>3 children
Why did he do it?
>3 children
Why did he do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
years of alcoholism + coke addiction fried his brain
you listed why
Mental Illness.
If you impregnated a bunch of shekel grabbing latina maids you would do it too. Having kids with a latina woman is like flushing your genes down the toilet.
I have a wife and child with a home and career. I think about killing my self pretty often.
He thought it would be funny
bruh this was 5 years ago.
He came to a realization that he was passing off manic drug fueled rants as comedy and couldn't bear the shame
>Dementia with Lewy Bodies
>Suffered from severe depression all his life
>Saw himself decline on a daily basis and would probably be completely incoherent in a few years
would have done the same thing
Carpe diem.
he loved his kids you fucking incel.
>alcoholism + coke addiction
imagine getting addicted to coke lmao
or booze
dumbest take ever.
have sex
Obviously not enough
His oldest son tried to come out as a tranny
it's called depression, a mental illness.
You wouldn't say that to my face faggot. My dad killed himself and he loved me. It's not about that.
>no wife
>no children
Why haven't you done it?
I've got news for you pal!
He only loved Zelda
Say it faggot say it. I fucking dare you faggot. You don't know who I am and what connections I have.
the posters on Yea Forums are like my children
Why did he name her Zelda?
Degenerative brain disease
guys guys.. quit starting beef on a origami malaysian geocities image site.
Robin williams suicide doesn't add up though.
Is Zelda still cute
Shut up nigger
karma has a way of killing your family dummy. (not like it's not going to happen anyway.)
This. People still don’t realize it wasn’t just straight up depression. His mind was deteriorating and he knew he was fucked. How isn’t this more well known?
That's it. I'm hacking your right now faggot. I swear by Allah that you will regret this day for the rest of your life.
I'm already an orphan, checkmate atheists.
wanted more money and fame and realized he wasnt going to get it
shut up you faggot
He was killed by Hollywood because he refused to play Colonel Sanders in a KFC commercial.
My address is 1600 Pennsylvania ave Washington DC come at me bro.
neither of those things, nor your trips, guarantee happiness
Ran out of comedians to steal from
He was diagnosed with Dementia
you're a fuckin moron
>Having kids with a latina woman is like flushing your genes down the toilet
at least it'll be a clean toilet though
>In an essay published in the journal Neurology two years after his death, Susan Schneider revealed that the pathology of Lewy body disease in Williams was described by several doctors as among the worst pathologies they had seen. She described the early symptoms of his disease as beginning in October 2013. It included a sudden and prolonged spike in fear and anxiety, constipation, urinary difficulty, heartburn, sleeplessness and insomnia, a poor sense of smell, stress, and a slight tremor in his left hand. Eventually, she said, he suffered from paranoia, delusions, severe insomnia, memory loss, and high cortisol levels, indicating stress. According to Schneider, "Robin was losing his mind and he was aware of it ... He kept saying, 'I just want to reboot my brain.
Time flies when you're a redditor faggot
Why did he do it?
my trips guarantee happiness you gay lord.
holy fuck sometimes that last part describes me. Fuck I'm not gonna do it cus I'm a pussy but sometimes ending it is just the only option.
because he was married... with children
>'I just want to reboot my brain.
He is just like me
jesus thats scary
Sometimes I'm able to reboot my brain, after daydreaming and resting for a while, but it only ever lasts for 5 minutes.
I took tons of psychedelics to reboot my brain and now im too rebooted if you catch my drift
lmao, what does that even mean? you didn't reboot it you fucked it up.
He had a horrible disease and was going to die anyway, you retards.
You don't even kn
Because life sucks, and useless baggage won't change that.
Heh, pretty good.
Getting diagnosed with Parkinson's at his age really sucks. He probably figured his life was going to get progressively worse, and quickly, so what would be the point? I'm sure he was worried that he'd end up becoming a burden to his wife and kids. Besides, Parkinson's causes depression, among other mental and emotional issues. He was definitely prone to it, being a recovering alcohol and struggling with bipolar disorder. I just hope he realized he had lived a pretty good and fulfilling life before his decision.
>Get some bitch pregnant.
>She requests financial support.
Wow, didn't see that coming.
>/pol/dditor incel is this mad about others having sex
Have sex
No one cares what you think, incel. Just thought I'd let you know.
Lewy Body Dementia is what he had, its only found until after death
He basically had worms eating his brain tissue, he was misdiagnosed with Parkinsons, there's more information out there if you just search
After the princess believe it or not.
have sex but for real i hope it gets better for you user
Because life is just the thing that happens between pain user. You think being rich eased his suffering, being famous? You think the love of his family made it better?
Nothing ends the pain user. Nothing ends the fucking pain of existence except ending it. So he ended it.
>tfw no more /RBMK/
i never understood why people would rather "preserve their genes" instead of actually having children...
formerly alive
he was diagnosed with a fast acting form of dementia. he was losing his ability to think.
ofc a comedian, who has been depressed his whole life who can no longer make people laugh because his mind is deteriorating is going to kill himself
people seem to forget he killed himself because he was sick
My dad has something similar to this and it fucking sucks, he basically aged like 20 years in a few months and needs a bunch of meds just to sort of be like he used to. Robin Williams couldn't even get any treatment (plus he was misdiagnosed) and the meds they gave him only made him lucid enough to know he wanted to kill himself.
>He kept saying, 'I just want to reboot my brain.
Did they give him a chance?
Try fucking EVERYTHING!
MDMA, LSD, psilocybin...
He was at the end of his rope.
>Why did he do it?
Do what, the strokey chokey?
Rich people do strange things. David Caradine did it too.
Criminally underrated post
And what if those just triggered his coke addiction again?
Dual diagnosis is tricky stuff.
pretty sure he had more than one wife
Tried? Did he change his mind and get his dick sewn back on?
It was death by alimony
hard to transition from sniffing mountains of cocaine to sniffing mountains of your daughters soiled panties
guilt is a helluva drug
it wasnt suicide it was autoerotic asphyxiation, robin williams was a pervert
Ms. Doubtfire killed him.
The guy had Liu Body Dementia and was suffering from hallucinations, all of the people extrapolating on his depression and personal life don't have any idea what made him do it.
I played frisbee golf with his son Cody and lost one of Cody's frisbees on a throw that went towards Fulton. I didn't repay him because his dad was Robin Williams