Someone on this board is the thing. the only way for us to tell is by it's dubs. line up and show me your singles

someone on this board is the thing. the only way for us to tell is by it's dubs. line up and show me your singles.

Attached: kurt-russell-the-thing.jpg (950x534, 46K)

I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this night TIED TO THIS FUCKING THREAD!

Attached: screen_shot_2018-12-21_at_9.15.48_am.jpg (1200x680, 37K)

(Don't) check 'em.


Attached: blair-the-thing.jpg (457x190, 20K)


well that solves it we stopped the thing. we can all go home now

thats exactly what a fucking thing would say

I can tell it’s summer with these fuckin threads

Thing fucking shits

No please don't. I'm feeling much better now.

Attached: 1559196145859.jpg (598x513, 21K)

Trips is the king thing

Attached: 1559538132698.jpg (500x567, 35K)


Attached: 76f.png (210x339, 126K)

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Attached: KILL IT.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Attached: anigif_enhanced-buzz-27164-1375892481-14.gif (207x207, 70K)

It’s happening


Would one Thing rat out another Thing to save itself?

Do they even know if each other are Things?

calm down, man
I'll make the test

Attached: the thing (1982).jpg (640x480, 39K)

So when there are multiple Things, do they "know" automatically who else is a Thing, because they seem to backstab eachother a lot if so.

Attached: 291648754.jpg (1440x810, 72K)

All these dubs...the Thing is here, isn't it?


the ultimate cover is not even knowing you're undercover
maybe. at least we can trust each other right?

You should get a 3-day range ban for making these cancerous threads

I'm glad we got them all boys, now let's get that radio working so we can get back to society

Attached: 1497580372365.png (261x192, 71K)

Nice try, thing.

I can do singles all day, Macready.

Attached: 2478337548.jpg (675x296, 78K)

>maybe. at least we can trust each other right?
Evidently not.

Attached: G14_-_Godzilla_About_to_Release_Atomic_Breath.jpg (512x512, 35K)


The one time I'd rather not get dubs.


Thingposting aside this thread is actually extremely blessed with dubs

Oh shit

Thought you wouldn't be noticed?

Attached: 9a5aaf5369eea46796c232e68d0.jpg (720x400, 24K)

Wtf is going on. I am the only clean person here. Guys you can trust me.


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is getting out of this thread alive.
I'm setting off the nuke. It's the only way to stop this from spreading to the rest of the boards.
It's the only way to be sure.
For anybody out there who isn't a Thing. I'm sorry. May God have mercy on us all.

Attached: absolutely happening.jpg (360x270, 34K)

This is too many dubs, I am out of here

Attached: 1556065522236.jpg (373x545, 56K)

Second favorite line in the movie after "back aaff, way aaff."

pls no

Attached: 1555962711141.jpg (700x605, 67K)

There is literally nothing with being a thing. They are just trying to help.

There's a leopard thing hidden in here, you have 5 seconds to find it before it find you

Attached: 1558674356571.jpg (634x453, 153K)

It's not me, I didn't even go near the dogs.

Attached: 1476066989103.png (1130x900, 366K)


Attached: Flf0B.jpg (333x306, 18K)

He's been busy.

Macready has that line about how he knows he's human and at least a couple other people must be human because otherwise the things would just attack him and end it, but is that actually what would happen?
I guess it goes along with the question of whether or not things know that they're things or if they know who the other things are

Don't worry guys Godzilla took care of the thing.

Attached: Among the flames.jpg (960x720, 67K)

its a crock a shit

Godfather this is Hitman actual. Requesting ordinance on vector 28.94 by 16.65. How copy?

Funniest thread I've seen in months desu sempai.


Quads. I am THE thing.

This movie is so good, I'm a zoomer but it's one of the older movies I can constantly find myself going back to and watching.
Also I'm not a thing btw

Attached: 2.jpg (672x676, 33K)

MacReady, I’ve been thinking. If a small particle of this thing is enough to take over an entire organism, then everyone should prepare their own meals. And I suggest we only eat out of potatoes.

Attached: Behold my final form.jpg (468x599, 37K)

It's one of them, don't listen to it, I'll make the meals.


Attached: 1546575120090.png (771x807, 1M)

forgive me... user...

Attached: AArNm.jpg (640x480, 31K)

Yeah an actually entertaining thread instead of cunny and sneed. Fuck off back to your ghetto, nigger


Attached: Meow.jpg (1125x1358, 123K)

Guys it's cold out here, I feel better now just let me inside pls.

You are all retarded.

I know at least one of you is a normie like me, who is it though.

Attached: giphy[1].gif (320x240, 793K)

How about you warm yourself up with this stick of dynamite?

Thing-ers tongue my anus.

McReady, how about yours? How do we know you are not one of these?

No I think you better stay right where you are

I also favor this plan. Yes.

SHUT UP. you aint fooling anyone

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Why did a research station have multiple flamethrowers on hand anyway? There've gotta be better tools for if you need to warm or melt something

My life is a mess, please let the thing kill me

Attached: CP0TYtNWDbDY_640x360[1].jpg (640x360, 15K)

pass me the petrol can

>please let the thing kill me
You'd be better off slitting your own wrists before it can get to you

Nice try thing. You're getting roasted.

i dont have to prove shit to no goddamn thing.

Attached: 00nssdtwg9yy.jpg (803x620, 57K)

How many of you we have to torch?

Attached: 1408118788549.jpg (555x526, 82K)

None of your business, Thing.

Attached: rammstein2.jpg (800x532, 96K)

I ain't goin with Windows

It's to roast thingfuckingshits like you bitch
but also I always thought it was to take care of snow, clearly the person who designed this station was based and redpilled and knew flamethrowers were the cool way to do that

Why you questioning our flamethrower supply, you little shit?

Attached: stock-photo-young-boy-pointing-gun-at-camera-focus-on-boys-face-isolated-9716068[1].jpg (1500x1092, 270K)

Attached: flameon.jpg (1200x801, 78K)

Its getting stronger.

Attached: 1402511581-dr_strangelove_wheelchair_.jpg (800x601, 74K)

The infection is spreading! We need to huddle together and keep real close. Maybe share some body warmth...

Look at this stock little shit trying to fool us.

Am I infected?
Does it matter?
Maybe everyone in this thread should burn.

Attached: Childs_-_Profile.jpg (800x800, 224K)

just hand the gun over

Well well well who are YOU trying to trick!?

Attached: 1559432107246.jpg (323x323, 72K)

funny you should ask

Attached: TIT LICKER.png (602x497, 283K)

Way to play the long con and acquire a gun, fellow thing

As long as one of you is feminine enough.

It would have been so funny if you had quads

Hey, watch CIA. He was up close and personal with that thing. WATCH CIA

>Maybe everyone in this thread should burn.
I volunteer for this.

Attached: dontmatter.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Attached: Exterminate.jpg (500x252, 48K)

What's going on my fellow humans

Attached: horseshoe crab.jpg (600x300, 42K)

If only one particle could infect entire system then everything they do was fucking pointless. The thing cpuld just spray its shit in the air and everybody would just inhale it.

I see the quality hasn't gone down since my departure

Attached: c62[1].jpg (727x689, 41K)

You can burn alright.

Attached: melisandre-fire.jpg (1920x1080, 93K)


Attached: 330px-Slim-pickens_riding-the-bomb_enh-lores.jpg (330x199, 20K)

Hey I’m a thing, tie me up to a chair reeeeeal right ;) ;) ;)

It's heading for the generators!

Attached: time.jpg (800x800, 271K)

Found a suitable meal.

Did we kill the thing lads?

extreme pain comes. for you or me?

Not only is it a monster.
It's also a faggot.

Attached: Final Stand.jpg (640x345, 36K)


Attached: CCfJULsWMAEh1uH[1].jpg (615x409, 40K)

They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

Attached: 1529544138303.jpg (208x200, 13K)

I am positively absolutely NOT the thing neega

Attached: Screenshot_20190602-173606.jpg (304x290, 14K)


Attached: fuerzabruta.jpg (600x400, 54K)

Attached: 147574385456.png (729x629, 884K)

How redundant.


this is stupid. y’all know me and i wouldn’t lie to ya...

Neither are you.

Attached: Family dinner.jpg (1276x717, 232K)

I'm not a thing, I assure you
At least he's h onest

Well it's definitely not me.

nuke this thread

No, I'm CIA

Attached: BANE AT WINKIES.jpg (1280x692, 241K)

can you guys watch my computer while i step out for a minute

Attached: wiz.png (434x275, 223K)

I'm clean.

I dont wanna be The Thing thing frens

Attached: apu_sad.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

Attached: 1471106584367.jpg (500x566, 98K)

Nice try thing.

You're not going anywhere motherfucker

Well, it sure isn't me. I'd know damnit.

What's your hurry, Thing?

Attached: gargoyles16.jpg (300x225, 17K)

There's no such thing

sit back down, nice and easy.

Attached: b869ceac-3419-4cde-a840-ff0427ec901a_screenshot.jpg (640x272, 11K)

...I'm the thing?

Attached: 1437826874.jpg (1280x527, 39K)

You guys seriously believe any of this voodoo bullshit?

Don't fucking move mate

Well we killed the thing, let’s celebrate. Here everyone have these brownies I just made, they are really good

Don't worry, I got this. Sargent Good Boy is on the case.

Attached: 1462683150_maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 133K)


Attached: 1554656310081.gif (295x221, 1013K)

lol what movie is this xD

What if there is a Thing in all of us? I mean, of course not!

is ok fren

Attached: pepo.png (604x516, 77K)

Cute cat


Attached: CIA.jpg (615x409, 37K)

Na your fine

>this thread still hasn't been deleted

Attached: armed upset wojak.jpg (500x600, 63K)

We are finally safe guys. Time to celebrate!

Hey guys. We can still make it. We just got to outwait them.

Thanks bro I knew I could trust you

I'm just a normal guy, like you

Attached: tilt.jpg (1200x510, 53K)


Attached: 1534474688506.webm (1280x720, 2.06M)

>there's too many of them, we have lost containment, drop it

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 56K)

It's Thing, The

you may not be a thing, but youre still a faggot

You heard him guys nothing to see here.

Is it weird that I want to fuck that?

Hey guys sorry I'm late, so who is human?

I know you shitposters have been through alot. But when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this evening TIED TO THIS FUCKING THREAD

Please let me be a Thing so that someone will put me out of my misery finally

Attached: 131126110234-p1100276-horizontal-large-gallery[1].jpg (980x552, 101K)

To each his own.

it took some work, but i think we finally got them all! who wants kebabs?

Attached: depositphotos_108996548-stock-photo-senior-man-cooking-barbeque.jpg (679x1023, 78K)


everybody stay back, i cant trust any of you fuckers

Attached: 1540676216165.jpg (640x480, 59K)

me: see bulge

Attached: respodfgdfgjn.png (191x264, 5K)

Another day of living, why won't someone just kill me?


you should let me check if he's a Thing first

I am, I don't know about the rest of you guys.
I'm going out to scout around a bit, you stay here.

delete yourself

Attached: 1532017405035.png (250x211, 119K)

Attached: 0gLjqcD.jpg.png (1173x651, 494K)

You'd like that wouldn't you.
Take it out Good Boy.

Seems we're safe...wait a minute

Attached: IMG_20190402_173310.jpg (1334x750, 44K)

what the hell is going on in here

Attached: 1pcsvi.jpg (1920x1279, 298K)

I'm sorry brother

Me, I'm definitely human

Bubbles calm down, worst case ontario lahey is the thingamajig.

I thought we got rid of all you fucks. Into the furnace with you.

I have him in my sights.

Attached: clean.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>Windows 95
well at least it ain't Vista

I caught this little bastard trying to swim away, are they safe to touch?

Attached: 1kc30n1383f01[1].jpg (1500x983, 91K)

Attached: 1512528724434.jpg (400x400, 36K)

Oh yes, perfectly safe.

Everyone got protection?

Attached: 1504642360462.jpg (1080x1080, 213K)

Not me lol

You keep your damn hands off the Sarge

Attached: police-pointing-gun[1].jpg (1068x601, 53K)

In fealty to the God-Emperor (our undying Lord) and by the Grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon this thread.

Attached: 450px-Exterminatus_Retribution.jpg (450x253, 16K)

h-here are my singles sir, i'm human i swear

Attached: 1545103775197.png (640x604, 237K)

>implying a Thing would want to become that

what's your endgame OP?

Attached: 1559601573974.jpg (572x480, 143K)

to crash this thread

Double 69? Nice try, they're evolving

Attached: 1519234670976.gif (220x220, 23K)


Attached: what.jpg (480x480, 31K)

N word


Attached: 1559519222657.jpg (728x977, 119K)

You're delusional. Gentlemen, take this man to the infirmary.

let me in guys i'm freezing out here

Attached: 1500004751165.png (298x260, 62K)

How long until the bloodtest is over?

Attached: 1511643862751.jpg (446x756, 42K)

Attached: 1551677655705.jpg (1920x800, 568K)

Just found this doggo wandering around near the infirmary.

Attached: menace.jpg (2560x1600, 763K)


I choose you to be the first of my victims.

Attached: Burori_gun.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

You're a big Alien

jesus christ theres two of them

Attached: 1544813453268.png (2048x1536, 2.63M)


Attached: 1342975021.jpg (513x332, 57K)

I doubt it but is there a source for this lad?

Attached: 1_001.png (1280x544, 876K)

Looks like you weren't the one in charge after all.

Someone photoshop more tv in here? Need CIA at least.

Why am I attracted to that belly? I usually prefer flat stomachs.

It’s not me.


Attached: shit.png (800x800, 808K)

Who is this?

i know you're a thing, but let me sniff and lick your armpits and i wont tell anyone.

We should eat it to make sure it's not a thing

no no nono

Attached: 1557185875308.png (898x1288, 1.37M)


Don’t fall for its tricks user



Attached: 1559176970024.jpg (471x720, 34K)

Attached: 57679f49dd089503088b4855-750-363.png (750x363, 262K)

Let's start.

Attached: gogo.jpg (269x187, 7K)

Out of my way boys, no man can handle this task.

Attached: Brie-Larson_-Wears-Suits-up-as-Captain-Marvel-on-set--27.jpg (1470x2205, 260K)

Get inside user, rest and warm yourself.

I'm a thing guys, you gotta believe me


Attached: ALLOFTHEM.jpg (2946x2511, 1.06M)

I swear it isn't me.

My God... that explains why she's so lifeless and devoid of human expression

I just wanna go home boys

Attached: 1559551777413.png (530x579, 148K)

STOP this madness in the name of you KING

Attached: robert-baratheon.jpg (1200x1200, 208K)

>now hold on a second.

Attached: 321E481F-E10C-4477-A26C-0695A91D91C2.gif (500x240, 2M)

i should have known. no matter. my blade has been thirsting for blood as of late.

Attached: kataner.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

was it macready or childs
honestly i think its childs because during the final scenes he went off camera and encountered the thing in another room

it's head is coming off, don't we have any dynamite left?

I bet you'd like nothing better than to finish your spaceship, fucker.

Fucking knew it.
You shall not pass.

Attached: Fist of Flame.gif (391x214, 1.38M)

Attached: 1492649248046.jpg (374x767, 62K)


Attached: 8543CA09-3976-45F0-8FB1-79A5B3086536.jpg (236x236, 10K)

I think the thread's dying, seems we have them all. Nothing to worry about.

Attached: 1535316742108.png (1819x1300, 538K)

Lets be honest guys, if I was a Thing, would I kindly remind everyone that there are only
>282 days until Godzilla vs Kong

Attached: gojirapepe.jpg (904x596, 169K)

We heard you the first time, don't make me get a boar.

Boar Wine, your Grace?

Attached: Lancel.jpg (500x506, 44K)

Yup, I'm game.
Let's head on outta here.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 10K)


Attached: Atomic power.jpg (4096x1852, 1.03M)

based and humanpilled

Please guys, i promise im clean

Quick, we need to turn off the lights and cut the cables to the generators. It'll confuse and divide them.

King thing doesnt wanna get exposed




Attached: 15344BEF-809C-499B-9605-5D2E2BB21A2B.jpg (974x864, 55K)

What? There's no such thing as a thing though.

Attached: TCCK1.gif (220x220, 197K)

Im just gonna disappear guys, alright?

Attached: elephant man.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

is it over?

Attached: 1548284333931.png (230x230, 8K)


Attached: BA0A254F-8274-440A-ADB6-715CF9017D78.png (222x209, 132K)

okay you're clean

Attached: 1464067373481.jpg (781x540, 65K)

it was so obvious in hindsight

Attached: 1558409055984.jpg (600x400, 50K)

thanks user you're a lifesaver

Attached: 26b.png (720x644, 39K)

You might even say we should
Burn them All?

Attached: THE WHOOOORE IS PREGNANT.jpg (640x962, 87K)

I can't believe there were so many Things in this thread. Are you a bunch of hard up bug chasers, so desperate for some action you'll bang some mutated glob of flesh and tentacles?

ain't me

Alright this isnt funny anymore. Time to end it.

Now the thread is clean hand over the flamethrowers

Attached: 1482214117197.jpg (1080x1080, 124K)

>contorted picture

Attached: 136543345706.png (264x294, 102K)

guys? what was that sound coming from the other room?

Attached: 1515692158657s.jpg (250x250, 5K)

Woah... so this is the power of thing..... Amazing...

I don't believe a word out of your sideways mouth.

Attached: there.png (500x497, 119K)


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Attached: 1553233701060.jpg (701x696, 61K)

we need the word of god

Attached: 1460587930771.jpg (1000x1094, 221K)

let me in i swear i'm safe

Attached: oehqayvaplm11.jpg (668x910, 53K)

The only one burning is you ya creature!

Attached: 1559476246544.jpg (400x505, 133K)

I’m the only human left in this thread it was singles the whole time
Goddammit the singles

dub-dubs, it's splitting in two, we have to stop it before it divides

Hungover D.W. here.

Holy fuck he's started to mimic Bobby B, lucky we only caught him when he'd only replicated the head

let me check

Attached: 1345634648130.png (635x487, 385K)

more fuel for the fire!

Attached: Monkeylord_insitu.jpg (905x542, 101K)

y-your grace..

Attached: 1552512622655.jpg (641x530, 25K)

Your gonna burn alright

I don't hear anything
Say hello to the lord of light from me.

Nice try.

Attached: 28431295091779.jpg (600x320, 30K)


Not so fast ya fooker

Attached: Bronn.png (1013x915, 384K)

too many dubs

we need to nuke the entire thread from orbit
it's the only way to be sure

Where da white women at?

Readings seem all clear.
I think we're good, guys.
Let's pack it up and head home...
Hey how about we stop by a really big mall for some shopping?

Attached: JPEG_20190118_213053.jpg (313x313, 21K)

to hell with all of you
going back home

Attached: 1518124048216.png (810x688, 455K)

hi, i'm human michael

uhh you don't get to bring friends


Attached: 85A470BD-FABA-409F-B875-4E8FE78DD6F0.jpg (1192x670, 172K)

Not yet. We can still contain it


Attached: 1508473651052.png (808x805, 452K)


Attached: 35782B1400000578-3649770-image-a-16_1466393658914.jpg (634x357, 36K)

I got a pic of the OP right here

Attached: 1555267731424.gif (610x862, 277K)

>opposes the test

Attached: unplug it.jpg (750x742, 29K)

Attached: 1515013846569.jpg (640x800, 63K)

Do you reckon the infected anons know they're Things? Or does it only take over their mind when it has to break its cover?

I think these dub checks SUCK

Attached: 1553291716074.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

Burn it

Attached: 1477633971576.png (832x868, 371K)

Im sorry friend, its too late
For You

It is customary to kneel when surrendering to a king

Attached: usurpers identified.jpg (161x302, 11K)

Ayyyyyyy lamo!

Attached: 1559539289781.gif (127x189, 768K)

oh shit, mercy kill this user now!

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 89K)

its too late. im sorry user...

nah once it's got ya it's gone

I-it ain't me

How about you tell us Thing?

But user, why contain it?

Jesus christ its another one.

Nice try bleeblop, walk towards the bonfire.

Attached: Shireen-Baratheon-death-595135.jpg (590x350, 26K)

was a good thread boys

i don't know, why don't YOU tell us? IN HELL.

Attached: xSkKfXDFLinxC.gif (480x270, 2.27M)

Are you saying I was the Thing from the start?

Hey guys, its really cold. Can you let me in now. Its not funny anymore




truth is, dubs that make you the thing... are still dubs

>double singles
what does this mean??

Is it safe to come out? I've been stuck here since the beginning.

This thread must be purged of corruption and evil, for the night is dark and full of terrors

sure the fire is nice and warm

Even with this thread heading to page 10 they're popping up!

ha ironic

there's still one alive, we can't leave until it's dealt with

I knew it was too good to be true!

Drink this.

we can't post images to fight back anymore! it was 4d chess anons! 4D CHESS!

user look behind you

i'm not infected.

there's nothing there though?

can't believe we survived

we made it? WE MADE IT!

guys the rescue chopper is almost here we're gonna make it

hip hip, hooray

I just want to go home and see my daughter, please

Been an honor, boys.

Now look in front of you

alright! give me a hug user!

*looks again*

Oh good, now we can all get back to our families in nice warm weather.

how about a high five instead

*hugs* we made it user

Things are only gonna get better anons.


We're free.

Made you look

is the chopper here yet? i've got shit to do.

always a joker this user is

Where aer you off to in a hurry?

someone has to signal the chopper with a flare

am wagie unfortunately
firing flare

whelp, looks like this is it anons. see ya tomorrow. good night!

Good night user

phew, on the way home, pass me one of those energy bars and a blanket

Not if i have anything to say about it

Take care.

Me too, in a hospital, I gotta be at work in 6 hours.

Good night gents, don't let the Things bite.


yes it seems like we're finally safe

That won't help you.