What happened to her?
What happened to her?
Got old and shes basically Brie Larsons mom, a total cunt everyone hated because of her annoying attitude in interviews.
Refused to show her tits then hit the wall
Women age like milk my dude.
She thought she was hot shit so she left Grey's Anatomy (literally they were about to start filming a new season and she just didn't show up on set) to get into movies. Then on the set of movies she was a spectacular cunt again thinking she was hot shit. What she never realized is the Grey's Anatomy writers were the only reason she was popular, they were giving her good story lines. I think the first movie she starred in also had a good writer so she kept thinking she was talented when she wasn't, and naturally she gets no more roles.
Should've stayed on Grey's, that shit is literally still on TV almost 20 years later.
If she stayed hot, she would have had a little more leeway but she aged like that dude in Last Crusade who drank from the wrong cup. She went from hot young blond with big tits to old, deflated looking soccer mom in like two years.
Also didnt help she had a raging ego and was a mega bitch to everybody on multiple movie sets.
That's what I mean. She could have gotten away with her attitude a little more if she was a more appealing star. But she did it at just the wrong time when her youthful good looks were starting to fade.
More than that, she left the show after throwing a fit asking for like three or four times more her original salary, so she stormed out and never came back. Then on every other production she acted like a stereotypical tyrant on set and actors and crew alike kept coming out with more stories of her being horrible to work with. That reputation preceded her and she never got work again after enough times pulling that shit.
I was thinking about her tits a few days ago, couldn't remember her name to Google them though. So she never let them tiggle bittys out? Fucking shame yo
Publicly trashed the people she worked with. Who fucking cares what bugmen like Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen write in their shitty scripts, you got paid well to do it
her head is HUGE
like a bobblehead
Over bearing mother
Everything posted on this thread is true, but idc, and I’d still watch her shit, because she’s cute and I liked her on screen personality.
Got the label "difficult to work with" because she refused to suck cock for roles.
Please post some of the stories because that's interesting
not like she'd be any good, she seems the type to do the bare minimum to get what she wants
Heigle has gotten at least two other series since ‘Grey’s Anatomy’.
-‘State of Affairs’ in 2014-15,
-‘Doubt’ in 2017.
And currently, she has or had a role on
She has been acting since she was 14 or 15, and either has major connections given that she still routinely gets work despite her reputation, or somebody owes her big time.
The show ‘State of Affairs’ had her playing a former CIA agent, and the backstory was about a major terrorist who she was secretly running as an operative.
Both ‘Doubt’ and ‘State of Affairs’ got cancelled after 13 episodes, so basically a short first season.
I mean, your boobs are gonna be big.
And then they're gonna be, like, scary big.
she shittalked Apatow
Reduced to shilling cat litter.
she got the opposite of harvested
and was blacklisted/called a cunt to work with
If Katherine Heigl were a philosopher she'd be Katherine Hegel
back to irrelevancy for you, catlady
She’s on ‘suits as of 2019,
And there are two other items listed on IMDB coming up.
She hadn’t bern blacklisted, just demoted,
She shittalked the very successful film she was in because women in that movie didn't get funny lines
Heigl left Grey’s Anatomy back in 2010,
You can let it go.
Also, show tits.
She talked shit about a shit film. Rogen is a hack.
well, harvey has little to no power now
The shit film was the highlight of her movie career
And her complaint was that the movie was sexist or something
But go ahead and defend this feminist cunt
There was one movie where she was topless but we only saw her from behind and got side boob.
One For The Money?
No, something else, she's dancing as she's stripping and she's in a room full of moving boxes. I think we even see ass too.
Side Effects
She's based for pissing off Apatow and giving me boners as a lad
>ywn get paid to shill kitty litter
Hassie Harrison reminds me of her.
Should have done full nude stuff early in her career.