Why did everyone forget about isle of dogs so quickly?

why did everyone forget about isle of dogs so quickly?

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because of its inferiority to The White God (weird Hungarian dog movie)
anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it

idk, i thought it was good, but fantastic was way better

Wes Anderson's animated movies aren't that good.

I liked Mr.Fox more but I still liked it.

it was a confused mess
wes should stick to Americana

totally unremarkable if decent quality kids film. there's a few of those now.

Because I saw it with my ex girlfriend at a particularly low point in my life and I don't need to be reminded of those times.

would you say there was a sufficient amount of dogs on the island

cinematic xanax

I enjoyed it.

It was overshadowed by the superior canine kino of the same year.

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Just a boring film. Beautifully made from the looks of it, but just not that interesting.

I know this is artistic but I love Wes so much and I’m afraid to watch. I don’t want to hate one of his films and I hear it’s bland and safe

Pretty much this family

>Movie reminded me my dog is getting old and has maybe another year in him.

>bland and safe

fantastic mr fox is my favorite animated film ever. i love dogs. but it's weird how unremarkable this film was. I can't quite put a finger on it.

Yea Forums only cares about Marvel and Star Wars sadly.

Post a pic of what the opening night of Isle of Dogs looked like.

>I love Wes so much and I’m afraid to watch

There's your answer with regard to what a mixed artistic success Isle of Dogs was. Wes got complacent and (I'll bet) a large number of people sharing your attitude were made reluctant.
(He's the more at fault.)

as a wes fan, isle of dogs is an overrated boring film

Because there were no subs for the ching chong segments

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Have sex

I saw it with my girlfriend and turned it off halfway through and had sex with her
We broke up shorty after

Literally just finished watching it.

Wes Anderson's worst honestly. No emotional potentcy.

I thought it was absolute shit tbqh

>ugly, annoying visuals
>tries to introduce too many characters in a short film, as a result none are developed or interesting
>incredibly predictable and anticlimactic plot
>few actual laughs, jokes are mostly "hey it's this actor playing a dog"
>garbled anti-government message

I liked some of the music and the oracle pug, that was about it

wes anderson's most over-hated movie along with bottle rocket

1. Rushmore

2. Moonrise Kingdom

3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. Bottle Rocket

5. The Grand Budapest Hotel
6. Isle of Dogs
7. The Darjeeling Limited
8. Fantastic Mr. Fox

9. The Life Aquatic

Fantastic Mr Fox is his best movie

Fantastic Mr. Fox was better.

Attached: BBB.gif (300x182, 2.75M)

Say "Isle of Dogs" quickly.

it's absolute garbage

Looks great, has great cinematography, interesting setting and idea. It's watchable but Mr. Fox was better.

What's supposed to happen?

if Rushmore is above TRT and MK I'm gonna have to watch it tonight.

Nobody has yet mentioned the insufferable Western exchange student who awakens the sheepish Japanese. Violently teaching the naive Japanese the righteous ways of the West.
Moreover, her design elicits repulse.

I love dogs?

>my dog just died of old age in his sleep last week
I know that feel bro. Even having one of his pups as my new dog doesn't prevent the pain.

pretentious trash/10

I fucking hated her so much

She absolutely wasn't necessary and ruined the film

Something fell off about it. I unironically like his movies, but the story in this wasn't nearly as captivating as Mr. Fox. Hard to tell why exactly, I will watch it again in the future.
Kinda like Moonrise Kingdom, it was ok but I don't remember anything about it.


Probably the worst opinion on his films I've ever seen. Good job fucking retard

how would you rate them, fuckboy?

Pretty much, she was annoying as fuck

remember to filter any and all tripfags

Anderson hit a peak with Darjeeling and Tenenbaums, where his style works. His later works drown in his formula, removing any engagement in the narrative - instead, the viewer is forced to know that this is an Anderson film. I suspect he is a narcissist to an unpleasant degree. His relationship with his family must have been strained, judging by the themes present in nearly all of his works. The later films shout, “Look at me guys! I’m Wes Anderson! I did this! I’m unique!” Such self-absorption is probably what made his family dislike him, yet now he decides to cast the ejaculate of his ego onto the world. Shame.

Mega pleb

its such a wry and ironic film that its messages get a bit lost. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it but it was messy.

She is the SJW archetype.

it's not people forget, it's because Yea Forums is just Reddit twin. if it's not capeshit or GoT, people will "forget". cannes thread barely survived. don't ever dream of seeing Tiff, Venice or berlinale being talked about here

>fantastic fox was good
be gone furfags 30 mins of its run time is epic random dance scene filler xP