Has South Park's political takes aged that well?
Has South Park's political takes aged that well?
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Joe isn't really right wing at all.
snéed park
I see alt-right now means 'anyone that isn't explicitly communist'.
I see trannies are still assblasted about that one episode of South Park.
pretty much,cant get those clicks and donations without an overblown boogeyman
back to leftypol retard
Putting an image like that in the OP is a guaranteed way to fuck up your thread.
The alt right is a political movement whose primary goal is to establish identity politics for white people, please explain how any of these figures are alt right
I'm not even gonna get into the other ones, but how could you possibly consider Little Benny "alt-right." He literally embodies the old pre-Trump conservative establishment in every way. What exactly is he an "alternative" to?
whats funny is the actual alt right shits on these people constantly
hated by both the right and left
South Park is shit.
trolololololololololololol trololololol
Explain how this applies to each of the six of them, go.
>South park
>right wing
Shapiro is a traditional conservative, and Rogan is liberal/libertarian on pretty much every social issue.
They have virtually nothing in common.
Ben Shapiro and South Park's creators are Zionists.
Those are all lefties
I view South Park as the biggest culprit in the Anti-SJW movement. They created an entire generation who consider sincerity to be the biggest sin you can commit. The alt-right just knew how to exploit this culture the most effectively.
Most people who use the alt-right label use it as a pseudonym for "far-right", and to atleast half of those people far-right means anyone not left. I think everyone who was really "alternative" abandoned that term as soon as Richard Spencer co-opted it for all of his awful button-up shirt marches. Tons of unself-aware American Identity types would still gladly call themselves that.
So what counts as the regular right then?
>Shapiro is a traditional conservative
He's a neo-con Jew. Paleo-conservatives would be considered alt-right by today's standards.
they are all white and therefor racist
Jeb Bush
he's a jew
If you are not explicitly and fervently subscribed to the popular left wing position on ALL current issues and events, you are Alt-Right and probably have a secret shrine to Hitler in your home.
Yeah that still doesn't explain shit you hysterical retard.
And no, you go onto DSA/woke twitter and it's the most ironic, sickly place you could ever visit. None of them are sincere.
pretty much this
None of these people are Alt-right. The farthest person in this photo who is on "the right" is Ben Shapiro, and that guy is a neocon.
I actually am a National Socialist, it's the only way to intimidate these freaks.
So white
I like all of them.
back in high school in 2007 I was considered a liberal.
I think all races should be considered equal and given equal opportunity.
Am I alt-right? If so wtf is the left now?
if south park, pewdiepie and Rogan are alt right then im a fucking gay tranny nazi-jew that loves guns and giving abortions and eating the fried mexican's placenta
alt-right is a bogus term invented by retards to frame their opposition in case you didnt know.
South Park's creators, at least Matt Stone anyways are neocons. Team America was explicitly justifying middle eastern intervention and a form of civic nationalism.
Alt-right doesn't mean a damned thing and that's why it's so popular. It can realistically mean anything from "I'm conservative but dont like establishment republicans" to "gas the kikes race war now", though it's often used to mean "people I don't like". The issue, however, is that it's always conveniently convoluted with the most extreme.
So, don't like unbounded immigration?
Alt right Nazi.
Don't like giving 7 year olds hormones?
Alt right Nazi.
The left has been playing this black or white game and made it their mode of operation where they widen definitions and slap the label on you so that you're not worth arguing with because you're a Nazi and we punch Nazis!
>I view South Park as the biggest culprit in the Anti-SJW movement.
The SJW-movement is the biggest culprit in creating the anti-SJW movement.
he dabs on lefties and is popular doing it, that's all the justification needed to label him alt right.
Nice argument idiot.
I want to date a cute Asian girl.
This is what the original Jews look like, he’s a convert.
lefty memes fucking suck, I assume being one requires you to be borderline or some other mental illness that turns you into an annoying douchebag on the internet.
What I'm seeing here is that being labelled a National Socialist is actually a good thing.
>south park
>alt right
Do these people even know what they are talking about. South Park has been left leaning for fucking ever
south park was definitely neocohen show.
In fact a lot of libertarians falsely believe the south park is their guys
No, Jews are distinct racially. They don't self-identify as white.
>click article out of curiosity
>takes as simultaneously mocking and hard-line a position on the alt-right as is possible for a bunch of impotent internet trolls a protesters outnumbered 1000:1 every time they show up to LARP anywhere
>click the BLM article linked in the introduction, an objectively worse, explicitly violent organization officially recognized by the US gvt as terrorists
>sucks its dick all the way through, presenting it as a perfectly legitimate movement that didn't do nuffin
man, wikipedia sure is a shitshow
Fun fact: reverse searching this image yields mostly Twitter, /pol/ archives, me.me, and other garbage
You know I hate trannies and am a patriot so I have some sympathy for nationalist causes, but I don't understand why that caption is always used with tranny bullshit. Despite all the Weimar Republic decadence that had nothing to do with why Hitler came to power.
You don't know what you're talking about. They're republicans.
facts don't care about your feelings bud
>Don't like giving 7 year olds hormones?
Doesn't happen, at least not the kind of hormones given to stimulate gender transition.
You went to all that effort to find out that it was posted to no-no sites you do't like?
>They don't self-identify as white.
Not true.
t. went to a school that was probably 10% Jewish
Puberty blockers are even worse, they literally stop normal development into adulthood.
You should read their gamergate article.
They're given puberty blockers and gender fluidity as an ideology is encouraged so they're mentally confused.
seething poltards ITT
There's a button right to the image to reverse image search it in two clicks.
>so rational you have to apologize orthodox judaism
not to fedora tip too hard but how does this manlet keep going. if he gets paid to argue wouldn't it occur to him that G*d is just a soother for cowards?
Puberty blockers are given so that the kid doesn't go through the puberty of their biological gender, which would worsen the dysphoria.
yeah it sucks when people see you for what you are
Not true at all. They are not European, they don't identify with that history. They are very ethnocentric people.
Half of that pic is pretty left leaning
Lmao you're a brainwashed freak. Enjoy hell.
Ben Shapiro is a classic american Jew lobbying tax dollars for Israel while asking the audience why american tax payers should be paying out welfare/healthcare/whatever. I hate him equally as I do the left.
Ashkenazi Jews have been in Europe for nearly 2000 years. They're not as European as, say, French or Irish people, but Ashkenazi Jewish culture is very heavily influenced by European cultures.
If the left really saw the alt-right for what it was(a bunch of online fucks trolling) they wouldn't bitch about the alt-right as much as they do.
they may not identify with yuropoors, but they still see themselves as huwite
>all articles have neutrality
>your mental gymnastics are so strong you cant see that
Both articles are listed as radical groups or fringe. Get your head out of Yea Forums's ass for two minutes at least, user.
Dilate time, tranny.
conservatives have been playing that game for decades
don't think people should be allowed to own machine guns? communist.
At least that's where all the doctors will be too, then.
Cartman Joins Nambla holds up.
Ben is literally the only alt right person in this picture and even that spectrum wise is a bit of a stretch you simpleton. Three of them are strait up leftists. Learn your politics and stop believing dumb people maybe? Just a thought?
you can't handle seeing me for what I am, you smoothskinned pink little babby boi
>the alt-right are a bunch of fat impotent losers and trolls!
>Also they're the most dangerous threat to our democracy! please antifa go bash them! ;_;
>BLM are violent terrorists
>2nd ever episode
>dismissing climate change and teaching an entire generation of kids you scream like retards when it is brought up
yep that didn't age well
Seething snowflake, likely with no real life experience or concept of genuine fairness; tells us all how it is. Bravo, user. Bravo.
Oh yea the tv show that spent a whole season and a half trying to get you to not vote for trump are alt right. Just stop give me your dumbass meme responses and I could easily show you example after example of how wrong you are.
Dysphoria is a mental illness and is not treated by pretending it's normal while causing irreparable damage to literal prepubescent kids.
40% are rookie numbers, give it a decade.
which flavour are you user?
Doctors are pressured and forced into performing these retarded surgeries by left-wing idiots and trannies such as yourself. If a doctor refuses they're plastered or destroyed.
South Park is all about sincerity, South Park inspired a generation of edgelords that musicals and art/animation can be cool.
Factually false. Most tranny actually grow out of it by the end of their teen. Same way most people grow out of their goth phase or being a liberal.
>get called out
>resort to name calling
Read the literature sometime. Treatment and proper support reduce suicide rates by a lot.
>any of the 6 people being remotely close to 'r*ght w*ng'
the us gvt
I didn't say they were alt-right, I said they were republicans. Which they've self admitted. And yes, a lot of weak, ineffectual republicans were #NeverTrumpers
Get a fucking clue.
>frogposting unironically
I'm not falling for your bullshit this time. Pepe was killed you imposter!
Where's the evidence of this conspiracy theory?
it was leftists that gave way to Hitlers rise to power.
Its a simple message: You dont want shit to blow up, stop acting without the smallest care for what a huge part of society thinks.
A lot of the "progressive" agenda is as unacceptable to the general populous as communism was to the majority of germans in the 1930s.
why is trannybaiting so low-iq compared to other baits?
And yet they still don't identify as being European, subvert every country they live in and get subsequently kicked out. Really makes me think.
Insofar as they have European admixture, it's to benefit them and Jewry only.
>Treatment and proper support reduce suicide rates by a lot.
[citation needed]
>inb4 its societies fault they kill themselves.
You people will be treated by posterity the same way lobotomy is today.
Of all the right wing talking points you go after tranny shit. This is exactly why you lose.
>alt-right is a bogus term invented by retards to frame their opposition in case you didnt know.
This is actually not true. Alt-right as a label was largely coined by the people themselves or those describing the burgeoning right-wing political coalition that was growing as an alternative to the traditional or establishement right-wing conservatives.
It was really a self-identified label, or used to describe people who were younger, more politically active, and active online and through other forms of media in contrast to established conservative norms, largely the audience that helped support Trump and meme him online.
It then became co-opted by the left to become synonymous with "Nazi", because they're fucking idiots, while at the same time the Alt-Right became a proper noun used by the identitarians, ethnostate folks, internet trolls both ironically and unironically joking about the Jewish question, etc.I think at this point, there really is very little establishment Conservative left, and it's almost all "alt" right, but not necessarily Alt-Right.
That's not a source, retard. Where's the evidence?
Research papers. Google em.
>Jewish guy
>closet gay man
>alt right
ok reddit
Not an argument.
>anything short of far left politics is alt-right
How is a jew, a self proclaimed "weed lmao" liberal, a kid entertainer, a normal conservative, a bussinessman and a TV show be considered alt-right at all? They are the exact opposite of it.
You want to show me an article? Or a tweet? Or are you just gonna talk shit? South Park is pro abortion, south park is pro immigration south park primarily makes fun of the right. What right wing agenda are the pushing other than a little fat bigot that no one in the shows canon even like (besides his mom) hates the jews.
Guy cant catch a break huh
Um excuse me sweetie, Jews can be Nazis.
In fact, literally everyone who isn't a Muslim is probably a Nazi.
my dick up your ass 24/7 is gonna reduce your suicide rates by a lot too, by virtue of me being there 24/7 with my dick up your ass thus robbing you of the privacy necessary to end it all as you by natural right should
doesn't mean my dick up your ass is helping you in and of itself
it's my soothing presence that's helping you user. the dick up your ass is just an excuse for me to be there for you.
lol is basically you
>get called out
I'm not trans so this post is utterly meaningless. How in anyway does this relate to your inability to see an article's neutrality on Wikipedia? Especially locked articles that attract edit wars.
>a shifty silver tongued con man kike cant larp as right wing leaning.
Have sex
We used to take the dresses off the people with penises, now we take the penises off the people with dresses.
t. anti-government agitators
where I come from, we call you folk terrorists
Can you fuck off now you actual idiot? And yes, modern day Republicans don't push anything but liberalism at the speed limit. Really says something about how useless they are at conserving anything.
>literal whos on the internet make up over a million people
Sorry facts don't care about your feelings.
Germany raised two SS divisions composed of Bosnian and Albanian muslims. Hitler also held talks with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem which also visited the aforementioned divisions.
Pic very much related.
>I'm waiting so long
alt-right article shits on it from the opening sentence and throughout the entire introduction, BLM article legitimizes it from the first sentence and throughout the entire introduction
if you call that neutral we're legitimately at the point where if we meet we should have a fight because obviously words aren't working anymore
>muslims cant be nazis
The UK should take a lesson from hitler on inclusiveness for muslims
>it was leftists that gave way to Hitlers rise to power.
This is a myth started by the Nazis and perpetuated by the useful idiots that actually helped them take power.
I guess I am a nazi and I like nazis by your logic.
>Campaigning for love and tolerance
>Support an entire religion filled with mysogynistic pedophile hate mongerers
I dont lean right but the left has proved so feeble minded and easily manipulated that since 2017 I cant say that I lean left anymore. The left fucked the lefts crusade harder than the right ever could the past 6/7 years
There's no conspiracy. Refusing to indulge these delusions would get you heavily criticised by LGBT groups and media, do you deny this, y/n?
alrdy gave u m8
This is like a grandpa joke without the joke part
Alt-Right people like Richard Spencer believe in rebuilding a Roman imperial state spanning the entire European continent (including Russia)
Shapiro is a neocon
Rogan is a stoner social democrat
Peterson is a neolib
Pewdiepie is a memer
Musk is a technocrat
South Park are left-libertarians
The joke is the tranny who believes they can be female cutting off their penis
You're not addressing the fact that Jewish is a distinct racial identity that they use as a wedge against "whiteness". European whites are distinct to Jews, end of.
>Refusing to indulge these delusions would get you heavily criticised by LGBT groups and media
It'd get you criticized by your fellow doctors.
They're not left-libertarians in anyway. They're right-libertarians.
Overton Window: you're either Red or you're bad.
That's not what makes a transgender person. Transgenderism is inward.
>treat all races equally
Unless you support preferential treatment to non-whites or non-straight males, you’re a Nazi.
Poodiepie is a huge /pol/tard though
Most Ashkenazi Jews in the US consider themselves white but a sort of darker subgroup of whites, like Italians and Greeks do.
I don't doubt that some doctors would be critical. But is it for explicitly medical reasons or for political reasons?
To use a counter-example, would you consider the doctoral consensus of National Socialist Germany to be ethical and purely based on medical research or were there explicitly political agendas that influenced their research and practice?
The communist party in the US is tiny.
Doctors think you're mentally deranged.
>studies from bogus journal several times caught publishing literal nonsense behind a pay wall.
top kek
>The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 1.8–4.3) than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide (aHR 19.1; 95% CI 5.8–62.9). Sex-reassigned persons also had an increased risk for suicide attempts (aHR 4.9; 95% CI 2.9–8.5) and psychiatric inpatient care (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 2.0–3.9). Comparisons with controls matched on reassigned sex yielded similar results. Female-to-males, but not male-to-females, had a higher risk for criminal convictions than their respective birth sex controls.
>Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.
Turns out mutilating people doesn't remove mental illness. Try decapitating the head next.
No, it was co-opted by actual white nationalists and that’s why lefties started associating the alt right with nazis
>They're right-libertarians.
Do you have any evidence they believe in freedom to discriminate?
The Nazis jailed/beat up/tortured/killed people who questioned their dogma. Not comparable.
Wrong, meds consider themselves a part of European imperial history. Jews do not, they are eternally victims.
That feeling of being a woman doesn't make them a woman. They retain male patterns of behaviour.
60/125 in prison for sex offences.
48% in prison for being sex pervs.
>South Park
>right wing
South Park went completely leftist in the last four or five years.
well Shekelberg in the top left is for Jewish identity
other than that, OP is a fag
And it's fucking locked because it was edited too many times with the "wrong truth".
It is absolutely comparable. The only difference is in degree. If political ideology is influencing medical practice then surely it's open to critique?
If your only argument is >hur nazis bad the you're not thinking critically.
>it was a myth
To some extent yes. (Reichstag burning was obviously falseflag). But the common people were very afraid of a communist regime taking control, they knew what was happening in russia so they were somewhat sympathetic towards the nazis. The leftists by virtue of being shits enabled the masses to prefer nazis over them
based Mord-Sith poster
And trannies and the precious corporate media pressure, defame and fire anyone who questions their dogma. Go fuck yourself.
>Italians and Greeks
Much of European traditions and history are rooted with these two groups, from ancient Greece to the Roman empire and the Renaissance they are an integral part of Europe.
>libertarians are republicans
Oh yeah that's why even doctors in conservative countries recognize gender identity disorders and transgenderism?
I'm not transgender btw
And it was fucking epic.
Now I have to believe that shit with a good attitude? Geez, next you're going to tell me to get vaccinated and wear condoms.
>may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.
Read what you quote before you post, retard.
Uh yes? Where have you been the last 20 years you absolute retard.
I like how you cherry picked out that one but ignored the rest that literally contradicts your previous statements.
dilate you freak of nature and kys already
Not true. Some European countries at various times tolerated Jews and accepted them in high positions in medicine, finance, and other fields.
What you think is "conservative" is not conservative.
someone's never heard of the pkk
"Anime makes you trans" - Dr. Nick Mullen, M.D.
In this place called the real world. What ring wing agenda have they pushed? And like I said Cartman and his dislike for jews doesnt count.
The media is too busy shitting themselves about Drumpf and circlejerking about transgender celebrities to report on issues that ordinary transgender people face.
Wrong again, and also aiding my argument. Jews climb into high positions but they are always "other", a parasitic element on the host society that works purely for their own. No one was saying that Jews aren't successful within European countries, they are still not European.
preachy trash
The ones in Iran? So they can remove all homosexuals.
Fake women are better than gay men.
There's absolutely a difference in whether or not medicine is influenced by politics and the degree it is influenced, and unsurprisingly, jailing or assassinating people who disagree with you or having paramilitaries break their legs ensures a much tighter grip on a field than calling people out on Twitter or out-voting them in a plebiscite.
Wars in the middle east, Zionism, gun ownership, climate change scepticism.
Because transgenderism is based in conservativism
I like how you didn't read what I wrote and just twisted the contents of the post to fit your ebin narrative.
Get Dresden'd, Nazi
>given equal opportunity
If one race is smarter than another, or historically has acquired an advantage, should the one in a better spot have a handicap or should the govnerment direct it's taxes to the other race? Should we force something, one in detriment of the ones like him,to help the others not like him? Do you really believe something like this?
watch womens sports get BTFO twitter.com
Joe is a firm supporter (to an almost Strawman level) of Drug legalization, is not a believer in religion, and also supports gay marriage.
In what world is he right?
Again you're not addressing the argument and you're actually conceding my point. The doctors aren't autonomous, they're bound by political pressures and are forced into these surgeries lest they get called out by woke twitter or get media attacks. Yes, the authoritarian society is more firm, but in the end it's the same result one is done through power of suggestion and private financial interests, while the other is done by the government (and I would argue the true will of the people, sorry schlomo).
It's the nu-FACIST! "scream".
>*means anyone who dogwhistles to stormniggers
>what is libertarianism
Transgender issues are recognized by physicians in socially conservative societies like those in East Asia and Latin America
fact: post op trannies kill themselves as much as pre-op
Another fun fact is that you are literally a freak of nature trying to contradict the aforementioned fact. Think about this conversation when you finally decide to do it.
You literally just did exactly what you said. This is projection of the lowest calibre.
>Drug legalization, is not a believer in religion, and also supports gay marriage.
So do Richard Spenser and Greg Johnson
>le ebin insidious Jewish conspiracy
Go suck off Kevin McDonald.
It's hard for edgy Libertarianism to 'age well' because it was never well received.
user, we should find out what is the ethical normal, not normalize everything as the moral.
Everyone "recognises" these issues, the difference is whether it's accepted as normal or whether it's correct to give children puberty blockers and parade around like it's something to be proud of.
The svelte guy from Kids in the Hall?
Joe also considers several non-white athletes the best in the world.
You have to go back to r/comrade onions xur
Let's unpack this. You said that treatment can't/doesn't reduce suicide rates. I posted links showing that while suicide rates are higher for transgender people, physicians know that this is a sign that follow-up care is lacking. You quoted that yourself. I told you to read that last part before you acted smug about saying the studies supported your conclusion, then you accused me of cherry picking.
It's an open conspiracy, no one even fucking denies this shit anymore. Calling something >muh conspiracy is not an argument.
If you unironically use the term dogwhistle, you deserve a knock on the door by the gestapo. Bye bye, freak.
>you're actually conceding my point. The doctors aren't autonomous, they're bound by political pressures and are forced into these surgeries lest they get called out by woke twitter or get media attacks
Nominally, this is true. In reality, getting mentioned in an internet shitpost is hardly likely to pressure a doctor into abandoning what they've been taught. They generally face much more pressuring things in a normal day at work.
No one denies this, if anything it promotes race realism.
You cherry picked the obviously political conclusion while ignoring the prima facie statistics. The evidence suggests that transgender freaks regret their decisions later on or realise that the surgeries have irrevocably ruined their biology. To treat this like it's a net gain because it upholds your worldview is cherrypicking.
Generally, children's transgender identity isn't paraded out on the streets because it's a medical issue and they're minors. The internet and reality TV culture has just made it easier for select nutjobs to do it, and their stories get amplified by butthurt basement dwellers.
I'm beginning to think conservatives just enjoy making shit up
He's an article
I know the research he's talking about it was from a Canadian in the 80s I think
I'll look for it, but the conclusion it came to was that 90% of kids grow out of it
it ended up getting suppressed by activists and the researcher was heavily ridiculed even after the study was supported by peer review
its the only thing they have left at this point. Most of reality is not favorable to their views
I'm not a SJW so I don't know what that term means.
Their ideology is not.
oh no no no
Yes, yes we're the basement dwellers. Not chapofags and other weak wristed leftists like yourself.
It is promoted in the media and people have a right to react to this for what it is. Degenerate and sick crap that has no place anywhere.
there should be no transgender children
anybody who thinks kids should be allowed to change their gender should be shot and hung from a lamp post as a warning
how is elon musk alt-right? his entire business empire is based on alternate energy and he is a firm believer in climate change.
Authoritarian or statist are the better terms. If you don’t think the general public shouldn’t own machine guns then you’re both.
>Let's unpack this
the amount of faggots on this board is reaching a critical mass
Doctors also regularly perform circumsicions on infants. When you make a ton of money off of something it’s easy to justify it, even if it’s objectively wrong.
Incorrect, the internet is not just some irrelevant tool for shitposting. It's used to coordinate political attacks and can potentially financially ruin people. Not to even mention the type of low quality journalism that appears on sites like huffpo or vice. You also get various political groups up your ass.
>still has a shallow obsession with race
you're only proving my point user
Why bother with facts when you can just say that they're unlikable weirdos?
>shallow obsession with
is that what you're calling 'basic awareness of' now
Not really, you didn't address anything he posted. You have a shallow unexamined worldview that propped up by media collusion.
>You cherry picked the obviously political conclusion while ignoring the prima facie statistics.
Where's the political conclusion? I'm just repeating what the study says.
>The evidence suggests that transgender freaks regret their decisions later on
This is rare, though RT and the Heritage Foundation would like you to believe otherwise.
>or realise that the surgeries have irrevocably ruined their biology
Stop reading /pol/ screenshots of Plebbit.
What were the criteria of "gender dysphoria" in the original study? It's not likely that the criteria have stayed the same.
btw the likelihood that they'll stay transgender increases a lot with the age that they're diagnosed.
Are you genuinely retarded?
I've been to both states, and /pol/ is wrong about California.
>It is promoted in the media
It's commodified, not promoted. There's not much realistic depiction of what transgender people face.
Good thing that kids can't get gender reassignment surgeries, and there's a very, very intensive process to go through before hormones are even an option at the age puberty starts.
>Let's unpack this.
holy fucking shit go back to tumblr
then neck yourself and record it so i can jackhammer my cock to it.
You've only been to Berkeley, kill yourself.
>Good thing that kids can't get gender reassignment surgeries, and there's a very, very intensive process to go through before hormones are even an option at the age puberty starts.
good thing that the day is soon coming when "people" like you will be dragged from their homes and workplaces into the streets by armed goons and executed in public view
i would happily be one of those goons
>/pol/ is wrong about California.
pol didn't conduct the study finding it has the worst average quality of life in the country
>btw the likelihood that they'll stay transgender increases a lot with the age that they're diagnosed
I don't doubt that, but giving hormone blockers to prepubescents is fucked up degeneracy and should be considered child abuse
After they're 16 or 18, I don;t care it's their choice to destroy their bodies
does anyone even talk about the four people on the left outside the internet? i'd be embarrassed to even know who they are let alone bring them up in convo.
Doctors in the US do, because a lot of the US medical system is a racket. Outside of the US, most developed countries don't circumcise, or do it much less often.
>It's used to coordinate political attacks and can potentially financially ruin people
You're giving the average shitpost more credit than it's worth. It takes a huge effort of very dedicated people to lead that sort of charge. It can happen but there's no evidence that there's such a conspiracy of transgender people ruining people's lives. Doctors put up with a lot of shit daily. If they do get yelled at by a pressure group it's no guarantee whatsoever that they'll cave, seeing as they're pretty damn resilient.
t. mom was a doctor
>if you aren't far right, you are a commie
>if you aren't far left, you are a nazi
I can't wait until we kill both of these fucking losers
guess I'm alt right then
They're giving 13 year old girls double mastectomies.
Nope, rural SoCal. Stopped by San Francisco but never went to Berkley, and I was only in LA twice.
Enjoy Dresden 2.0. When the war was finished, partisans and citizens lynched Nazi collaborators in a bunch of countries.
>That they criticized the war for bombing innocent villages
>Al queda saved America from new jersey
>Been making fun of guns, gun owners, and various gun laws since season 1.
>Kyle is shown to be one of south parks best residents
>Cartman is hated by everyone except his own mother and girl cartman a few seasons ago.
>Show me the episode where they portrayed Israel Jews as the good guys
>They made fun of Al Gore in 2004, like everyone did.
>Apologized and made a two part episode about how he was right.
Where does it say "double mastectomy?" That's chest reconstruction.
You're telling me that there was no crime in rural SoCal? Wow! I'm amazed.
Youve been given a fairy tale of history that makes you think it's impossible that it's you that ends up getting lynched. You're very wrong
Turns out that that study took into account air quality as one of the main factors, which, as many people know, is infamously bad in CA's largest city. I've been to much of the US and there are plenty of places with worse quality of life than California.
There were plenty of people killed for resisting the Nazis - in Germany alone 70,000+ people were executed. Thankfully the Nazis lost and many had to face justice for what they did to the whole continent.
next time the Nazis might win, history is not harry potter
Nazis tend to make a lot of stupid mistakes.
chest reconstruction is a fancy word for cutting off kids tits
like how gender conformation surgery is a mutilation of a kid's cock and balls into a pseudo pussy. don't argue semantic bullshit with me.
>no surgery on long term effects
>"lets fuck your shit up on a whim and see how it goes, little girl"
The fact that the left actually believes this satanic panic retardation that is "dogwhistling" should be well more than enough for anyone to realize they have negative credibility.
uh huh 'good' will win out im sure, you delusional child
>They created an entire generation who consider sincerity to be the biggest sin you can commit
The SJWs did that though, idiot.
As it turns out, it's not just Nazis. There have been many despicable dictators and their supporters who ended up dying violent deaths, often at the hands of their own people.
There have been many good people who ended up being murdered too. If you honestly think history is ever the story of good guys winning against bad guys you are literally a child
Open question to the trannies here, why is it a 3:1 male to female ratio for being trans? that's a big gap, seems odd to me
Joe is a lefty tho and isn't even quiet about it...
no way dude putting all your faith in one person who is allowed to kill all the generals and scientists if they disagree with him is clearly the most efficient system of government
It's not linear, but at least you admitted you're on the bad guys' side.
National Socialism is good actually, and it will win.
>t. hasn't watched new episodes of South Park
Go to Russia and try saying that.
Life is filled with an endless cycle of hatred, user. Its a natural and nearly unstoppable force. Every now and then the wildfire of war must tear it's way across the forest so that the rotten trees may give life to new saplings.
Just don't fool yourself into thinking that the fire won't touch you either
Benny is alt-right mostly
Peterson is just another silly neocon
Joe Rogan is just a useful idiot. His politics is basically South Park Republicanism. Same goes for Pewdiepie.
Elon Musk is a brainlet Porky.
Funny how this thread has devolved into nonsense debates about trans people and so on. Why do right wing people obsess over this bullshit?
He thinks posting images of a genocide makes him a tough guy lol. We'll see.
they didn't even say good or bad, they just described the factual events of WWII and the aftermath for nazi collaborators and you took that as a personal moral criticism. Says more about you really
>the bad guys'
and you admit you think history is harry potter fucking lol
The people you think are 'good' would have you raped to death with a knife if it gained them some political advantage
jews cant be alt right
joe believes in big government
south park is libertarian
peterson is barely political
who gives a shit about pewdiepie
idk who bottom right is. elon musk? pretty sure hes liberal, he'd probably vote for yang
dresden didn't bring back the jews
"dresden 2.0" won't bring back the trannies
Elon musk is like the fucking king of the left wing, which of you idiots made this?
What do you think Nazbol is you pleb?
The implication is that any conflict will end in that outcome again, try to keep up, better yet just dont post
>Benny is alt-right mostly
No he isn't, shut the fuck up.
>Why do right wing people obsess over this bullshit?
Because it's obviously disgusting and immoral.
>The people you think are 'good' would have you raped to death with a knife if it gained them some political advantage
Someone who isn't as popular as the internet makes him out to be.
Nelson Mandela, noted progressive saint, supported necklacing dissidents
Been Shapiro is a Neocon, Peterson is a liberal, Joe Rogan is a liberal, PewDiePie is non-political. Elon Musk doesn't even have clear political motives either. If you consider Ben Shapiro to be alt right I wonder what you'd think of Nick Land or Alain de Benoist
>Muh right wing
>muh porky
why would you dogwhistle the cia and jidf?
he most certainly isn't
he's a big brained Centrist like our guy Sargon
That was his wife.
>the right are the ones obsessed with trannies
r u srus m8
He's not a lefty. He's a "social lefty." In other words he understands it's fashionable to accessorize with leftist talking points, but personally he's not nearly as left as he claims. You don't call girls whores, you don't call black people niggers, you don't openly bash LGBT stuff, but on a personal level he doesn't see women as equals and talks to them differently than he does men (he's passively flirtatious), he definitely find the LGBT stuff weird, he 100% knows there are biological differences between black people and white people. He's supposedly lefty, but you ask him questions about certain topics and it'll turn out he's probably closer to a libertarian or even right wing.
>Hey Joe, is it okay to be white?
You know damn well he'll say something like "of course...of course it's okay to be white..." and then go into a long diatribe about it, but the bottom line is the current lefty doctrine is that it's NOT okay to be white and that's just one thing he'd fail to be in alignment with.
yes and that's accurate because nazism is a flawed and pointless idea system that pisses off everyone else around you.
Benny agrees with the Alt-Right except instead of a white ethnostate it's a Jewish one.
They're a fraction of the population. Live and let live there are more important things.
It's no coincidence social issues like Trans Rights are given media attention and are used by mainstream politicians on both sides as rallying points, rather than economic or environmental issues.
Lel, keep telling yourself that. The more you people cry about him, the more famous he becomes. He has recognition, influence, and enough dedicated followers time have ha a real impact on politics in Eastearn Europe.
A lot of Eastearn Europeans have sympathies for fascists.
Aren't the russian trolls know for making that kinda meme images where the ultimate goal is to divide americans?
Why does moot allow government agencies to use Yea Forums as a manipulation tool?
Why is John Maus in radical centrism?
>claim to be anti-liberal
>completely buy into liberal propaganda about "pacifist" mandela and then debunk it even though no one but you believed it in the first place
why is /pol/ so utterly retarded
>Yea Forums is an anime website
>infested with trannies
he may be onto something
You're over thinking it. Joe is borderline retarded. He's not some Machiavellian pragmatist, dude. He actually thinks his stand up is good. He's a braindead lefty.
Im not interested in 'liberals' and 'leftists', I call you progressives, because you care more about race and gender than you do about class.
>“It feels like conversion therapy for gay children,” one male clinician said. “I frequently had cases where people started identifying as trans after months of horrendous bullying for being gay,” he told The Times.
>Another female clinician said: “We heard a lot of homophobia which we felt nobody was challenging. A lot of the girls would come in and say, ‘I’m not a lesbian. I fell in love with my best girl friend but then I went online and realised I’m not a lesbian, I’m a boy. Phew.’ ”
>“It is converting people into heterosexuals,” one of the clinicians said. “We had so many families who would talk about not wanting their daughters to be lesbian.” Young people “repeatedly” confided their own “disgust” that they may be gay, according to the clinician.
More data friend!
the prose is muddled, but the data I was talking about is there at the end of the first page still looking of the original paper
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.
>Benny agrees with the Alt-Right except instead of a white ethnostate it's a Jewish one.
Ben Shapiro doesn't consider Judaism to be brought down by linneage and doesn't recognize it as a concrete ethnic identity.
>Trans rights are the most talked about by politicians
No, it's the most talked about here because trannies , bronies, furries, and etc other faggots love to invade internet spaces because those are the only spaces they're comfortable being in. It's an illusion to think that transexuality takes precedence over other issues outside of this place.
And communist means anyone who even slightly disagrees with a conservative on things like, I dunno, basic human rights.
yeah that's called a liberal. Nelson mandela was in prison for sabotage and treason as part of the militant wing of the ANC, an anti-apartheid party that originated with strikes and labor action.
You think commies would be embarrassed to endorse that? you're a fucking tard
Every time a fat black woman tells some communists to shut up about class he bends over for her. You guys are progressives first, leftists second
Reminder that when everyone is a Nazi no one is a Nazi
this must be bait
>make up thing about mandela no leftist cares about
>get called out
>immediately pivot to a made up scenario that literally only exists in your head to defend your first position
you're really not good at this
What human rights exactly
You're really not smart enough to be trying to do this.
1. Mandela's people were into necklacing anyone incovenient, and it's very, very easy to be labeled inconvenient in a revolution. That was my first point.
2. I dont care about whether you larp as a leftist or a liberal, in reality youre a bitch for fat black women, and old school class marxism is completely cucked by intersectional retards
>human rights
Pick one lol
What does communist mean
When everyones a nazi, everyones a nazi
You innoculate people against distaste for it
*Tips fedora*
>it's very, very easy to be labeled inconvenient in a revolution.
yes wow really owning the commies with that one. c-careful guys if you start a revolution someone might get hurt. That is just at the most basic level an appeal to liberals and not leftists.
>old school class marxism is completely cucked
again, you have no idea what leftism is and your argument is now based around the idea that you saw a leftist be too nice to black people in your own head. this is beyond politics you simply need help or maybe just to have sex
The right to starve.
Did "alt right" ever actually mean anything?
This reads pretty accurate. I agree and would add that Joe is deceptively savvy about how he frames himself. As an example in his most recent standup he has a bit where he takes a few light jabs at feminists and faces a rather wary reaction; he pivots and starts dunking on MRAs, but flips it around at the end again to just utterly obliterate women by actually going through and straight up listing how little they’ve contributed to society. Which is where he wanted to go all along and he’s clever enough to set people at ease through his framing even as he lets loose the most cutting of heresies
>Actually using "cucked" in an argument
have fun having to defer to 80 IQ somalis. Youre lucky really though, because if you did gain any ground youd probably end up dead
Of course, more than communist or leftist did anyway
Let me guess - you make less than $50K a year, watch capeshit, and have a waifu
No, its hegelian to force opposition in to reactionary stances so theyre no longer threatening