>hangs out with actual pedophiles
>uses trannies for free work and let's his friends sexually assault them before gaslighting them for mentioning it
>fronts as a commie when he's in reality a chapotrap-humping social liberal jackoff off SA
>only aims arguments at youtube faggots with bigger membership than himself
>thinks DS2 is a good game
>had a multipost spergout on twitter when some bigger autist pulled his own scheme against him and responded with an 8+ hour long video dismantling his bullshit
Why do we like this guy again?
Hangs out with actual pedophiles
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds like he posts here
>>hangs out with actual pedophiles
because he triggers the /pol/tards effortlessly
also it's no use trying to deny that you're from /pol/, OP.
>uses trannies for free work and let's his friends sexually assault them before gaslighting them for mentioning it
can someone fill me in?
how do you redditors believe your literally who eceleb faggot imaginary friends are Yea Forums related
This is what happens to you after 2 months of *** use.
we don't; stop spamming this faggot, faggot
I liked the video where he shit on Fallout 3
You got a source on some of that?
>had a multipost spergout on twitter when some bigger autist pulled his own scheme against him and responded with an 8+ hour long video dismantling his bullshit
Is this referring to Mauler's 10 hour video of Dark Souls 2?
That is, by far, the most autistic pseudo-academic art critique I have ever seen, and I do not regret sitting through a minute of it.
His analysis of Outlast was good too.
I liked the video where he shit on Sherlock
No one here likes him. Nu lefty youtubers are literally evil people, that's generally understood here
>Nu lefty youtubers are literally evil people
Yeah, I can't really tell when they're being sincere and when they're being hyperbolic or facetious, but he comes off as one of those "literally destroy all of society and rebuild it again from the ground up" marxists.
Same goes for contrapoints.
Fallout 3 is pretty good tho, I didn't like that video
Post the spergout? I don't have a twitter and I really want to see it
That's wrong autism in video form
How are you not embarrassed by watching some autist talk about a poor sequel of a game for 8 hours straight? You must be literally braindead to be able to watch that. I feel bad for you.
>/tvpol/ butthurt that he makes fun of their climate denial
based bomber guy
>because he triggers the /pol/tards effortlessly
That's so empty though
>How are you not embarrassed by watching some autist talk about a poor sequel of a game for 8 hours straight?
I didn't watch it for 8 hours straight.
I watched like one segment a day for like 10-12 days.
And I, like many souls lorefags, enjoy autistically scrutinizing every little detail of the game to try and justify our headcanon of the non-existant story
I don't have the slightest clue who this guy is, but do not care to learn
Go back to plebbit
>Why do we like this guy again?
Literally whom? I don't even know who this guy is
>also it's no use trying to deny that you're from /pol/, OP.
It's pretty obvious it's a fan of his that keeps posting this faggot here.
He's the sargon of the left
What Sargon actually tried to be the change he wanted to see (even if he ultimately failed), which is more than can be said for Harris
Sounds based
Sargon tried, then realized that grade-school arguments about "muh feminism bad" don't work in real politics.