Not good for my loneliness.but I love it
Not good for my loneliness.but I love it
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watch 5 centimeters per second it will be not good for your lonelyness aswell!
Okay I'll watch it tomorrow
I'll make a thread about it
As a lonely weeb incel, watching this in theaters I tried hard to hold back tears
I've got it downloaded but never got around to watch it because I fucking hate weebs so much, but apparently it's actually really good.
I like a few bits of anime but avoid it for the most part.
it's overrated, it's not that good
You can be disgusted by weebs and still like this.
Only if you don't mind that there is no logic in certain parts
this 5cmps is way better than your name
It was decent, wasn't expecting the whole time travel twist.
Is it better than this? Because I really liked this
love it or hate it, your name did a good job of bringing out emotions in some people
non weaboo degenerate here, what is this movie called in english so i can look it up?
Your Name
why the fuck would it be named jeff
You won't find anything better than A Silent Voice, Tamako Love Story and Wolf Children.
Because you were adopted. The film is about who you would've been if your real parents had loved you.
>time reset shit
No but it's pretty good so you might as well watch it. Shinkai films are worth watching for the animation alone.
koe no katachi > your name > 5cmps
Yes, it's actually good, no forced drama, no edgy back stories, no confusing trash tier direction, character actually have motivations and feel justified in the plot.
Your Name > koe no katachi
>Muh logic
You can't critique shit
I don't know who I should believe!
Except that Your Name is a movie for girls under 25 while A Silent Voice is for every gender and age.
the only good things in this movie were the pretty colors
Adult coming through
5cmps > Koe no Katachi > Kimi no na Wa
I agree.
This is the adult standard concerning the thematics.
shinkai is a hack
Completely dishonest, Your name is the film that captured the hearts of the entire eastern hemisphere, old and young, man and women, it's something that truly resonated with people and that catalyst in it's unrivaled success.
A silent voice is literally forced melodrama which is flat out annoying half the time because characters actions are so poorly justified.
It's legit just a pity party, the equivalent of kicking a puppy "please feel bad for these victim complex characters!"
And fuck is the ending completely unearned and unsatisfying, there's a really important theme about friendship all throughout and not once do they ever attempt to justify it.
Also a really big thing, the characters in your name actually feel like people because the writer has actually interacted with people.
Silent voice was written by otaku scum, who doesn't know the first thing about human interaction and so the whole thing just falls of it's face, one badly written character interaction to the next.
Can't wait for the western live action remake with Idris Elba as both characters ala Eddie Murphy in the nutty professor.
And for the added sex scenes
Imagine being this delusional
>Defending a crappy freaky friday, time gap, lake house note messaging, gender bender. No plot, no character, just oh wow I have bobs and vegene now XDD:DD
A silent voice walks through a group of kids from their days together from elementary school to years later in high school. There is actual character development and lack of it. There is pleasure, there is pain. The entire cast actually interacts with main character, falls out of touch and then come together again. This movie shows redemption, healing, friendship, bullying the consequences of the character's actions and dynamic relationships, it's fucking good.
I'm defending a film that's genuinely sweet written by someone who knows a thing or two about the human condition and it bleeds through his work.
Not some poorly adapted, poorly edited pity party with boring uninteresting characters who personalities are just so bad it's silly back stories, telling us a disingenuous story about friendship without every being able to pull one off one screen, it's laughably bad and that's why the film is so forgotten, and got completely blow the fuck out by Your Name.
>A silent butchering
Gordon Ramsay: HEY! KYOANI! C'MERE YOU!
KyoAni: Y-yes chef?
KA: I-it's our adaptation of Koe no Katachi chef...
GR: Koe no Katachi... A seven volume manga. Did you remember to cook it to 2 cours?
KA: W-we thought it'd be better if we shortened it down to a movie chef.
KA: W-we thought it'd be better to trim the fat off the story chef.
GR: Oh bloody fucking hell! It needed less fat trimmed off than Lindsay fucking Lohan! WHAT ABOUT SHOYA AND SHOKO'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! HOW ARE YOU GONNA PROPERLY ADAPT THAT IN A FUCKING MOVIE?!
>getting this angry
Chill dude
>Slice of life chick flick: The Movie
The worst Shinkai film. I didn't like his other works but Kimi no na wa was the first one I was geninuinely bored watching.