on the nose

The Cyrillic letter for Z looks like a 3

Wasn't Dyatlov heading in to supervise it at the start and when he finds out it's postponed goes back to bed

>iodine qt never showed up again

Attached: tfw no iodine 1.jpg (1478x1462, 196K)

That's actually significant.

Here user: en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Russian/Grammar/Articles



she's probably dead

Was she at the swimming pool in the opening?

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So is he literally Hitler or is he literally the Soviet union?

>tfw work on ships
>tfw perfectly understand the VDR transcript
>tfw can picture everything that was going on on that bridge in perfect clarity

I legitimately don't know if I'd be able to watch it.

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Holy Kek that great


>"Well, we are experiencing something now that I used to think was mostly just a phenomenon in a place like the Soviet Union, which is a disconnection from truth. And the emergence of a cult of personality. And a distrust and debasement of experts who don’t go along with whatever the official narrative is. It’s so upsetting, and we don’t know quite how to handle it. What I want people to consider is that no matter what it is we want to believe, and no matter what story it is we want to jam the world into, the truth is the truth. If you organize your life around some political party’s list of things you should believe, or an individual that you think is going to come and save you, you are disconnecting yourself from truth. And there is a price to pay.

>We live on a planet that is under threat, and scientists are warning us, just as they did in the ’70s regarding RBMK reactors in the Soviet Union. Governments are choosing to listen or not listen, and people are choosing to listen or not listen. But the truth, the globe, the thermometer, doesn’t care. And the RBMK didn’t care either. It didn’t matter what they wanted to do that night. It didn’t matter that the fatal flaw of the RBMK reactor was a state secret. The reactor didn’t care. And that’s the problem we struggle with. We are attempting to make ourselves superior to fact, and we are not."

Reminder that Chernobyl is actually about climate change


my uncle is ill of cancer ;_;

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Sitnikov was deputy chief operational engineer.
Dyatlov was deputy chief engineer.
I'm not sure if that's enough to pull rank, but it's close enough that Sitnikov could have argued against it from a way better position than anyone else in the control room. I'm pretty sure that Sitnikov was just Dyatlov for a different shift.

nuclear fuel and shit

Anyone kinda feel bad about Dyatlov?

At the beginning, he was a raging cunt, but at the end it kinda made sense.

He continued the tests believing there was a failsafe to stop everything. All he wanted was a piece of paper or report saying that somewhat of a test was conducted and if shit hit the fan he would just turn it off with the failsafe. The workers there would be happy since all they had to do was stop a reactor, his bosses would be happy since the test was conducted, badabum badabam . He had no idea the failsafe was flawed.

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The test got postponed 10 hours but instead of waiting to do it the next day they did it that night.

Did you guys never learn basic media literacy or critical thinking? This is like saying the lion from Narnia can't be an allegory for Jesus Christ because "it's a lion, not a person, idiots!"

How harambe died

american post

Challenger was a similar systems failure, not due to malice or state secret, but to opening the acceptable bounds of tolerance until it went to far. Some fucker did a big conference speech on it that's on youtube I don't remember his name

>American education

>which is a disconnection from truth.
So your modern journalist then.

>And the emergence of a cult of personality.
It's almost as though ten years of Barack Obama never happened.

Please, tell me, how does a Dyatlov explode?

It's almost as though the writer specifically said that any side of the political spectrum is susceptible to blindness, and you're blindly partisan shitposting as usual which proves his point.

>hur hur americas future is socialist, capitalism is evil
>wow this is a good show about chernobyl
>oh no the USSR did bad things
>Trump did bad things
>Trump is just like the USSR
>Critical thinking
>I am so smart
literally fuck right off

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You seen his Twatter feed?

I loved the episode. Dyatlov was all over it.


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>to please moscow officials
lol, probably was just his excuse

Yes, and he naturally criticizes the men in power because they're the ones currently in the position to fuck it all up. It's not left right partisanship, it's literally criticizing lying retards for lying.

baby's first political tribe brings out the fuckin retards

>mfw a lot of the sets could be used for a STALKER miniseries

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That’s not an inch worm

When you centralize power to the point that those in charge can silence truth for their own convenience, it doesn't just go away. The weight of their lies builds until it explodes with a force no man can contain.

An inalienable right to free expression, reserved even and especially to the lowliest in society, acts as a pressure release from such cataclysms. This is the antithesis of "political correctness."

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It is hilarious that socialist are watching a show about socialists and still find a way to post more about Trump because of it.

So where was his concern for the truth from 2008 to 2016?

Oh no, the twitter big brains think it's all an analogy for Trump.

>major message of the show is about the horrible effects of accepting convenient lies as the truth
>writer says that it can be interpreted as a derision of the way trump's followers accept his constant blatant lying
where in there is "capitalism is evil" or "trump is just like the USSR", exactly?

Can I get 'unfortunately, the clock is ticking' over the shot of boris holding up his bloody handkerchief?

Alright Mr. "Critical Thinking," how is this story in any way allegorical for Trump?
And don't just give the superficial "Trump lies" answer. That's EVERY politician.

>I hope the water's flowing through the reactor

It was there because he was already writing the show before 2016 you idiot.

Trump lies.
>that's EVERY politician
So it applies to every politician, INCLUDING the President. are you so retarded that you can't grasp the concept of it applying to trump and also every politician? either it applies to trump only or doesn't apply for trump at all? trump gets name specifically because he is the one in charge. He is commander-in-chief. It doesn't mean that it's only about trump, just that trump is currently the most consequential person it applies to.

He got the job because he agreed to do that.

>trump is currently the most consequential person it applies to.
Rodrigo Dutertre literally sicks right-wing death squads on his own citizens.
Narendra Modi turns a blind eye to terrorism while ruling a nation of a BILLION people.
Putin had a new position created so he could get around term limits and rule Russia for life.

You Trump derangement syndrome people are a fucking joke.

i think there are deleted scenes of his son's death

>just ignore the problem it's fine

>just deflect from the original issue, it's fine

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It's been nearly four years of this shit in every bit of social media, Yea Forums especially.

We're on borrowed time now.

>third world monkey chiefs are as consequential as President of the world's biggest military, economic and cultural superpower

Does that made up scientist cunt get KGB'd?