Lights up a joint in the middle of the jungle during a mission

>lights up a joint in the middle of the jungle during a mission
Did this bother anybody else? Lol Worst possible time and place to get high.

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this is actually the best time

many warriors get messed up before fighting

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Boomers think weed calms you down when it really makes you more anxious

Elias not telling Gardner to keep his fucking head down during the ambush bothered me

Yeah getting jacked on stimulants I would understand but smoking a joint? That's just me though

Weed is actually extremely helpful for PTSD

this is 1970's weed, very mild by today's standards

>>lights up a joint in the middle of the jungle during a mission
>joint nearly unlightable from jungle humidity

Chances are these people felt like they would die at any moment and figured might as well be fucked up. Least that's what I'd be figuring.

>I am reality.

Potheads btfo

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Grunts used to turn their M16s into pipes. Lots of them got into heroin in 'nam too and came back to country junkies. Smokin' a joint was nothing.

t. zoomer

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Weed has always been so strong for me,and with my experience I just can't fathom wanting to get stoned before a war battle. Idk

he knew he was mostly likely gonna get killed that night so no. then he fought balls out like a madman so i don't think it affected him. now for junior it was a big mistake since he got all panicky and paranoid so the weed most certainly killed his ass

i heard the weed in nam was strong af not like the shit mexican dirt weed that was primarily in the us at that time; ironically the "baby killers" toked up on primo shit while the faggot anti war pussies were smoking bowls of mexican brown seeds

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Supposedly the weed that came from Thailand was primo shit. Don't know about the stuff that grew in Vietnam.

Any weed prior to early 1990's was absolute schwag. Boomers got the shit weed.

Weed would be helpful in the bush. Awareness and paranoia like a motherfucker.

>sativa v. indica
t. never smoked before

In di jungle, di MIGHTY jungle, smoke di sensi tonight mi bredrin.

Watch the documentary Combat Obscura. Has footage of Marines lighting up while on patrols in Afghanistan it’s actually a common thing over there.

kek. like Charlie Sheen ever gave a shit about where or when he got high.

Boomer weed was trash tier, especially the kind you'd find growing in Vietnam which was mostly Indica.

T. user who's dad started smoking weed in 'nam

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Shit happened all the time in Vietnam even in wars today in the Middle East soldiers are getting high all the time

"Primo" weed from back then is still what we'd consider reggies. Look at pictures in High Times from back then, I wouldn't even pay $20 for an 8th of that today.

Also what the troops were getting high on that really was "primo" was the heroin. That probably contributed more to them not being able to adjust back home more than anything else.

So that's where shotgun hits came from. An actual shotgun. Pretty rad.

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