I've got a real good female friend that is into movies and we get together a few times a month to watch shit. We started fucking so now the dynamic has changed a bit (not for the worse). We are both adamant that this will not go anywhere, and that we both need to be ok with us dating/fucking other people. She does not think I would be ok if she told me she banged some other guy. She thinks I'd freak out/be upset. Truth be told, I think she's right, but I'd hide it well enough to convince her I don't care.
How do I A: convince her I don't care B: actually not care C: find a new movie to watch that isn't stupid
I'm jealous. I will never get laid at this point. Being a 25 year old virgin is so fuckjng bad guys.
James Ward
Degenerates, both of you
Hudson Lopez
1. Tell her you don't care 2. Try and find someone else to fuck 3. Watch more Coen Brothers films
Owen Nguyen
Yeah I know it's degenerate, but that's not the problem. I legitimately don't want a relationship with her, but at the same time I don't want her banging other guys. It's wrong because I definitely want to bang other women.
Lincoln Cook
Zachary Wright
you’re a plonker mate
Kayden King
I get it, you're like the proverbial orchard dog. I'd advice, you should cut ties or at least stop fucking her. You're possessive and don't want to get cucked, makes sense, so just put an end to that side of your relationship to avoid getting cucked. Or cut ties all together.
Bentley Cox
A: get some self respect B: dump the bitch C: lurk more
Aaron Hall
I once was in situation but fell in love with her She was a slut that slept with other dudes and would tell me about it. I pretended not to care because I wanted to keep fucking her, but ultimately it crushed my heart everytime she'd tell me a new story (guys she blown off, coworker she fucked, etc...)
My advise would be that you should really try to find another chick to fuck, that way you'll care way less
Brandon Bailey
Have sex
Blake Taylor
I think I knew that was my only real option. Here's my follow up question:
When I fuck someone else, should I tell her, not say anything, or let the news kind of "slip out" somehow? I feel like directly telling her would make it sound like i'm seeking approval, but at the same time, not saying anything would seem like I'm trying to keep it a secret.
Jack Moore
I never understand why people who get along enough to hang out and fuck repeatedly don't just get together. Are they really bombarded with so many options that they just want everything and everyone they can get? Don't they want to really connect with someone and have them care for them?
Jaxson Foster
Haha, what a story, op.
Jonathan Nguyen
I want to get laid often but I want to be single. I don't want to have to go looking for someone to bang. Its as simple as that.
Connor Reed
tell her you are not ok with her being a whore and that you will find a more fitting girl for you
Camden Lee
The way you responded to that literally shows that you are obsessed with her knowing and her response to your hypothetical, proving that you literally ARE obsessed with her approval. That's the problem. Fucking someone else and her knowing that you fucked someone else or not isn't going to help, getting over your attachment to someone that won't love you equally is the problem. Get a fucking grip.
Oliver Gray
1: stop fucking around and dont be a poly cuck nigger jew 2: accept Jesus 3: Victoria (2015)
Robert Cook
How do I "get a grip"? I'm fully aware of how fucking dumb my train of thought is, here. I know full well that I am setting myself up for looking like an ass. It's selfish to want to bang other people and have her not banging other guys. I know how stupid I am. I'm looking for a method to clear my head so I'm not the obsessed asshole.
Jordan Jenkins
There's no easy way to control emotions. Staying on track and recognizing your weakness, and correcting those behaviors, etc, that's how you slowly get over it. Try to focus on improving yourself and don't worry about her. Shrink from her life and make yourself scarce. If she starts losing you and doesn't go to the efforts to get you back, drop the bitch. Again, don't do that HOPING she'll fight for you, but it'll test her worth and either remove a toxic person from your life or whip someone capable of redemption into shape.
David Harris
Jesus OP you're the most pathetic bitch. I suggest you do some soul searching and start thinking about what is truly important
Adam Russell
I've tried making myself scarce. She got upset, wanted to spend time with me. She values our friendship, same as I do. I do NOT want to "change" her. I want to change myself. And I have bettered myself. I am in the best shape of my life. I am not trying to humble brag, but I do look good. I'm for the most part a happy guy. She sees this and that's why we are friends and have a sexual attraction to each other. I'm the douche here, not her. I have strong feelings for her but they aren't the good kind. I WANT her to want to only fuck me. It's not fair to her.
Charles Watson
How the fuck to I find what's truly important? I'm not being a smartass. I don't fucking know.
Adam Brooks
Tell her to let you know when she’s fucked another guy because you’re done having sex with her after that because you don’t want to sleep with a girl while she’s having sex with other guys. Be casual about it when you tell her this, as if you’re fine with her going elsewhere but you have standards.
Women are emotional nut cases and this will mess with her head. Plant a seed in her mind. The next time she considers sleeping with or does sleep with another guy she’ll at least on some level feel like a whore. She’ll probably lie to you if she does fuck another guy but you can worry about that later.
I don’t have a movie recommendation but avoid watching “Us”, it sucks. The Chernobyl series is pretty good.
Joseph Butler
WEW lad, you're selling yourself short. You think possessiveness over a girl you like is unfair? I think wanting to fuck around and then getting mad when someone pulls away is unfair. Keep improving yourself. Who cares if she got upset? Sucks to be her, guess you aren't compatible. Maybe she should buddy up with one of the other dudes she's fucking then. You said it yourself that you don't like her fucking others, yet you're so insecure that you've convinced yourself that it's wrong to think that way. Welcome to "Why Polyamory Fails Every Time 101". To make things blunt, things can not continue the way they are now without causing you anguish. You can either leave her and disregard her selfish request to chain you to her life, or you can grind away at your soul until you're too numb to care that she's fucking other dudes just so you can have a piece of her in your life. Go ahead and figure out what's worth more to you, a piece of some fuck-around woman's schedule, or your own comfort, sanity, and self-confidence.
Daniel Wright
You need to look towards the future and ask yourself where you want to be when you're 30, 40, 50, 60. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? What do you want to do with your time on this Earth?
Eventually you will get to the age where no woman will just casually fuck you. What will you do then?
Tyler Edwards
Listen, I've been replying a bunch, but I have to leave soon. Not sure when you'll respond next, so I'm just going to hit the important shit. You're insecure. You know how you feel, and you know what you want and what you don't like. BUT. You keep chastising yourself over what you feel is fair or what not, and you keep prioritizing her over you, saying shit like how she doesn't have to change, but that you do. You really like her. But your relationship causes you pain. If you keep worrying about some asinine sense of "fairness" that you've crafted off of your own beliefs and warped sense of righteousness that is ironically self-sacrificing and tilted towards the benefit of a woman that doesn't love you, then you'll kill your own soul. Stop worrying about what you think is "fair". Get rid of the things that hurt you. You like her. If she won't be with you, then fuck her. Who cares if you're a douche. Would you rather be a "nice" cuck? Because you like her, but you accept a relationship where she fucks others despite it bothering you because you prioritize her happiness over yourself. Feelings aren't easy. Sometimes it's like flipping a switch, sometimes it's like a hole in your chest that burns every time the wind blows through it with whispers of old memories. Figure it out, feelings aren't "fair", life isn't "fair". It hurts. Only thing you can control is yourself. Take control of YOUR time and work on things that make YOU happy.
In summary, get a grip.
Daniel Nguyen
Have sex
Noah Perry
sounds horrible but probably good advice.
Aiden Edwards
I'm 33, thought I was past the age where I would feel this way or have these opportunities. My 20's were filled with good relationships, shit relationships, and I have considered my past 5 years very stable and I have not regretted much. I wish I knew why I have turned this corner in my feelings. Maybe it's old age, not that I'm THAT old. Maybe I'm just having a rough night, I don't know. Maybe it's just been awhile since I've had my ass kicked.
Ryan Price
If he puts an end to it he gives into the cuckoldry. If he doesn't put an end to it, he will be cucked. He has to murder her or all of us to save any amount of face.
Grayson Martin
Some people are terrified of commitment. They romanticize their individualism and treat it like it's this sacred thing that needs to be guarded and protected. But the truth is we're all born alone and our sense of individualism and self is inherit to our consciousness. It's not earned or some kind of grand reward. Learning to let go of one's self and become vulnerable in the eyes of another is earned. The love and trust of another is a reward. But life is cruel and not all of us get this reward. And you risk getting hurt when you allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable. Which is why so many people would rather be in love with themselves, there's no risk but no reward either.