Is he officially our guy?

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>craig twists his ankle running during the shoot
>dude someone his age should replace him

>not cavil

Supergirl should be idris elba.

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Black Bond makes zero fucking sense. Too obvious and almost impossible to blend in. Bond often infiltrates rich criminals from ex-soviet union, pretending to be one too. People who do not realise this are literally retarded or paid to act retarded.

who cares what an australian faggot says? bond is an American character

It's got to the point now where if it ISN'T Idris Elba, even the people that don't want him as Bond will be annoyed because they won't be able to moan about it.
It's been meme'd into existence to the point where it has to happen because it's what a lot of people do genuinely want, some for reasons other than diversity.

i hope they make bond black just so i can watch the meltdown.

Not knowingly. Is anyone?

you're just a retarded gay zoomer

Bond: a bigot, racist, sexist character from the past. Exactly why we love him.
Why cast a black man in the same role?
Woke Bond = weak Bond.

He won't be Bond but he's already a superspy in Fast and Furious spinoff.

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it should be dan stevens, but if it has to be a black dude, sure idris works i suppose

>Exactly why we love him.

I don't think you even give a shit about him. You're big on the usual stale, shagged-out round of identity politics though.

>gimme that casual-outfit Commander Shepherd look

I wouldn't care
As long as they don't get a chick

Idris Elba as black bond is an established Yea Forums preference.

I'd rather have Denzel Washington play Bond than Idris Elba why is he suddenly so popular

I want a non-white and/or female bond, I hope the "diversity" bullshit is shoved on everyone's faces until they feel the need to react against it.

I think you're confused, he's using identity politics language (racism, etc) but he's clearly coming from an anti-identity politics pov. Identity politics is hardly stale though.

a nigger will never be bond. this is one of those things zoomers can't understand.

now I'm kinda wanting blompf to be re-elected; hollywood will surely make a movie about how black bond saves the world from a russian-controlled orange POTUS

James Bond should be Black, mentally handicapped lesbian in a wheelchair.

>it's a gay zoomer posts his nigger bond fantasy episode.