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Probably been explained but were they demons? Because why the fuck would they come to a planet mostly made of water without any kind of protection?

What of they didn't know it was lethal to them?

> advanced enough to travel across at the very least the galaxy
> not advanced enough to check to see if something is toxic to you

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What movie fren

That's the whole point of the movie you mouth breathing retard

It's astonishing how many people fell for this movie's bait and completely miss the point. It's easily shyamas best film because of how well it reveals human fears and prejudice

There was no point

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So the aliens WERENT bad guys?

How did they not start getting severely sick from humidity alone?
They would have noped out of there the moment the first alium stepped out of a scouting ship.

Did they specify what season it was? Probably around spring, not very humid in PA during the spring

Very, very disturbing...

"Get out of the way you dumb spick" How did he get away with this? Was it because of Mel Gibson?


Why did the boy suddenly start speaking English if he was in Brazil speaking Portuguese?


>implying spics wouldn't have beheaded the ayylium

What's worse, speaking portuguese with a lame ass accent
Like it would hurt to hire a native speaker for such a short scene

yes, if it wasnt ovbious already, they first apear in Brazil, one of the most christian countries of the world, or maybe it would be clearer for the brainlets if it was Rome.

it was pretty shit movie, but I will say that scene was absolute gold


Why is it so good? What does it do so much better than 99% of horror movies?

The whole point of the movie is that the aliens are dumb?

signs is literally dog shit if its aliens but god tier if its demons

kinoest cut desu pham

a few things:
1.) the build up is pretty great - you know you're going to see something but you don't know what
2.) a character is basically narrating how you should feel - subconsciously it works
3.) the footage is realistic and out of focus - you don't get the full reveal that usually ruins horror monsters
4.) the demon doesn't show up where you're expecting it to be

Deleted scene from Shrek


they were sent as punishment, its a penal colony

They're not aliens, and the only water that harms them has been blessed, aka Holy Water.

Giving the aliens perfect human teeth was a really good touch. Very unnerving.
I don't see anything about holy water. Also, this was used by all humans to defeat all the aliens.

The only water that harms the creatures (demons) is from the glasses the little girl drinks. She always performs a little ritual of running her finger around the rim of the glass before drinking.

Another factor is how there are all those clothes in the back of the closet here: which makes the viewer feel a sense of dread/insecurity because you have no idea what's behind them.

what fucking demons is everybody talking about? Aren't them aliens?

Signs is unironically a masterpiece.

the fuck did he mean by this

The planet was useless to them. One rainfall and they would have all been genocided. Why even waste your time coming to earth.

Stupid fucking plot devices.

Dude, it was a fucking hostile takeover. The aliens were gassing children.

Also water in the air.

How did they not get a little bit of dew on them running around all those cornfields

Semiotics and Symbols: Or, How I Learned to Love Mel Gibson and Stop Worrying About Christkillers

Signs directed my My night shamala and bruce willies

I specifically remember the tagline for this movie's trailer saying not to see it alone. 13 y/o me decided to go see it at the theater alone, and FUCK ME, this scene made my heart sink. I remember some girl screamed loud as fuck during this and when I think when Joker choppee that ayy cunt's fingers off. Watching it now is pretty limp dick, but this was definitely the scariest movie I've ever seen in the theater. Seen plenty of horror movies, but this is the only one I've been to where everyone was jumpy and hearing multiple scream/audibly scared.

They were demons. All the water in the glasses was blessed by the wayward priest.
Notice that there are no spacecraft ever mentioned in the film. The alien angle is a red herring for the spiritual undertones.

What? They mention their ships in the sky, desu. And a bird crushes its head on impact.

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>Cloven hooves
>Baphomet tattoos
>Damaged by water

Yeah, basically.

Scary Movie 3

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Classic case of Redditors wanting to assert their intellectual superiority by pretending fan theories are canon.

That and this scene are the only times those movies got a chuckle out of me

At least post the real one

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Humans are 60% water. Earth is 71% water, the atmosphere alone contains an astounding 37.5 million billion gallons of water, in the invisible vapor phase. This is enough water to cover the entire surface of the Earth (land and ocean) with one inch of rain.

Life actually needs water to exist.

>the acting
>the setting
>the music
>the build up of tension of every scene
>the ambiguous nature of aliens

it's one of my favorite movies honestly